News Alert And Bookstore Bulletin

August 11, 2008


Two New Headline News Articles

1) "Russian Invasion of Georgia Is Meant To Be A HUGE Warning To The West"

Once Russia pulls off this invasion without military intervention from the West, the prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 will have come a lot closer to happening! If God has "put hooks into the jaw" of Russia's Putin, Russia must bring Georgia back under her control before the attack on Israel can proceed!




“…his right eye shall be utterly darkened” Zechariah 11:17(b), KJV


I. Russia invaded a Georgia over the weekend!

NEWS BRIEF: "Russia expands Georgia blitz, deploys ships", The Jerusalem Post, August 11, 2008

"A Russian general said positions around the capital of South Ossetia came under heavy firing by Georgian forces early Monday, a day after Georgia claimed to be withdrawing from the shattered city of Tskhinvali and called for a cease-fire. 'Active fighting has been going on at several zones', the Interfax news agency quoted Maj. Gen. Marat Kulakhmetov as saying. He is commander of the Russian peacekeeping contingent that has been in South Ossetia since 1992."

As you can see, this conflict has been brewing since the early 1990's, as the breakup of the U.S.S.R. split off sections of countries and parts of countries. Russian peacekeeping forces have been patrolling South Ossetia since 1992, and were the first to come under fire in this current conflict. Georgia also maintained significant military forces in the region also. Since regaining her independence from the U.S.S.R., Georgia has steadily moved toward the West, much to the chagrin of Russian leaders, especially Prime Minister Putin.

However, even the United Nations refuses to recognize the breakaway republic, still considering South Ossetia to be part of Georgia. Russia has been keeping troops in the republic for nearly 16 years.

How far did this current military action spread?

"Russia on Sunday claimed to have sunk a Georgian boat that was trying to attack Russian vessels in the Black Sea, and Georgian officials said Russia sent tanks from South Ossetia into Georgia proper, heading toward a strategic city before being turned back."

This next editorial reveals that this conflict is not all Russia's fault, as the majority of people evidently believe.

NEWS BRIEF: "Russo-Georgian conflict is not all Russia's fault", By Charles King, The Christian Science Monitor, August 11, 2008

"Following a series of provocative attacks in its secessionist region of South Ossetia late last week, Georgia launched an all-out attempt to reestablish control in the tiny enclave. Russia then intervened by dropping bombs on Georgia to protect the South Ossetians, halt the growing tide of refugees flooding into southern Russia, and aid its own peacekeepers there."

The Mass Media immediately painted Russia as the bad guy in this new war. Her leadership is pictured as trying to take down the democracy which Georgia has instituted and attempting to counter American influence in the region.

However, reality is not that simple. Both sides are at fault.

"Russia illegally attacked Georgia and imperiled a small and feeble neighbor. But by dispatching his own ill-prepared military to resolve a secessionist dispute by force, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has managed to lead his country down the path of a disastrous and ultimately self-defeating war."

Recent news indicates that Georgia had agreed to a cease-fire, as her outmanned and outgunned forces were proving to be no match for the Russian superpower.

NEWS BRIEF: "US: big powers urge Russia to accept truce", Associated Press, August 11, 2008

"The world's seven largest economic powers on Monday urged Russia to accept an immediate cease-fire with Georgia and agree to international mediation over the growing crisis in Georgia's separatist areas that is verging on all-out war. Georgia had agreed to a cease-fire and said the ministers wanted to see Russia sign on immediately as urgent consultations at the United Nations and NATO were expected."

However, breaking news "just hot off the press" indicates that Russian forces have pushed further into Georgia, causing some people to wonder if Russia's real objective is to seize control of the entire country of Georgia!

NEWS BRIEF: "Russia seizes Georgia base, opens second front", Excite News, August 11, 2008

"TBILISI, Georgia (AP) - Russia opened a second front of fighting in Georgia on Monday, sending armored vehicles beyond two breakaway provinces and seizing a military base and police stations in the country's west ... The new forays into Georgia - even as Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili on signed a cease-fire pledge - appeared to show Russian determination to subdue the small, U.S.-backed country, which has been pressing for NATO membership."

