News Alert & Bookstore Bulletin

Monday, October 4, 2010

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"America's Founding Fathers Combination Offer"

"New Atlantis, Riddles In Stone, Hidden Faith" - Buy Two, Get One FREE

Regularly $89.97 if you order them separately, Now only $59.97, You Save $30

This 'Founding Fathers' special offer will prove to be the ultimate 'Truth Weapon' in the struggle to tell people the truth about our Founding Fathers and their true plan. Once you see 'New Atlantis', 'Riddles In Stone' and 'Hidden Faith' you will know the true agenda that our Founding Fathers were pursuing when they founded the American Government.

Remember we report in this entire series that the Culture of America was founded on Christian principles thanks to the Great Revival of 1741-1800. But our government was established on the pagan agenda of Freemasonry!

'New Atlantis' reveals that Sir Francis Bacon and Queen Elizabeth I started planning for America to arise out of the North American Colonies and our Founding Fathers faithfully carried that plan out

'Riddles In Stone' examines the pagan gods and goddesses which populate Government Center in Washington, D.C., and shows that these pagan monuments, paintings and street layouts tell the same story: America was founded in order to produce the Masonic 'King of Despots', whose name is 'Destiny' on the world scene.

'Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers' reveals that the key Fathers were most definitely NOT genuine Christians, according to their own words. In fact, you will find it hard to believe what President Washington did on his death bed! This DVD also proves that David Barton is fostering a huge untruth when he boldly quotes Founding Fathers out of context in his effort to convince people that these men were genuine Christians who loved Jesus Christ and His Christian Church

Each DVD is 3 hours long, so the combination offer offers 9 hours of teaching. Each DVD retails for $29.99 so this offer saves you $30, which makes this offer a 'Buy 2, Get 1 FREE'.

NOTE: If you have already purchased 'Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers' and want to buy 'New Atlantis' and "Riddles In Stone', at the special unit price of $19.97 each, please call our Customer Service Toll Free at 800-451-8211.

We will be shipping "Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers" on October 5.

Key News Events


I. "Big Brother" surveillance is reaching new heights in our society right now!

"Layer upon layer", the walls of Absolute Dictatorship are being silently erected!

NEWS BRIEF: "Medical Marijuana, gateway to Big Brother? ", Activist Post, October 3, 2010

"Marijuana has traditionally been referred to as the 'gateway drug', reputed to introduce one to harder more dangerous substances. If Colorado lawmakers have their way, a new system of policing to oversee Medical Marijuana sales frequency, quantity, buyer activity, and final point of use, will be introduced soon. Pot may once again become known as the gateway drug, however this time it will be to introduce Big Brother style tracking technology to the general market place."

"The Colorado State legislature is looking at passing laws to keep track of medical marijuana purchases from seed to point of usage ... State officials say that these laws and the surveillance system they will create, are necessary as protections against medical marijuana system abuses by unlawful drug dealers."

"Patients and marijuana advocates see this as an unwarranted intrusion, an invasion of individual medical practices by the state using Orwellian methods. Drivers license swipes and video cameras, to track buyers. State officials are considering fingerprinting patients to eventually implement thumb scanning technology. Also, product tracking by use of passive micro Radio Frequency Identification devices (RFID), in or on all marijuana products will track every gram sold."

Certainly, advocates of legalized marijuana, starting with medical usage, never saw this coming! As we approach the New World Order, remember that government at every level is not going to allow one single potential avenue of surveillance on her own citizens to pass unused.

In fact, government lawmakers at every level -- local, state and Federal -- probably lie awake at night thinking up ways in which they can spy on individual citizens. After all, the type of Absolute Dictatorship toward which we are heading is the most efficiently repressive in all of human history.

NEWS BRIEF: "Meet the Big Brother Screening Your Social Media for Employers ", by Austin Carr, Fast Company, September 29, 2010

"... your online history is your résumé."

With so many people "letting down their hair" online via Facebook, and other online social media, believing that no one of consequence is ever going to look there, this revelation is going to come as a real shock! That employer you are hoping will hire you is getting detailed information about you from Facebook? You bet. Listen:

"Turn off your Twitter feed. Hide your Flickr photos. Remove your YouTube videos. And change your Facebook privacy settings ... applicants need every leg up they can get. What's one overlooked way of improving your chances of getting hired, after rewriting your cover letter or buying a new suit? Stop using social media."

"Today, employers are no longer just searching Google for information on applicants--they're commissioning companies to do professional social media background checks. Posted some foul-mouthed tweets? Got pictures of yourself downing a beer bong in college? They may hurt your chances. Some 8% of companies have already fired social media miscreants."

If private companies are searching online Social Media for evidence on individuals, you can bet that governments will not be far behind. In fact, government is already using this type of activity to garner evidence on people whom they consider to be a "dissident".

