News Alert & Bookstore Bulletin

Thursday, May 6, 2010



"Don't Tread On Me!: American People Are Rising Up"

From the Tea Party to aroused State legislators the American people are drawing a line in the sand, shouting to the Federal Government 'Don't Tread On Me'!

Has the government our Founding Fathers created been forgotten by Washington, D.C.? Is this Patriot Uprising ready to recapture the 'never-die' Spirit of 1776?

This video provides a look into the movements, the mind set and the legislation which will catapult the 'Great Restoration' into households across America

Are you ready to take America back?

Available May 20

Key News Events

I. A British Christian preacher was arrested and interrogated for publicly saying that homosexuality was a sin!

Did you even know Great Britain had homosexual "Police Community Support Officer (PCSO)"?

NEWS BRIEF: "Christian preacher arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin",, 02 May 2010

"A Christian street preacher was arrested and locked in a cell for telling a passer-by that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God. Dale McAlpine was charged with causing “harassment, alarm or distress” after a homosexual police community support officer (PCSO) overheard him reciting a number of “sins” referred to in the Bible, including blasphemy, drunkenness and same sex relationships. "

"The 42-year-old Baptist, who has preached Christianity in Workington, Cumbria for years, said he did not mention homosexuality while delivering a sermon from the top of a stepladder, but admitted telling a passing shopper that he believed it went against the word of God. Police officers are alleging that he made the remark in a voice loud enough to be overheard by others and have charged him with using abusive or insulting language, contrary to the Public Order Act."

The street preacher was interrogated in jail before being released under a gag order prohibiting him from preaching against homosexuality in public. The news story did not report whether this street preacher intends to obey, or whether he will go right back preaching, in the attitude of the early Apostles who were arrested by the Sanhedrin, hauled before that kangeroo court and then told not to preach any more about that Jesus. What did they do?

They went out praising God that they were counted worthy enough to be persecuted for Jesus' sake and they certainly continued to preach the Gospel. As Peter said, they must obey God rather than man!

The tragedy is that this kind of charge is not supported by law or case precedent, and police officers are misusing an anti-terrorist law as the basis for infringing upon Free Speech.

"Christian campaigners have expressed alarm that the Public Order Act, introduced in 1986 to tackle violent rioters and football hooligans, is being used to curb religious free speech. Sam Webster, a solicitor-advocate for the Christian Institute, which is supporting Mr McAlpine, said it is not a crime to express the belief that homosexual conduct is a sin. 'The police have a duty to maintain public order but they also have a duty to defend the lawful free speech of citizens', he said.

“ 'Case law has ruled that the orthodox Christian belief that homosexual conduct is sinful is a belief worthy of respect in a democratic society'."

This kind of harassment and persecution is coming on America, with our newly-passed "Hate Crimes Bill" leading the way. Are you spiritually ready for this coming persecution?

II. Did First Lady Michelle Obama actually say that Barack was a "Kenyan"?

This story seems about to break into full force in the public arena soon. Were that to happen, Barack Obama's Constitutional right to be President may be challenged so severely that a crisis of almost unimaginable force would quickly hit the White House. The Illuminati would have their "chaos" from which they bring their new "Order"!

NEWS BRIEF: "Michelle Obama: Barack Obama Is “Kenyan” ", Prison, May 5, 2010

"Last month, so-called 'birthers' got very excited over a clip in which Michelle Obama called Kenya President Obama’s “home country,” but a newly uncovered video is likely to stoke even more controversy, because in it the First Lady clearly states that Obama is “Kenyan”. In a video of a 2008 speech that went viral last month after it was resurrected from the archives, Michelle Obama states, 'When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya, we took a public HIV test'.”

"Some media pundits expressed doubt that the First Lady was explicitly saying that Obama had been born in Kenya, and Glenn Beck even implied that the release of the tape was a trick designed to push Tea Party members over the edge and incite violence, allowing Democrats to demonize their political opposition as extremists."

