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Thursday, August 9, 2012

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"Countdown To Eternity"

Volume 2 Is Now Available!!

"Worldwide Upheaval / Rise of Unprecedented Falsehood"

Regularly $39.99, Now Only $19.99 - Four (4) Hours of Teaching

Pastor Crone reports the rapid advance of two critical prophecies alerting us to the quick approach of the Last Days:
1) Worldwide Upheaval
2) Rise of Unprecedented Falsehood in all areas of our life, but especially in our churches and pulpits.

When Jesus warned of 'Wars and Rumors of Wars' as a hallmark characteristic of the End of the Age, He certainly hit the nail right on the head! Every single day, we hear news stories of wars and threatened wars, of riots in cities around the world, and of public shootings. Pastor Crone shows many, many news clips of this phenomenon so that you will realize how terribly pervasive this global Upheaval has become.

When Jesus warned in Matthew 24:24 that one prophecy warning of the End would be unprecedented deception, both in politics and in religion, He certainly was correct! People should expect slick and convincing deception, not be surprised when told of it. Yet, tens of millions of people around the world are deceived by their political leaders and their religious pastors, without any kind of critical thinking.

Two-DVD set, 4 hours of teaching, for only $19.99.

Watch Trailer

"Modern Israel / Modern Technology"

2-DVD Set, Volume 1, New by Pastor Billy Crone - 4 Hours Long

Regularly $39.99, Now Only $19.99

The 'Countdown' To Eternity 5-Volume series takes a look at 10 major prophetic signs God has given to lovingly wake us up so we'd repent and be saved before it's too late. These prophetic signs are many, but there are 10 REALLY IMPORTANT ones to which we seriously need to pay attention.

This 2-DVD set addresses two of these issues: the Jewish People and their reborn nation, Israel, plus how high technology today will impact prophetic Israel.

Pastor Billy will study Israel in three aspects:

  • Reborn as Israel
  • Rebuilding of the Temple
  • Relationship to the coming Antichrist.

  • Modern Technology will be covered in two respects:

  • Increase of Travel, Knowledge & Unrest;
  • Two Witnesses, False Prophet & Antichrist as they will arise in Israel

  • Watch Trailer: The trailer we show covers all 10 of these prophetic areas which are unfolding right in front of our eyes.

    Key Events


    I. Mitt Romney joins President Obama in his support of homosexuality!

    Remember: there is not one whit of real difference between the Republican and the Democrat Parties.

    NEWS BRIEF: "Mitt Romney Comes Out in Support of Homosexual Boy Scout Leaders, Members", Christian News, August 6, 2012

    "A spokesperson for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has advised that the former Massachusetts governor disagrees with the Boy Scout’s current policy prohibiting open homosexuals from serving as members and leaders ... Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul told the news outlet in an email that Romney still stands by his beliefs that homosexual men should be able to serve in the organization. She specifically noted that Romney had outlined his views in 1994 during a political debate, and that his stance has not changed."

    What was Romney's exact words in 1994?

    " 'I support the right of the Boy Scouts of America to decide what it wants to do on that issue ... I feel that all people should be able to participate in the Boy Scouts regardless of their sexual orientation'.”

    Thus, "Conservative Republican" Mitt Romney joins "Liberal Democrat" Barack Obama in supporting homosexuality in this country. Romney even used the typical gay wording " regardless of their sexual orientation". Romney has consistently held this sinful position since 1994, and yet, millions of Evangelical Christians consider him to be worthy of their vote. After all, we don't want to re-elected the Liberal Obama, such people say; they have no clue that Romney will take the same position as Obama has taken if he gains the White House.

    How can this be, you ask? Both Romney and Obama answer to the same boss: the Global Illuminati. Both men equally support the New World Order and its coming Masonic Christ (Antichrist). Just as most Bush policies were identical to Clinton's, and just as most Obama policies were identical to Bush's, so most of Romney's policies will prove to be identical to Obama's.

    Therefore, Evangelical Christians must hold fast to their Biblical beliefs and standards and vote for neither man for President. Vote for state and local issues, but not for Obama nor for Romney.


    II. The New York City Police Department has developed an "all-seeing" surveillance system unprecedented in its scope of surveillance and sophistication.

    Big Brother surveillance of innocent citizens -- as well as the guilty -- is reaching Biblical proportions (Rev 13:16-18).

    NEWS BRIEF: "NYPD Unveils Crime- And Terror-Fighting ‘Domain Awareness System’ ", CBS News, August 8, 2012

    "NEW YORK – A dramatic new way to track criminals and potential terrorists was unveiled Wednesday by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly. It melds cameras, computers and data bases capable of nabbing bad guys before they even know they’re under suspicion."

