Official Palestinian Authority TV: Israel will be destroyed through violence

Itamar Marcus
Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin


While the Palestinian Authority (PA) gives lip service in English to
condemning PA terrorism, in Arabic its official TV continues to
promote and glorify violence, presenting it this openly last week as
the means to destroy of Israel.

PA TV started re-broadcasting a short clip that reaffirms the
fundamental PLO- PA message, that the goal and end result of
Palestinian violence will be Israel's destruction. In this visually
powerful clip, the PA conquest of Israel is depicted by visual
symbols accompanied by verbal messages in song.

The Visual depicts three stages.

Stage 1- A heart is dripping blood beneath a formation in the shape
of Israel, symbolizing pain, loss or sacrifice because of or linked
to Israel's existence.

Stage 2- Arms grasping stones sprout from the land all over Israel,
symbolizing violent attacks throughout Israel.

Stage 3- The PA flag appears, covers all of Israel and then rests
above Israel, symbolizing the PA conquest of all of Israel.

The words sung while the PA flag hovers over Israel, include:

"Allah Akbar! [Allah is Great] Oh, the young ones,
Shake the earth, raise the stones
You will not be saved, Oh Zionist,
From the volcano of my county's stones.
You will not be saved, Oh Zionist,
From the volcano of my county's stones.
You are the target of my eyes"

To see the full video: part7.html#Heart

This video was broadcast twice on PA TV** this week. [Sept. 29-30

[**PA TV is owned and totally controlled by the Palestinian