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Monday, July 30, 2012

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Key Events

I. The Government is actually beginning to implement the most controversial program: identifying areas where crime is about to be committed and arresting the criminals.

All of the horrors and all of "pre-crime" disasters depicted in the movie, "Minority Report" may start rushing down upon our heads. The total dictatorship of the New World Order is visible on the horizon.

NEWS BRIEF: "Police using ‘predictive analytics’ to prevent crimes before they happen", Raw Story News, July 29, 2012

"A growing number of law enforcement agencies, in the US and elsewhere, have been adopting software tools with predictive analytics, based on algorithms that aim to predict crimes before they happen. The concept sounds like something out of science fiction and the thriller “Minority Report” based on a Philip K. Dick story. "

The major problem with the "Pre-crime" predictive program was that it made a good many mistakes. Many, many people were falsely arrested and falsely accused of crimes they simply did not plan to commit. While this "Pre-crime" technology and clairvoyance arrested innocent people, it was a great government tool to arrest political dissidents! Total dictatorships are completely dedicated to rooting out anyone opposed to their regime. From this standpoint, "Pre-crime" was a great way to get government enemies off the streets.

"The premise is simple: criminals follow patterns, and with software — the same kind that retailers like Wal-Mart and Amazon use to determine consumer purchasing trends — police can determine where the next crime will occur and sometimes prevent it. Colleen McCue, a behavioral scientist at GeoEye, a firm that works with US Homeland Security and local law enforcement on predictive analytics, said studying criminal behavior was not that different from examining other types of behavior like shopping.

“ People are creatures of habit', she said. 'When you go shopping you go to a place where they have the things you’re looking for… the criminal wants to go where he will be successful also'.”

" 'The key to success in predictive policing is getting as much data as possible to determine patterns'."

Now can you see why governments up and down the ladder -- local, state and Federal -- have been so very interested in the past decade since 9/11 in mining as much data on their citizens as possible? Routine Data Mining is a very strong enemy of our freedoms. But, private enterprise is thoroughly cooperating with government request for routine data on all their clients.

One further thought: since this is the government plan, can you see how important cashless "buying and selling" is to the Elite? They simply could not gain such complete control of the entire population if all citizens paid by cash!

For right now, emphasis of this "Pre-crime" program is on potential "hotspots" of crime, not on individuals -- yet.

"The program known as CRUSH — Criminal Reduction Utilizing Statistical History — targeted certain 'hot spots' to allow police to deploy more efficiently ... 'John Williams, crime analysis manager for the city’s police, said the system has had a dramatic impact, allowing Memphis to get off the list of worst US cities for crime. 'If the data is indicating a hot spot, we are able to immediately deploy resources there. And in a lot of instances we are able to make quality arrests because we’re in the right area at the right time', he told AFP."

I have no trouble with this kind of "Pre-crime" technology. It is the future application of it that concerns me.

"Although beat officers can use their instincts for similar results, Williams said the software could be far more precise, such as predicting burglaries in a small geographic area between 10 pm and 2 am. ... the system is based on a model from mathematician George Mohler which “is very effective in predicting the time and location for crimes that have not yet taken place.”

Shades of "Big Brother"?

While use of such analytics generally wins plaudits for helping “smarter” policing, it does raise concerns about Big Brother-like snooping.

Andrew Guthrie Ferguson, a law professor at the University of the District of Columbia, said the use of technology could be positive but that it could lower the threshold for constitutional protections on “unreasonable” searches.

“ 'To stop you and frisk you and search you, a police officer needs reasonable suspicion, so my question is how will this affect reasonable suspicion?' he said."

"IBM’s Cleverly said the technology can in many cases improve privacy. 'You can pinpoint the record of who has access to information, you have a solid history of what’s going on, so if someone is using the system for ill you have an audit trail', he said."

Cleverly went on to say that this program is not leading to "Minority Report". I hope not, but Hitler twisted technology which had just become available which made it easier and faster for him to pursue his many horrific goals, including mass murder of almost 20 million devalued people. Without high technology Hitler could not have completed his genocidal goals.