    How will this new system work in "real time"?

    "If a suspicious package is left at a location by a terrorist the NYPD will now be able to instantly tap into video feeds to look back in time to see who left it there, and that’s just one of the many things the NYPD’s new high-tech “Domain Awareness System” can do ... 'We are not your mom and pop police department anymore. We are in the next century. We are leading the pack', Bloomberg said."

    This system was built by cops for cops, so it works much better in the field, in real time.

    "The system uses 3,000 cameras positioned in Lower Manhattan south of Canal Street, river to river, and between 30th and 60th streets, river to river. It links up to license plate readers, 911 calls and other NYPD data records. It will enable investigators to do things like:

    * Identify whether a radiation alarm was set off by actual radiation, a weapon, or a harmless medical isotope

    * Track where a suspect’s car is located, and where it has been in the past few days, weeks or months

    * Instantly see a suspect’s arrest record, and 911 calls related to the crime

    I have no trouble with the police department utilizing available high technology to fight crime. What concerns me is that, once this high technology system is in place and operating, it can easily be turned against government dissidents by a dictatorial government. History records that Adolf Hitler could not have killed 18 million "devalued people" had he not been able to use technological advances that had become available only a few years prior to the start of World War II.

    Likewise, Antichrist will turn to high technology once he ascends to power in order to carry out his program of genocide and global dictatorship.

    More New DVD's

    "Europa Rising: Rebuilding The Empire"

    by Dr. Chuck Missler

    Only $19.99

    Has the prophesied "Revived Roman Empire" risen from the ashes of history? Is the European Union that Revived Empire?

    Who Conquered The Romans?

    Just as Daniel had predicted, the Babylonian Empire was ultimately conquered by the Persians; the Persians were, in turn, conquered by the Greeks; and, the Greeks were conquered by the Romans. But who conquered the Romans?

    The Roman Empire ultimately disintegrated into pieces, and each segment seems to have had its 'day in the sun'. Ensuing struggles for power, and the influx of external tribes into the cohesion that once was Rome, continued over almost two millennia.

    In our series reviewing the rise of the "New Europe," we'll take a brief glimpse at the caldron that has been stewing with tensions and ambitions for many centuries.

    2112 minutes of teaching -

    "DNA by Design"

    New DVD by Stephen C. Meyer, Ph.D.

    Only $19.99

    Dr. Stephen C. Meyer shows how the digital code in DNA points powerfully to a designing intelligence behind the origin of life.
    Unlike previous arguments for intelligent design, DNA By Design presents a radical and comprehensive new case, revealing the evidence not merely of individual features of biological complexity but rather of a fundamental constituent of the universe: information.

    Dr. Meyer is the first to bring the relevant data together into a powerful demonstration of the intelligence that stands outside nature - - God -- and directs the path life has taken.

    The astonishing complexities of DNA have raised questions which the ruling scientific orthodoxy can not begin to answer. As one of the scientist arguing for intelligent design as the crucial missing link in our understanding of how life came to be, Steve Meyer guides us lucidly through that labyrinth of questions opened by discoveries in molecular biology on the frontier of scientific knowledge.

    Exciting scientific confirmation that Almighty God created DNA as the basic building block of all animal life on Earth! Your faith will be greatly increased.

    2 hours long --

    Now Back In-Stock!

    "Wide Is The Gate" DVD

    "The Emerging New Christianity, A Paradigm Shift"

    A look into the invasion of the old New Age Movement in today's Post Modern Church. Today's new brand of Christianity has a different gospel and is targeting thousands of the younger generation with a so-called hip, cool, experiential spirituality, much of which is embracing the mysticism of Roman Catholicism with its ecumenical philosophy of uniting people from all faiths to work together and bring about a new world of peace and harmony. This notion dovetails with the heart of New Age thinking and the utopian ideals of many world religions who all await their religious leaders and dreams of world domination.
    The dangerous result of this new spirituality in the church is bringing about the rise of today's "Christianized" occultism. It's stretching its tentacles around the souls of unsuspecting youth, setting them up for the lie that subjective emotions of "power" and "experience" are "feelings" to be held higher than an objective walk in the Christian Faith, based in Truth found in the Pure Word of God. The Holy Bible is presented as unattainable truth: "stuffy", "dry" and "churchy"

    Through modern marketing techniques and business management skills a global agenda of faith, commerce and government is being orchestrated for churches to partner with other faiths for world peace and unity. This man made utopia will usher in the reign of Antichrist and his kingdom, preceding the coming of the True Jesus Christ and the True Kingdom of God on earth.

