WEEKLY UPDATES FROM Cutting Edge Ministries, www.cuttingedge.org

5/14/2005      Over 1,400 Articles Posted! Nearly 100,000 People Downloading A Salvation Page Per Year!

Newsletter Archives

---------- Inspiration For the Week---- ----------"PROMISES AND ENCOURAGEMENTS" -- Commentary on Micah 7:14-20

"When God is about to deliver his people, he stirs up their friends to pray for them. Apply spiritually the prophet's prayer to Christ, to take care of his church, as the great Shepherd of the sheep, and to go before them, while they are here in this world as in a wood, in this world but not of it. God promises in answer to this prayer, he will do that for them which shall be repeating the miracles of former ages. As their sin brought them into bondage, so God's pardoning their sin brought them out. All who find pardoning mercy, cannot but wonder at that mercy; we have reason to stand amazed, if we know what it is.

When the Lord takes away the guilt of sin, that it may not condemn us, he will break the power of sin, that it may not have dominion over us. If left to ourselves, our sins will be too hard for us; but God's grace shall be sufficient to subdue them, so that they shall not rule us, and then they shall not ruin us.

When God forgives sin, he takes care that it never shall be remembered any more against the sinner. He casts their sins into the sea; not near the shore-side, where they may appear again, but into the depth of the sea, never to rise again. All their sins shall be cast there, for when God forgives sin, he forgives all. He will perfect that which concerns us, and with this good work will do all for us which our case requires, and which he has promised." ["Matthew Henry - His Life Plus Selected Readings From His Concise Commentary on the Four Gospels", by J.B. Williams in 1828]

This is one of my most favorite concepts in the entire world! My grievous sins of my past life will not face me in eternity, because of a combination of God's Love/Mercy/Grace working through Jesus' blood sacrifice on the cross. Praise God for all eternity!

Seminar Update -- "The Purpose-Driven Revolution: Biblical or Blasphemous?" May 21, 2005

You can find the details of this seminar in the Newsletter of April 9, 2005, including a general map of the area which will help you find the Atlanta Cobb Galleria Centre. Please pray for this seminar, that God's Will be done, and that many people will be energized to fight this encroaching spiritual evil. Knowledge is power, and this material certainly shines the light of Scripture and practical research on this terrible current church movement.

Mr. Dominick has written his material in a unique manner, quite different from the other books on this subject. He examines the complete historical analysis of the "Purpose Driven" phenomenon, and then proceeds to the real origins of the movement. Mac then studies the current progress of Rick Warren's movement and then proceeds to its ultimate planned end. You will be surprised to learn our belief that this church growth, "seeker-sensitive" movement may just be fulfilling prophecy in the Book of Revelation!

You will discover that this counterfeit Christian movement could not have arisen and taken hold until several decades had passed where church leaders increasingly did not teach true, Biblical doctrine, and where personal and corporate prayer had ceased to exist! Prayer-starved churches and Christians have literally made it possible for this counterfeit movement to arise. Is your personal prayer life and Bible study the way it should be?

And, remember, our video equivalent to this book is the only video on the market. Over 150 Power Point colored slides keep this presentation lively as well as informative.

We hope to see you between 9-10 A.M., Saturday, May 21!

We shall be selling books, videos, CD, and our Power Point presentation at the seminar -- all our materials will be offered at a Show Special!

Please pray for this seminar.

---------- Resource Update ---------- See Our Huge Selection of DVD and VHS

* "New Alex Jones DVD! Martial Law 9/11: The Currently Rising Police State"

-- DVD - VHS

Out of the ashes of the 9/11 tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has arisen. Our Constitution has been legally shredded, remaking America into a police state -- Right Now -- but only on paper. This video exposes, not who was behind the 9/11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators. Learn the terrifying secret that holds the future of the world in its most powerful grasp. From the frontlines of the Police State to the darkest sanctum of the secret society which controls it, "Martial Law" reveals the MASTER PLAN of the group "hell-bent" on capturing America today -- and tomorrow, the world.

The New World Order has set in motion the Fourth Reich. This video is a blazing spotlight piercing the electronic "Berlin Wall" of controlled corporate media. Plumb the depths of the minds of the leadership, their ideology, their driving philosophy and uncover the "Cult of Death" sworn to turn Earth into their own domain. Discover this documented truth now.

* "Masonic - Christian Conflict Explained, Understood" --- Book

Freemasonry has always been at war with the genuine Christian Church; now, the urgency of understanding this fact is heightened by the reality that many governing positions in today's Evangelical churches are filled with practicing Masons! Quite possibly your pastor is a Mason!

Lodge members emphatically deny that Freemasonry is a religion; however, it must be considered a religious group IF : 1) Meets on a regular basis 2) Uses alters; 3) Prays to deity; 4) Holds rituals; 5) Baptizes; 6) Meets in temples; 7) Has deacons; 8) Serves communion; 9) Operates according to generally agreed-upon doctrine; 10) Teaches path to Heaven after this life.

How much of Freemasonry has infiltrated our churches? Why are Masons allowed to retain their positions of leadership in our churches? Why is Freemasonry incorrectly touted as a harmless fraternal organization when its very roots are steep in the soil of mysticism, magic, and murder? We must take back our churches from these rank occult unbelievers masquerading as genuine Christians. Masonic pastors filling pulpits is probably the greatest single source of spiritual blackness currently afflicting our churches! Deacons and other church leadership posts are also filled with many practicing Masons. Can you see "Ichabod" written over the door of such churches?

* "For Many Shall Come In My Name" - Book -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=1047

Untold millions will awaken at the White Throne Judgment to discover they were following the "wrong Jesus". They will listen in horror as they hear the "real Jesus" say: "Not everyone who says to Me 'Lord, Lord' shall enter the kingdom of heaven ... 'Lord, lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name, driven our demons in Your Name, and done many mighty works in Your Name? Then I will say to them openly, publicly, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly, disregarding My command". [Matt 7:21-23]

Many New Age adherents believe they are serving "Jesus", but they practice forms of Witchcraft and mysticism forbidden in a Bible they have never read. Ray Yungen was once such New Age adherent. Listen to the testimony of a former New Ager, now a pastor: "I spent 20 years of active involvement in the New Age. This included visualization and Transcendental Meditation to induce altered states of consciousness. Since accepting the Lord 16 years ago I have noticed that many who call themselves Christians participate and promote many of the techniques used by New Agers including contemplative or centering prayer. Your book is very revealing how Satan has deceived even the elect in accepting his deception as to how these techniques open up the individual to a deeper relationship with God, when in all reality they are drawn in deeper to the influence and/or control by evil spirits. It is extremely important that your message gets out to the Christian community." Michael Kole Pastor Jesus Fellowship San Diego, CA

Ray Yungen deals with this dynamic issue, warning the tens of millions of deceived people of the dangers before it is too late for them.

