"Spiritual Warfare" -- Books

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A total of 9 records matched your search.

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CP-109 - Angel of Light -- Satan's Deception - Crusaders Comic Volume 9
Since his fall from Heaven, Satan has been hard at work to turn men from God. Man was immediately put to use creating false religions, secret societies, the occult...

The greatest double-cross in history will be when Satan admits: JESUS IS LORD!

Price: $2.99

swr-H050 - Invisible War on the Saints: Victor or Victim? This item is on sale.
A demonic attack dramatically changed a life. We, as believers, are to put on the armor of God and wield the weapons of spiritual warfare to achieve victory in Jesus Christ.

In life, we fail to recognize the temporal versus the eternal, the unseen vs. the seen and the unseen is the most important of all. Pastor and radio host of Hello, World Greg Patten takes us on his personal journey dealing with the spirit world – unnerving, house- shaking, spine-tingling experiences with the demonic and captive.

While topics in Invisible War on the Saints: Victor or Victim 1) include Exorcism, 2) Curses, 3) Channeling, 4) 5) Strongholds, 6) Spiritism, 7) Witchcraft, 8) Sorcery and 9) Binding

The end goal for this pastor is victory in Jesus; further, he shares how to take the steps from victim to victor, using scripture, godly wisdom and the power of Jesus Christ, our Savior, to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

247 pages

- Book by Dr Greg Patten and Southwest Radio Church Onward, Christian soldier, Patten says. Victory is just ahead.

Price: $24.00
Sale Price: $19.96

BK1114 - Nearing Midnight - Book This item is on sale.
Some of the world’s top scientists have, since 1947, been setting the imaginary “doomsday clock” to keep up with how near we might be to atomic destruction. They believe that when the hour and minute hand reach midnight, humankind will have completely been destroyed through atomic warfare. (P) Movement of that symbolic indicator of the last time grows more frightening with each tick. But there is only one accurate timepiece that signals when the midnight hour approaches for humankind: God’s prophetic Word-the Holy Bible.

In 'Nearing Midnight': As It Was in the Days of Lot, noted biblical prophecy expert Terry James explores, in detail and through the prism of God’s Word, long-ago prophesied matters now unfolding hourly, including:

– The potential for nuclear war to break out at any moment;

– America and the world facing imminent financial collapse that will bring about a dictatorial digital monetary system;

– Demonic entities from the abyss that seemingly have been unleashed upon humanity in the form of every sort of perversion, with even very small children in the crosshairs of the purveyors of wickedness;

– Mother Earth worship, in the form of climate-change insanity, as the anti-God religion being forced upon humanity; and

– The determination of the globalists elite, driven by the entities of Ephesians 6:12, to establish control through a New World Order.

James explores the strange wickedness and evil that are accelerating and threatening world-rending cataclysm at every level. Jesus Christ’s prophecies regarding this very time in which we live help us know precisely how near we are to the midnight hour and offer us the peace we have in the blessed hope of His soon return.

200 Pages

Price: $21.95
Sale Price: $19.95

CP-9643665-84-BK - ONE Thing You Can't Do In Heaven This item is on sale.
Are you ready for eternity? If so, are you helping others get ready for that journey into eternity that each of us must take? As believers we all know we SHOULD tell others about Jesus, but we often don't know HOW.

This practical book will give you ideas for starting conversations that can lead to spiritual matters, examples of witnessing situations, and answers to common questions. This material will help motivate and equip you to reach both friends and strangers for Jesus -- now and for the rest of your life!

223 pages

Price: $12.99
Sale Price: $5.99

CE-JS-03 - Psychotherapy vs Scripture: Capturing Men's Souls For Lucifer - DVD by James Sundquist
Occult and New Age authors boldly brag that the human founding fathers of Psychotherapy and Psychology received their understandings from demonic Familiar Spirits! Yet, today even 'christian' churches are using Psychotherapy to screen pastors and missionaries.

Psychotherapy can be considered as a religion of the New Age Movement. This is a plague that has permeated virtually every Christian college, university and seminary, church and denomination, as a training ground that dwarfs even Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the infamous Harry Potter series. But Harry Potter is fiction. This is reality. Major church denominations compel employees, missionaries and pastors to take mental health screenings, psychological tests and personality temperament divination profiles, even to the point of forcing them to take tests and counseling based on this worlds principles if they are having personal or emotional problems.

The Apostle Paul said that Antichrist cannot arise until the apostasy of the Christian Church comes first. In other words, Christian leaders will literally open the door to Antichrist by drifting away from sound Biblical doctrine and interpretation. In this light, Psychotherapy is one of those huge spiritual doors swinging open to the next dimension, allowing Antichrist and his demons access into this world.

Author James Sundquist contrasts the Truth of Scripture versus the hellish nature of Psychotherapy. If your church is using psychology or psychotherapy, you need to protest mightily and immediately leave that church.

Shipping now

Price: $14.99

CE-Mac-022-BK - Rebuilding The Tower of Babel: (Book) The Dark Side of the Purpose Driven, New Paradigm Church - by Mac Dominick This item is on sale.
Did you know that Rick Warren used the infamous Tower of Babel as his major symbol of his 2004 "40 Days of Community" program? For 2000 years, Christian preachers and teachers have properly understood that the "Tower of Babel" was man's supreme early effort to build a global government, economy and religion in direct opposition to the God of the Bible. The Tower of Babel was dedicated to the many gods of the Babylonian Religion, but the upper-most statute was to be the god, "Bel-Merodach"!

