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Monday, March 4, 2013

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I. The spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah is sweeping this world, transforming mankind into the kind of perverted heart and mind and soul which can accept the coming Antichrist.

In reality, the very fact that we can now see the Sodom perversion so widely accepted by key leaders throughout the world is truly another "Sign of Times", alerting us to the lateness of the prophetic hour.

Jesus' End Times prophecy is being fulfilled: "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot ... But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all." (Luke 17:27-29)

Based on this verse, Bible scholars have long held that one of the "Signs of the Times" shall be public acceptance of homosexuality, emanating from government. I believe we are at this point now.

NEWS BRIEF: "The evolution of the nation's 'first gay president' ", CNN News, March 2, 2013

"He has been declared America's 'first gay president'. But President Barack Obama's evolution to that title hasn't been easy. His positions zig-zagged over almost two decades. His advocacy of same-sex marriage began well before his White House years, tracing back to his early political service in Illinois ... "

"2012: Obama endorses same-sex marriage, the first such statement by a sitting president. The legal decision should be up to the states to determine, he says."

"January 2013: Obama becomes the first U.S. president to mention gays and lesbians in an inaugural address and champions same-sex marriage."

"2013-2017: Will Obama's next evolutionary step seek change in the 41 states that currently define marriage as between one man and one woman? As a second-term president, he certainly has the clout. Obama on same-sex marriage: Everyone is equal."

Certainly, Barack Obama, like all the occult Illuminati leaders before him, has not believed the Biblical injunction against homosexuality. Further, Obama and his ilk have shunned the real-life example God forever gave the world when He utterly and forever destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, the two ancient cities peculiarly given over to societal and very public acceptance of gay sex. Do you remember how public sex had become in these two doomed cities? The gay men and young boys of the city surrounded Lot's house, demanding that he send out the angels within so they could have sex with them in public!

Now, the United States has a sitting President who fully supports the gay lifestyle and who is leading the current fight to make this acceptance the law of the land!

But, this is not the first President to have a heterosexual family on the one hand while supporting the gay lifestyle on the other hand.

William Jefferson Clinton was abhorred by millions of Bible-believing Christians because he so strongly supported gay rights.

But, America got no relief when she elected George W. Bush, that supposedly "Born Again" Skull & Bonesman, as President. Two years after taking reigns of power, Bush's gay / lesbian policy was declared "identical to that of Clinton's"! Do you remember? Please take a few moments to read our archived Headline News article, breaking this story and analyzing it.


Millions of Christians were aghast! Here their Christian hero, George W. Bush, was pursuing gay / lesbian policies identical to that of President Bill Clinton, the man whom they have come to despise! Yet, as we read the litany printed by CWA, we believed they were really to light in their examination of Bush's policies. As the time wore on in the second Bush Administration, the extreme Men's Gay organization, the "Log Cabin Republicans", became a very visible supporter of President Bush and his policies.

These three Presidents have now ruled America 21 years, two full decades. Keep this fact in mind, for we are going to shift our attention from the gay capture of American Politics to the gay capture of American Education. You will see that functional control of our nation's education has been captured about three decades ago by the gay / lesbian cultural values.

You need to realize what caused the radical turning point of the 'Dumbing down of education' by two left-wing socialists, Horace Mann and John Dewey, in the mid 1800's and early 1900's. You will be shocked by 'Prayer Police' in our schools, a textbook with a 'Witch License Application,' and a tenth grade English assignment on 'How to kill your best friend' plus the myth of 'Separation of Church and State'. You will discover the horrifying agenda of the National Education Association, Kinsey Institute, S.I.E.C.U.S., and also the homosexual agenda to teach preschoolers the 'ABC's of being gay' and first graders' 'Gay-Ed for Tots' .

Would you be surprised to learn that America's current education system so accepting of homosexuality is patterned after the U.N. 'World Core Curriculum' and would you be surprised to learn that its philosophy came from a 'demon spirit guide', through a expert channeler named Annie Besant, leader of the global secret society, "House of Theosophy"?