"However, yet another clip has been uncovered from the archives in which the First Lady plainly states that Obama is “Kenyan,” leaving little open to speculation in terms of context.

During a December 2007 speech in Tampa Florida, Michelle Obama stated, 'What it reminded me of was our trip to Africa, two years ago, and the level of excitement that we felt in that country – the hope that people saw just in the sheer presence of somebody like Barack Obama – a Kenyan, a black man, a man of great statesmanship who they believe could change the fate of the world'.” (Video Clip is shown below in this news article)

Can you imagine the uncertainty and the chaos which would instantly arise were Federal Courts to declare that Barack Obama is not qualified to be President because he was born in Kenya? Tens of thousands of people would instantly demand they Obama resign the presidency. There might be a "Million Man March On Washington"!

Every single bill which Obama signed into law might become null and void in an instant.

Every single Executive Order which Obama created would become worthless.

In short, America would be plunged into deep chaos and perhaps even anarchy. But, this is exactly the condition on which Illuminized Freemasonry thrives. They believe that a worthy objective can only be achieved through struggle. If America does slip deeply into anarchy and chaos, the Illuminati might seize this opportunity to seize power, overthrow the Constitution and implement the final changes they want to put in place.

As I have stated before, Obama's handlers knew the truth about where he was born. If Barak Obama was born in Kenya, they knew this decades ago, and are prepared to handle it. That "handling it" may include seizing of power and overthrowing the Constitution. If you throw into this Constitutional crises a war in the Middle East, a nuclear confrontation on the Korean Peninsula and a very terror attacks in our cities, the condition would be ripe for the planned Absolute Dictatorship.

Listen to New Age author, Bill Cooper, explain:

""Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time?" ["Behold A Pale Horse", Bill Cooper, p. 177]

This statement from Cooper reeks of chaos, deliberately created chaos!

And it may all start with the Federal Courts declaring that Barack Obama is not a naturally-born American citizen!

III. The Washington Post joins the Christian chorus, warning President Obama not to pressure Israel.

NEWS BRIEF: "Washington Post editorial warns Obama against pressuring Israel", YNET News, May 6, 2010

"WASHINGTON – The Washington Post warned US President Barack Obama Wednesday against applying too much pressure on Israel as proximity talks with the Palestinians begin. A Post editorial doubted the Obama administration's ability to promote peace with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rightist government, which it said was 'unlikely to accept some of the terms that would be necessary for peace, such as Palestinian sovereignty over part of Jerusalem".

" 'The Obama administration should recognize that blunt pressure on Israel won't produce a Middle East deal. Instead, the administration needs to methodically press both sides to negotiate seriously', the editorial said ... he editorial also accuses Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of delaying the talks for as long as possible. 'He has insisted on indirect talks even though he has participated in direct negotiations with Israeli leaders for two decades; In 2008, he refused to take up a far-reaching peace offer from former prime minister Ehud Olmert. The Palestinian leader now appears to be counting on the Obama administration to do his negotiating', the paper said."

As you can see, the Washington Post editorial does not base their objection to putting a lot of pressure on Israel on the same Biblical grounds as we Christians do. We want all pressure to divide God's Holy Land to stop because End Times prophecy foretells great Divine Judgment upon those nations who want to divide Israel.

Further, as this book above, "The Israel Omen" teaches, God foretold 2,500 years ago in Zechariah prophecy, that at the End of the Age, a consortium of four (4) Gentile nations would arise and lead the effort of dissecting Israel. Today, the Quartet of Nations is leading that effort, one of the most dramatic fulfillments of prophecy in the modern era!

Most exciting prophetic development in years!!

"The Protective Israel Omen"

'The Ancient Warning of Catastrophes Has Begun, Powered By Ominous Attempts To Remove Israel From God's Promised Land'

Did God's protective "Omen" come back to Israel when the Jews returned to their ancient land in 1948?