What worries me is how this new predicting technology can be twisted at the right time to fulfill the genocidal goals of the Global Elite and their superman, the Masonic Christ -- Antichrist.

Additionally, I learned in Army Intelligence that, when the government admits to having a technology to some degree, they actually have it in a much more advanced degree and are already using it in ways far ahead of what they have just admitted.

II. A classic flyer saucer seemingly appeared over the Olympics Stadium.

Conditioning, conditioning and more conditioning.

NEWS BRIEF: "UFO Over Olympics Opening Ceremony: A Classic Flying Saucer [VIDEO] ", Huffington Post, July 29, 2012

"Talk about an uninvited guest at the Olympics. Friday night's spectacular pyrotechnics display of the most watched opening ceremony in summer Olympics history attracted more than the eyes of over 40 million people. A clearly seen unidentified flying object was videotaped making its way over London's Olympic stadium ... The disc-shaped object is first seen entering the upper left portion of the video as the fireworks erupt over the stadium. The UFO -- which appears to have a dome or bulge rising from its center -- moves slowly across the sky as if deliberately observing the light-show spectacle below it."

I do not believe this object was a real UFO.

But, I do believe that someone with access to high technology placed the UFO in the sky in order to condition people to believe in their existence. After all, New Age authors have repeatedly that aliens will be observed in the air and on the ground when their Christ (Antichrist) arises. These aliens will be urging both the peoples of the world and their leaders to aggressively support the Christ who has just appeared on the world scene.

Listen to one New Age author explain:?

New Age literature repeatedly states that "The Christ" cannot appear until and unless a "significant proportion" has been conditioned to accept him. The conditioning to accept the idea of aliens from other worlds has been going on for many decades now, in science fiction books and magazines, in comic books, on radio, on TV and in the movies.

New Age author, Bill Cooper, in his book, entitled, "Behold A Pale Horse", stated unequivocally that "... the secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat from outer space in order to bring humanity together in a one-world government which they call the New World Order." ["Behold A Pale Horse", by Milton William Cooper, published by Light Technology Publishing, Sedona, AZ, 1991, ISBN 0-929385-22-5, page 27]. Cooper later details how very, very strong Freemasonry is at the top global leadership of this New World Order Plan, one can only conclude that Freemasonry is probably the "secret society" of which Cooper is speaking, above.

Does this information shed any new light on Orson Wells' 1938 radio program, "War of the Worlds", in which several million Americans were convinced that Martians truly were landing on Earth to take it over? Just as that program was a conditioning vehicle, so are many of our current movie and TV shows.

People by the many millions have now be conditioned to believe in the possibility of aliens and their UFO's.

III. Is the time coming soon when anyone who does not have a Facebook account will be considered a "suspect", possibly even a Mass Murderer?

This possibility sounds insane and yet that is exactly the kind of world toward which we are heading -- welcome to the Kingdom of Antichrist, a.k.a. the New World Order.

NEWS BRIEF: "Facebook Abstainers could be labeled Suspicious", Active Politic News, July 25, 2012

"According to this article printed in, not having a facebook account should be the first sign that you are a mass murderer. The article mentions the fact that in the US, people were subject to handing their passwords over to potential employers, which privacy advocates, facebook, and the US government disagree with. But the article takes it one step further in claiming that not only did US employers have a legitimate point, but also suggesting that those who abstain from facebook could be mass murderers. "

How could anyone come to this crazy conclusion? By noting an absence of fact and then jumping to a false conclusion.

"As examples they use Norwegian shooter Anders Breivik, who used myspace instead of facebook ... and the newer Aurora shooter who used adultfriendfinder instead of facebook. So being social on any other website isn't good enough, it has to be specifically facebook that people are using. There seems to be an insanity bubble around older people which has arrived after the initial facebook boom that brought in the youth, where they see facebook as a necessary utility..."

While this conclusion sounds positively insane, when the planned dictatorship is implemented, the news will come out that some of the government's "facts" against dissidents will be based largely on the kind of faulty conclusions reported in this article.

