The Democratic Party has turned against the 10 Commandments
by David Kupelian


As we confront the many life-and-death political and cultural battles increasingly wracking America – including a presidential election just around the corner, featuring hands-down the most spectacularly deranged and demented candidates in our history – it might help to pause for a moment and remember that, at core, what we’re really in the grip of is a spiritual war. Stay with me here.

America's traditional Judeo-Christian culture – the one I grew up loving – is rooted in the Ten Commandments. However, what we cryptically call "the left," which has almost entirely swallowed up the Democratic Party, is rooted in VIOLATING the Ten Commandments. Not accidently or ignorantly. Purposely. The left's CORE OPERATING PRINCIPLES are the negation and intentional violation of the Ten Commandments.

If that sounds over the top, just consider this:

The Sixth Commandment says "Thou shalt not kill" (or "Thou shalt not commit murder"). Setting aside the 100-200 million people slaughtered or starved during the 20th century as a direct result of the far left's insane totalitarian-utopian system, just look at today's America: More than 3,000 innocent babies slain in their mothers' wombs every single day, the same number of people as died in the 9-11 terror attacks. And during the last year, Democrats – including ALL of their major presidential candidates – have been singing the praises of abortion right up to the very moment of birth. That' not only insane; it's evil.

The Seventh Commandment says "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Were this one commandment observed, the ever-metastasizing and totally insane "sexual revolution" of the 1960s, brought to us entirely by the left, would disappear – and along with it the Pandora's Box of tragedies and disasters it continues to unleash: A million abortions per year; astronomical levels of out-of-wedlock births and a corresponding epidemic of family breakdown, divorce and fatherlessness; a staggering 110 million Americans with sexually transmitted diseases; and today's ever-more-bizarre LGBT movement, including the mass-hysteria phenomenon of lost souls believing they are the opposite sex, as well as the nonstop indoctrination, confusion and corruption of America's children from toddlerhood through college. All from the willful violation of one commandment.

What about "Thou shalt not steal," the Eighth Commandment? What is socialism and "wealth redistribution" but power-mad leftwing demagogues' obsession with stealing from one group and giving a portion of the spoils to others in return for their loyalty and their vote, while amassing an ungodly amount of wealth and power for themselves? The left cannot live without stealing; it's what it does.

The left and its political fortress, the Democratic Party, never ceases to violate the Ninth Commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Indeed, the left's No. 1 battlefield tactic for occupying new ground is its nonstop defaming, demonizing, suing and lying about conservatives, Christians and others who oppose its blindly destructive advances. Expose Planned Parenthood's evil practices of aborting babies while maximizing profitability from resale of their body parts and YOU get prosecuted, not Planned Parenthood. Decline to actively participate in a homosexual marriage, and you get bombarded with death threats, prosecuted, fined, "re-educated" and maybe jailed. Recently, the left's vilification of America and its citizens has gone off the charts: ALL white people are now racists – especially old, white men; America is a predatory, fascist nation rooted in slavery and genocide; police are racists and maybe Nazis; the president locks up little kids in cages and forces women and children to drink from toilets. All outrageous and INTENTIONAL lies – “bearing false witness” against their neighbors.

What about the Tenth Commandment, "Thou shalt not covet"? Winston Churchill described socialism as "the gospel of envy," a concise phrase that encapsulates two profound truths: One, socialism is a religion to its adherents, and two, it appeals to and celebrates one of the darkest parts of human nature – envy.

That last point about the left appealing to the darkest side of human nature explains something most longtime WND readers readily recognize: The left, which righteously poses as protectors of women, blacks, gays, transgenders, students, immigrants, the poor and other societal "victims" (while demonizing the rest of us as selfish, racist, anti-science, anti-woman, anti-immigrant and homophobic) is actually the primary CAUSE of most of the misery, suffering and injustice it claims to oppose.

I could go on, but I know you get the idea. Violating the Ten Commandments is the core operating system of the left.

So, what is the solution to all this? How can the left's attempted revolutionary takeover of America be stopped?

There's only one thing that can neutralize lies – and that's TRUTH!

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Everything is riding on this November's election. If the Democratic candidate wins, America will go dark for a very long time, if not forever. Great civilizations live and die, they don't last forever – not if they continually violate the laws of God and common sense and economics and morality and the lessons of history. That, unfortunately, pretty well summarizes the platform of today's Democratic Party.

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