Other book by Ray Yungen -- "Time of Departing: How A Universal (Occult) Spirituality is Changing The Face of Christianity"

Is "Contemplative Prayer" really a valid vehicle to gain a closer walk with God? A New Age, neo-pagan prayer practice is now sweeping the Christian Church. Those participating in "Contemplative Prayer" have seriously departed from Biblical teaching on prayer and have incorporated Eastern religious practices which directly conflict with Scripture. This book goes to the heart of pagan spirituality and courageously asks how this false, pagan prayer approach is deeply affecting the Evangelical Church.

Jesus warned against unparalleled spiritual deception in Matt 24:24, but did promise that God's Elect will be forewarned so they could not be deceived. This book sounds just this type of warning! -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=936

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Regularly $49.94, On Sale $39.94 - You save $10 over buying them individually!

How can anyone comprehend the true nature of such a closed religious system as Roman Catholicism? We offer two completely different examinations of the Catholic system so you can properly understand how this religion will one day produce the False Prophet who will force all mankind to take the "Mark of the Beast" or be beheaded.

"The Black Pope" is the very old book upon which Vatican Assassins was written. Additionally, this CD contains the other 12 ancient books from which other facts were taken. Once you read these books, you will have the facts which Vatican Assassins would have provided

"Catholicism: White Sepulcher Christianity" provides the kind of examination which only Cutting Edge can provide. David Bay, Director, assumes the role of the demonic overlord assigned to the Papacy very early in Catholic history. The assignment was to first move Catholicism into a practice of White Magic Witchcraft and then into the prophesied religion of Antichrist, Black Magick Witchcraft.

Only when you understand that Catholicism is just a practice of pagan, occult religious systems from Babylon to Egypt to other Mystery Religions can you understand the 1,200-year scandal of priests sexually abusing children, young girls and women through the power of the confessional. Only when you understand the occult basis of Catholicism can you understand what is occurring right now and what the full prophetic meaning is.

* "Confessions of An Economic Hit Man: How US Global Companies Are Brutally Using Loan Contracts To Advance Cause of Global Government and Economy" -- Now you can understand how globalist financiers use economic clout to bring Non-Integrating States into the global economy. Their tactics are quite brutal, but effective.

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The riveting, fast-paced personal inside story of how American corporate executives are working to advance the plan to a Global Economy and Global Government through deceptive economic contracts! "Economic Hit Men" are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder.

Such men convince targeted countries to accept enormous loans for infrastructure development, ensuring that these contracts are issued to US corporations. Saddled with huge debts, these countries then come under the control of the US Government, World Bank and various aid agencies, who then turn into "loan sharks", dictating repayment terms and bullying foreign governments into submission.

Now you will understand why the World Bank and G-8 offered debt relief immediately to countries devastated by the tsunami; such debt forgiveness bonds the debtor country even tighter to the global banking system

Perkins reveals true, powerful, and bone-chilling personal story that names names and connects the dots (David Korten, author of best-selling "When Corporations Rule the World". --250 pages -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1833.cfm

* CD ROM - "Wonderful Savior - Calvary Men's Quartet" -

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Incredible quality from men who truly love Jesus and sing from their heart. Each man is able to hit his notes effortlessly while harmonizing beautifully. Songs include:

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8) 'Til The Storm Passes By;
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10) For The Beauty of the Earth;
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This collection is the favorite of the Cutting Edge Director.

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"... no one can be filled with the Divine joy and not sing His praise. As we joy in God, we soar up into His immediate presence and it is only in song that our joy finds vent." ["Praying Hyde", p. 112]

You can listen to actual clips of our music on quite a number of our items for sale, selecting those that meet your needs.



Prayer That The Holy Spirit Has Used In The Past To Power Churches and Create Revivals

* C.H. Spurgeon - "The Power of Prayer In A Believer's Life" - Book

While many factors have been highlighted to explain Spurgeon's (1834-1892) most powerful ministry, the foremost secret empowering Spurgeon was his devotion to prayer. When people would walk into the huge Metropolitan Tabernacle, the preacher would take them to the basement prayer room where people were always on their knees, interceding for the church. Spurgeon would then declare: "Here is the powerhouse of this church". This concise statement is confirmed by the amazing number of sermons Spurgeon preached on prayer.

Spurgeon believed in passionate, Holy Spirit-directed prayer. His word pictures of the majestic throne of Grace before which God calls privileged believers is well worth the price of this book. You will be inspired and challenged in your prayer life, especially if you experience struggles in consistent, powerful prayer. 192 pages -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=817

* "With Christ In The School of Prayer", by Missionary Andrew Murray - Book

A missionary of such great stature, Andrew Murray (1828-1917) can be mentioned in the same breath as John "Praying" Hyde.

"Few books have had the impact on calling the Church to prayer as Andrew Murray's classic, 'With Christ in the School of Prayer'... I encourage you to saturate yourselves in this timeless classic and learn how you can prepare yourself for effective participation in the highest calling Christ has given the Church--the call to intercessory prayer." (Dick Eastman, Founder & Director Change the World Ministries, sponsoring 'Change the World Schools of Prayer')

Andrew Murray, like "Praying Hyde", discovered the "Secret Place of the Most High", where truly intercessory prayer/communion with the Holy Spirit takes place. God stands ready to give you this power also! 318 pages -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=858

* "The Classic Collection of Prayer", by E.M. Bounds - 490 page book

Rev. Edward M. Bounds (1835-1913) served God faithfully through the Civil War, witnessing great atrocities during the war. For the last nineteen years of his life, E.M. Bounds gave himself to intercessory prayer. He was deeply burdened because of the backslidden condition of his Church, the luke warmness of ministers, the moral decay of his nation and for the lost condition of his fellow-countrymen. He spent a minimum of three to four hours each morning in fervent prayer, prostrate before the throne of heaven. He truly communed with his God in close fellowship and deep conviction.

Quotable Quotes which reveal the true heart of Rev. Bounds: 1) "Man is looking for better methods. God is looking for better men. Men are God’s methods." 2) "Revivals are among the charter rights of the Church...a revival means a heartbroken pastor. A revival means a church on its knees confessing its sins - the sins of the individual and of the Church - confessing the sins of the times and of the community." -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=859

* "Praying Hyde" - One of the Greatest Praying Saints Ever Blessed By the Holy Spirit

Few people have ever been more blessed with answered prayer than old "Praying Hyde". John Hyde's prayer life ranks in a league with the prayer lives of Andrew Murray, George Mueller, Frank Bartleman and other great prayer warriors of Church History. If you wish to learn to pray effectively, powerfully, you cannot have a better example than to pattern your prayer life after John "Praying" Hyde.

"We take our stand near the prayer closet of John Hyde, and are permitted to hear the sighing, the groaning and to see tears coursing down his face, to see his frame weak ended by foodless days and sleepless nights, shaken with sobs as he pleads, 'O God, give me souls or I die'!" -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=830

* See our selection of Fundamental Bibles -- Great gift for Father's Day! -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/category_results.cfm?Category=12

---------- This Weeks Hot News ----------

Book - VHS - DVD

I. Rhetoric flowed hot and heavy this week again about the convergence of the nuclear programs of both Iran and North Korea. As we noted in last week's newsletter, this rhetoric is converging in the month of June. Note how mysteriously defiant the leaders of these countries are, even though they are preparing to confront the leaders of the world's only superpower!