Russia had better move quickly if seizing Georgia is her goal, because the United States and NATO might be moved to react quickly in Georgia's defense.

"The latest developments indicate that Russian troops have invaded Georgia proper from the separatist province of Abkhazia while most Georgian forces are locked up in fighting around another breakaway region of South Ossetia. The West has sharply criticized Russia's military response to Georgia's attack on South Ossetia as disproportionate, and the world's seven largest economic powers urged Russia on Monday to accept an immediate cease-fire and agree to international mediation."

This situation is most volatile and bears close scrutiny. Russian leadership might have just decided to take matters into their own hands in subduing Georgia. This seizure of an entire country could severely rattle the status quo in Europe, which has been steadily moving Westward for almost 15 years.

The cost of crude oil immediately shot up over $2 per barrel!


II. President Bush's policies against the "Axis of Evil" nations and against radical Islamic fundamentalist forces are now considered to be a disaster for the United States!

Bush's "War On Terror" is a farce!

NEWS BRIEF: "In the Middle East, it's the extremists who are prevailing", The Daily Star (Lebanon), August 9, 2008

"The pattern of policymaking in the Middle East, as it was defined since US President George W. Bush's "axis if evil" speech of January 2002, is undergoing a momentous change of direction. Bush's foreign-policy paradigm of an alliance of "moderates" to defeat the 'extremists' ... has collapsed. The 'extremists', whom Bush expected to be defeated through economic sanctions, diplomatic isolation and military action, have prevailed. It is the "moderates" who must now adapt their policies."

This author then lists the instances within the Middle East where the nation targeted by the United States is actually winning the conflict.

* "Israel and the United States failed resoundingly in their attempt to dislodge Hamas from Gaza ... Israel handed a strategic victory to Hamas."

* "Israel's 2006 war against Hizbullah, supported by the United States and the entire Arab "moderate" camp, was no more successful..." We have already noted on a number of occasions that Arab leadership is now boldly believing that they can actually defeat the American army in Iraq and the Israeli Defense Force. Israel continues to follow policies which are conceived by their enemies as "proving their weakness"!

* "The Syrian patron of Hizbullah, President Bashar Assad, another member of the 'axis of evil', is also doing well."

* "America's drive to force Iran to stop its nuclear program through an ineffective sanctions regime has been no more successful than any of its other schemes to isolate the region's extremists. Indeed, the US has now completely reversed its position of not negotiating with Iran until it stops uranium enrichment."

".... the overall cooling of political tensions reflects the collapse of another misconception of the Bush administration - that the "axis of evil" is an irrational coalition interested only in spreading evil. Pursuing radical goals does not necessarily mean that a country will act irrationally. Neither Syria nor Iran - in fact, not even North Korea - has an interest in being the pariahs of the world community, and each fully understands the economic consequences of isolation."

As President Bush enters the last six months of his administration, his policies are being considered a failure by increasing millions of people. We see hints of peace in Israel, in Iran, in Iraq, and in North Korea. Should these hints turn into reality, the whole world could be saying "Peace and Safety" by the time President Bush turns over the reigns to the 44th President on January 20, 2009. If "peace" does break upon the world just before Bush leaves office, the President might even be considered a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize a possibility we explore in a recent Headline News article, "Can President Bush Win The Nobel Peace Prize?", NEWS2306.

But as of now, the 8-years foreign policies which President Bush has been pursuing is considered a colossal failure. Senator McCain may discover that Bush's policies are going to weigh heavily against him in the Fall election.

Bookstore - Two Three New DVD's From Pastor Hoggard!

1) "The Babel Conspiracy: 9/11 & Beyond" - DVD - by Pastor Michael Hoggard

"The Babel Conspiracy" proves that the Illuminati conspiratorial plan to unite the world so their Antichrist can appear is controlled by the "Evil Master Spirits" in the supernatural dimension. BUT, these Evil Master Spirits are controlled by prophecy and doctrine in God's Bible!

