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A total of 12 records matched your search.
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CE-Combo-30-Blockbuster Catholic DVD Sales Offer: Which Queen of Heaven, Catholicism Full of Dead Men's Bones, & Church On Haunted Hill Combination Sale This item is on sale.
Cutting Edge created each of these DVD's expressly to prove that Catholic priests are inherently sexual predators because of the systemic nature of the Church itself!

'Which Queen of Heaven' DVD proves that the very foundation of Catholicism is the Luciferian Babylonian Mysteries religion, which God cursed. 4 Hours Long

'Catholicism Full of Dead Men's Bones' dramatizes the reality that the Pope has always had a powerful demon whispering in his ear, a being Satanists call 'National Overlord'. Once you understand this truth, you will comprehend the true nature of the Catholic Church. 4 Hours Long

'Church On Haunted Hill' provides the final answer as to why Catholic priests are so sexually deviant. One of their doctrines taught priests is the 'Unforgiveable Sin' 2 Hours Long (Matt 12:31)

SAVE over buying these DVD's separately

These DVD's offer 10 hours of dynamic teaching!

Price: $84.97
Sale Price: $74.97
Combo-1230-DVD-Combination Offer -- DVD, New World Order Religion: The Great Global Apostate Church PLUS Outcome-Based Religion: Apostasy, Purpose, and the Paradigm Shift On CD This item is on sale.
As the Apostasy of this End of the Age takes shape, it is taking some distinctively different avenues. The "Outcome Based Book" on CD demonstrates the power and the deceptiveness of Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven Church". Dominick demonstrates that this movement is totally unbiblical and cannot be supported by an Bible believing Christian

In the Global Apostate Church, Wegener shows how many Christian leaders have suddenly turned their followers into the paths which do not lead to eternal life. You will hear false doctrine directly from their lips in this video. Wegener also shows video clips from teachers of false relgions. Unity of, and tolerance for, ALL religions of the earth, from Roman Catholics to Muslims, to New Age, to Shamans and Witchdoctors, is clearly the trend we see today as the world rushes to Antichrist and his False Prophet. See revealing film clips, quotes, and footage of world-renowned prominent religious leaders and understand the false “gospel” they teach.

Save $6.00 when you buy this combination offer

Price: $34.98
Sale Price: $14.99
CE-Mac-Combo-010-Combo Offer - Triumphant Return of Jesus Christ I & II -
This Video combo is available on DVD or Flash drive. Be sure and select which uo want in the options drop down menu to the right just above the green order button.

In Volume I, you will learn that Jesus Christ IS returning to Earth, this time as an Omnipotent Warrior King, anxious to totally defeat Antichrist and his armies awaiting Him on the Plain of Armageddon! We are living in a world with an apocalyptic mindset. How many times have you heard references to drastic earth changes, the end of the world, or Armageddon bantered around by network news anchors or in motion pictures? The world’s population is teetering on the precipice of global panic with anticipated calamities associated with December 21st, 2012 and other alarming events. Men and women are being sucked into the one-world, globalist straightjacket created by the mainstream media and are being prepared to fall into the waiting arms of Antichrist at his appearance. So many, even in Christian circles, are totally confused by false teachers.

In Volume II, you will learn that through current events, Satan is building his One World Church, the One World Antichrist and the One World Religion to be headed by the False Prophet.

This video deals with the One World Church and the One World Government. Emphasis is laid on the building of the prophesied 10-Nation confederation and how Antichrist will arise once the Plan is fully worked out.

Over five hours of teaching on these two videos.