Let us examine Iran and North Korea stories separately.

A. Iran

NEWS BRIEF: "Defiant Iran plans nuclear revival", by Ewen MacAskill and Robert Tait in Tehran, The Guardian (London), Wednesday May 11, 2005

"The Iranian government threatened to provoke a full-blown international crisis yesterday by confirming that it is to resume its suspended nuclear programme.
A British Foreign Office spokesman said such a move would automatically halt two years of negotiations between Tehran and the European trio - Britain, France and Germany - and see immediate referral to the United Nations security council. Sanctions could follow and bring a dangerous standoff between the US, backed by Israel, and Iran. The US, in a view shared by Europe and Israel, suspects Iran is covertly trying to secure a nuclear weapon. Iran claims it only wants nuclear power for civil purposes ... While still expressing hope that this was brinkmanship, a western diplomat said he feared that this time the Iranians were not bluffing. Another western diplomat, based in Tehran, said Iran was in danger of miscalculating international resolve."

Notice the defiant attitude of Iranian leaders toward both President Bush and his threats and the entire international community! How can Iranian leaders -- who have proven to be pragmatic in the past -- be so defiant in the face of seemingly such great odds against them? Ponder this question in your mind for now, as we will return to it later, after discussing Iran further and discussing North Korea. Now, let us return to our featured article, above:

"Talks in London between Iranian officials and their European counterparts broke up last month without progress ... Mr Saeedi, who attended the London negotiations, replied in the affirmative yesterday when asked if Iran would break seals placed by the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA), the UN watchdog, at the uranium conversion facility in Isfahan. The facility converts uranium into a gas which can then be used for uranium enrichment, a necessary requirement for a bomb ... George Bush softened his position in February, signalling support for talks, though warning that if these failed, the matter would have to go to the security council ... The western diplomat in Tehran said that if Iran does resume the conversion process, Iran could be hauled 'very swiftly' before the security council."

Now, notice the blatant hostility against American and international authorities in this next news segment:

"The renewed tension comes after a period of increasingly hostile anti-western rhetoric from senior Iranian figures. Last week, Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said Iran's nuclear programme was not the business of the western powers."

We noted last week that one of the top Iranian leaders actually stated that America needed a "punch in the nose".

Our next news story sheds some light as to why Iran is acting so defiantly.

NEWS BRIEF: "Russia set to send Iran nuclear fuel", Aljazeera News, Thursday 12 May 2005

"Russia plans to make its first delivery of nuclear fuel to Iran at the end of this year or early next year, a senior Russian nuclear official said on Thursday. The delivery comes under a landmark agreement to fire up the country's first atomic power station. 'They have to start to fire it up mid-2006. The fuel has to be at the plant six months before that', Alexander Rumyantsev, the head of the Russian atomic agency, said in an interview ... As a concession to Western concerns, Russia will fuel the reactor on the condition that Iran sends back spent fuel, which could potentially be upgraded for weapons use. Tehran initially rejected the condition, but eventually relented after two years of negotiations."

Part of the answer as to why Iranian officials are intent on poking America and Europe in the eye over this issue is that they have solid Russian support! Not only has Russia built Iranian nuclear facilities, but she is now willing to supply the fuel for the plant. And, not only that, but Russia has expert advisers at these power plants, who just might die if they are attacked by American and/or Israeli weapons. If Russian advisers were to die in an attack, America might find herself in a showdown with Russia, who wields a superior weapons system called Scalar Weaponry (Read NEWS1776 and NEWS1776b for full details on this most frightening new weapons technology)

Iran has had the backing of Russia, France, and Germany since April 12, 2003 (NEWS1802). Listen to what Russia's Putin said at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and French President Jacques Chirac, at the end of their special summit called to deal with the American-led invasion of Iraq. His words are quite shrill, very strong, and place Russia's international prestige at stake.

NEWS BRIEF: "No strike on other countries, Putin warns US", Sify News, April 12, 2003.

"Saint Petersburg -- Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday warned the US-led coalition not to attack other countries under the pretext of promoting capitalist and democratic values after having defeated Iraq's dictatorial regime. 'We are not going to export capitalist, democratic revolutions,' the Russian leader told reporters as rumours in Washington allege that some elements of the US administration are mulling launching military operations against other Middle Eastern states. 'If we do, we're going to end up on a slippery slope to non-ending military conflicts. We can't let that happen'."

These three countries literally drew a line in the sand against any more "Regime Changes" in the Middle East. To back up her words, Russia immediately began installing the same type of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense system which is currently protecting Russian cities like Moscow. Western intelligence services confirm that the mobile radar units powering this system are now in place, as are the missiles they direct. Russian experts are now on the ground directing these radar and missile batteries, making a confrontation with Russia even more severe should we attack Iran's nuclear facilities. (Read NEWS2003)

Part of the reason we are skeptical about a June attack on Iran is that America has been directly fiery, war rhetoric against Iran for three years now, and have never actually attacked. About one year ago, Cutting Edge posted an in depth study of all the false headlines which have appeared in our papers since early October, 2001; this study will print out to about 70 pages and is very thorough. Let us now go to this study to see how and when we have both preparing the American public for an attack on Iran since early 2002, and have actually been verbally bashing Iran for three solid years ( Headlines taken from NEWS1888).


* 1/30/2002 -- "US Puts Iran, Iraq, North Korea On Terror Notice: They could be next!" - Yahoo News
* 3/9/2002 -- "Bush Orders Pentagon To Plan For Nuclear War Against 7 Nations: China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Libya, Syria" - latimes.com
* 5/9/2002 -- "Nuclear attack fears rising: Rumsfeld sees threat from Iraq, Iran, Syria, N. Korea and Libya" - Sacramento Bee
* 5/10/2002 -- "Iran Makes War Moves" - washingtontimes.com
* 9/5/2002 -- "Iran Develops "Drones of Death" To Spray Chemical, Biological Weapons" - Washington Post
* 9/7/2002 -- "Iran Successfully Test Fires Surface-to-Surface Missile Capable of Carrying Nuclear Warhead" - Yahoo News
* 1/4/2003 -- "US 'Regime Change' Will Not Stop In Baghdad: Iranian FM" - www.iranmania.com

NOTE: American air power began to hammer Iraqi positions on 3/13/2003, followed by the invasion 3/20. Note the difference in rhetoric:

