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Item Name: DVD or Flash Drive - End Times' Judgment On Iraq (Babylon) Worse Than Believed Possible - Isaiah 13, by David Bay
Category: Sunday School Lessons
Sub-Category: Director Dave
Item Number: CE-034
Iraq -- Ancient Babylon -- is nearing the End Times' final annihilating judgment just as God foretold 2,700 years ago.

The clock of death continues to tick, and soon, Iraq will be history's first 'Dead Nation', a place where no person or animal can possibly live. Mighty Babylon is clearly succumbing to God's inexorable judgment -- and Skull & Bones George W. Bush drove the prophetic stake through the heart of the ancient nation of Nimrod!

Four major parts of this prophecy were uniquely fulfilled during Bush's invasion and occupation: (1) Invading army came from all across the globe, the 'Coalition of the Willing', fulfilling the wording of Isaiah 13, 'They come from a distant country, from the uttermost part of the heavens' (Vs 4). (2) After toppling Saddam, Bush's army began an 8-year occupation which spread uranium all over that land, fulfilling the prophecy 'to seize and destroy the whole land' (Vs 5). (3) Citizens of Babylon (Iraq) shall be totally aghast at the unprecedented warfare thrown against them (Vs 8). (4) Building up the Kurds (Medes) in northern Iraq, thus setting the stage in Isaiah 13 where the Medes will attack and finally annihilate the Babylonians. (Vs 17-22)

You will stand amazed at how thoroughly Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq has fulfilled Isaiah 13!

Total run time, 59 minutes

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