
News Letter - Tuesday, 4/7/2024

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Deliver Us From Evil part 4

Interview with Mac Dominick after filming Listen


Part IV
The Forces of Evi

The Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, recorded the following words in the book of Ephesians chapter 6:

"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armour of God..."

This passage is very familiar to the large majority of those in Bible-believing churches, but it is no exaggeration to conclude that most people who read these words take no time or effort to grasp their full implications. The reason for this situation: Our modern church culture has turned its back on the supernatural foundation of the Word of God and has transformed even the most conservative of congregations into a people who only skim the surface of that which the Bible teaches. Yes, many churches are justifiably working very diligently on evangelism, discipleship, caring for those in need, and other critical aspects of the ministry to those in this age. However, Christians today generally fall short of understanding much of what the Word of God has to offer because they tend to be so absorbed in the "here-and-now" that there is little effort given to teaching the supernatural nature of God, His Word, and the spiritual dimension that is all around us.

The passage from Ephesians 6 quoted above is a perfect example. When reading this passage, many Christians take such a superficial approach to think of the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness as evil human beings. Nothing could be further from not only reality but also the context of the passage. Most Christians have the idea that pagan gods or even the false gods of the Old Testament are (or were) just the figment of a primitive, uneducated imagination. As a result, they miss the concept of these entities described by Paul as very real spirit beings whose sole purpose is to harm them and their families. The basic theme of Paul's discourse in Ephesians 6 provides instruction as how to combat harmful spirit entities that are very active in the world today.

Starting in the Old Testament with Satan, Part IV of Deliver Us from Evil will expose these forces that have been fighting against Yahweh and His children since the time of the Garden of Eden. We will look at the false gods of the Old Testament, the Greek gods, the Roman gods, and even the Norse gods. We will discuss the identity of these gods and even demons who have been battling against the one true God since the dawn of time.

In summation, the sad truth is that most Bible- believing Christians miss some of the most fascinating aspects of the Scriptures because they are not taught the Word of God from a supernatural perspective. Additionally, our church culture and lack of teaching has prevented those who follow Yahweh from knowing Him as intimately as is possible. One must be taught the truths of the sacred text in context. This segment of Deliver Us from Evil will seek to do just that.

Run Time 2 hours -


Deliver Us From Evil - 1-4 in the Series




Critically Important News Articles - Analysis -- UPDATE

1. While the US waffled, Israel wiffled and Biden fell away.

NEWS BRIEF: "Israeli Officials Say U.S.: Blindsided Them with Surprise Hamas ‘Agreement’," Breitbart News, 7 May 2024

"Israeli officials said Monday that Biden administration officials had secretly worked with mediators, without Israel’s knowledge, to craft a Hamas “agreement” to ceasefire terms in an attempt to deter an attack on Hamas in Rafah."

Let us reiterate the key point: 'without Israel’s knowledge, to craft a Hamas agreement'.

How does America go from 'firm friend' to taking action 'without a key partner' even being present at the meeting!

That action is a key betrayal.

But, there is more: President Biden has both threatened and carried out the threat against the God of Israel by holding up ammunition shipments alreading in the pipeline!

Can you imagine? Withholding key ammunition resupply to a national government who is underfire from a hostile enemy, one who publicly threatens to finish the job which Germany's Nazi Party did not complete -- his annihilation.

Is this any way to treat such a "familiar friend"?

What will God say to all this betrayal?

Only a close confideamt could have betrayed Jesus and only a close confidamt could betray God\s nation, Israel, to this vile group, Hamas.

Biden is truly lost!

NEWS BRIEF: "Biden Blindsided by Sudden GOP Move ," Patriot Journal, 2/29/2024

"At the core of their recent digging is the president’s alleged mishandling of classified documents that was reviewed by Special Counsel Robert Hur. His determination in the investigation was the president wouldn’t likely be convicted because he is a 'sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory'.”