In the first story, above, we talked about raw data mining of as many statistics of average citizens as possible, so the government can one day use it against people consider "enemies of the state". Now, this article puts forth the crazy notion that a person can be considered a criminal just because they do not have a Facebook page?

Do you feel "sucked out and cast aside"? That is precisely what the Illuminati wants you to feel. In his DVD, "The Illuminati Is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy", Doc Marquis stated that one of the goals of the Illuminati is to tire people out from all the consistent diet of bad news. I can feel that mental and emotional tiredness coming on, can't you?

New DVD's by Ron Skiba

"Archon Invasion: The Return of the Nephilim"

Part 1 DVD by Ron Skiba

Who, or what, is an Archon? Who were the nephilim? How did they return both before and after the Flood?
Why should we be concerned about the act of mixing animal and human DNA? Why did Jesus say that the Last Days would be like the days of Noah? What differentiates the days of Noah vs the days of Jared?

Ron Skiba tells us in this exciting, 2 hour DVD

"Archon Invasion: Now And In The Future"

Part 2 DVD by Ron Skiba

What did Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons deliberately carry out that may have opened up a portal to supernatural dimensions? What does an ancient prophecy concerning the release of the Watchers have to do with the beginning of the 20th Century?

Why should we be concerned about the act of mixing human and animal DNA? How has the Devil been preparing mankind for the End Days and for the appearance of his Man of Sin?

Ron Skiba will take you through an action-packed video presentation that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat.

Now Back In-Stock!

"Wide Is The Gate" DVD

"The Emerging New Christianity, A Paradigm Shift"

A look into the invasion of the old New Age Movement in today's Post Modern Church. Today's new brand of Christianity has a different gospel and is targeting thousands of the younger generation with a so-called hip, cool, experiential spirituality, much of which is embracing the mysticism of Roman Catholicism with its ecumenical philosophy of uniting people from all faiths to work together and bring about a new world of peace and harmony. This notion dovetails with the heart of New Age thinking and the utopian ideals of many world religions who all await their religious leaders and dreams of world domination.
The dangerous result of this new spirituality in the church is bringing about the rise of today's "Christianized" occultism. It's stretching its tentacles around the souls of unsuspecting youth, setting them up for the lie that subjective emotions of "power" and "experience" are "feelings" to be held higher than an objective walk in the Christian Faith, based in Truth found in the Pure Word of God. The Holy Bible is presented as unattainable truth: "stuffy", "dry" and "churchy"

Through modern marketing techniques and business management skills a global agenda of faith, commerce and government is being orchestrated for churches to partner with other faiths for world peace and unity. This man made utopia will usher in the reign of Antichrist and his kingdom, preceding the coming of the True Jesus Christ and the True Kingdom of God on earth.

3 hours 20 minutes of exciting revelation about the true direction of the Christian Church today, the church whom Jesus will spew out of His mouth!

Watch Dynamic Trailer


"Death of Discernment"

New DVD by Ron Matsen

Only $19.95

Why can't pastors view End Times events in the light of Bible prophecy? Why are pastors just repeating standard Christian / Republican Wisdom, which is off the mark by a mile?

Of all the end-time themes discussed in the Bible "deception and apostasy in the church" is listed more times than any other end-time "sign of the times".In fact, deception of Christian leaders has reached an all- time high, so very high that pastors and Deacons and Elders no longer possess any kind of meaningful Biblical discernment.

Why are many pastors more interested in building a new church than in warning their flock that the End of the Age is here and its Antichrist is very, very close?

Christian Church leaders are literally "the blind leading the blind", so everyone in that church is going to fall into the proverbial ditch (Hell).

This DVD is a call to return to normal Biblical discernment!

The End Times demands Biblical discernment on the part of every Christian.


Mormonism Unmasked 2012


Regularly $69.93, Now Only $49.93, Saving You $20.00

This year, 2012, is shaping up to be the 'Year of the Mormon', as a Mormon is set to capture the Presidential Republican nomination. How are genuine Christians to vote? We can't stand Obama, and Romney is a highly-ranked member of a pagan religion. Do we "hold our noses" and vote for the 'lesser of two evils', as many are saying?