Our precious children are truly learning at the feet of demons! In our Public Schools!

You need to shake your heads at the horrors of the gradual infiltration of secular humanism, values clarification, situation ethics, alternative lifestyles, progressive education, and behavior modification led to well orchestrated take-over of our schools. America. Kinsey Data laid the foundation for sex education -- training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality. What has been the consequence?

Over the past seven decades, American citizens have been increasingly indoctrinated to accept homosexuality within our society and then to embrace its values as being acceptable on the same basis as God's ordained heterosexuality! We are at that point now, the same point Sodom and Gomorrah were at on that clear, sunny day when God's judgments fell without warning, killing every gay and every straight inhabitant of that city, except for Lot and his daughters.

Can you now see how the pro-gay value system has captured our political leaders at the highest level in our land?


Now that we have seen how the gay values system has gained control over our politics, let us examine how this Sodom-based lifestyle has captured Religion throughout the world. The Roman Catholic Church has led the way in conditioning people to accept the gay / lesbian lifestyle, from their perverted priests.

This next news article illustrates that, as Catholics prepare to elect the 112th Pope of St. Malachy's prophecy, these sex scandals of the past 1,200 years are weighing heavily upon the hearts of the collective faithful.

NEWS BRIEF: "What we need in a pope: A variety of noted Catholics describe what they would like in new pontiff", The Los Angeles Times, March 3, 2013

"On Thursday, Pope Benedict XVI became the first pontiff in nearly 600 years to willingly step down from his position. What kind of man will the cardinals who have gathered in Rome from around the world choose to be his successor? We asked Catholics from a variety of perspectives to write about some of the qualities they would like to see in a new pope."

The first response is from Sister Eileen McNerney.

"The first words that I would like our new pope to say are, 'For the next 40 days, I will be wearing sackcloth and ashes in repentance for the sins of our church'. The horrendous scandal of sexual abuse has pained me deeply, and I know that I am not alone in how I carry this sadness. I believe that a strong symbolic gesture from our next pope could do much to heal this pain. "

While I can feel her pain, the next Pontiff cannot heal and stop this sexual pain because sexual perversion is part of the "genetic code" of the Catholic Church! Please take a few moments to read these archived Headline News articles which demonstrate this horrific spiritual reality.


"PROOFS THAT THE SEXUAL SINS OF ROMAN CATHOLICISM HAVE EXISTED LONG BEFORE THE 40 YEARS ADMITTED TO BY PRIESTS OF TODAY - Part 2" - NEWS1671 - "Forced celibacy, auricular confession and some aspects of the priest's training, render a Roman priest a sexually-abnormal person or a sex pervert." -- "I Was A Priest", published 1949

"This vow of celibacy is the greatest hoax invented by Romanism" - Ibid.

"The forced law of celibacy has destroyed him." - Ibid.

"PROOFS THAT THE SEXUAL SINS OF ROMAN CATHOLICISM HAVE EXISTED LONG BEFORE THE 40 YEARS ADMITTED TO BY PRIESTS OF TODAY - Part 3" - "Going back to 1710, we find that predatory priests were preying upon women in the confessional, using all the techniques we have before described, including threatening the woman with torture and death at the hands of the Inquisition if she did not submit to his sexual lusts!" - NEWS1675


"Now That Roman Catholic Pope Has Been Declared To Be False Prophet Of New World Order Religion, We Look At How Easily The Vatican Could Become The Church Of Antichrist. We see how it has long been a church of a Demonism Spirit." NEWS1285

Thus, can you see that the disastrous root of gay sin is so deeply rooted within Roman Catholicism for the past 1,200 years that no new Pope can change it, no matter how sincere he must be? The leopard can more easily change its spots than a Roman Catholic Pontiff can change the massive, deeply rooted and firmly entrenched sin of homosexuality within the priesthood.

Even if a new pope were to announce that priests can now marry, it would take at least a generation and maybe two, for the cancer of pedophile priests to be thoroughly eradicated from the church.