"That assessment spurred Republicans to issue subpoenas to release details of Hur’s investigation. They want to know Biden’s real mental state, and they’re pressuring the Department of Justice to fork over the details.|"

"Biden’s alleged mishandling and retaining classified information included documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan and other countries. There were also other records related to national security and foreign policy, which Hur said implicated 'sensitive intelligence sources and methods'.”

Some of the items in question were stored in unsealed boxes in Biden’s garage where his son, Hunter Biden, had easy access. So did other foreign (hostile) forceds have easy access to our nation's highest and most revealing repository -- Joe Biden's garage.

2. President Biden reveals that he is the "hidden hand" in the Oval Office.

NEWS BRIEF: "America has been stripped of her power and left floundering by the enemies of Liberty, Freedom, Independence, and Justice," Canada Free Press, April 19, 2024

"America has been stripped of her power and left floundering by the enemies of Liberty, Freedom, Independence, and Justice ... The recent renewal of section 702 of the Patriot Act, that strips all Americans, except members of Congress, of the right to freedom from unreasonable surveillance and search by government agencies, was not another shot across the bow of the good ship America. On the contrary, the renewal of section 702 was a torpedo, launched by the two submerged (covert) enemy vessels, Democrat and Republican, on the good ship America. The torpedo scored a direct hit on the good ship carrying our Constitutional Rights."

The reslt of this action was to torpedo our beloved Constitution's protection of all our basic rights which have protected American citizens for nearly 300 years.

"As a result, the good ship America is dead in the water and listing. She's floundering and taking on water. Her boilers are flooded, and there's no way to relight The Flames of Liberty and Justice to give her power again."

"Furthermore, enemies of the good ship America left her without a team to repair all the battle damage inflicted on her by submerged enemy vessels sent by Congress to sink her. The bilge pumps that would right the good ship and pump water out of her boiler room, so the boilers could be relit, and she could get underway again, have been dismantled or destroyed. She is now sinking into the dark depths of tyranny and oppression."

|"... America has been stripped of her power and left floundering by the enemies of Liberty, Freedom, Independence, and Justice . America's enemies run Congress, sit in the halls of executive power, and wield unfettered power over the judicial branch of government. The American people are losing the war being waged against our Constitutional rights and freedoms, and most Americans don't even realize it."

But, the most important realization is that the average American citizen is thought so ill by our average lawmaker, both GOP and Democrat.

Once the world disaster(s) planned by The Plan begin to unfold, few there will be who will risk martyrdom to fight for the restitution of our beloved rights.

3. Power Grab: Biden Admin Tries to Control National Guard, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Claps Back, " Red state News, May 7, 2024

"In yet another power grab by the Biden Administration, the Defense Department in March asked Congress to override an existing law that requires governors to approve changes to National Guard units. The proposal would allow the Defense Department to have unilateral power to transfer units to the Space Force because perhaps they’re preparing for an alien invasion or something."

What was the reaction to this monumental shattering precedent?

"Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R), long a thorn in the side of Biden on the illegal immigration issue because the president refuses to protect our borders while the Republican governor takes the border invasion seriously, is fighting back and pointed out in a letter to the White House that the move would shatter long-time precedent."

"Although the Texas Air National Guard does not have these types of missions, I strongly oppose any attempt to sideline governors when it comes to their respective National Guards,” Abbott wrote in his letter, dated May 3. "Congress has long required the consent of a governor before units can be transferred out of the National Guard he commands.” (Emphasis Added)

Listen to the exceprt from the Texas Border.

"President Biden and his Admin. are making a power grab for the National Guard. They want to give the Secretaries unilateral authority to dismantle National Guard units on a whim. Governors Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) failed to concede to Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) after a two-hour meeting Monday in which the duo continued pressing for Johnson to resign and end his coalition government with Democrats not be sidelined as commander-in-chief of our National Guards."


4. Speaker Mike Johnson is seeking a "Permanent Power Sharing Agreement with Democrats", Breitbart News. May 6, 2024

Johnson on Brink of Permanent Power Sharing Agreement with Democrats

NEWS BRIEF: "The two conservative lawmakers have insisted that Johnson is compromised and will not be Speaker next Congress."

No one can fulfill the Contentious position more clearly that that of Minority Speaker of the House!