This Israel Omen book powerfully reports a series of historically destructive events since 1991, connected by a common thread: warnings found in Ancient Hebrew prophetic Scripture that Israel was not to be divided. Are these events the telling signs of an ancient Divine Omen, the same omen ignored by the Egyptians 3,500 years ago as Moses was leading the children of Israel out of Egypt by God's mighty hand?

David Brennan presents strong evidences that the "Four Horns" foretold in Zechariah 1:18-21 to be scattering Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem are the four nations of the "Quartet"! This section is most startling and exciting!

As the nations of the world gather to remove the Jew from God's promised Holy Land, the international group dubbed the Quartet is leading the effort. And, the same prophetic Scripture warns of God's judgment against those nations attempting to divide Israel. Your view of current events might never be the same!

253 pages --

New Hot Topic Book


"President Obama: The Manchurian President"

"Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists"

Regularly $25.95, On Sale For Only $19.95

Cutting Edge noted during the campaign that Obama is not his own man, but is tightly controlled by the Illuminati, specifically Skull & Bones and the pro-Marxist Trilateral Commission. Read full details in NEWS2267, entitled "Senator Obama Has Strong Ties To Illuminati - Communist Illuminati At That!")

One year into his presidency, Obama has fulfilled our most dire predictions and has gone far beyond them.

Obama is backed by and deeply tied to an anti-American fringe hard-core powerhouse group that was instrumental not only in mentoring Obama and helping him to build his political career, but essentially in overthrowing the moderate wing of the Democratic Party and in securing and powerfully influencing Obama's presidency.

Book exposes an extremist coalition of communists, socialists and other radicals working both inside and outside the administration to draft and advance current White House policy goals.

A book for our time, 352 pages, hardcover --


"The Pentacle of Power"

by Pastor Hoggard, Volume 4 of the King James Bible Code Series

Pastor Hoggard continues his signature series THE KING JAMES CODE with this latest DVD. You will discover that the Number 5 carries unique meaning for both God's Plan and Satan's counter-plan.

God's Plan - You will see Gods numerical signature in the King James Bible and gain a deeper understanding of the use of the number 5 as it relates to Bible Prophecy. God intended the Number 5 to work for our ultimate good as it speaks to mankinds eternal life and marriage to Jesus in Heaven.

Satan's Plan - In Satanism, the Number 5 carries exceedingly negative connotation, as it speaks to the planned death of all who are Satans enemies. The Pentagram is the most important symbol of the Number 5, symbolizing Elemental Magic, and Lucifer's plan to control world governments and replace Jesus in the Church.

One hour, 20 minutes -

Previous DVD's In The King James Bible Code Series

Volume 1 - "The King James Bible Code"

"The Bible says "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number..."

In this first volume, the scriptural basis for studying Bible numbers are examined, as well as a verse by verse study of the numbers 1 and 2.

Volume 2 - "The King James Bible Code"

In this second volume, Pastor discusses the Biblical use of the Number 3. Three is the number of Trinity, but we see it also throughout the creation of this universe as well as being used extensively in the King James Bible.

Satanists also revere the Number 3 as their symbol for the Pagan Trinity - Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet. Hoggard discusses how the occult uses three in quite a number of other ways as well.

Volume 3 - "The King James Bible Code"

In this third volume, Pastor discusses the Biblical use of the Number 4. Four is God's number of His Creation, including DNA! Satanists also revere the Number 4 as their perfect symbol for the created wrld. Hoggard discusses how the occult uses four in quite a number of other ways as well.

Hoggard also shows how both God and Satan multiply these sacred basic numbers to gain other numbers with similar meanings.


Deep Horrific Secrets Only A Former Satanist Would Know

Combo Offer DVD: 'Secrets of the Illuminati' Series

Series of 4 Intensive DVD's by Doc Marquis, 7 DVDs, over 11 hours of teaching

Regularly $139.96 if bought individually

On Sale $99.96, Save $40

Each of these unique DVD's provides information on a part of the Illuminati Plan which only a former Satanist / Illuminati would know. Further, much of the information Doc Marquis provides is the 'Oral Plan', which is the parts of the plan to produce Antichrist which is so evil that it is never written down.