* 3/19/2003 -- "After Iraq, There's Still Iran and N. Korea" - Newsday
* 4/3/2003 -- "Ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey Declares US In A World War IV Against: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, al Qaeda" - CNN News - http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/04/03/sprj.irq.woolsey.world.war/index.html (NOTE: Woolsey counts the Cold War as WW3
* 4/10/2003 -- "U.S. Tells Iran, Syria, N. Korea 'Learn from Iraq'" - Yahoo News
* 4/25/2003 -- "Iran Declares Jihad (Holy War) Against USA - Pravda // Iran Warns US Not To Cross Its Borders" - Rense.com
* 5/26/2003 -- "U.S. Considers Effort To Destabilize Iran" -- CNN News
* 5/28/2003 -- "US is now playing the same dangerous WMD game with Iran to justify attack" - The Guardian (London) What a refreshing revelation! This observation was publicized nearly two full years ago, but this warning did not deter the Bush Administration from continuing this line of war rhetoric against Iran.
* 6/5/2003 -- "US dusts off nuclear card; US has bought Israel's alarming analysis of Iran "lock, stock, and barrel" -- Asia Times
* 6/17/2003 -- "US/UK Special forces 'prepare for Iran attack' - Would use special tactics, unlike conventional attack in Iraq" - From "This Is London" News and MSNBC News. NOTE: If our Special Forces really did "prepare for an Iran attack" all the way back on 6/17/2003, why did the attack never take place? Once again, we see heavy rhetoric never backed by action.
* 6/20/2003 -- "Bush draws the line on nuclear Iran" - www.smhu.co.au
* 6/27/2003 -- "Rice: America gave notice yesterday that it was next
* 7/1/2003 -- "Global War Looms? Top U.S. Officials Discuss Expanding ‘Terror War’ to Iran, Beyond" - American Free Press
* 7/15/2003 -- "News Analysis: Is War on Iran Imminent?" - People Daily \
* 7/29/2003 -- "Israel Tells U.S. That Iran Is Growing Threat" - Reuters
* 7/28/2003 -- "Ending A Nuclear Threat: Same sort of justification as we used in Iraq?" - Washington Times -- This warning occurred in a major American news outlet exactly two months after The Guardian broke their analysis.
* 8/9/2003 -- "The US is starting a nuclear fight that will be hard to stop: The hawks are gunning for a showdown with North Korea and Iran" - The Guardian (London)
* 8/14/2003 -- "US concerned Israel will attack Iran's nuclear reactor" - Jerusalem Post
* 8/27/2003 -- "Enriched uranium found in Iranian nuclear facility: Heightened concerns Tehran may be running secret nuclear weapons program" - Jerusalem Post
* 8/28/2003 -- "Russia Sells Iran AVLIS System for Advanced Uranium Enrichment: Now operating at full speed making enriched uranium" - DEBKAfile
* 9/7/2003 -- "Bush on warpath over UN's shock report on Iran A-bomb" - Telegraph, UK
* 9/12/2003 -- "Israel Is Ready to Bomb Iran's Nukes if Diplomacy Fails" - www.iraqwar.ru
* 10/5/2003 -- "Iran defies US over weapons hunt - 'CIA has already briefed on a plan for air and missile strikes' " - The Scotsman
* 10/12/2003 -- "IDF Planning To Attack Nuclear Sites In Iran" - Haaretz Daily
* 10/17/2003 -- "War drums and smoke signals! Iran warned once last time by IAEA over nuclear program" - Independent Bangladesh
* 10/24/2003 -- "Israeli Chief of Staff Ya'alon warns of Iran's nukes: Poses 'existential' threats to the State of Israel" - Jerusalem Post
* 11/3/2003 -- &quo
* 11/11/2003 -- IAEA: "no evidence" so far Iran trying to make nukes" - Jerusalem Post
* 11/26/2003 -- Persia (Iran) Prepares for Armageddon: "... under no circumstances would Israel be able to tolerate nuclear weapons in Iranian possession" -Hal Lindsay Oracle
* 12/11/2003 -- U.S. could target Iran, Syria, Lebanon in stage 3 of the war against Islamic insurgents -- "Putting boots on the ground is necessary" - World Tribune
* 12/15/2003 -- "Russia Has Sold Iran Advanced Anti-Aircraft Missile Defense System: Is Installing It At Iran's Nuclear Reactor" - DEBKAfile
* 12/23/2003 -- "Pakistan backs off on nuclear aid denials: Was the source of technology to enrich uranium for Iran, North Korea and other nations" - www.iht.com -- NOTE: This is the source for Iran's nukes! She bought the warheads off-the-shelf from Pakistan over 10 years ago. In fact, a Russian general admitted in June, 2002, that Iran possessed nuclear weapons .
* 12/25/2003 -- "Iran warns against Israeli strike against its nuclear facilities" - BBC News
* 1/2/2004 -- "US hawks urge regime change in Syria and Iran" - Gulf News

We really must stop now, in the interest of time and space, but you get the point. Our headlines for the past 3 years have been full of warnings that Iran is close to producing nuclear weapons, and must be stopped, by military force if necessary. Time and time again, America threatened military action, only to never carry it out. We encourage you to also search NEWS1888 about headlines concerning North Korea's nuclear program, for you will discover the same type of headlines, and the same type of empty military threats.

Let us turn now to the subject of North Korea, for headlines have been getting even more shrill than what we reported last week.

B. North Korea

NEWS BRIEF: "Alarm spreads as N Korea speeds up nuclear drive", The Independent Bangledesh, May 12, 2005

"Fears of an impending crisis in the nuclear standoff with North Korea grew Thursday after Pyongyang said it had completed another step towards making more atomic weapons. North Korea said Wednesday it had unloaded 8,000 spent fuel rods from its nuclear reactor and planned to reprocess them to make nuclear bombs. A senior US envoy said the same day that preparations for North Korea's first ever nuclear weapons test were in the works ... If North Korea goes ahead with a nuclear test, it will be completely isolated from the international community as a result', he said. Analysts are divided on whether North Korea wants to build new atomic weapons or is using nuclear brinkmanship as a tool to extract concessions from the United States. But a sense of an impending crisis is brewing. 'It is quite clear we are heading to a very serious crisis', said Jun Bong-Geum, who heads the Institute for Peace and Cooperation, a Seoul think tank."

Once again, we have to point out that the evidence was clear two years ago that North Korea possessed over 100 nuclear warheads, with regional and intermediate ballistic missile capabilities. Further, they were then working on a 3-stage intercontinental ballistic missile which would be able to reach the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. We issued the following articles on this capability.



We have also noted over the a very long time now that North Korea developed her nuclear weapons from the old Soviet Union. Many of the USSR nuclear warheads were constructed of enriched uranium extracted from a unique kind of ore completely different from normal uranium. North Korea had large quantities of this ore, so the USSR constructed warhead factories on North Korean soil, and trained most of the workers to operate it. When the USSR fell apart in 1991, North Korea assumed operational control of these facilities, and began producing her own nuclear warheads.