"The meeting came one day after House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) bragged on CBS about controlling the House floor agenda — a characterization many conservatives agree with."|

|Conservatives insist Johnson has capitulated to Democrats repeatedly, essentially forming a coalition government with Democrats by surrendering leverage on fighting President Joe Biden’s agenda and securing the border ...

Johnson’s “Two Betrayals"

1) The work to pass each of the 12 individual appropriations bills and passed a two-part omnibus bill overwhelmingly supported by Democrats, rammed through a reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) after casting the deciding vote to kill a warrant requirement for spying on Americans, and carried out a scheme to unlock tens of billions in Ukraine aid despite promising not to do so without addressing the border crisis.

2) "Greene: Speaker Johnson Stabbing GOP Voters In the Back, He Needs a 'Pink Slip' ”

Nearly 30 years ago, my study of the Dialectic Struggle in the 1830's demonstrated the truth that this country was really an Invisible One-Party System, not a competition as we have long been taught.

We should not be suprised that this Dialectic has produced the One-Party System it was desgined to produce all the way back 'yondor' ! This principle is called the "Dialectic". Since most of you probably have never heard of this term before, let us begin our discussion with a definition of the term. Dialectic was an hypothetical proposition originated in 1823 by a German professor, Hegel, which stated that the only two constants in the world were change, and the conflict that was inevitable from opposing forces that produced such change. Hegel pronounced that "Conflict produces Change, and that Controlled Conflict Produces Controlled Change". Therefore, if one wants to reach a certain controlled end result, he would best be served if he could create a conflict between opposing parties, the end result of which would be the end he sought.

We have expounded greatly on this subject, because Hegel's thesis was primarily responsible for the creation of Communism by the Illuminati for the express purpose of setting up a global "Controlled Conflict" that would produce their coveted goal of the New World Order, the Kingdom of Antichrist. Since time and space do not allow us to fully explore this subject here, we invite you to read NEWS1007, "Thesis x Antithesis = Synthesis: The Real Flow of History ". Once you read this article, you will understand 20th Century history a whole lot better, and you will understand the terrifying reality about to strike the whole world.

Hegel's thesis of Controlled Conflict producing Controlled Change is also being used in our society today to produce the kind of change in values and attitudes amongst the entire American population that would allow us to enthusiastically accept Antichrist when he arises. This insidious plan changes attitudes and values so quietly and so invisibly that people do not realize they are being manipulated! Further, once they have changed their values and attitudes as the result of the manipulation, they think they arrived at this value system on their own, and will defend that false idea vociferously! This plan of changing long held values and attitudes is called the Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan. We encourage you to read NEWS1006, "Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan -- Euthanasia", and NEWS1055, "Review of Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan And How It Is Being Used Today ".

You will understand the often contradictory methods of the Mass Media a whole lot better once you have read these two articles, and you will understand how you can stop being silently and invisibly manipulated. Further, you will understand how a formerly Christian-values nation can completely change into a Satanic-values nation in less than a century.


(Going to Serbia, President Clinton)

Step 1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.

Step 2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.

Step 3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate.

Step 4. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion gradually dulling its effect.

Step 5. People then are no longer shocked by the subject.

Step 6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.

The key to this plan working out properly is Step #4, the sheer repetition [conflict] between the forces advocating the radical change and the forces resisting such change. In other words, this Six-Step Plan wants to set off a conflict -- a war -- between the forces of change and the forces of Status Quo. This battling, this conflict, will produce a gradual change in the attitudes and values of the vast majority of the population who does not feel strongly for either side in the debate.

Likewise, the Dialectic concept holds true in the discussion at hand, as to how and why President Clinton and his many civilian and military aids deliberately issue conflicting statements about whether American ground troops will or will not be used to invade Serbia. Let me introduce you to the Dialectic concept as to how a New World Order leader can go from Point A [where he is today] to Point Z [his goal of where he wants to be at some point down the road].

Point A -- On March 24, 1999, President Clinton and his NATO allies were outside of Kosovo and of Serbia. This is not where they wanted to remain.