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CE-Combo-HFA1-COMBO OFFER: Best of Hope For America - 6 DVDs, over 11 hours of instruction This item is on sale.
Save $60 over buying individually! Nearly 11 hours of instruction

1) "Shocker", 2-DVD Set -- One of our best-sellers! 12 of the Most Shocking Subjects of These Last Years. Through film and news clips, Wegener shows the 12 most shocking subjects to cross his desk. Just when you think you have seen, or heard it all, this DVD will show just how very wierd this world has gotten. Subject includes UFO's, Masons, Executive Orders, MJTF, high-technology, concentration camps, the silence of the church, abortion, and more. Almost 3 hours

2) "Barbed Wire" - In great film clips, Wegener details the coming plan to institute global dictatorship. What do: Detention centers, Depopulation, Demilitarization, Foreign Troops on U.S. soil, Mother Gaia worship, Martial Law, and the Anti-terrorism bill have in common? They are all in our immediate future, unless enough Americans wake up to what is planned for us. Great film footage, a must see for all Americans. Over 2 full hours

3) "Great Apostate Church" - Over 3 1/2 hours. Unity of, and tolerance for, ALL religions of the earth, from Roman Catholics to Muslims, to New Age, to Shamans and Witchdoctors, is clearly the trend we see today as the world rushes to Antichrist and his False Prophet. See revealing film clips, quotes, and footage of world-renowned prominent religious leaders and understand the false "gospel" they teach. You will hear prominent Christian leaders state false doctrine from their own lips that you would never believe had you not seen them speak.

4) "Mason: Friend or Foe: - Many of our leaders have sworn allegiance to a Masonic Order of one type of another. Our current election features two brothers in a Masonically-based secret society called "Skull & Bones". What are these leaders pledging their allegiance to and how deeply entrenched are their goals to America today? Since Freemasonry has attempted so strenuously to claim that they are just a good old boy fraternity that does good works and has a good time, most Americans would be shocked to learn the bitter truth behind that facade. 2 hours, 40 minutes of instruction

Price: $99.96
Sale Price: $29.94
Combo-1225-2DVD-Combo Offer: DVD History of American Education & DVD Educate or Enslave This item is on sale.
Combination video offer which gives you more reasons than ever before for not sending your children to Public School. 'History of American Education' shows how Public Education slowly, gradually changed from excellence in 1800 to planned mediocrity in 2000. Now, children are being programmed to be 'Worker Bees'

'Educate or Enslave' shows how our precious children are being trained to just be good citizens of the Global Government -- to not think critically and to passively accept whatever they are told to do.

Price: $39.98
Sale Price: $19.99
CE-COMBO-40-Countdown To Antichrist - Six Titles, 10 DVD's - Six Great Speakers - Save $70 This item is on sale.
World events are picking up speed so greatly that discerning Christians everywhere are asking 'Is the appearance of Antichrist close at hand'? They are also asking what human forces are acting to produce this prophesied 'Man of Sin'?

Answers to these questions are taught by Chris Pinto, Doc Marquis, Dr. Stan Monteith, Bill Still, William Schnoebelen, and J.D. Grush. But be careful, your understanding of current world events may never be the same again!

Doc Marquis teaches in "Arrival of Antichrist' the plan of the global Illuminati to produce their 'Masonic Christ', the Biblical Antichrist. Marquis shows in "Illuminati Is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy' how many current events occurring right now to bring Antichrist to the world are specifically fulfilling numerous prophecies.

Chris Pinto reveals in 'The New Atlantis' that planning for America began in 1590 between Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Bacon to use the power and wealth of the British Throne to establish history's most powerful nation out of the North American Colonies. America's Masonic Founding Fathers precisely carried out this plan, a scheme designed to bring the New World Messiah into the world.

In 'Riddles In Stone: Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.', Pinto proves that the full blueprint to produce the Masonic Christ can be seen in the street layouts, the pictures, the monuments, the frescoes and building adornments. Pinto proves that the god of Washington, D.C., is Baal, a bloody pagan god who is a forerunner of Antichrist. Once you know the secrets of the Illuminati, Government Center reads like a book!

In 'Eye of the Phoenix', Pinto demonstrates that the incredibly complex One Dollar Bill also tells the story of the Masonic plan to produce Antichrist on the world scene.

In Armageddon: Warrior King, Grush reveals Biblical details about the furious battle between Jesus Christ and the armies of Antichrist that you have never understood before!

Six DVD Titles, Ten DVD Discs, almost 16 hours of teaching. You will never look at the news the same way again! And, you will be looking up, knowing that your Redeemer is drawing nigh.