Bill Schnoebelen, former Satanist/Mormon/Freemason, provides the authoritative answer!

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' DVD thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.

'Throne of Fools' proves that there is no difference between Democrat and Republican, Obama and Romney. We have not had a real choice for almost 100 years! At the very end, Bill Schnoebelen tells us how he is going to vote.

'A Mormon President' proves that Mormon leadership has had an obsession for gaining control over our government since the days of Brigham Young, 150 years ago. That obsession can turn tragic for American Christians should a Mormon ever wield the powers of the White House.

Regularly $69.93 if you buy these three DVD's separately; you save $20.00 buying this Combo Offer

5 hours of teaching!


NEW Hoggard DVD

"Secrets At The United Nations"

"Fountainhead of The New Order"

Part 1 - Does the United Nations and the Tower of Babel have anything in common? Yes! Pastor Mike Hoggard delves into the world of the United Nations, their purpose, and what it is hiding and what is concealed in their innocent looking logo.

Pastor Mike breaks down the occult symbols of the UN logo's laurel leaf, the sections of the globe, and the vital significance of the North as the center point. This video is a very timely expose of the United Nations being the foundation of the new world order and whose true history starts way before 1945. Scriptures reveal Lucifer's plan to deceive the nations, and bring about his goal to rule the world!

Part 2 - Something wicked this way comes -- and it's coming from the North. . Why is the center or focal point of the UN logo the North? What is the Biblical significance of this particular direction? Scripture after Scripture describes North as a spiritual realm- Lucifer's earthly followers have been working to fulfill his ambition to be like the Most High, exercising total control of humanity.

Pastor Mike again ties together Biblical numerical correlations, ancient pagan practices, the Zodiac, New Age thought, the Vatican, Freemasonry secrets and Bible prophecies that will take place, perhaps very soon.

Like unto no other, a brutal invasion (of the 4th kind) is coming from the North! Are you spiritually prepared?

Almost two hours long, shipping 7/18 -

66% to 75% Discounts Off 80 DVD Titles

Variety is good; price is EXCELLENT!


Popular DVD Titles Reduced To $9.99

"The Final Countdown" - Volume 1 - Order

Each 2 DVD Set is 4 Hours with amazing video clips that illustrate the world condition as we move through these last days counting down the the great tribulation.

"The Final Countdown" - Volume 2 - Order


View all 29 52 DVD titles which are now reduced to $9.99!

DVD Value- Priced Category $9.99


Regular Retails Up To $40, Dual Disc Sets




Nephilim / Giants Threaten Us - Again

Nephilim / Giants In History Past

"Ancient Giants: Origin of All Pagan Mystery Religions" -- Including Freemasonry

Pastor Hoggard has created a masterpiece with this three-part series!

In Volumes 1 and 2, entitled, "Ancient Giants: Origin of Pagan Religions", Pastor reveals that, not only did Giants exist in the Ancient World, but their religious teachings to mortal men created the various Pagan Mysteries Religions of Babylon, the Egyptian Mysteries, the Chaldean Mysteries and a whole host of lesser pagan religions.

Pastor Hoggard comes full circle in his expose' of the Ancient Giants creating all the Ancient Pagan Religions, by demonstrating that the Giants created Freemasonry, in Volume 3, "Ancient Giants: Origin of Freemasonry"! Pastor shows example after example where the legends of Freemasonry abound with the names of gods and goddesses which were created by the Giants. This DVD is a scathing indictment of Masonry and will enable you to understand how true the Masonic Title is 'Ancient and Accepted' Freemasonry.

Still only $14.99 each, even though these DVD's each run about one hour, 30 minutes long.

Watch Trailer

Nephilim / Giants Intervening In World History NOW / Again!

Nephilim / Giants Manipulating DNA Research!