I believe it possible that the reason President Clinton sent Jimmy Carter flying to North Korea in 1994 was because American intelligence had learned that North Korea possessed nukes, and wanted to ensure that she did not use them until the global Illuminati plan was ready to be fully implemented. A nuclear crisis of the most severe magnitude is planned to occur on the Korean Peninsula, as the following quote illustrates:

"A hair-raising nuclear confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival." (Peter Lemesurier, The Armageddon Script, p. 223, 1981)

This dramatic nuclear confrontation must be severe enough to make people the world over believe they might be incinerated at any moment. This Korean Peninsula crisis is planned to be the second war to erupt, following the war between Israel and her Arab neighbors, a war which will ignite all the Middle East into fiery conflagration.

Therefore, none of the elements in the Illuminati Plan will occur before all are ready to occur. Thus, while the planned crisis in Iran and North Korea seem to be heading for the same June convergence, Israel is still at least 7 months away from completely separating her population from the Palestinian (NEWS1620). During this past week, Prime Minister Sharon even ordered a month delay in beginning the Gaza withdrawal -- to mid-August -- which will probably push the West Bank withdrawal to the very end of this year. We shall review this story later, but for now, let us review more pertinent stories regarding the North Korean crisis.

II. A South Korean intelligence official stated that his country had no confirming information that North Korea was getting ready to test a nuclear device.

NEWS BRIEF: "Seoul intelligence chief says no evidence of N. Korea nuclear test", Khaleej Times, 13 May 2005

"SEOUL - South Korea’s intelligence chief told a parliamentary committee here on Friday there were no signs that North Korea was preparing to conduct a nuclear test ... National Intelligence Service head Ko Young-Koo refuted speculation that the Stalinist state was on the verge of conducting its first ever atomic test at Kilju, in northeastern North Korea. 'South Korea and the United States have kept watch on Kilju where North Korea has been digging a tunnel for unknown purposes since the late 1990s,” Ko told the National Assembly’s Intelligence Committee, according to committee member and ruling party lawmaker Im Jong-In. 'Yet we have not detected signs of a nuclear test', Ko was quoted as saying. 'We have no concrete information to confirm some media reports on a possible nuclear test in Kilju'.”

While we reported on this South Korean denial last week, the fact that it was issued again today -- Friday, 5/13 -- makes it significant enough to report on it again.

Remember the headline warnings the world was given about the Iranian nuclear program, which we reviewed, above? International authorities warned that there was no concrete evidence that Iran was trying to produce nuclear weapons with her current nuclear power plant program. Before the Iraq War began, the same international authorities warned time and again that there was no evidence whatsoever that Iraq ever produced Weapons of Mass Destruction -- and Bush's own arms inspector has since admitted that Saddam really never had WMD.

Peoples of the world should take this warning seriously. Of course, since a nuclear confrontation on the Korean Peninsula is a planned event, a little matter like truth will not cause the leaders of the world to swerve off their planned course. The match is set and nothing will be able to keep it from occurring just as the plan stipulates. But, I am surprised that the Bush Administration is using the same old tired -- and now disproven -- rhetorical tactics which it used in Iraq. The fact that the same disproven tactics are being used again and again is testimony to the contempt which the Illuminati has for the intelligence and discernment of the average citizen.

Now, let us review the reality that American military units are now being prepositioned for action in the Asian theater.

III. The Pentagon is reported to be significantly upgrading its military forces in the Asian region, forces which could respond militarily to either North Korean or Tawinese confrontations.

NEWS BRIEF: "U.S. beefs up military units in the Pacific: B-2 bombers, F-15E fighters in Guam, Aegis ships in Japan", The Korea Herald, May 6, 2005

"The U.S. military is beefing up its military capabilities in the Pacific by deploying high-tech aircraft and Navy vessels amid worsening assessments of the prospects of an early solution of the North Korean nuclear standoff. B-2 Spirit stealth bombers and F-15E fighter jets were deployed in Guam recently on a rotation basis. Experts noted the bombers and fighters have the range to strike North Korea's nuclear facilities ... The U.S. military plans to introduce two newer Aegis combat system vessels in Japan this summer ... The Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force runs four Aegis-equipped ships, making 11 Aegis ships in East Sea."

While this buildup is reported as necessary to "deter North Korean aggression", the result could be exactly the opposite. Instead of this military force bringing tensions lower, it could actually cause tensions to rise further. Listen:

"These military developments in the western Pacific are part of the U.S. deterrent against any possible North Korean aggression, but also could heighten tensions on the Korean Peninsula as Washington's patience wears thin in dealing with Pyongyang, some Korean military officials said. 'Though the U.S. military says the deployments are part of rotations planned beforehand and unrelated to any particular threat, the updated capabilities as well as current military capabilities are remarkable', said a Korean military officer on condition of anonymity."

Thus, news outlets are actually reporting that our deployment actually is aggravating the North Koreans more than frightening them. This scenario has occurred before! In July, 2003, we posted NEWS1839, in which we reported that American Defense Secretary Rumsfeld had so radically changed our military readiness posture that our new tactics might provoke the very war we say we are trying to prevent!

Of course, we know that no American official is really trying to prevent this war, because the global plan to produce the Final Birth Pangs War (World War III) specifically calls for a most severe nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula.

Before we leave the Iranian and North Korean nuclear crises, let us make a couple of pertinent points you must always keep in mind:

1. Because Iran and North Korea are known to have already obtained nuclear warheads, this current rhetoric that they are close to gaining nuclear capability is simply and only propaganda. The goal of this propaganda is simple: to foster panic amongst the peoples which will allow the Illuminati to carry out their "Rumors of Wars" and "Final Birth Pangs War" scenario -- forcing the final steps to global government, economy, and religion.

2. Both the Iranian and North Korean leaders know the Final Birth Pangs plan, and their role in it. Remember the awful realization of Peter Lemesurier, in his book quoted above, The Armageddon Script. Several chapters after revealing that a nuclear confrontation on the Korean Peninsula is planned, Lemesurier reveals that every major event is as scripted as a play, and each national leader is simply and only an actor on a stage. Please carefully contemplate the meaning of this most important revelation.

"Their script is now written .. The stage itself ... is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up ... the main actors ... have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come." [Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 252]

Now, let us turn our attention to Israel's efforts to separate the Jewish population from the Palestinian, through the Security Fence and Unilateral Withdrawal.

IV. Israeli Prime Minister Sharon delays the begin of the Gaza withdrawal, now scheduled for mid-August.

NEWS BRIEF: "Sharon decides to delay pullout: Sets new date for mid August to avoid overlapping with religious mourning period", YnetNews, May 9. 2005

"TEL AVIV - The disengagement is set to be delayed until mid August due to the Jewish mourning period marking the Second Temple's destruction, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Monday in a television interview. While Sharon refrained from announcing a specific date, he did say the disengagement would commence between August 15 -17. 'The Rabbis requested the evacuation be postponed until the religious mourning period is over', Sharon said."

Sharon must have been pleased that the Rabbis requested this delay, because neither Israeli police nor military was ready to begin forcibly removing by the earlier date. We have posted several articles in Daily News Updates in past weeks that the Sharon forces simply were not going to be prepared for this incredibly difficult, sensitive task any earlier.