These 8 DVD's are protected by a revolutionary wallet protective case. This gift set protects each DVD from getting ruined during shipping, as each DVD is in its own protective sleeve, with a fabric separating the disks to keep the quality top-rate. All sleeves are inside a loose-leaf library case. Each disc is fully protected.

Price: $169.95
Sale Price: $99.95
CE-Bill-DVD-307-Dark Roots, Withered Souls DVD - by Bill Schnoebelen This item is on sale.
Most families have at least one member who is bound by a 'Root of Bitterness', powerfully binding them to the dark spirits of the Abyss. This person seemingly cannot find joy in any part of life, but is continually saturated with a spirit of gall.

Schnoebelen shares critically important spiritual warfare information which can begin a spiritual healing that literally sets a person free!

Lack of forgiveness and bitter-root judgments powerfully bind even a genuine believer, preventing a full spiritual recovery.

Most people understand the need for forgiveness but do not fully comprehend how roots of bitterness and anger can prevent a person from gaining full victory in Jesus Christ.

America is a nation whose soul has rejected God and is now bound up in Satan's roots of bondage and unhappiness unto death. Thank God, there is deliverance!

Over 2 hours long, this DVD contains spiritual warfare and deliverance information you will never get from your local pastor!

Price: $24.95
Sale Price: $19.99
Combo-1227-DVD-DVD - Masons: Friend or Foe PLUS Demolay: Kindergarten For Satanism - Combination Offer
"Masons: Friend or Foe" reveals the startling and deadly truth that a Masonic leader believes he owes his highest allegiance to the global plan of Freemasonry, a higher allegiance than his oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution! Our 2004 election featured two brothers in a Masonically- based secret society called "Skull & Bones". Learn how this secret allegiance is anti-Christian and One World in nature, and most definitely deadly to our freedoms

"Demolay: Kindergarten For Satanism" reveals the dangers this Masonic organization for young boys poses to your precious child! Consider the spiritual bondage inherent in DeMolay: 1) Places young man back under the spiritual headship of Freemasons; 2) Lionizes Jacques Demolay, setting him up as a hero when he really was guilty of worshipping Baphomet and sodomizing young men; 3) Some of rituals, signs and gestures are out of the Ancient Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, one of the most powerful of all Satanic covens. Remember, the DeMolay's most famous alumnus is Bill Clinton!

Save $10.00 over buying them separately

Price: $39.98
CE_Fulfillment_Now_Video_01-'Fulfilling Now' Combination Video Offer: Save $45.00! Sale Ends 5/24
Offering 6 titles of videos in which key prophecies are currently being fulfilled in our Daily News!

1) 'Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ' reveals the awful truth that the Pharisees of Jesus' day KNEW he was the prophesied Messiah but chose to kill him anyway! Events today is the attempt to bring forth THEIR MESSIAH ON THEIR TERMS!

2) 'Israels Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians' focuses on the book of Obadiah in which God detailed -- 3,000 years ago -- that He would annihilate the Palestinians using Israel as His tool of judgment.

3) 'Angelic / Demonic Warfare In The Heavenlies: Daniel 10', shows how God uses the demonic god, Gog, to convince the leaders of Russia to lead an attack against Israel in fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39. Contained within this set is a BONUS video #4 in which we show how a similar demonic god is leading the world into accepting the Roman Catholic Pope as the False Prophet.

5) 'World War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event' demonstrates how the Elite plan to set up each planned war which will create the global conflict necessary to stage Antichrist on the world scene.

6) 'The Full Story Finally Told - Jesus Returns As Warrior King' closely examines Jesus' return as avenging Messiah, physically attacking soldiers of the 200 million man army surrounding Jerusalem.

SIX (6) Video Titles, regularly $94.95, on sale now through Midnight, Monday, May 24, for only $49.95, saving you $45!