What a faith-building experience, as Pastor Hoggard reveals the startling degree to which the events of 9/11 and since then were controlled by prophecy!

Your weak faith will be wonderfully strengthened as will your ability to convince people that the Bible is the only roadmap we need to understand the events of this Age

In speaking of the attacks on 9/11, Pastor Hoggard teaches the "pattern" of them all and then ties them in with the bombing at the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, the assassination of President Kennedy and other key events of the last 20 years -- and demonstrates how these events fulfill Bible Prophecy!

Great soul winning tool - refreshing approach to this subject -

Regularly $29.99

On Sale $14.99

You Save 50%!



2) DVD - "Holy Bible: Sure Word of Prophecy" - by Pastor Michael Hoggard


Occultic manifestations are occurring in Christian Churches throughout the land - and the Bible foretold them all! Pastor Hoggard shows how prophecy foretold that these types of Satanic activities would infest the church at the End of the Age
Practices well known in occult circles are being practiced in churches with the people thinking the Holy Spirit is causing it, not ever realizing that a demonic spirit is deceiving them greatly!

Satan is sweeping churches throughout the world with his full infernal spirit, fulfilling Bible prophecy

This Bible study will surprise you as to its accuracy in foretelling the events of the End of the Age now unfolding uniquely right now, in front of our very eyes!

Pastor Hoggard has also produced: 1) Secret of Solomon's Key Revealed; 2) Biblical Secrets Revealed; 3) New Age - Rick Warren And The Great Prophesied Falling Away

Regularly $29.99

On Sale $14.99

You Save 50%!


3) "New Age - Rick Warren And The Great Prophesied Falling Away" - DVD - By Pastor Michael Hoggard

Pastor Hoggard reveals the shocking truth that the foundation for Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church is New Age Doctrine! In fact, one of Warren's major church pillars is the infamous Marilyn Ferguson's book entitled, "Aquarian Conspiracy".

This reality places Rick Warren squarely in the camp of the 'Enemy of Our Souls' and labels him and his entire movement as being part of the fulfillment of 2 Thess 2, where the Apostle Paul foretold that Antichrist could not arise until the apostasy of the Christian Church comes first. Therefore, RICK WARREN IS OPENING THE DOOR TO ANTICHRIST! And Pastor Hoggard proves it!

Pastor Hoggard also authored: 1) "The Secret of Solomon's Key"; 2) Biblical Secrets Revealed

2 1/2 hours long

Regularly $29.99

On Sale $14.99

You Save 50%!

Exciting New Book - The High Cost of Illicit Sexuality

"Hooked: New Science on How Casual Sex is Affecting our Children"

Hardcover Issue

Consequences For Having Sex Outside Biblical Boundaries

Our sinful society tells us that sex is an act of self-expression, a personal choice for physical pleasure that can be summed up in the ubiquitous phrase “hooking up.”

However, many millions of American teenagers and young adults are finding that the psychological baggage of such behavior is having a real and lasting impact on their lives. They are discovering that “hooking up” is the easy part, but “unhooking” from the bonds of a sexual relationship can have serious consequences.

A practical look into new scientific research showing how sexual activity causes the RELEASE of BRAIN CHEMICALS which then result in emotional bonding and a powerful desire to repeat the activity.

This book will greatly help parents and singles understand that “safe sex” isn’t safe at all; that even if they are protected against STDs and pregnancy, they are still hurting themselves spiritually and emotionally and likewise hurting their partner. -

God's Biblical Mandate For Sex

"Biblical Lovemaking"

"A Loving Look At The Song of Solomon"

Benefits For Waiting Until Marriage And Experiencing Sex God's Way

Why did God include such an erotic book in His Sacred Scripture as "The Song of Solomon?" In this sacred Bible book, God demonstrates His extremely high view of lovemaking between a husband and wife; God shows that He wants the kind of intense bonding that comes from a continuous, lifelong lovemaking, in which nothing that the couple wants to do is Divinely forbidden.