The Israeli Defense Force immediately expressed support for the new, later commencement date.

"An IDF official said plans could be adjusted to the new date. 'We would have to make some changes in the original plan, but we could have everything adapted to mid August'. At first, when the idea to push back disengagement by three weeks came up, security officials expressed discontent. However, IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon told his officers to refrain from speaking their minds on the issue. Furthermore, Ya’alon said he would execute the mission on any set date.
Another military source added all military preparations, including the training of troops, were adjusted to the mid August window." (Ibid.)

Remember, after the Gaza Strip withdrawal, the IDF and local police units have to forcibly pull West Bank settlers out of their homes. This second phase is supposed to be much more difficult than the Gaza operation. If Gaza is finished by mid-September, and if West Bank is begun in October, Israeli authorities cannot possibly hope to have the total withdrawal completed until late November to early December.

Indeed, some news articles are reporting that "end of the year" seems a safe bet right now to complete unilateral disengagement. This reality means that Israel will not be be ready to go to war until the "end of the year", at the earliest. Since the Illuminati is planning a short, but deadly, 13-week World War III, it seems like other parts of the plan -- like Iran and North Korea -- will not occur until later, either at the end of this year, or the beginning of next. However, we cannot be sure of this and must simply wait to see how events transpire.

V. The Iraqi insurgency switched tactics once again, and turned last week into a river of blood.

NEWS BRIEF: "Iraq Reels After Attacks", Sky News, May 12, 2005

"A suicide car bombing has killed at least 17 people in Baghdad - worsening the wave of violence sweeping across Iraq. The deadly attack comes after gunmen shot dead an Iraqi general and police commander in the capital. The morning of violence follows a series of suicide bomb attacks on Wednesday, which killed at least 71 people. More than 400 people have now been killed in suicide bomb attacks this month."

This weeks disaster demonstrated that American political and military officials were lying when they have reported that the situation is getting better and the insurgency is on the run. Let us examine some of the other disastrous events of this past week.

NEWS BRIEF: "Iraqi brigadier general killed in Baghdad", The State, May 12, 2005

"BAGHDAD, Iraq - Suspected insurgents killed a brigadier general as he drove to work at the Ministry of Defense in Baghdad on Thursday ... attackers opened fire from two cars at a vehicle carrying Brig. Gen. Iyad Imad Mahdi in the Jihad neighborhood of western Baghdad at 6:45 a.m., said police Capt. Hamid Hussain."

NEWS BRIEF: "Blasts and assassinations hit Baghdad: Both a Brigadier General and a Police Colonel murdered", Aljazeera News, 12 May 2005

"Both attacks come after senior army officer Iyad Imad Mahdi was shot several times as he drove to work at the Ministry of Defence on Thursday morning in the western quarter of the Iraqi capital. Mahdi was already dead by the time he arrived at Yarmuk hospital at 7.15am (0315 GMT). And one hour earlier, unknown assailants also shot police Colonel Jamal Ahmed Hussein several times. Hussein was killed as he set off for work at the Interior Ministry. He was gunned down in the al-Amin district in southeast Baghdad and died on arrival at the Kindi hospital. Medical sources in Falluja have also reported the deaths of three members of the Iraqi National Guard and the injuries of several more after their patrol was attacked in the city's centre."

"... And the US military announced on Thursday that two marines were killed on Wednesday when their armoured vehicle drove over a mine in northwest Iraq during an offensive against fighters. Three more US soldiers were killed on Thursday in bomb attacks in Baghdad and to the north and south of the capital ... an Iraqi soldier and a civilian were killed in two separate attacks in the city of Samarra."

NEWS BRIEF: "Militants seize Iraqi governor", ABC News Online, May 11, 2005

"Insurgents have kidnapped the top official in Iraq's rebellious Anbar province as US forces continued an offensive launched three days ago against rebels in an unspecified area of the province. Raja Nawaf, who only became governor of Anbar a few days ago, was abducted with four bodyguards on the road from the town of Qaim, near the Syrian border ... The kidnappers, supporters of the al Qaeda leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, are demanding that Mr Nawaf's tribe release some of the militant leader's followers it is holding ... The abduction of the Anbar governor underscored the complex security challenge facing Iraq's new government as it tries to tame lawless regions where Zarqawi's followers are taking on Iraqi security forces, American troops and tribes."

The entire country seems poised on the verge of a genuine civil war, a war many observers believe is one of the original goals of the American government. By sending Iraq reeling into civil war, the Bush Administration will ensure that it will be dealing with three weak governments at war, not one solid, firm government ruling in victory over the insurgency. By throwing Iraq into a civil war, President Bush assures that the country will be split into three strong factions: Sunnis, Shi'ites and the rebellious Kurds.

In the book, "The Pentagon's New Map", the author revealed that one of the factors impeding the pace to the New World Order is strong dictators who are refusing to toe the mark required by the global leadership. An Iraq drawn into three sections will be far easier to manipulate than one strong central government. A civil war will likely also inhibit the creation of a central government whose laws are based upon fundamental Islam, as now exists in Saudi Arabia and Iran.

NEWS BRIEF: "Saboteurs hit oil facility in north Iraq", Swiss Info English, 10 May 2005

"AMMAN (Reuters) - Saboteurs attacked a crude oil pipeline complex near the Kirkuk fields in northern Iraq on Tuesday ... 'It was a bomb. Crews are working on extinguishing the fire in the complex, which is part of the northern production system', Assem Jihad told Reuters by telephone from Baghdad. Jihad did not say whether the attack could further delay restarting exports from the northern fields to Turkey, which have been idle for most of the past two years because of sabotage against the network. Iraqi oil marketing officials had said the flows to Turkey's Ceyhan port, which averaged 800,000 barrels per day (bpd) before the U.S. invasion, would not resume until the security situation in the north improved. The attacks have been relentless and northern production fell sharply since the war ..."

Attacks on oil facilities and pipelines have been occurring since the insurgency began their resistance in earnest shortly after President Bush declared victory on May 1, 2003. When American military officials can secure the vital oil industry from attacks, you can start to believe that the Pentagon is winning this war.

NEWS BRIEF: "Suicide bombers kill 66 Iraqis as US troops meet fierce resistance", By Patrick Cockburn in Baghdad, Belfast Telegraph, 12 May 2005

"Suicide bombers have killed at least 66 people in the latest round of a campaign in which 400 Iraqis have died since a new government was formed two weeks ago. Many of the attacks are aimed at Shia Muslims. In Tikrit, a Sunni Arab city near where Saddam Hussein was born, the target of a suicide bomber driving a car packed with explosives was a crowd of Shia workers from southern Iraq ... The campaign has shown the ability of insurgents to mount many simultaneous attacks all over central and northern Iraq ... In Tikrit last Friday, a suicide bomber driving a taxi destroyed a police minibus at a checkpoint killing at least eight people and wounding seven ... Two further suicide bomb attacks were mounted yesterday, both in Baghdad ... In the west of the country close to the Syrian border, some 1,000 US Marines, soldiers and sailors are fighting insurgents in villages along the Euphrates ... US troops were reportedly meeting fierce resistance in Obeidi where the marines only captured one house after using grenades, a tank, a rocket launcher and bombs dropped by air support."