NEWS BRIEF: "Background Checks Required to Visit Your Kids at School ", by Matt Ryan, InfoWars, October 1, 2010

"Over 3,700 schools in Texas and 7,000 nationwide have implemented a system requiring parents visiting their children to undergo a background check upon arrival to the school ... While the mission of protecting children from sex offenders has a broad appeal, domestic dispute charges include a broad range of situations including issues as minor as loud arguments among siblings."

While protecting children from sex offenders is a laudable goal, protecting them from "domestic abuse" and even "loud arguments among siblings" sounds so vague that an aggressive government can drive right through to the inner workings of any home they desired.

"A domestic dispute is generally any quarrel, which may or may not include violence, within a family or between members of the same household."

Do you really want a government agency like a Public School to be able to intrude upon your family simply and only because they learned you had a "quarrel". Adopting this standard as the basis upon which school officials can initiate an investigation means that no home is safe from unwarranted intrusion by an official -- local, state or ultimately, Federal.

"According to Raptor, their background check includes arrest records, which doesn’t indicate conviction or acquittal indicating that the notion of being innocent until proven guilty does not apply here ... Recently, parents have begun taking legal action to defend their constitutional right to privacy, however, a federal appeals court has ruled that screening for sex offenders does not violate constitutional rights. The court failed to address the fact that Raptor screens for a much larger set of circumstances than sex offenses."

People must realize that the court system is not their ally in this fight against government intrusion. In fact, since President Roosevelt began "packing the court" in the 1930's with justices loyal to his plan, the court system has gradually become the loyal servant of the Global Elite.

The only real answer to this new government disaster is to homeschool your children, thus taking them completely out of the clutches of a most aggressive government-controlled Public School system. Parents no longer have any rights, it seems, with this new ploy to gain access to the inner workings of your home.

But, why should we be surprised? Do you know who was the first public author to openly declare that the government establish a Public School System? That person was Karl Marx, the author of the "Communist Manifesto". He say the Public School System as the perfect means by which the government could seize control of the upbringing of the child from the parent.

This development is exactly what we are seeing today. All along, the Public School System has been a Trojan Horse.

This featured news article concludes with two very important points, so let us return:

"Disappointingly, teachers and faculty are being hired around the nation with often violent criminal records. Almost every week now, a story comes out about sex crimes being committed against students. While parents are being forced to reveal their entire history in order to see their own child, teachers are passed through the system."

"Public schools have become more and more like prisons over the years as students are issued ids allowing them to be tracked as they move from class to class, subject to aggressive and violent “training operations“, and otherwise treated more like prisoners and less like citizens. For years public schools have increased in militarism, allowing themselves to give up state’s rights for national control."

These are two additional reasons to pull your children from Public Schools. If you are a Christian, a Patriot, or a Gun Owner, your children may become targets for school officials, for they are a conduit directly back to you!


II. The U.S. Army is now said to be "embedding" soldiers trained in Psychological Warfare into local TV stations!

Cutting Edge has long warned its subscribers that the "news" coming out from Mainline Mass Media outlets cannot be trusted to provide real news. But, now, the Army is slipping agents into the local television stations?

How long will these PSYOPS soldiers be at the station before they turn from "learning" to "influencing" the news?

NEWS BRIEF: "Army embeds active-duty PSYOPS soldiers at local TV stations", by John Cook, Yahoo News, October 1, 2010

"The U.S. Army has used local television stations in the U.S. as training posts for some of its psychological-operations personnel ... Since at least 2001, both WRAL, a CBS affiliate in Raleigh, N.C., and WTOC, a CBS affiliate in Savannah, Ga., have regularly hosted active-duty soldiers from the Army's 4th Psychological Operations group as part of the Army's Training With Industry program. Training With Industry is designed to offer career soldiers a chance to pick up skills through internships and fellowships with private businesses. The PSYOPS soldiers used WRAL and WTOC to learn broadcasting and communications expertise that they could apply in their mission, as the Army describes it, of "influenc[ing] the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign audiences."

By the way, "influencing audiences" is exactly what Mass Media tries to do on a daily basis. But, if more and more local TV stations accept Army PSYOP soldiers into their ranks, the news will become more and more slanted and even fake.

When the Absolute Dictatorship unfolds, the Army is going to want to have its PSYOPS soldiers already in place. Are we witnessing the beginning stages of this program? Notice that this program started after the attacks of 9/11 and under the leadership of the Bush Administration.


III. The torrent of sex abuse news by Roman Catholic priests continues to flood our news.

NEWS BRIEF: "Friars' files in sex case going public", The Orange County Register, October 1, 2010

"Confidential files on six Franciscan friars accused of sexual abuse can be made public, an appeal court has ruled in a legal battle that goes back four years .... Release of the therapy reports was ordered as part of a $28.5-million settlement reached in 2006 after plaintiffs in 25 separate lawsuits sued the Franciscan Friars of California for sexual abuse."