    3 hours 20 minutes of exciting revelation about the true direction of the Christian Church today, the church whom Jesus will spew out of His mouth!

    Watch Dynamic Trailer


    "Death of Discernment"

    New DVD by Ron Matsen

    Only $19.95

    Why can't pastors view End Times events in the light of Bible prophecy? Why are pastors just repeating standard Christian / Republican Wisdom, which is off the mark by a mile?

    Of all the end-time themes discussed in the Bible "deception and apostasy in the church" is listed more times than any other end-time "sign of the times".In fact, deception of Christian leaders has reached an all- time high, so very high that pastors and Deacons and Elders no longer possess any kind of meaningful Biblical discernment.

    Why are many pastors more interested in building a new church than in warning their flock that the End of the Age is here and its Antichrist is very, very close?

    Christian Church leaders are literally "the blind leading the blind", so everyone in that church is going to fall into the proverbial ditch (Hell).

    This DVD is a call to return to normal Biblical discernment!

    The End Times demands Biblical discernment on the part of every Christian.

    Watchers/Giants/Nephilim Walk Amongst Us Again

    Key DVD's by L.A. Marzulli

    "Watchers 4: On The Edge"

    L.A. Marzulli, author of the popular 'Watchers' series, continues his expose' with some of the most unusual supernatural evidences yet.

    What is the meaning of the numbers '13-13-13' and 12, 111? What significance can be found in the Torah Codes? Could the Torah Codes pose as a modern Ephod, used by the high priest at the time of Moses?

    Is there a cover-up spanning generations to hide the truth about the Nephilim? Is there any evidence that the Giants actually lived in the world, even in North America? Could Ancient cities built on the 30th Parallel have commonalities we are only now discovering?

    What is really going on today in Israel? How is Israel handling the massive disruptions caused by the 'Arab Spring'?

    Dr. Rogers Leir reveals some of the weirdest and strangest experiences he has seen in his 30- year effort to investigate alien implants and out-of-this-world technologies. One Hour, 21 minutes long -

    Other Titles In This "Watchers" Series - All Titles Only $19.99

    The Prophesied Days of Noah Are Upon Us!

    "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." (Luke 17:26)

    "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

    Giants walk amongst us again, and Marzulli proves it!


    New DVD's by Ron Skiba

    "Archon Invasion: The Return of the Nephilim"

    Deeper Insights For the Knowledgeable Reader

    Part 1 DVD by Ron Skiba

    Who, or what, is an Archon? Who were the nephilim? How did they return both before and after the Flood?
    Why should we be concerned about the act of mixing animal and human DNA? Why did Jesus say that the Last Days would be like the days of Noah? What differentiates the days of Noah vs the days of Jared?

    Ron Skiba tells us in this exciting, 2 hour DVD

    "Archon Invasion: Now And In The Future"

    Part 2 DVD by Ron Skiba

    What did Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons deliberately carry out that may have opened up a portal to supernatural dimensions? What does an ancient prophecy concerning the release of the Watchers have to do with the beginning of the 20th Century?

    Why should we be concerned about the act of mixing human and animal DNA? How has the Devil been preparing mankind for the End Days and for the appearance of his Man of Sin?

    Ron Skiba will take you through an action-packed video presentation that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat.

    66% to 75% Discounts Off 80 DVD Titles

    Variety is good; price is EXCELLENT!


    Sample of DVD Titles Reduced To $9.99






    View all 29 57 DVD titles which are now reduced to $9.99!

    DVD Value- Priced Category $9.99


    Regular Retails Up To $40, Dual Disc Sets




    Nephilim / Giants Threaten Us - Again

    Nephilim / Giants In History Past

    "Ancient Giants: Origin of All Pagan Mystery Religions" -- Including Freemasonry

    Pastor Hoggard has created a masterpiece with this three-part series!

    In Volumes 1 and 2, entitled, "Ancient Giants: Origin of Pagan Religions", Pastor reveals that, not only did Giants exist in the Ancient World, but their religious teachings to mortal men created the various Pagan Mysteries Religions of Babylon, the Egyptian Mysteries, the Chaldean Mysteries and a whole host of lesser pagan religions.

    Pastor Hoggard comes full circle in his expose' of the Ancient Giants creating all the Ancient Pagan Religions, by demonstrating that the Giants created Freemasonry, in Volume 3, "Ancient Giants: Origin of Freemasonry"! Pastor shows example after example where the legends of Freemasonry abound with the names of gods and goddesses which were created by the Giants. This DVD is a scathing indictment of Masonry and will enable you to understand how true the Masonic Title is 'Ancient and Accepted' Freemasonry.

