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Item Name: DVD - Masons: Friend or Foe PLUS Demolay: Kindergarten For Satanism - Combination Offer
Category: Special Offers
Item Number: Combo-1227-DVD
Price: $39.98
"Masons: Friend or Foe" reveals the startling and deadly truth that a Masonic leader believes he owes his highest allegiance to the global plan of Freemasonry, a higher allegiance than his oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution! Our 2004 election featured two brothers in a Masonically- based secret society called "Skull & Bones". Learn how this secret allegiance is anti-Christian and One World in nature, and most definitely deadly to our freedoms

"Demolay: Kindergarten For Satanism" reveals the dangers this Masonic organization for young boys poses to your precious child! Consider the spiritual bondage inherent in DeMolay: 1) Places young man back under the spiritual headship of Freemasons; 2) Lionizes Jacques Demolay, setting him up as a hero when he really was guilty of worshipping Baphomet and sodomizing young men; 3) Some of rituals, signs and gestures are out of the Ancient Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, one of the most powerful of all Satanic covens. Remember, the DeMolay's most famous alumnus is Bill Clinton!

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