"We hold that compelling social interests in protecting children from molestation outweigh the individual friars' privacy rights', wrote Justice Elizabeth Grimes in the published opinion. Justices Laurence Rubin and Madeleine Flier concurred. 'Indeed', Grimes wrote, 'all citizens have a compelling interest in knowing if a prominent and powerful institution has cloaked in secrecy decades of sexual abuse revealed in the psychiatric records of (priests) who continued to have intimate contact with vulnerable children while receiving treatment for their tendencies toward child molestation'."

It is refreshing to hear a court Justice deliver a reasonable and right decision, protecting the lives of young, innocent children. Note that the Justices took note of the fact that the Catholic Church is a "prominent and powerful institution" and that it has historically been using that powerful influence to protect the priests and to perpetuate the damage done to innocent victims.

NEWS BRIEF: "Church eyes $100m sale as sex abuse payouts rise", Newcastle Herald News, 1 October 2010

"The Catholic diocese of Maitland-Newcastle is selling its aged-care assets, potentially valued at $100million or more, and withdrawing from aged-care delivery as its ‘substantial’ total compensation bill for child sex abuse victims continues to climb ... The decision to largely withdraw from aged care was first considered several years ago, in part because of an expected expansion of aged-care services in the future, but also because of the increasing burden of the Catholic church’s child sex abuse crisis on the diocese."

All across the world, Catholic assets are being sold in order to pay for the incredibly heavy financial burden which lawsuits from sex victims have laid upon the Vatican. While a payout of cash does not heal the broken heart of a sex abuse victim, at least this tactic has forced the Catholic Church to acknowledge its crimes.

NEWS BRIEF: "Pope should resign, says chairman of Belgian bishops' investigating commission", Catholic Culture, October 1, 2010

"The psychologist who headed an independent commission investigating sex-abuse charges for the Belgian bishops has said that Pope Benedict XVI should resign to 'set an example' of accountability in the Church ... Noting that the sex-abuse crisis has been a worldwide problem, Adriaenssens reasoned that the Pope should accept ultimate responsibility for the problem."

Because this sex scandal among Catholic priests has always been a worldwide problem, going back over 1,000 years, the Pope is the logical target of activists seeking reform. Indeed, I believe that Pope Benedict XVI just might resign in order to "take one for the team". Should he resign, and a new, young man be brought to St. Peter's Chair, centuries of anger over priestly abuse could be swept away in an outpouring of relief and happiness.

A resignation might be the only path of saving the Roman Church.

Bringing on a new man, with a fresh young face and a background unsullied by this sex scandal might energize a very discouraged and lethargic Church. It might also bring in the final Pope according to the Catholic legend, the man who will be the "Anti-Pope", the man whom the Bible will call the "False Prophet". (Read full details in NEWS2021, entitled, " WILL ANCIENT CATHOLIC PREDICTIONS ON THE NUMBER OF POPES NOW COME TRUE?")

If you have loved ones, friends, and co-workers who are Catholics, this DVD shown above, "Catholicism: Two Horns Like A Lamb", will provide answers to them as to why the priests have been so terribly deviant for the past 1,000 years. Millions of Catholics are leaving the Catholic Church and millions more are comtemplating leaving; all of them have some degree of anger and resentment in their hearts over the
Church as to why this could happen in their beloved Church.

This DVD lovingly provides the ONE single theological answer! We have provided a Plan of Salvation at the end of this video, written specifically for the Catholic.

"Catholicism: Two Horns Like A Lamb"

DVD by Bill Schnoebelen, Part 1 of Scarlet Beast Series

NOTICE: This DVD is virtually identical to 'Church On Haunted Hill'. People commented that they would like to share this DVD with their Catholic friends and loved ones but felt the very title and the front cover image was too harsh. Therefore, we created this new cover, new title and slightly modified a couple of things in the video, none of which changed the message one iota

Why, oh why, has the Catholic priesthood been sexually molesting little boys, young women and married women for the past 1,000 years? The answer is simple: Roman Catholicism is NOT genuine Christianity, but a mixture of numerous pagan doctrines and practices, all of which lead to sexual deviancy.
Former Catholic Seminarian, Bill Schnoebelen, proves that, given the true inner heart nature of Catholicism, sexual deviancy and molestation is what we should expect from many priests!

Bill also shockingly reveals that Catholic priests teach that Jesus was able to perform miracles only because He had gone into the Occult and was using the power of Occult spirits! Jesus condemns this belief in the strongest of terms (Matt 12:22-31). Therefore, priests who believe this heresy are no longer subject to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and can fall into unusually hateful and hurtful sins.