"Jesus Christ, DNA and the Holy Bible " - $14.99
"Mother of All Secrets: Most Deadly Secret Concealed by Mankind Now Revealed In the Holy Bible" - $14.99
"Triple Helix: Genetically Changing Mankind Into Beasts" - $14.99

Science is catching up with the Bible! In this video, Pastor Michael Hoggard shows the amazing correlations between the Holy Bible and DNA, and how the Gospel message is literally encoded in our genetic structure


Men who worship the occult regularly consult with familiar spirits so they can take counsel against God. Therefore, the conspiracy by which they seek to overthrow God is demonic to its core.


Modern genetic scientists have created a Triple Helix DNA strand, a change which transforms the man God created into a Beast!



"Israel and the Church: The Prodigal Heirs"

Has The Church Replaced Israel?

DVD by Dr. Chuck Missler

One of the most burning issues of our current age is whether the return of Israel back to her land in 1948 was fulfillment of God's ancient prophecies or was just an accident of history. What you believe has great ramification for your view of the world and God's role -- or lack of role - for present-day Israel.

Dr. Missler asks several burning questions: 1)Has God abandoned Israel? 2) Has the Church 'replaced' Israel? 3)What does the Bible say?

As we watch the world events, it is clear that Israel is following her prophetic scenario, and a new chapter is about to be writtenand there may be a big surprise on our near horizon!

Great tool to reach people who believe the Church has replaced Israel

Contains 2 hours of teaching -

New Headline News Articles: Election 2012

DVD"Presidential Election 2012"

"Challenge To ALL Evangelical Christians Who Are About To Vote For Mitt Romney As "The Lesser of Two Evils"

After discovering Romney's unchristian public record, can you really justify to Jesus that you voted for him? Why suffer loss of reward by casting a vote for either one of these candidates?

"If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds."; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

"Are we REALLY faced only with the choice of "Lesser of Two Evils"?

How would Jesus have voted? Which Party Would He Have Considered The "Lesser of Two Evils"? Pharisee or Sadducee; Democrat or Republican; Obama or Romney; Baphomet or Baal?

We have attempted to prove to you that the Democrat Party and the Republican Party are equally evil, as they pursue an equally evil plan to bring the world into the Kingdom of Antichrist, also known as the "New World Order".

Thus it follows that the men in top leadership of each party are equally evil.

Evangelical Christians have no idea whatsoever of the intrinsically evil nature of the Republican Party. They have thoroughly convinced by Evangelical "wolves in sheep's clothing" that a goodly number of top Republican leaders are Christian. Such Evangelicals have been as completely deceived as the Apostle Paul warned:

"For such men are false apostles, spurious, counterfeits, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles, special messengers of Christ (the Messiah). And it is no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light; So it is not surprising if his servants also masquerade as ministers of righteousness..." (2 Corinthians 11:131-5; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

These articles are a clarion call for Evangelical Christians to wake up to spiritual reality and to do the right thing when they enter the voting booth!


"A Mormon President: Mormon Leadership Has Always Coveted The White House"

If Americans today realized the depth of the power seeking desire that was in the heart of the Founder, Joseph Smith, and then realize that LDS leaders possess this same obsession today, they would be scared to death of a Mormon President. Mormon leaders have always wanted to win the Presidency of the United States. When assassinated in 1844, Joseph Smith was planning to run for President.
Through dramatic reenactments and interviews with top historical experts, A Mormon President looks for answers to timely questions which have great significance today since, especially since a Mormon - Mitt Romney -- is going to be the Republican nominee for President in 2012.

Do the Mormons have an agenda for the White House? As Bill Schnoebelen reveals in "Mormonisms Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert", Mormons have always had an agenda, as can be proven by that secret pod room on the top of the Mormon Temple in Washington, D.C. You can't understand the difficulties facing Romney in winning the election until you understand Joseph Smith, the original founder of Mormonism

Is America ready for a Mormon President? American liberties could be in real danger should a Mormon become President.

The DVD also contains a bonus section about Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman, and other modern-day Mormon candidates.This election could decide the fate of America. Our national soul is going to be tested as never before.


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