If you have teens under stress about whether to wait until after marriage for sex, this book is a must read! It clearly and lovingly proves that the best sex is the sex within marriage; it truly does pay to wait. If you are married, and are having difficulty with sexual relations with your mate, this book is for you, for it shows how Solomon and Shulamite had to make adjustments in their lovemaking and their approach to one another as their marriage progressed.




"Israel's Connection To Rome"

Prophecy 666 Audio CD

Genesis 15:18 -- This is a unilateral covenant, not dependent upon the actions of either Abram or his descendents. In God's eyes, the great conflicts of the Middle East have already been settled. The land described above has belonged to Israel for 4,000 years and will belong to Israel until the end of time. Only the implementation of God's decree is not yet settled

Today, Israel is dealing extensively with the last Gentile Super Power, Rome, the Revived Roman Empire!

This study details how the leadership of Israel and the European Union are leading the peoples of the Middle East into the false "Peace and Safety" of which the Apostle Paul spoke in 1 Thess 5. This message is as fresh as your Daily News!

"The Cost of Freedom" -- Prophecy 666 Series - Audio CD

All Romans of Paul's day understood how exceedingly valuable their freeborn Roman citizenship was and they valued in within the context of a respect of Law.

People today do not realize how precious this type of freedom is, or even what freedom truly is. This is a study of what freedom means to an individual citizen and what the implications are to our life today.

"Israel's Last Days As A Nation" - Prophecy 666 Series - Audio CD

Study of Israel's Past and Her Troublesome But Glorious Future As Revealed in the Book of Amos

Part 1 - Amos 1:1-2 - ".. the Lord shall roar from Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem; and the habitations of the shepherds shall mourn, and the top of (Mount) Carmel shall wither."

Part 2 - Amos 3:1 - "Hear this word that the Lord hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought out of the land of Egypt" -- Great study of how Israel went into her 2,000-year Dispersion

Part 3 - Amos 6:1 - "Woe to them who are at ease in Zion and trust in the mountain of Samaria..." -- God has decreed that ISRAEL IS ETERNAL! Therefore, God had to bring Israel back at the End of the Age. God begins to deal with Israel as His natural olive tree, grafting them in again, just as the Apostle Paul predicted!

Part 4 - Amos Chapters 7-9 - The last part of Chapter is divided into 1) Total Destruction; 2) The complete restoration of national Israel, completed by God's promise to Israel, "And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be torn up out of their land which I gave, them, says the Lord your God" No matter how devastated Israel is going to be during her last 7 years of Tribulation, God will not allow her enemies to triumph over her -- not the Arabs, not the Russians, and not Antichrist!

Click Here To See All 29 40 Of The "Prophecy 666" Audio CD's

All Are Regularly $7.00

All Are On Sale For Only $4.99!

Big Savings on Closeouts and sale items

145 Items marked down, some up to 75% off!

Also cut prices on numerous items in the Bookstore -- Special Offers

"The TRUE Story of the Bilderberg Group"

Expose' of the World's Truly Secret Governing Body

Still On Sale!

Regularly $24.95

Now On Sale For Only $19.95

An expose' of the most secretive, most powerful, ruling group in the world! Exposes who really runs the world and the lengths to which they will go to establish their globalist hegemony

This investigative report provides a fascinating account of the annual meetings of the world's most powerful people

The Bilderberg Group has been comprised of European prime ministers, American presidents, and the wealthiest CEOs of the world, all coming together to discuss the economic and political future of humanity.

Using methods that resemble the spy tactics of the Cold War—and in several instances putting his own life on the line—the author did what no one else has managed to achieve: he learned what was being said behind the closed doors of the opulent hotels and has made it available to the public.

408 pages -



"Mysterious Monuments"

"Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, Occult Locations"

624 pages • 875 Photos & Illustrations

Still On Sale!

Regularly $34.95, On Introductory Sale $29.95

Satanic and/or Illuminati monuments and layouts around the globe are arranged according to a mysterious occult design! Are the Illuminati elite using satanic architecture and magic to capture men's minds and catapult humanity into a New Order of the Ages?