Prophecy teaches that Satan is going to be allowed to stage two horrible "Beasts" upon the Earth. (Revelation 13)

1) The First Beast (Rev 13:1-10) is political and economic. The Bible calls him "Antichrist".

2) The Second Beast (Rev 13:11-18) is religious. But, he is said to have "two horns like a lamb", which means he shall pretend to be Christian and shall be accepted as such by the masses of the world. This Second Beast will be called the False Prophet and he will perform the same occult power as Antichrist, and shall do so in support of Antichrist.

Bill Lambert, New England House of Theosophy, uttered a very shocking statement during the "Members Only and One Guest" seminar on August 18, 1991. He said:

"Energies want to flow from the Hierarchy to earth to produce the physical manifestation of the Christ; but, such flow can only occur when humanity raises its collective consciousness to be properly awakened receptors." (Page 617-618, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, paraphrased by Mr. Lambert).

"At this point, I raised my hand to ask Mr. Lambert, 'You spoke earlier about the Pope going to Jerusalem; when Lord Maitreya makes his appearance, there will be three types of people:

1. Those whose consciousness has been properly raised so they can readily accept him;

2. Those whose consciousness has been raised somewhat but not so high that they can readily

and immediately accept him, but they might be able to accept him after further enlightenment;

3. Those who will never accept him.'

I continued ... " 'Back to the Pope for a moment, Bill. You stated that, at the right moment, the Pope would go to Jerusalem. Surely the Pope is a proper receptor to the Christ'

At this point, Bill nodded his head affirmatively that the Pope was a 'proper receptor to the Christ'. This is the most direct acknowledgement by a influential person involved in the planning for the appearance of Christ that the current Pope is ready and waiting for the appearance of The Christ. This acknowledgement also points to the Roman Catholic Pope as the False Prophet."

Thus, Satan truly has firm control over both the political and the religious systems, especially in terms of implanting the gay / lesbian values in both systems. This development is surely one of those "Signs of the Times", indicating how close mankind is to the appearance of both the Antichrist and the False Religious Prophets, both of whom will espouse the homosexual lifestyle.

Now the entire world stands at the precipice of the next Sodom and Gomorrah moment!

"How Textbooks Mislead" DVD

By Dr. Don Batten

Do you know what your children learn in school? Do you have any idea how public school textbooks are cleverly and expertly written so that young impressionable minds can be twisted and contorted so your child believes in Evolution?

Dr Don Batten investigates the evolutionary teaching in a typical biology text used in senior high school. The textbook uses many deceitful, out-of-date and even fraudulent arguments to indoctrinate students in evolution (everything made itself without a Creator).

Be prepared to equip our youth with answers!

50 minutes long, only $12.95

Watch Most Interesting Trailer

"PSALM 83: The Missing Prophecy Revealed"

"How Israel Becomes the Next Mideast Superpower"

This powerful 3 DVD series contains three of the most revealing teachings, complete with instructional images and maps, from Bible prophecy expert, Bill Salus. These 3 DVD's are all included in one package.

The titles are quite interesting: DVD 1 - 'Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38, Which is the Next Middle East News Headline?'; DVD 2 - 'The Future for America in Bible Prophecy'; DVD 3 - 'The Roots of the Mideast Conflict'.

This DVD will help you make sense of today's news events occurring daily in the entire Middle East. - Only $19.99

Over 4 hours on the 3 DVD's - Available As 360-Page Book

"Agents of Control"

"Deception, Deception, and More Deception"

Only $17.95, Save Money

'Agents of Control' takes a close look at world events, supernatural happenings and Ancient Prophecy about to be fulfilled.

Jesus foretold of unprecedented deception at the end of the age. In fact, spiritual, political and economic deception is so pervasive that it easily filled this book. Were the true story told, thousands of such books could be written.

'Agents of Control' is a fast-paced, hard-hitting prophetic portrait of end time events that offers a detailed panorama of how the end of the age could very well unfold. Filled with confirming Scriptures, this exegesis of the last days not only offers an enlightened view of the apocalypse, but it also identifies man's only answer for overcoming globalism and the New World Order of antichrist. An exciting read - Enjoy it!