Bill also reveals that in the Catholic seminary he attended he discovered that about 75% of the men studying for the priesthood were gay, many of them very openly gay.

Bill then reveals that Satan maneuvered the Catholic Church - beginning with Constantine - in an effort to corrupt genuine Christianity and take it down from within. By appearing to be Christian, but mixing in doctrines and practices of Satanism, billions of souls have been plunged deeply into Hell

Even Pope Benedict XVI is thoroughly caught up in this scandal.

Two Hot New DVD's

"The Untold History of the Bible"

New DVD From Chris Pinto

Enter into the world of saints and martyrs wrestling against the powers and principalities of the Dark Age. The Bible was outlawed by the Roman Church and those who dared to handle it faced imprisonment, torture and death. Learn the stories of the valiant men of faith who laid down their lives so that future generations could hear and believe the Word of God.

This new DVD is broken into the following chapters: 1) The Gospel; 2) The Inquisition - the Great Inquisition began – not over Muslims, Jews or witches – but rather, because of Bible believing Christians; 3) Wycliff - Learn how he developed the first English Bible and was hated and accursed by Rome for it; 4) Reformation: from the influence of John Wycliffe to the Ninety-five Thesis of Martin Luther, along with the prophetic views of the Reformers themselves; this film documents the true (and often unknown) causes of the Protestant Reformation; 5) Tyndale: perhaps the single most important man in the history of English bibles. 6) English Bibles: the history of how our English bibles were developed; 7) The Jesuits: in 1540 the Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius Loyola for the purpose of overthrowing the Protestant Reformation.

Based on the award winning documentary, “A Lamp in the Dark,” this newly edited version is about half the length of the three hour original. It has been designed as a concise witnessing tool, while preserving the vital insights and dramatic integrity of the original.


"Beyond Coincidence: Our Universe Created Specifically For Man's Existence"

by Dr. Chuck Missler

Is our universe some kind of cosmic accident, or is it the result of careful and skillful design? What do scientists mean by "The Anthropic Principle"?

When compiling the many physical and mathematical subtleties which make up our universe, scientist have discovered that a slight variation in any of them works greatly against the existence of life. Even at the atomic and sub-atomic level, the slightest variation in any of the primary constants of physics - some as sensitive as one part in over 1,000,000 - cause life to be impossible. Even secular science refers to these appearances of apparent design as the "anthropic principle," since they yield the impression that the UNIVERSE WAS DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR MAN!

This DVD includes notes in PDF format and MP3 files.


Glenn Beck

Mormonism Poses An Incredible Threat To Our Freedoms!


"Except The Lord Build The House" DVD

How Mormon Temples Are Built To Be "Demon Magnets"

DVD by Former Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen

The Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, was built to honor Satan, inside and outside. For the person who knows Satanic symbolism, the very outside of the Temple proves that Mormonism serves Lord Satan. No Christian symbols decorate the walls of the Mormon Temples.

Schnoebelen sets out to expose the Satanic roots of Mormonism, made especially urgent because Mormonism pretends to be Christian and because Mormon Glenn Beck is attracting large numbers of Evangelical Christians to his patriotic banner!

The Mormon Temple is the spiritual focal point for devout Latter-Day saints, but the vast majority of them have no idea that each temple is specifically designed to be a "Magnet For Demons". In fact, while most people have never heard of this term, Satanists consider it most important when creating architecture. This video is most important if you are to truly understand Mormonism and the deep, dark Satanism which underpins the entire church. Only a former Satanist could ever tell this story!

Bill Schnoebelen only uses the King James Bible

"Glenn Beck: Kingdom Theology, Temple of Antichrist"

Still Only $14.99

For those of you who have doubts about Glenn Beck, this video is a 'must see'. Pastor Hoggard reveals the hidden and subtle agenda behind the 'Divine Destiny Rally' in Washington D.C., including the date of the rally, the location of the rally, and the purpose behind the rally. Since the heresy of "Dominionism" lies at the heart of Mormonism, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are natural allies in the quest for the White House in 2012!

Pastor Hoggard also unveils the amazing truth about the occult symbolism of the Lincoln Memorial, dedicated on May 1, 1922 (Satanic Holiday called Beltaine).

The Lincoln Memorial was a model of the Temple of Zeus! Its 10 hidden pillars, coupled with the 36 outside pillars, equals the Masonic number, 46, the number of double helix!

Finally, Pastor shows the encoding of the number of the Beast in the design of the Lincoln Memorial!

Other Bookstore Resources







"Truth Behind Joel's Army: Sarah Palin and the Fallen Angels of Rev 9"

Still Only $14.99

What on earth does Joel's Army, Sarah Palin and the Fallen Angels foretold in Revelation 9 got to do with each other?