An article posted on Soldiers For Truth website shortly before Col. David Hackworth passed away last week revealed just how fiercely insurgents were fighting and the tactics they were using.

NEWS BRIEF: "The Ambush at Home", by Ed Offley, Soldiers For Truth, 12 May 2005

"The Marines of 1st Platoon, Lima Company were pretty busy on Sunday and Monday as they battled crazed Arab jihadists in house-to-house fighting in the Iraqi town of Ubaydi, about 15 miles east of the Syrian border .... Screaming 'Allahu Akbar' to the end, the foreign fighters lay on their backs in a narrow crawl space under a house and blasted their machine guns up through the concrete floor with bullets designed to penetrate tanks. They fired at U.S. Marines, driving back wave after wave as the Americans tried to retrieve a fallen comrade'. Through Sunday night and into Monday morning, the foreign fighters battled on, their screaming voices gradually fading to just one. In the end, it took five Marine assaults, grenades, a tank firing bunker-busting artillery rounds, 500-pound bombs unleashed by an F/A-18 attack plane and a point-blank attack by a rocket launcher to quell them."

This is the hatred with which the insurgency is fighting. As long as we refuse to at least double our military presence, we cannot hope to quell this war through conventional guerilla war strategies. And, if we continue to breed resentment and hatred amongst the Iraqi civilian population by our brutal tactics, we shall never win this war. But, then, were we really ever supposed to win it?

VI. The Bush Administration continues to lead America gradually into the planned dictatorial system, one law after another.

NEWS BRIEF: "Real ID Act Passed - The End Of America", Alert From Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership, Rense.com, May 12, 2005

"On Tuesday, May 10, 2005, America became a true police state. Your U.S. senators voted -- unanimously, with no discussion, and without even reading the bill -- to create a national ID card. The Real ID Act blackmails state governments into turning their drivers licenses into a draconian tool of the federal homeland security apparatus. If states refuse, their citizens lose such 'privileges' as being allowed to board an airplane, enter a federal building, or apply for social security. President Bush is expected to sign the bill eagerly on Thursday.

"In three years -- by May 2008 -- this Stalin-style internal passport will be an American reality. But your government will have _more_ control over you than Stalin ever dreamed ... But that's only the beginning ... In May 2008, barring a miracle, America as we once knew it will be in ruins. It will be gone. And the rights of gun owners will be among the first scheduled for destruction ... The creator of the Real ID Act, Rep. James Sensenbrenner, smiles and tells us that his Real ID Act is all about "solving illegal immigration" or "preventing terrorists from entering the country." This is one of the biggest of the thousands of "Big Lies" we've heard from the tyrants in Washington. The Real ID Act is about tracking and controlling Americans. You. Me. Our children. Everybody."

Since the attacks of 9/11, the Bush Administration has systematically sought laws which systematically take away our freedoms and liberties -- on paper. Because these draconian, dictatorial laws are not enacted immediately, no one in the undiscerning population is frightened; our sly leaders continue to allow our nation to continue in material prosperity, until the day of contrived crises hits. Then, as we have been warning for so long, our freedoms will abruptly an end during a major contrived crisis.

These plans are continuing according to the well-planned Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, written approximately in 1820 by Spirit Guides. Listen:

"These laws will withdraw one by one all the indulgences and liberties which have been permitted ... and our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any ... who oppose us by deed or word." [PROTOCOL 5 -- DESPOTISM AND MODERN PROGRESS]

Little by little, the plan is to withdraw, "one by one", all the liberties we have enjoyed all these many years. President Bush has followed this tactic exactly since the attacks of 9/11. I tell you truthfully, this current group of global leaders ARE following this Black Magick plan very closely.

Did you catch the kind of dictatorship [despotism] that the Illuminati has planned for every nation once they are brought under the rule of Antichrist?

"... a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any ... who oppose us by deed or word."

Further, once they have full control, they plan on "wiping us out".

Now, let us consider their plan by which they are going to take away our liberties so they can institute "a despotism of such magnificent proportions".

"The [people] are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? .....
5. There is another reason also why they will close their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties .....

6. It is not worthwhile to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties ....." [PROTOCOL 11 -- THE TOTALITARIAN STATE]

Truly, the vast majority of undiscerning people will believe the President when he promises to restore their liberties, after authorities "have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties". However, that day of restoration will never come: "It is not worthwhile to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties".

For the record, Cutting Edge predicted that National ID Cards would arrive through the driver's license system, on January 25, 2002, NEWS1604.

VII. During this past week, America's enemies got together, held a summit, and pledged to use their combined power to resist "American imperialism". This summit was called the Arab - South American Summit. You might be surprised to see some of the participants of this anti-American, anti-Israeli summit. One of the leaders is the newly-elected President of Iraq!

NEWS BRIEF: "From Baghdad to Brasilia", By Pepe Escobar, Asia Times, May 12, 2005

"There could hardly be a more graphic instance of an emerging new world order than Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and the premiers of both Syria and Lebanon all flying for a get-together in Brasilia in Brazil ... They were among the heads of state and ministers from 33 South American and Arab League states gathered in the Brazilian capital for the first-ever Arab-South American summit ..."

While you would not expect American leaders to be too worried about the plans such a weak-kneed group of nations could muster, President Bush was reportedly more than a little worried.

"Washington was so concerned about the summit turning into a forum against President George W Bush's Greater Middle East and against Israel that it pressured the pliable, dependent leaders of Egypt, Jordan and Morocco not to attend." (Ibid.)

This conference could turn into a media relations disaster for Mr. Bush. Such a disaster might revolve around Iraqi President Talabani, the new president of the new Iraqi government which is the pride and joy of the Bush Administration. After all, Talabani is the epitome' of the new nation, the one who had been "saved" from the clutches of Saddam Hussein! What is he doing in an anti-American summit?

The next segment of this article described some of the long-term goals of this Arab - South American Summit.

"South America is avidly cultivating much stronger ties with China, Russia and the Arab world - and there's little Washington can do about it. The US officially requested to be an observer at the summit. The Brazilians politely declined: 'It's a public meeting, you can watch it on TV'. Not surprisingly, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Abbas were welcomed in Brasilia as heroes ... Al-Sharq al-Awsat, a leading Arab paper, stressed how the summit could influence the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." (Ibid.)

But, this group does possess significant economic power, because some of the nations present were major oil producers.

"The key point of all this is economic. Bilateral trade between South America and the Arab world stands only at US$10 billion a year, but growth possibilities are endless. The main success of the summit is the PetroSul agreement, which creates a continental oil major composed by Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela. The summit is the first step toward a future free trade agreement between the Mercosur and the Gulf Cooperation Council. No wonder Washington hawks are uneasy. There's an emerging geopolitical axis on the map - Arab-South American. It's non-aligned. And it's swimming in oil. Between them, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Egypt, Qatar, Libya, Oman, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil pump about 27.2 million barrels of oil a day, about 32.5% of global production." (Ibid.)