1) 'Arrival of the Antichrist' - Focus is on the infamous Rothschild 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' and how leaders are following that plan as a blueprint to bring about the New World Order.

2) 'America's Occult Holidays' - Marquis, delivers a knockout punch against the practice of all our major holidays, providing details only a former Witch would know. Doc begins by demonstrating how the Illuminati effected the change in our calendar and how that change has created a dramatic change in our everyday lives.

3) 'Front Men of the Illuminati' - 'These men pull the strings and we dance'! Doc boldly outlines the real 'movers and shakers' of the Illuminati, those organizations most responsible for driving us all into the global dictatorship, the New World Order. Focus is on the most important 'Illuminati Card Game', explaining the importance of the insights provided by these remarkably accurate cards

4) 'Magick, Mysticism, and Masonry' - This is THE ONE video every Mason to whom you are witnessing must see! Doc Marquis drives a wooden stake into the heart of Freemasonry by exposing truths only known to a former Satanist.

Combination Offer -


"Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA, The Military Industrial Complex Take-over of America"

Tyranny is HERE! The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality. The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on earth. And it's only getting worse.

POLICE STATE 4 chronicles the sickening depths to which our republic has fallen. Veteran documentary filmmaker Alex Jones conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide. The military industrial complex is transforming our once free nation into a giant prison camp. A cashless society control grid, constructed in the name of fighting terrorism, was actually built to enslave the American people. Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, staged terror and cameras on every street corner -- it's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.

This film exposes how the 'Continuity of Government' program has established an all powerful shadow state. Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship, FEMA camps, and a shredded Constitution. Witness police and military savagely attacking innocent citizens as our own government unleashes false flag operations to justify its oppression. Then watch as Alex Jones takes on corrupt mercenary police and exposes mainstream media brainwashing.

Pastor Hoggard Exposes Freemasonry And Its "Order Out of Chaos" Theory Driving World Events - New DVD

"Order Out of Chaos: New World Order Proven To Be Coming Out of the Pit"

When Antichrist arises to the world scene, he and the myriads of demons which possess him, will first arise out of the Abyss, the Pit, just as prophecy foretells (Rev 17:7-8; Rev 11). The New World Order will be empowered by these demons now being held in prison in the Pit!

Antichrist will thoroughly destroy the Old World Order using his weapons of wars, rumors of war, pestilence and famine, all coming from the Chaos which the Illuminati first brings on the earth. Pastor recalls the attacks of 9/11 as the perfect illustration of destruction of the Old Order through chaos.

Antichrist is the antithesis to Jesus Christ and will be the fusion of wicked man and god, the supernatural. He is pictured in Rev 13 as arising out of the sea, which is the Pit.

Watch Trailer

"Lucifer's Children" - DVD

Milan Martin creates one of the most impressive DVD's on the Black Magick world of the evil Elite ever seen. Having read over 300 books and researched for five years, Milan begins with Plato and his warped ideas. He progresses to the Nazis and ends with the Elite of today.

You will learn about the VRIL society, the THULE society, the BLACK SUN organization, Rosicrucians, Golden Dawn Society, Himmler, Hitler, hypnosis, I.G. Farbin, Christian Illuminism, CIA black budgets, FBI division five, Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, Jekyll Island, Ku Klux Klan, Order of the Black Rose, Tavistock Institute, Teutonic Knights, and much more.

2 hrs. 40 min.-



"The Occult Behind Our Government"

DVD by Gary Kah

Have you noticed the extreme dishonesty and even cruelty of the American Government at times? Our politicians on both sides of the political aisle lie to us continuously, and our government established the bloody right to an abortion, protecting that evil practice with all its might and means.

The American Government is getting increasingly occult and intrusive in our lives. Through the Health Care Law, government officials will even be determining which people are allowed to be given life-saving treatment and which will be allowed to die.