    Still only $14.99 each, even though these DVD's each run about one hour, 30 minutes long.

    Watch Trailer

    Nephilim / Giants Intervening In World History NOW / Again!

    Nephilim / Giants Manipulating DNA Research!

    "Jesus Christ, DNA and the Holy Bible " - $14.99
    "Mother of All Secrets: Most Deadly Secret Concealed by Mankind Now Revealed In the Holy Bible" - $14.99
    "Triple Helix: Genetically Changing Mankind Into Beasts" - $14.99

    Science is catching up with the Bible! In this video, Pastor Michael Hoggard shows the amazing correlations between the Holy Bible and DNA, and how the Gospel message is literally encoded in our genetic structure


    Men who worship the occult regularly consult with familiar spirits so they can take counsel against God. Therefore, the conspiracy by which they seek to overthrow God is demonic to its core.


    Modern genetic scientists have created a Triple Helix DNA strand, a change which transforms the man God created into a Beast!



    "Israel and the Church: The Prodigal Heirs"

    Has The Church Replaced Israel?

    DVD by Dr. Chuck Missler

    One of the most burning issues of our current age is whether the return of Israel back to her land in 1948 was fulfillment of God's ancient prophecies or was just an accident of history. What you believe has great ramification for your view of the world and God's role -- or lack of role - for present-day Israel.

    Dr. Missler asks several burning questions: 1)Has God abandoned Israel? 2) Has the Church 'replaced' Israel? 3)What does the Bible say?

    As we watch the world events, it is clear that Israel is following her prophetic scenario, and a new chapter is about to be writtenand there may be a big surprise on our near horizon!

    Great tool to reach people who believe the Church has replaced Israel

    Contains 2 hours of teaching -

    New Headline News Articles: Election 2012

    DVD"Presidential Election 2012"

    "Challenge To ALL Evangelical Christians Who Are About To Vote For Mitt Romney As "The Lesser of Two Evils"

    After discovering Romney's unchristian public record, can you really justify to Jesus that you voted for him? Why suffer loss of reward by casting a vote for either one of these candidates?

    "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds."; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

    "Are we REALLY faced only with the choice of "Lesser of Two Evils"?

    How would Jesus have voted? Which Party Would He Have Considered The "Lesser of Two Evils"? Pharisee or Sadducee; Democrat or Republican; Obama or Romney; Baphomet or Baal?

    We have attempted to prove to you that the Democrat Party and the Republican Party are equally evil, as they pursue an equally evil plan to bring the world into the Kingdom of Antichrist, also known as the "New World Order".

    Thus it follows that the men in top leadership of each party are equally evil.

    Evangelical Christians have no idea whatsoever of the intrinsically evil nature of the Republican Party. They have thoroughly convinced by Evangelical "wolves in sheep's clothing" that a goodly number of top Republican leaders are Christian. Such Evangelicals have been as completely deceived as the Apostle Paul warned:

    "For such men are false apostles, spurious, counterfeits, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles, special messengers of Christ (the Messiah). And it is no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light; So it is not surprising if his servants also masquerade as ministers of righteousness..." (2 Corinthians 11:131-5; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

    These articles are a clarion call for Evangelical Christians to wake up to spiritual reality and to do the right thing when they enter the voting booth!


    "A Mormon President: Mormon Leadership Has Always Coveted The White House"

    If Americans today realized the depth of the power seeking desire that was in the heart of the Founder, Joseph Smith, and then realize that LDS leaders possess this same obsession today, they would be scared to death of a Mormon President. Mormon leaders have always wanted to win the Presidency of the United States. When assassinated in 1844, Joseph Smith was planning to run for President.
    Through dramatic reenactments and interviews with top historical experts, A Mormon President looks for answers to timely questions which have great significance today since, especially since a Mormon - Mitt Romney -- is going to be the Republican nominee for President in 2012.

    Do the Mormons have an agenda for the White House? As Bill Schnoebelen reveals in "Mormonisms Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert", Mormons have always had an agenda, as can be proven by that secret pod room on the top of the Mormon Temple in Washington, D.C. You can't understand the difficulties facing Romney in winning the election until you understand Joseph Smith, the original founder of Mormonism

    Is America ready for a Mormon President? American liberties could be in real danger should a Mormon become President.

    The DVD also contains a bonus section about Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman, and other modern-day Mormon candidates.This election could decide the fate of America. Our national soul is going to be tested as never before.


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    David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries

    1792 South Lake Drive, Ste. 90 PMB 300, Lexington, SC 29073 Email