This book opens your eyes to why world events occur and what Bible prophecy has foretold concerning the future. The clear and thorough way in which this book is presented makes for a very interesting read. A great documentary, not a novel.

193 pages -


Five Powerful Headline News Articles For Our Faithful Supporters

Your faithful support enables us to keep Cutting Edge free for everyone else. Our readers have always loved the indepth correct news analysis found in our "Headline News Analysis".

Is The Planned Moment Arriving For The Pope To Preside Over The Building of A Combination Worship Center For All Monotheistic Faiths?

Israel has signed an historic agreement with the Vatican, giving the Pope a seat at King David's Tomb. Is Rome planning to soon move the throne of the Papacy to Jerusalem? Moving the Papal throne from Rome to Jerusalem would carry enormous End Times religious global implications.




"President Obama's State of the Union Address - February 12, 2013 -- Utopian Socialist / Elitist Vision"

"America's 44th President set forth a Socialist / Elitist vision of a future America which will thrill the Liberals and infuriate the Conservatives. Get ready to be infuriated."



"America Is Leading Western Powers In A Full-Scale Invasion of Africa!"

Now that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down, the West is in full invasion mode destabilizing a major part of the "Non-Functioning Gap" region of the world. The "Pentagon's New Map Strategy" is being brilliantly followed. Have you noticed? Mass Media is either clueless as to what is occurring or they are part of a worldwide coverup.




"In Just 50 Years, America Has Turned "PINK"!

In February, 1963, the Supreme Court "kicked God out of public schools"; in January, 2013, President Obama allowed a large Lesbian/Gay marching band to participate in his Second Inauguration. The President also spoke so glowingly about homosexuality, he legitimized the lifestyle!

America has come full circle, from God's blessing to God's curse. America is the new Sodom, and we are living "in the days of Lot" (Luke 17:27-29)

Are you spiritually ready to live like "righteous Lot" (2 Peter 2:6-9), being daily tortured by all the filthy acts occurring in our nation, and yet able to live righteously for Jesus? Unless the Rapture of the Church occurs first, we Christians are going to have to stand our ground, protecting our loved ones while we aggressively evangelize those lost around us.

Most Important Article We Have Ever Written


"World War III Will Be History's Greatest Lynchpin!"

Many major events are planned to occur just as World War III begins. Mankind will be systematically hit with unparalleled disasters of every kind as this planned global war unfolds. But, none of these events will occur until the lynchpin called "World War III" is pulled.

The Illuminati has prepared many different scenarios which will not be triggered until World War III breaks out. All these events are sitting like a race car at the starting line, engines idling, just waiting for the global war to break out so they can all be triggered at once. Doc Marquis said that these events will occur at a rapid rate, one after another after another. Doc said people's hearts will literally fail them for fear, as they can scarcely comprehend one disaster when they will hear of another and then another and then another. People will be overwhelmed by the succession of so many horrific disasters after another.

But, Doc warned, "none of the planned events will occur before the others". And, the trigger for all these events is World War III, literally a lynchpin holding all planned events in place. Once this gigantic lynchpin is pulled, all these planned disasters will quickly follow. People worldwide will be so upset and so confused by so many disasters happening at once, they will literally leap at any proposal from their leaders that will "solve the problem".

At that point, the New World Order can be established as soon as World War III has run its course and the Masonic Christ appears on the world scene. We are not to panic whenever someone speaks out about one of these disasters, saying that it will occur NOW. We know the Plan for the New World Order and we know the sequential prophecy in Daniel 7:7-8 so we know these events are a number of years away.

You need not panic.

"And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." (John 8:32) Jesus' Promise

Eternal Security of the Believer

"Inheritance & Rewards"

DVD by Dr. Chuck Missler

Are all believers going to be equal in heaven? Wasn't it all decided at the cross? Is there a difference between overcoming sin and bearing fruit?