Pastor Hoggard reveals the startling truth behind a movement that is making huge inroads into the Charismatic/Neo-Pentecostal movement in America and around the world. This movement, called "Joel's Army" is being promoted by many, including Rick Joyner, who, as Pastor Hoggard proves, is a member of the Catholic Knights of Malta organization, the same organization that "knighted" Rupert Murdoch. Joyner, Sarah Palin and others are teaching untold thousands about a 'new breed' that is going to take over the kingdom and give it to Jesus. This heresy is called 'Dominionism' and is the fatal foundation on which President Bush based his Iraqi and Afghan invasions -- with the full support of thousands of Christian pastors!

Pastor Hoggard also reveals that the army mentioned in the book of Joel, is a perfect match for the fallen angels that are released in Revelation 9!


"Secrets of the Illuminati" Combo Offer Video's #5 and #6

"Protocols of Zion" and "The Illuminati is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy"

Now save $20 over buying these two new DVD's at regular price!

Price: $79.98
Sale Price: 59.98

In 'Protocols of Zion', Doc Marquis demonstrates two important facts: 1) The Protocols are NOT fraudulent, but represent the true master blueprint for achieving the global New World Order; 2) The world today stands at the verge of the most destructive world war in history - World War III - only because world leaders have been carefully following the Protocols plan for over 200 years!

In "Illuminati Is Fulfilling Prophecy', Doc demonstrates that God has forced the arrogant and mighty Illuminati to formulate a plan which does fulfill Bible prophecy exactly! At the end we demonstrate how Satanic predictions about the victory of Lucifer over Jesus will turn into the greatest and quickest slaughter in all of human history, on the plains of Armageddon!

Click to see Trailer of Protocols of Zion

Click to see Trailer of Illuminati is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy

Save Even More Money By Buying All Six DVD's!

"Combo Offer DVD: Secrets of the Illuminati, All Six Titles by Doc Marquis"

If bought separately, $229.94

On Sale Now Only $149.94

You save $80.00 --


Exciting New Books

How would Jesus want us to vote on the matter of capital punishment? Opponents want us to believe He would have us oppose the death penalty under any circumstances, aiming their arguments at our emotions rather than our minds.

The Bible teaches us that there is a place for capital punishment. Rather than the Death Penalty denying man's dignity, it upholds it.

Dr. Gleason systematically examines the historical background, the objections, and the Scriptures to present a compelling argument that societies need to uphold the Biblical standard

132 pages --


"Died he For Me: Physicians View of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ"

Once you realize the incredible suffering Jesus endured to pay our sin debt so we can enter Heaven, your heart will break altogether! You will appreciate Jesus' sacrifice as you never have before.

Every lukewarm and backsliding Christian needs to read this book!

Dr. Mark Marinella has long marveled at the spiritual ramifications of Jesus' death, as well as the physical and physiological aspects. He presents this material in a most compelling manner, giving a succinct overview of Jesus' death from a physical and a medical perspective that both medical and lay people can understand.

Particularly intriguing are the specific details of Jesus' death which were prophesied in the Old Testament hundreds of years before Jesus actually was nailed to the cross! Your faith in prophesy will be dramatically increased, plus your appreciation of the pain and suffering Jesus endured so that our sin debt will be paid will simply skyrocket. You will never, ever take Jesus' sacrifice for your sins for granted again.

118 pages, softcover book



"Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined"

Introductory Pricing - Regularly $19.99, Now Only $16.99

For the first time ever, the secret agenda of the planet's ruthless Super-class is exposed in stark detail. This documentary film chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.

Learn how this global oligarchy controls the populace through drug trafficking, money laundering, staged terror attacks, media propaganda and debt. The criminal controllers have successfully dominated the globe and are now in the final phase of consolidating power. Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents. Worldwide tyranny isn't coming , it's here.

This isn't conspiracy theory, it's conspiracy fact. The New World Order is out in the open, all documented in stunning living color. Unelected bureaucrats are establishing regional unions under one superstate. Witness their plan for a global tax and a cashless surveillance society in which every man, woman and child is micro-chipped at birth.

Invisible Empire will be more than just a film , it is the culmination of years of research by Jason Bermas into the inner-workings and most revealing public statements by the New World Order and the most trusted stewards of their dark vision. Invisible Empire promises to unveil the long-term agenda for world control, just as Fabled Enemies and Loose Change Final Cut forever stripped away the facade of the official story of 9/11 and exposed the dark truth that lies behind.

Most Unique New Study Bible!

"KJV Archaeological Study Bible"

" Illustrated Walk Through Biblical History and Culture "

Black Bonded Leather - Regularly $69.99, On Sale $54.97

Hardcover - Regularly $49.99, On Sale $39.97

Download a Sample Chapter

A unique study Bible filled with informative articles and full-color photographs which will take you on an illustrated walk through Biblical history. You will see how God is using modern Archaeology to prove that God is real and that His Word is absolutely without error!

