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KH-DVD-59 - DVD - Thy Kingdom Come: Now Is The Time For You To Prepare, by Chuck Missler -
NOW is the time for Christians to start praying for Jesus' Kingdom and His Second Coming! Not only are we instructed to pray for His coming but this is the first pray we are supposed to offer each morning!

Thy Kingdom Come (Matt 6:10) is part of the Lord's Prayer and yet most Christians are woefully ignorant of its true significance

Gabriel promised Mary that Jesus would sit upon the Throne of David. Has this happened yet? Is there a relationship between the Millenium and the Davidic Kingdom?

Dr. Missler offers fresh insight into the following questions: 1) Are you ready? 2) Do you understand what is about to occur? 3) Does your behavior now really matter later?

This DVD is one of those "Signs of the Times" messaages

Price: $19.95

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