Gary Kah, author of En Route To Global Occupation, is a former high-ranking government official who reveals the plans to force a new Satanic World Government and then exposes the Satanic Religion behind the entire conspiracy. Once you understand the principles of this video, you will understand current events and our current leaders much more clearly.

You will understand the importance of the fact that Barack Obama is a 32nd Degree Mason in Prince Hall Masonry! You will understand the importance of having a Trilateral Commission leader and an Adept ion Skull & Bones on your 2009 Presidential Campaign staff (NEWS2267, entitled, "Senator Obama Has Strong Ties To Illuminati - Communist Illuminati At That!")

Once you understand this DVD, you will be ready to understand why American monuments, statues, paintings and street layouts are in Satanic symbols and you will be ready for the award-winning DVD, "Riddles In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.")

2 hours 30 minutes --

Key New Headline News Articles


Satan's Seven Divisions of Hell -Organized To Put Men and Women Into Spiritual Bondage And Then Destroy Them Utterly




President Obama Seemingly Makes World History As He Negotiates A Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty With The Russians - A Goal Which Eluded His Predecessors For The Past 40 Years!

However, our enthusiasm should be tempered by the realization that missiles and atomic warheads are completely obsolete and are ready to be phased out anyway! Furthermore, satellites can detect nuclear devices anywhere on earth, making it impossible for terrorists to carry out an attack.

New Health Care Law Will, Indeed, Set Up Death Panels

This law crowns the Independent Medicare Advisory Board (IMAB) as an untouchable regulatory authority wielding dictatorial powers. This law is the Worst Case Scenario for Americans who fall into one of the "Devalued" categories, Elderly, Terminally Ill, Vegetative State, or Insane, or Politically Incorrect.

President Obama's Health Care Law gives rebirth to the Nazi Biomedical Vision - the bloody Nazi Wolf is back!


"A Lamp In The Dark"

Bold Expose' of Roman Catholicism As The Bloodthirsty Religious Harlot of Rev 17

The Untold Story of Our Bloodstained Bible

Watch Dynamic Trailer

High-quality Video Written and Directed by Chris Pinto

Created and Directed All Three of The Award-Winning DVD's "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings"

"A Lamp In The Dark" DVD is an exciting documentary showing the intriguing history of the Bible, the most blood-stained book in history! You enter into a world of saints and martyrs batting against spies, assassins and wolves in sheep's clothing.

This DVD unfolds the fascinating 'untold' history of the Bible. Reveals critical information often overlooked in modern histories.

During the Middle Ages, Catholic Popes and the Inquisition forbade Biblical translation, threatening imprisonment and death to those who disobeyed this edict. Learn about the sacrifice of men like John Wyclife, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Myles Coverdale and others, who hazarded their lives to communicate the Bible in languages which the common people could understand.

Can This Be The Key to Understanding? With the fall of Constantinople, ancient Greek manuscripts came into Europe, and with them, the clear streams of understanding that produced the Protestant Reformation. But what few people have ever heard, is that Rome launched a Counter Reformation, fully intending that they would destroy all the works of the Reformers. This is the key to the 'untold history' of the Bible. It is possible, even probable, that this ancient war on the Word of God continues to this day!

Filled with rich visual graphics and dramatic re-enactments of key historic events.

You will appreciate and love your King James Bible much more after seeing the personal sacrifice which so many saints of God went through to give it to you.

Approximately 3 hours.


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Cutting Edge cannot continue unless we keep a certain level of Yearly Subscriptions and so once or twice a year we run a special giveaway subscription offer.  Please reach out at this most difficult time to help support Cutting Edge Ministries.  We are reaching 120,000 people a year with the Gospel in five languages so your subscription will enable that wonderful spiritual eternal fruit to continue.

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David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries

1792 South Lake Drive, Ste. 90 PMB 300, Lexington, SC 29073