Features of this unique Bible: 1) In-text color maps to assist you in placing the action as told in the Scripture; 2) Bottom-of-page study notes exploring passages which speak of archaeological and cultural facts; 3) 520 articles covering five main categories: a) Archaeological sites; b) Cultural and Historical Notes; c) Ancient Peoples and Lands; Reliability of the Bible; Ancient Texts and Artifacts.

500 full-color photographs interspersed throughout.

Detailed introduction to books of the Bible providing basic, at-a-glance information.

Detailed Charts.

Hardcover, 2,336 pages - Note that the only sample which Zondervan provided is the NIV version but we only sell the King James Version. The sample does allow you to see the studies that are in this Bible.

New Hoggard DVD!

"Revelation 666"

King James Bible Code Series, Volume 5

Regularly $29.99, Now Only $14.99

Pastor Hoggard continues his signature series THE KING JAMES CODE with this latest DVD. You will discover that the Number 6 carries unique meaning for both God's Plan and Satan's counter-plan.

Gods Plan - You will see Gods numerical signature in the King James Bible and gain a deeper understanding of the use of the number 6 as it relates to Bible Prophecy. God assigned the Number 6 as the number of man and 666 as the Number of the Ultimate Man, Antichrist.

Satan's Plan -- In full accord with God's Plan, Satan assigned Number 6 to their 'Perfected Man' and the Number 666 as the Number of the Ultimate Perfected Man, the Masonic Christ. As always with Satanists, a man becomes Perfected through Masonic rituals.

The hexagram is Satan's most powerful, most evil symbol in all the world. Therefore, Hoggard emphasizes the hexagram in his presentation. 1 hour, 40 minutes -

"40 Irrefutable Signs That We Are The Last Generation"

Book by Dr. Noah Hutchings

Jesus Christ said there would be a last generation. Is This Generation It?

Forty is the biblical number of probationary judgment, and in this forty-chapter book, Noah Hutchings presents without controversy forty signs given in eschatology related to the last generation.

All these signs are in evidence right now!!

Jesus, Peter, and Paul all stated that the last generation would be without excuse concerning the signs of the last generation. Peter said, 'Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant. . .' II Peter 3:3-5.

Can we really know if this is the last generation of this age? How many signs would it take to convince you?



Protocols of Zion: The Plot Against Israel

Dynamic Trailer

"The Illuminati Protocols of Zion: The Plot Against Israel"

DVD #5 From Doc Marquis In Secrets of the Illuminati Series - 2 DVD Set

No other document in the past 2,000 years has continually set the world on fire more than the Protocols of Zion. Yet, a majority of people consider this Illuminati blueprint to be fraudulent. Marquis shall prove that, while the Protocols is NOT a Jewish conspiracy, it is an Illuminati conspiracy to take over the world for their Masonic Christ.

The Protocols has already set the world on fire many times: 1) Fomented and directed the Great French Revolution (1789-1799); 2) Created the great Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 that established Communism; 3) In 1870, planned Three (3) World Wars to stage Antichrist on the world scene. World Wars I & II were precisely carried out. World War III is being set up exactly as The Protocols envisioned, and will be the most bloody war ever; 4) Planned the attacks of 9/11; 5) Planned the global terrorism campaign now underway; 6) Planned economic collapse; 7) Planned the most murderous, most severe global dictatorship history has ever seen. 8) Marquis will reveal other bloody plans.

Will demonstrate how parts of The Protocols were later fulfilled in modern history.

This DVD provides the only true understanding of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion ever and is only possible because Doc Marquis is a former Satanist trained in the Illuminati Plan.

You will never look at the news the same way again!

Now Shipping 'Illuminati Is Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy'

DVD #6 In Doc Marquis Secrets of the Illuminati Series - 2 DVD Set

Do you know how Doc Marquis came out of his Satanic coven and the Illuminati? He read the Book of Revelation and realized that he had just read the Plan of the Illuminati! Doc checked to see when the Book of Revelation was written and found it to be late First Century. He already knew that the Illuminati Plan was written in 1773. Therefore, the only reason the Plan so perfectly paralleled Revelation is that the power of the Holy Spirit forced Satan to write his Plan so that it was a mirror image of Revelation.
Doc had always been taught that the Satan whom he served was the most powerful in the universe, but he fell on his knees right then and there, asking Jesus to become his Savior!

Marquis will demonstrate how completely the Illuminati Plan will fulfill Bible prophecy once it is completely worked out. This DVD is intended to prove to the unsaved that Jesus Christ is real and will sit in judgment one day for all mankind; this DVD is also intended to move the backslidden Christian to come back to Jesus in repentance because world events are rapidly moving toward the appearance of Antichrist and the completion of all events. Time is short!

