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Item Name: Meditation! Pathway to God or Doorway to the Occult? - New Booklet by Ray Yungen
Category: Booklets - Lighthouse Trails
Item Number: LHT-BKT-RY-MEDI
Price: $1.95
In the West, mysticism always used to be restricted to a tiny fraction of the population (i.e., shamans, esoteric brotherhoods, and small spiritual groups). Never before has there been a widespread teaching of these methods to the general population. Now, mysticism pervades the Western world.

Occult meditation practices have even spread into formerly fundamental churches!

Almost any form of meditation will eventually take you to an experience of yourself as source, or your higher self . . . Eventually you will start experiencing certain moments during your meditation when there is a sort of click in your consciousness and you feel like things are really working; you may even experience a lot of energy flowing through you or a warm radiant glow in your body. These are signs that you are beginning to channel the energy of your higher self.

People must realize that truth is discovered by faith and not by feelings, so matter how intensely wonderful that feeling might be at the moment!

The basic message of these books and hundreds of others like them could be reduced to one simple word, a word that cries out a uniform consistent theme meditate! The type she practices and promotes involves stopping the normal flow of human thought. You cant get the click she speaks of unless you go all the way by emptying the mind versus simply just sitting and thinking. Merely pondering does not suffice. To meditate successfully, you must employ a specific method which produces a void referred to by many New Age practitioners as the silenceor the voice of the silence.

What a person has done when they practice this type of meditation is to open their minds to demon possession! Doubt it Not!


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