Price: $94.95
CE-Mac-PRM-COMBO-Greatest Falling Away EVER! Book/DVD Combo Offer Saving You $15
The greatest development of the past 100 years has been the slow, steady and irreversible slide of the Christian Church from Biblical doctrine formerly held very tightly. This slide is opening the door for Antichrist to appear - 2 Thess 2:3

In the past 25 years, Rick Warren and his Purpose Driven Church have been the greatest force bringing about the apostate religion of the New World Order

Book 'Rebuilding Tower of Babel' proves that Rick Warren openly advocates the spiritual rebulding of the Tower of Babel, which God cursed and confused the languages so the project could not be finished

DVD, 'Rick Warren and the Great Falling Away' by Pastor Hoggard reveals the shocking truth that the foundation for Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church is New Age Doctrine! In fact, one of Warren's major church pillars is the infamous Marilyn Ferguson's book entitled, "Aquarian Conspiracy".

If your church is battling the Purpose Driven juggernaut this combination offer will provide all the information you will need to convince genuine Christians to stay far away from this movement.

We literally believe that the Purpose Driven Movement is the actual fulfillment of the church of the Laodiceans in Rev 3:14-22. This prophesied church is lukewarm toward Jesus, feeling rich and prosperous, when Jesus sees them as 'wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked'. This church is here now and is the Purpose Driven Church

Save $15.00

Price: $29.98
CE-MAC-029-COMBO-Triple Combination Offer - 2 Books on CD ROM PLUS Actual "Rebuilding Tower of Babel" Book - Save $20.00!
We offer you the two best exposes' of Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church! 1) On CDROM, we offer both Books #1 ("Apostasy, Purpose, and the Paradigm Shift') and Book #2 ("Rebuilding Tower of Babel"). The major advantage of reading this expose' by CDROM is that you can search by Keyword. For example, in "Rebuilding Tower of Babel", the name 'Rick Warren' appears 256 times, but the name, 'Robert Schuller' only once. You would be hard- pressed to find the one reference to Schuller in the actual book

2) 'Rebuilding The Tower of Babel' book - Shockingly, Rick Warren used the infamous Tower of Babel as his major symbol of his 2004 "40 Days of Community" program! For 2000 years, Christian preachers and teachers have properly understood that the "Tower of Babel" was man's supreme early effort to build a global government, economy and religion in direct opposition to the God of the Bible. The Tower of Babel was dedicated to the many gods of the Babylonian Religion, but the upper-most statute was to be the god, "Bel-Merodach"! Yet, Rick Warren used this symbol to represent his goal for his agenda to build a global community of churches! In the late 20th Century the Tower of Babel became the symbol of the new European Union, thus becoming the major icon of the Luciferian New World Order.

CFR Member, Rick Warren, is the guiding genius behind this church movement exploding around the world today

You save $20.00 by buying this Combination Offer!

Price: $44.98
CE-Combo-Mac-23-Unique Witchcraft Combination Offer: Witchcraft DVD + 'Rebuilding Tower of Babel' Book - Save $15.00 This item is on sale.
This unique combination offer not only saves you $11 but makes sense because both the DVD and the Book speak directly to Witchcraft, and both have the same author, Mac Dominick of Cutting Edge!

"Witchcraft" DVD demonstrates how Witchcraft has thoroughly permeated American/Western culture, including many churches. Today, a great many church denominations are now practicing some form of Witchcraft/Eastern Meditations under a thin veil of Christianity

"Rebuilding Tower of Babel" book reveals that the ultimate purpose of Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven Church" is to rebuild the Tower of Babel, a most powerful symbol of Witchcraft. Dominick demonstrates that this spiritual goal of Rebuilding a Tower of Babel in the heart of every member is a very real and very threatening reality! If you are a member of a Purpose Driven or Seeker-Sensitive Church, you need this book to open your eyes to the principles of Witchcraft and other occult philosophies which are integrated into the teachings of this Purpose Driven Movement.

By combining these two resources, you will gain invaluable insight into both sides of the occult coin -- both White Magic and Black Magick Witchcraft

DVD is 2 hours long, while the book is 160 pages

Price: $34.99
Sale Price: $19.99
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