We will present a Plan of Salvation at the very end of this video -- Five hours long; Shipping begins in late-August

"Catholicism: The Church On Haunted Hill"

Newest DVD by Bill Schnoebelen

We Have Added The Plan of Salvation At The End, Written Especially To A Catholic

Why, oh why, has the Catholic priesthood been sexually molesting little boys, young women and married women for the past 1,000 years? Former Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen, answers this question once and for all!

Shipping Now

Click Here To Read Full Write-up

Nearly 2 hours - Now Shipping - Today!

Bill Schnoebelen quotes from the King James Version.

We present a Plan of Salvation, at the end, written specifically for Roman Catholics, making this DVD a most effective Soul-Winning DVD!

Concluding Plan of Salvation Trailer

Introductory Trailer


"America's Sacred Deception: The Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers"

Featuring A Public Refutation of David Barton And His Teachings About Freemasonry And Our Founding Fathers!

If you are not familiar with this most unique video, please take a moment to read these few paragraphs and look at the trailer.

The Church & Secret Societies is perhaps the first and only documentary to go where no film has ever gone before: into the hidden faith of America's founding fathers. Many founders were involved in secret societies, and yet it is often claimed these men were Christians who were trying to build a Christian nation. But was their faith the true faith of the Bible? And is it possible, as some claim, that the exact opposite is true?

What did the founders believe about the Person of Jesus Christ? Were they fighting for Christianity, or against it? Moreover, is it possible that the events of the American Revolution have a much darker significance in the pages of Bible prophecy than most church leaders are aware?

Charles Thomson was the Secretary of the Continental Congress, and the man responsible for the final design of the Great Seal of the United States. He was said to be more familiar with the events and people surrounding the American Revolution than any other man of his era. He spent years documenting the history of the War for Independence, knowing many details which had escaped others. Though encouraged to publish his remarkable history, he chose to destroy it. He said: "I shall not undeceive future generations."

What was Thomson hiding? And how has it affected the Church in America today?

Included in this DVD: 1) The faith of Thomas Paine - the man who inspired the American Revolution. 2) The faith of Thomas Jefferson - author of the Declaration of Independence. 3) The faith of John Adams - the second President of the United States. 4) The faith of Benjamin Franklin - the only man to sign all of the founding documents. 5) The faith of George Washington - known as "the Father of our country." 6) Confronting David Barton's "fabled" view of American history, showing from his own writings the error of his teachings. 7) How Secret Societies have worked to change the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 8) Patriotic Christianity; its role in Dominionism and building the New World Order. 9) The prophetic implications of the Church being used to build the kingdom of Antichrist.

In The Same Historical Context As The Three "The Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings" Videos

We are continuing the Introductory Sale price of $19.99. We shall continue this price until we begin to ship product.

Bookstore Items!


The God Makers"

By Hunt/Decker

Mormons claim to follow the same God and the same Jesus as Christians and that their gospel comes from the Bible. But is this the truth? This book is a shocking expose of what the Mormon Church really believes! You will truly understand that Mormonism preaches "another Gospel", a counterfeit Gospel.

"World Government Convergence"

By Joan Veon

All barriers to World Government have now been abolished except for one -- Regulation! To overcome this, the Illuminati plans a huge event which will cause people to DEMAND World Government!

This video aims to give you the BIG PICTURE of the timeframe of the coming World Government, its key leaders, its 'power' brokers and the specific areas of control.

"Maafa 21"

Black Genocide (Eugenics) Program In 21st Century America

Dynamic DVD Everyone Should See.

This DVD reveals that, shortly after slavery ended in the Civil War, the Global Elite created a plan of genocide against the black race!

"Encyclopedia of Bible Facts"

Over 100,000 Biblical Facts

The ultimate one-volume Bible encyclopedia loaded with charts, information and over 100,000 Bible facts.

"Encyclopedia World Religions, Occult & Cults"

Hardback Book

The 'Encyclopedia of World Religions, Cults and the Occult' is designed to be of maximum assistance to those who may know little about the religions and sects that span the globe.

It also serves as a comprehensive resource for those who wish to glean more detail about a particular religion or cult group.







KJV Last Supper Edition Family Bible

Deluxe Edition With Old Masters Art Throughout

This Deluxe Family Bible has a Concordance in the back and Marriage Records, Husbands' Ancestral Chart, Wife's Ancestral Chart, Children and Grandchilden Records , Birthday, Baptisms, and Death Record in the front

This Bible is great either for personal daily study or for a family display Bible.


The God of Transformation - Paradigm Shift Coming When Everything Is Suddenly Changing

Suddenly, our entire Western society seems to be going through a 'Paradigm Shift' in which everything seems to be changing at once!