A few of the many examples shown in this Encyclopedia:

* Satanic pentagrams and owls woven into the design of Washington, D.C. Marrs quotes material from "Riddles In Stone"DVD

* New Haven, Connecticut, home of "The Tomb," the occult Order of Skull & Bones, a city planned by its creators to be nine square with a skull & bones design at its heart, the town’s cemetery.

* The Georgia Guidestones;

* The odd "Stonehenge" structure in California which serves as the entrance to an Apple Computer Corp. facility;

* Sandusky, Ohio, a city laid out in the form of a Masonic square and compass;

* Where the rich and famous dwell—architectural secrets of the Rothschilds, the DuPonts, the Vanderbilts, the Morgans, the Astors, and other storied Illuminati bloodlines and dynasties.

* George Washington’s mausoleum and tomb at Mount Vernon, proven to be architecturally designed as an Egyptian temple, complete with two obelisks, modeled after the palace of King Solomon’s Egyptian Queen.


"Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos"

"Coming Great Food Shortages In America"

Rising food prices all over the world! Food riots shaking some countries around the world! "Nothing to eat", "Mobs Panic and Riot" read the newspaper headlines today!

This DVD reveals the horrifying truth about a monumental plot to starve Americans and the peoples of the world into submission

The coming great hunger will come upon us suddenly, at an instant astonishing all with its ferocity and total devastation. Listen to this r, which tells us why we are suffering from the twin evils of high energy and high food prices:incredible quote from Henry Kissinger

"By controlling energy, we can control nations; by controlling food, we can control individuals"!

Does that quote sound like your Daily Newspaper? THAT is also the Illuminati Plan -- and it is being worked out in your daily news!


Soul-Winning DVD


"Hell's Best Kept Secret"

More people would live their lives far differently and take Jesus Christ more seriously if they just knew this one secret!

What is the principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitfield, and others used to reach the lost? Why has the church neglected it? This video provides the answers. Why do 80-90 percent of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith?

In this era of great church apostasy, we need to return to the "old paths", the Old Time Religion!



"Secret Power of Lawlessness"

by Gary Kah

In this video Gary exposes the involvement of Freemasonry and secret societies in building the New World Order. Using solid evidence, Gary goes into detail on connections between the Masonic Lodge and occult organizations of the New Age movement.

He also reveals the close ties between the Masonic order and Roman Catholicism. A bold video that lifts the cover off the one-world movement.

Only $14.99 --

See our Huge Selection of DVD Videos

View Our Entire Video Viewing Room

Rose Publishing Laminated Pamphlets -- All Only $3.99


Customers absolutely love these fact-filled, high quality foldout pamphlets. Each pamphlet is completely covered, front and back, with exciting, pertinent Biblical information. Customers regularly order 15-20+ titles at once and numerous Sunday School leaders and/or Pastors have ordered up to 50 of a particular title as a central part of an individual study.

Each pamphlet is only 6"x9", small enough to fit inside your Bible, but expands outward in 14 panels to 33".

Until we introduced our $4.99 "Prophecy 666" Audio CD's, this pamphlet category was our #1. Now, it is a close #2.

See Our Entire Selection of 61 Pamphlets

Two New Headline News Articles

"Prince William Taking Two Huge Steps To Become The "Masonic Christ"!

In line with our belief that Antichrist will come from the House of Windsor, Prince William joined the "Order of the Garter", a secret society formed in 1348 which has long exercised great control over the global Illuminati.

Step 2 - Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II announce plans to put Prince William through an unprecedented course on how to be a King -- a course of training never done before in all England's long history! Is William going to be trained to be Antichrist, the coming "Man of Lawlessness"?

DVD - Book

"Obama and McCain Are 22nd Cousins Descended From King Edward I of England!

"As many as 15 American Presidents and numerous Presidential candidates are also related to King Edward I. Can anyone see an incredibly long-running conspiracy here? British "Generational Witchcraft" is operating here!