Inheritance came to the Firstborn Son by virtue of his birth. Whether he actually secured it depended upon his obedience and the father's choice. Inheritance was subject to condition and obedience. The Abrahamic Inheritance was based on Divine Oath, conditioned on obedience.

Inheritances could be forfeited. The Exodus Generation was promised an inheritance, but failed to obtain it at Kadesh -Barnea. Israel was God's 'firstborn son', yet only 2 people of over 2 million took possession of their inheritance. Even Moses was excluded due to his disobedience. Esau sold his inheritance for a bowl of pottage.

We have been promised an inheritance in the Kingdom to come. But is there more that is required of us than just our acceptance? Does behavior in this life really influence our future?

This study contains 2 hours of teachings -

New Bookstore DVD

"Ape-men: The Grand Illusion"

DVD by Dr. Terry Mortenson

The consensus among secular scientists is that man evolved from an ape-like creature over a period of millions of years. But upon what is that claim based?

In this illustrated lecture presentation featuring Dr. Terry Mortenson, you will see that the so-called 'scientific evidence' does not stand up to scrutiny; further, you will understand the folly that Christian leaders are committing trying to fit ape-men into the Book of Genesis -- they are seriously mistaken.

The gospel importance of the supernatural creation of Adam and Eve is then made clear. See for yourself that the idea of ape-men is a Grand Illusion, deceiving millions and undermining both the clarity and authority of Scripture and the Gospel message itself!

Ages: 12 to adult --

Watch Trailer

Related Item

"The Genius of Ancient Man"

New Book by Don Landis

All over the world there are similar findings of ancient religions, cities and towers, world travel, advanced astronomy, and civilized government. Over the course of two years, a team of researchers from Jackson Hole Bible College has worked to bring together the different pieces of the convoluted mystery and history of ancient man.

Hours of researching, trips to various sites around North and Central America, visits to museums, and meetings with experts have provided the team with an overwhelming amount of evidence for the intelligence of these early innovators. A jumble of anomalies and magnificent structures continue to confound archaeology and anthropology today, yet as the dots are connected, one finds history as described in the biblical record.

Evidences and commonalities explored from ancient man around the globe! (1) Why structures echoing the Tower of Babel have been recreated on almost every continent and major culture. (2) What artifacts and archaeology, technology and innovation, really reveal about the origin of mankind. (3) Why many biblical symbols (rainbows, human sacrifice, mountains, the Son/ sun worship) were, and continue to be, distorted in pagan religious practices. (4) What the historical record reveals about Satans counterfeit of Gods plan for humanity. Now you will have scientific fact about Ancient Man allowing you to refute the evolution teaching of primitive cavemen!

112 pages, hardcover.

Watch Trailer

"The Feasts of Israel"

DVD by Dr. Chuck Missler

The Feasts of Israel, set by God, are not only commemorative in a historical context, but are also prophetic.

The first three feasts in the 1st month point to the Messiah's First Coming; the last three feasts in the 7th month, to His Second Coming. The middle feast highlights the Church, in more ways than is generally recognized.

What are the Feasts? 1) Passover; 2) Feast of Unleavened Bread; 3) Feast of First Fruits; 4) Feast of Pentecost; 5) Feast of Trumpets; 6) Day of Atonement; 7) Feast of Tabernacles

This study contains 2 hours of teachings

This video reveals the rich background of these feasts with many surprises for the Biblical believer, and yet only scratches the surface. The first half of this briefing pack is taught by Chuck Missler with the later half taught by Dan Stolebarger.

This study contains 2 hours of teachings -

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A. Seminar 1, "America's Leadership of the New World Order" and Seminar 2, "America Determines The Flow of History" in MP3 format on CD. MP3 Audio format for play on your computer as well as CD and DVD players that will play MP3 format. Upload them to your IPOD too. Once you understand the evidence and truth we share with you, you will never look at the news the same way again. You will understand how America has become the nation she is, and you will be able to see the direction in which we are heading.