Pastor Michael Hoggard shows, not only what is being changed, but HOW it is being changed. Using the language of occult symbols, with the Bible revealing their true nature, you will see how the New Age is transforming everything we see into a New World Order.

"Biblical Lovemaking"

A Loving Look At The Song of Solomon

If you have teens under stress about whether to wait until after marriage for sex, this book is a must read!

If you are married, and are having difficulty with sexual relations with your mate, this book is for you

This book shows God demonstrates His extremely high view of lovemaking between a husband and wife in the sacred Bible book,Songs of Solomon

"The Feasts of the Lord In Prophecy"

At last, a DVD which teaches how the seven Jewish Feasts in the Old Testament accurately portray Jesus in both His first and second comings!



25 Messianic Signs in Israel Today

By Noah Hutchings

Dr. Hutchings details the most important 25 Prophetic Signs occurring in Israel right now -- today -- that herald the coming of Antichrist.

The number 6

Revelation 666

The King James Bible Code Vol. 5 on DVD

by Pastor Hoggard

You will discover that the Number 6 carries unique meaning for both God's Plan and Satan's counter-plan.

The hexagram is Satan's most powerful, most evil symbol in all the world. Therefore, Hoggard emphasizes the hexagram in his presentation.

"The Babel Conspiracy"

9/11, 2012 and Beyond by Pastor Hoggard

Book $11.99

DVD $14.99

A dark conspiracy exists that will one day lead to global domination of Lucifer himself.

Discover how events and prophecies given thousands of years ago are being fulfilled in front of our very eyes!

Discerning Truth

Errors In Evolutionary Arguments - Book

By Dr. Jason Lisle

Everyday Christians are faced with an increasing onslaught of criticism from evolutionists for their belief in God and in His glorious creation.

Discerning Truth provides a practical and engaging resource on the use of logic in this critical debate.

Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr.

Each of these fine leaders were murdered by the Global Elite because they threatened the Plan which had been set in place.

You will be completely surprised by the revelations of this most interesting video!


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New Headline News Article


WARNING! The 'Livable Communities Act' (SB1619) Is The Official Implementation of the New Age 'Re-Wilding of America"!

For decades, very few people ever thought the radical New Age concept known as "Re-wilding America" would ever be enacted, as it was simply too radical, too crazy.

But, Senator Dodd (D-CT) is fast-tracking this legislation through the Senate! Concerned, enlightened Americans must act NOW!



Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) Pronounces The Winner of The Iraq War To Be -- IRAN!

Incredibly, Cutting Edge posted an article five years ago in which we declared that Iran would be seen eventually as the winner of the Iraq conflict, because that was the Illuminati Plan! --



"Top Secret America Is Now Here!"

Virtually every single communication in America can be copied and reviewed. The unparalleled surveillance capability which is foretold in the Mark of the Beast prophecy is now enveloping America. The face of the coming Absolute Dictatorship is now visible; the attacks of 9/11 were the keys to making this possible!

We quote extensively from the warnings of NEWS1576, posted in early November, 2001, to demonstrate that our warnings were exceedingly accurate!

"Catholic Priestly Sex Abuse Is Now Oozing Over Every Continent on Earth!"

The sheer magnitude of the priest's sex scandal is shocking beyond belief; but, remember, the statistics we are about to share with you is simply the proverbial "tip of the iceberg"! The true total numbers of deviant priests and victims reach into the many millions of victims.

Even the infamous Kinsey Report may have its roots in the 12 Centuries of sexual deviancy from priests and nuns and their victims!


Warning To All Islamic Leadership: You Will Be Destroyed If You Persist In Plotting The Annihilation of Israel!

God's Omen of Protection is hovering over Israel today just as it did in Ancient Israel. No weapon can destroy God's nation, or God's promises will be proven to be impotent and He a liar -- which is utterly impossible!

Has Iran Outflanked and Outmaneuvered The West In Its New Deal To Swap Nuclear Fuel With Turkey?

Suddenly, the West powers are faced with a nearly complete loss of "moral high ground" on the issue of Iran's enrichment of nuclear fuel needed to produce nuclear warheads. Talk of severely tight sanctions on the Persian Kingdom is almost meaningless.

Iran, Brazil and Turkey have turned the tables on the West; will Israel, the United States, and the E.U. now accept the very proposal they originated several years ago? The Anti-American bloc has scored a significant diplomatic coup.


Global Illuminized Freemasonry Is Secretly Committed To The Preservation of National Israel

Secretly-held Masonic doctrine absolutely guarantees that the Illuminati will not allow national Israel to be destroyed. Even though current news seems to be demonstrating that President Obama is not Israel's friend and may desert her in favor of Islamic nations, the President's controllers will never allow national Israel to be defeated, for such a defeat would destroy Freemasonry.



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David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries

1792 South Lake Drive, Ste. 90 PMB 300, Lexington, SC 29073