Yet, Rick Warren used this symbol to represent his goal for his agenda to build a global community of churches!

In the late 20th Century the Tower of Babel became the symbol of the new European Union, thus becoming the major icon of the Luciferian New World Order.

Since that time, other programs have blossomed from Rick Warren and the church growth movement at large which contain underlying doctrines of Easten Religions, New Age beliefs and even elements of Witchcraft. This book reveals the details as to how the Christian Church is being deceptively led into the Laodicean Age.

Rick Warren has since bragged that he is a member of the Illuminati's Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

We predict this book to quickly become the most important in revealing the true nature of Rick Warren and his "Purpose Driven Church"!

Written by Cutting Edge researcher, Mac Dominick, author of the DVD's, "Witchcraft: Age of Innocence Is Over", plus "Outcome-Based Religion: Apostasy, Purpose, and the Paradigm Shift"

Personal Testimony From Person Who Read Both of Mr. Dominick's "Purpose Driven Books"

"Dear Mr. Dominick -- I have to tell you that the information I gleaned from your books were a primary source that led me out of the church growth movement. Again, I am very thankful for your work. Better still, by God's grace, I have been able to assist no less than seven other families recognize the apostasy at work at these mega-churches! All of them have either left already or are in the process of pulling out.

Be encouraged today, my brother in Christ, that for every one believer like me who "get's it" with the aid of research like yours coupled with the guidance of the Spirit and The Word, of course, there are many other believers who benefit! Over time, I am confident that they too will help lead others out!

You just don't know what one book really means. You have no way of knowing its far-reaching effects this side of heaven.

So keep your eyes on the prize and continue to teach the truth boldly!"

Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $4.99

BBP-1933641-09-6 - Rick Warren's Global Peace Plan vs. Scriptural Teachings on Peace - book by James Sundquist This item is on sale.
This book compares Rick Warren's touted global PEACE plan to Scriptural teachings. Warren announced his global PEACE plan on April 17, 2005, at the Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California to an audience of 30,000 people.

What is so startling about Warren's PEACE plan is NOT so much what it contains, but what it does NOT contain. Warren does not mention our adversary in spiritual warfare; he does not mention the Holy Spirit; where is the Prince of the Power of the Air as taught in Scripture? Any Biblical PEACE PLAN must confront Satan and defeat him if it is to produce peace.

Rick Warren's PEACE plan presents the peace as the world knows it - a plan falsely promising a lack of conflict in this world. Warren does not mention the PEACE which Jesus provides His believers, which is a peace of the heart produced by a lack of fear of God's eternal condemnation.

Since Warren's PEACE PLAN is unbiblical, it will not work and will dangerously lull many people to sleep at the very time in prophetic history when they need to be spiritually alert and prophetically aware. 144 pages

Price: $9.99
Sale Price: $4.99

SWRC-H045 - Satan’s Twelve Apostates - Book
Christ and His 12 Apostles made history – and benefited mankind for centuries to come. It’s just as possible that Satan, always a flawed imitator of God, used the services of his own 12 Apostates, in perpetrating his crimes on Earth.

Author Lubrett Hargrove has pinpointed 12 men in Bible history, who “turned from the truth,” and just may have qualified to be one of Satan’s 12 apostates.

Readers will better comprehend the complexity and dangers of the modern world in light of the cautionary tales of these men who turned from the truth and joined Satan’s forces.

Now is the time to decide whose side we are on.

Price: $19.99

CP-1273 - The Watchtower's Coming Crisis: Faith of Jehovah's Witnesses Is About To Get A HUGE Shock
With the information and witnessing strategies in this book, you will be able to plant seeds of doubt and undermine the authority of the Watchtower. The Watchtower knows it is essential that this cornerstone doctrine of the 144,000 remain alive if it is going to continue to exist as the spiritual leader for its followers. Time is the enemy of this teaching and they know it.

The Watchtower Society teaches that they are members of the 144,000 who will be the only ones going to heaven. Membership in this group began with the early apostles. Over the centuries others have been added but the Watchtower declared that the number was completed in 1935. Anyone who claims to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses has to be one of the 144,000 and must be very old now. However, the Watchtower Society teaches that these are the only ones who hear from God and are responsible for Watchtower teaching and leadership.

Because these people are dying, the Watchtower is facing a credibility crisis. So, the Watchtower is quietly manipulating these death figures to keep the Watchtower organization alive! And now, just last year, Watchtower literature quietly began to try to wiggle out of the 1935 closing date for the 144,000. But this only adds further opportunity for you to show the 'JW' who comes to your door that he cannot trust the Watchtower with his precious eternal life.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - The Faithful and Discreet Slave: A Brief History
Chapter 2 - Who Was the Faithful and Discreet Slave?
Chapter 3 - Gathering the Watchtower's 144,000
        144,000: The Aging Class
        "Replacing" The 144,000
        144,000: A Sealed Number
        The Bible's 144,000
Chapter 4 - Joseph Franklin Rutherford's Prophetic Errors
        Rutherford's Books
Chapter 5- A Major Change
Chapter 6 - Your Witnessing Strategy
        Getting Started
        The Presentation
Chapter 7 - Who Exactly is Going to Heaven?

Price: $5.95

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