Point Z -- President Clinton and his NATO allies wanted American troops on the ground in Kosovo and Serbia. Further, they wanted this planned war with Milosevic to place American ground and air forces in the general region beyond Serbia, because such a goal was dictated by the Illuminati in 1952! [See NEWS1270, "In 1952, Illuminati Planned To Have American Troops Patrol the Balkans, Greece, Yugoslavia, Romania, and Bulgaria ".]

Clinton, all his advisors and allies, knew that they could not simply go from Point A to Point Z in a straight line, because all Hell would immediately break loose. To go from Point A to Point Z in a simple straight line would carry the following consequences, none of which would be palatable to Clinton and the Illuminati.

Simply put, from the very beginning in 1823, the intent of this massive government and NGO (Non-Government-Organization) are intent upon so gradually transitioning to the new invisible One Party System that no one would ever notice and everyone would never think about the freedoms we have surrendered.

America has transitioned. Our leaders are now:

1) Executive - President Joe Biden, Democrat

2) Congressional Branch - Chuck Schumer Majority leader, called Democrat

Mike Johnson, Minority Leader, co-leader of Synthesis - ranking Republican

Now that our Congressional Branch is now corrupted, the overthrow on our Congressional Branc, is now at hand.

Read this article for full understanding: "THE INVISIBLE ONE-PARTY SYSTEM IN AMERICA", NEWS1439!

New Podcast


The Demon Is Summoned -- 'Image of the Beast' is His Name

"WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, WE ARE SUMMONING THE DEMON.” (Elon Musk at the MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics Department’s 2014 Centennial Symposium)SS


In recent years, astonishing technological developments have pushed the frontiers of humanity toward far-reaching morphological transformation that promises in the very near future to produce what the book of Revelation describes as the living “image of the beast,” followed by a devoted new form of humanity.

Will this mysterious image become realized through the emerging technologies of transhumanism, artificial intelligence, technological singularity, and the ungodly ambitions of a hive mind? The dynamic changes detailed in this book unveil how godlike machines with the capability of crossing over species and extra dimensional barriers put in place by God will soon be ushered in. As a result, vast numbers of people could be paralyzed by the staggering supernatural implications.

But there is a way for citizens to be prepared for what is coming! Be Saved Through Jesus Christ Today!

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Other Dynamic New DVD Titles!

NEW DVDs From Bill Schnoebelen

In the past year media buzz about UFOs and a coming DISCLOSURE of heretofore secret government and military documents and photos of unknown aircraft has risen to fever pitch. The Air Force is admitting to more than 140 sightings of UFOs by military aircraft with that number rising daily.
In addition, hundreds - If not thousands - of people are coming forward to share their memories of horrific abduction by some sort of unknown and terrifying alien entities. These experiences often involve mental and physical probes, torture and rape.

With decades of research combined with personal experience, Dr. William Schnoebelen, N.D., shares this Spirit-led Teaching containing vital information for the End-Times concerning the profound, dark magical underpinnings of the modern UFO phenomenon.

Run Time 1 hour 26 minutes

Read Full Description or Order Yours Today

Are there demonic entities and wicked spiritual powers behind Addiction? If so, what are they? This DVD reveals Scriptural foundations for deliverance, liberation and emotional healing from the real demonic culprits behind tormenting

Addictions and their crippling behaviors.
Food, Gaming, Pornography, Gambling, Digital, Drugs, Alcohol, Occult Power & witchcraft, Pharmakeia and sex addictions.

Bill shares Scriptural foundations for deliverance, liberation and emotional healing from the real culprits behind tormenting Addictions and their crippling behaviors. Learn how to discern symptoms (especially in youth) of the devastating cycle of abuse and find out why most Addiction counselors and the medical community fail. Discover the way to freedom when vain philosophies and unrighteous headship authority fails! We present this anointed teaching – and boldly take hold of liberation, freedom and emotional healing from Addiction through obedience to Jesus’ Scriptures and our Saviour’s Resurrection Authority!

Run Time 2 hours!

Order your copy today


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David Bay, Director

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