“…Evil Men And Seducers Shall Wax Worse And Worse…” 2 Timothy 3:13[a]

Building the case for Christians to NOT be actively involved in the American political process --




Audio CD

"Can President Bush Win The Nobel Peace Prize?"

It is possible that several seemingly intractable problems can be "solved" in the last months of the Bush Presidency. If this trend continues, President Bush could be radically transformed from a discredited President into a Nobel Peace Prize winner!

Is it possible that the last six months of the Bush Administration might produce the False Peace of which the Apostle Paul warned in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3?

Ramifications could be huge!



"Senior Military Officials Planning Military Action ONCE Wall Street Crashes"

Shocking news comes out of Navy War planning meeting that Military scenarios have been created once the Stock Market crashes




“For The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil…” (1 Tim.6:10)

The chorus shouts: “I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now!”

If it is possible for a song to characterize the attitudes and actions of a nation—that one has us pegged!


"Saber-Rattling Against Iran Reaches New Heights!"

"Iran said it is beginning to dig 320,000 graves needed once the invasion gets underway." --


"Angels or Demons?"

"Todd Bentley and 'The Beautiful Side of Evil' " - By Berit Kjos


"Sky High Oil Prices - Certain Signs By Which You Can Know WHEN Prices Will Be Coming Down"

Since crude oil prices are being manipulated to produce these high oil prices, the time will come when they will fall, because key world economies cannot sustain this price for a long time.

You can know for certain what signs to look out for which will tell you when the prices will begin to fall. --

* Wow Item For the Day

Combo Offer DVD - "Back To School" Special

"History of American Education" PLUS "Educate or Enslave"

Regularly $39.98

On Sale $29.98

You Save $10.00!

Combination video offer which gives you more reasons than ever before for not sending your children to Public School.

"History of American Education" shows how Public Education slowly, gradually changed from excellence in 1800 to planned mediocrity in 2000. Now, children are being programmed to be "Worker Bees"

"Educate or Enslave" shows how our precious children are being trained to just be good citizens of the Global Government -- to not think critically and to passively accept whatever they are told to do.

These 2 videos together retail for $39.98, you save $10 when you buy them together.


"Eye of the Phoenix" DVD Now Has A Revealing Trailer!

Video #3 In The "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings" Series

This video will prove that three occultists of international renown conspired to place the Illuminati "Symbol of Antichrist" on the left side of the back of the American One Dollar Bill! The All-Seeing Eye of Horus hovering over the unfinished pyramid is the Eye of Antichrist and American rulers of that time knew it!

Occultists consider the One Dollar Bill to be the highest "Magical Symbol" in world history! You will also be surprised to learn the reason Masons chose the Dollar Bill as the most important document on which they could place this startling symbolism.

We continue our Pre-Sale offer, allowing you to pre-purchase this video at $5.00 off. If we are to continue producing this video without interruption, we need your support NOW!

Click Here For Full Details

Related News Story


"Masonry Officially Admits That The Luciferian All-Seeing Eye Symbol On The Back of the One Dollar Bill Is Masonic!"

After years of denying that symbol of the All-Seeing Eye hovering over the pyramid on the One Dollar Bill is in any way, shape, or form Masonic, official Masonry is now bragging to their members that this is precisely the case!

Just another indication of the inherent Satanism within Masonry!



We are going to continue our special $25 per year subscription fee promotion, for which you will get a FREE Cutting Edge Website on CD, a $25 value, plus a CD containing Seminars 1 and 2, another $14.99 value. Therefore, you are getting back $55 in value for only a $25 subscription -- a total value of $80.00!

This promotion is also available for those who wish to renew, and for people giving a subscription to someone else as a gift.


News Alert Archives

As always we ask you to pray daily for this ministry.

Be sure to visit the Sale items and Special offers sections where you will find 28 Special offers and 121 items on Sale.

David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries

1792 South Lake Drive, Ste. 90 PMB 300, Lexington, SC 29073