Nearly 10 hours of audio seminar material plus printable passout notes for the seminars are included on the disc.

Seminar 1- "America's Leadership of the New World Order", shows why this formerly Christian country could become the leader of the Satanic New World Order effort. America today is compared to the Israel in the years prior to God bringing in Nebuchadnezzar to physically destroy Israel in Judgment. Comparisons between Israel then and America today are staggering!

Seminar 2- "America Determines The Flow of History", looks carefully at our national history and discovers that our Founding Fathers had a hidden agenda which set this country on the path of leadership of the Kingdom of Antichrist. Also covered is the demonic Plan for three (3) World Wars, the fact that the Illuminati created Communism between 1846-1848, and the greatest deliberately staged "Dialectic Struggle" of all time -- the Cold War

B. MP-3 -- "Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ" - MP3 Audio on CD

Your understanding of the Gospel account will change forever once you understand the truth of the Jewish leaders who conspired to put Jesus on the cross. This incredible series reveals that the Pharisees and Sadducees who hated Jesus with an unnatural hatred and provoked the Lord into uncharacteristic animosity toward them, were secretly Satanists practicing what later became known as the Cabala (Kabbala, Qabbala).
Now you will know why the Pharisees killed Jesus even though they knew with 100% certainty that He was the Promised Messiah.

Now you will know why these Jewish leaders looked at Jesus' miracles and concluded that He was drawing His power from Beelzebub, one of Satan's chief demons. MP3 audio CDs will play on your computer and can be transferred to your IPod or MP3 player. Many new cars also have CD players that will play MP3 CDs.

C. DVD - "Are We Living In The Last Days?" New DVD Compilation by Pastor Crone .

"Are we living in the last days?" Is the rapture of the Church imminent upon the horizon? And will this generation see the actual return of Jesus Christ? Pastor Crone compiles snippets of each one of his 14 DVD's thus far on the Book of Revelation to demonstrate how close we are to the very End of the Age.

Join us in this eye-popping provocative video study revealing how we really are living in the last days. Here you will be confronted with undeniable evidence in the form of actual interviews, reports, and news broadcasts from around the world unveiling the shocking truth that the end times are at hand.

These signs include, the Mark of the Beast, Worldwide Upheaval, a One World Government, Economy, Religion, and New World Order, the rebuilding of the last days Jewish Temple, Apostasy in the Church, Moral Decay in our Culture, the Rise of the Antichrist, and much much more!

Are we living in the last days? People, check out the proof for yourself! You won?t believe your eyes!

D. DVD - "Masons: Friend or Foe To The Born Again Christian?"

Many of our leaders have sworn allegiance to a Masonic Order of one type of another. Our current election features two brothers in a Masonically- based secret society called "Skull & Bones".

What are these leaders pledging their allegiance to and how deeply entrenched are their goals to America today? Since Freemasonry has attempted so strenuously to claim that they are just a good old boy fraternity that does good works and has a good time, most Americans would be shocked to learn the bitter truth behind that facade.

2 hours, 40 minutes of instruction


E. DVD - "Educate or Enslave?"

Three United Nations Programs: Outcome Based Education, Goals 2000, School-to-Work

These cradle-to-grave "improvement" plans are designed to reshape our national values and belief systems through our children. This video covers the origin of all these programs, showing how they are designed to completely change the values systems and worldview of our precious children.

Throughout the Clinton and Bush and Obama Administrations, these UN programs steadily made inroads into our educational curricula, reshaping the minds of our precious children into "Global Citizens". - 2 hours, 20 minutes


F. DVD -Barbed Wire On America: God's Final Warning - by Dave Wegener

In great film clips, Wegener details the coming plan to institute global dictatorship.

What do: Detention centers, Depopulation, Demilitarization, Foreign Troops on U.S. soil, Mother Gaia worship, Martial Law, and the Anti-terrorism bill have in common? They are all in our immediate future, unless enough Americans wake up to what is planned for us. Great film footage, a must see for all Americans.

Over 2 full hours


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David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries

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