Avid Cutting Edge subscribers will remember that President Bush has avidly attempted to overthrow Venezuela's President Chavez, only to fail at least three times. At one point, Chavez warned that America would face severe economic difficulties if she attempted to invade Venezuela (NEWS1900). Having failed to achieve a "regime change" against Chavez, payback time may be just around the corner. This Asia Times editorial sums up the aims of this summit nicely:

"The writing on the (global) wall is now inevitable: region-to-region economic deals, more exports, and increased distancing from the weak dollar. In this renewed cooperation, trade and commerce prevail over invasion and regime change; respect to UN resolutions regarding military occupations prevail over alienated terrorism rhetoric. There's an alternative global agenda in town." (Ibid.)

VIII. American churches are not only fighting battles with the Purpose Driven movement, but also between historical methods of worship and contemporary. Sometimes, the battle can get intense.

NEWS BRIEF: "Pastor's Downfall Highlights Protestant Identity Crisis", AP Breaking News, May 13, 2005

"LOS ANGELES (AP) - When the Rev. Alan Meenan took over as senior pastor at the nationally prominent Hollywood First Presbyterian Church, it had been losing members for 20 years. Now, hundreds of new worshippers are flocking to an alternative service staged by the church at a nearby nightclub that offers live rock music and a casual atmosphere that doesn't frown on flip-flops and nose piercing's. The service, called Contemporary Urban Experience, has bolstered membership at one of the most storied Presbyterian congregations in the country. But it has also created a deep rift between old and new members that threatens to tear the conservative church apart.

"Responding to several complaints about Meenan, regional church officials, in a rare step, took control of operations at Hollywood First last week and put Meenan and his executive pastor on paid administrative leave to restore the peace. The turmoil within the 2,700-member congregation reflects what experts call the "worship war," an identity crisis that has beset many mainline Protestant denominations as they struggle to survive in a culture that puts less importance on the traditions of organized religion."

"Similar declines have been seen in nearly all mainline Protestant denominations, as clashes have developed not only over worship style but such issues as the ordination of women and the role of gays and lesbians in the church ... I could go into any coffee shop in Los Angeles and go up to any artsy, crazy guy and feel totally comfortable inviting him to this service," said J.C. Cornwell, 34, a church member who volunteers to produce CUE each week."

Can anyone say, "Come quickly, Lord Jesus"?

---------- Articles Posted ----------

* "DEBATE IS OVER! LAURA BUSH SPEAKS UNBELIEVABLE SEXUAL LEWDNESS ABOUT HER HUSBAND, INCLUDING REFERENCE TO HIM COMMITTING BESTIALITY -- PRESIDENT BUSH LAUGHS, THINKS REMARKS ARE GREAT! Genuinely saved Christians who have defended President Bush as being Born Again are shown to be foolish! The joke is on all who naively believed the President was a real Christian. The Holy Spirit has now given us a "Smoking Gun" proof that George W. Bush is NOT a Christian, but is a faithful follower of Skull & Bones. - http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2033.cfm





* "THE MARRIAGE AMENDMENT - ANOTHER TROJAN HORSE", Guest Column by Kelley McGinley, Retaking America - Pro-Family Christian organizations are helping lead American Christians into a trap regarding the Marriage Amendment? The truth of the matter is that the "Trojan Horse" trap is huge and will advance the cause of Gay Marriage even as it is disguised as a Defense of Marriage! -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2035.cfm



* "AN ANCIENT SECRET SOCIETY KILLED JESUS CHRIST!" Members of secret societies defend their beloved organization as being "benevolent" and just interested in doing "good works" for the "benefit of mankind". We shall demonstrate that, not only is this surface facade not true, secret society beliefs and goals inspired its Jewish leaders to crucify Jesus! -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2032.cfm

---------------Salvation Page Report----------------------------------

Cutting Edge is globally posted in English, Finnish, Portuguese, and Spanish -- languages which 750 million people in the world speak! The numbers of people reading our Salvation Page to discover how to be saved has simply skyrocketed! Praise be to the precious Holy Spirit!

Finnish -- Started out five years ago with 75 people per month downloading the Finnish Salvation Page. In the past year, this number had grown to 240+. Last month, 612 people downloaded a Finnish Salvation Page!

Spanish -- Less than two years ago, when we brought Stalin Soto Vargas on to head up the Spanish translation work, 140+ were downloading the Spanish Salvation Page; last month, almost 1,600 people downloaded that page!

Portuguese -- This site has been seeing over 2,500 people downloading the Salvation Page per month. Last month, while that number held very steady, Jeremias reported that he had a record number of people actually taking the time to call him to tell him they had been saved from his site.

English - Our main site has been seeing about 4,200+ people downloading the English Salvation Page. While we suffered a loss of LiveStatistics during the last week in April, we were progressing toward 5,000 Salvation Page downloads.

Because of this wonderful increase in the numbers of people downloading a Salvation Page throughout the globe, we have increased our annual number at the top of the page to more than 100,000. Please pray the Lord of the Harvest that He will continue to use Cutting Edge Ministries to reach the lost of this terribly sin-scarred world.

---------Conclusion--------------------------"There is no new thing under the sun." [Eccl 1:9]

"As of old, this belief in the Holy Spirit is almost universally denied, ridiculed, and exploded as mere fancy or fad. Those who still believe it are branded as madmen or fanatics. This is the falling away which was to come ... See how our own country mourns and suffers under the outpourings and overflowings of ungodliness! What crimes of every kind are committed each day, too often with impunity. Many sin with a high-handedness and glory in their shame! They brag about their acts. Who can count up all the oaths, curses, profanities, blasphemies ... gluttony, drunkenness, revenge, the fornications, adulteries, and various uncleanness, the frauds, injustice, oppression, and extortion which cover over our land as a flood of evil.

And even those who have kept themselves away from these grosser acts are not innocent. How much anger, pride, sloth, idleness, softness, effeminacy, self-indulgence, covetousness, ambition, thirst of praise, love of the world, and fear of man is to be found among us? How little true religion is there! Where is he who loves either God or his neighbor as Jesus has commanded? On the one hand, there are those who have not so much as the form of godliness. On the other hand, there are those who have the form only. One is the open sepulcher; the other is the painted sepulcher ... the other part makes religion a mere lifeless form, a dull round of external performances without true faith, the love of God, or joy in the Holy Spirit ... There are but few who understand God and worship Him in spirit and truth. We are a generation that has not set our hearts right. Our spirits do not cling steadfastly unto God ... It is high time for us to awake out of spiritual sleep before the great trumpet of the Lord is blown and our land becomes a field of blood." [John Wesley, "The Holy Spirit and Power", Gold Classics, Pages 10-12; Emphasis added]

May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David Bay, Director

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