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Monday, February 24, 2014

"Uncensored Science"

Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham

Watch Biblical Creation scientist destroy the arguments of Evolution advocate in a televised debate!

Ham, a former science instructor who moved to the USA from Australia over 25-years ago, is joined by the popular children's program personality Bill Nye 'the science guy' for this first and only-scheduled debate.

Each man delivers what he believes is the best information available, then has an opportunity for rebuttal, and then answers questions submitted by the audience. Presented in a packed 900 seat auditorium, this event sold out in the first 2-minutes of online ticketing, and includes an audience of Christians and non-Christians, creationists and atheists.

The topic: 'Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern scientific era?'

This DVD documents the actual, uncut statements, arguments, and audience reactions to these two leading spokesmen. You will understand the faith and facts behind the worldviews of each proponent - and those whom they represent - better than ever before!

This historic event took place at the Creation Museum near Cincinnati February 4, 2014. Approximately 2.5 hours on three DVDs.

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The World As We Know It Is About To Change!

DVD - Vol. 1, 'Hyper-Reality' Series

The immense leap in technological advancement is changing the way we live, learn, interact and believe. Since before the Pharaohs, man has tried to become like gods. Transhumanism has taken this desire to the next step, with the pursuit of immortality, omniscience, and ultimate power. Technology may be paving the way for humans to achieve this version of godhood.

At this point, Transhumanists will become immortal.

How should a believer react to these emerging technologies? We are entering into the Hybrid Age. This drive has become a Divinity Cult, using science to become gods.

Speakers include Dr. Chuck Missler, Dr. Thomas Horn, and Joe Farah.

Aliens Will Introduce Antichrist

"Watchers 7: Alien Implants"

UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the Christ appears."


Pastor Billy Crone Proves Aliens Are Demons

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Trailer Vol 1

Trailer Vol 2


"Angels Volume III DVD: Aliens, UFO's, The Denizens of the Metacosm"

Volume 3 explores the contradictory behavior of UFOs and other demonic deceptions characteristic of

How do we prepare for the deception which, 'if it were possible, would deceive the very elect'? Order Angels Volume III

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Hot News

I. The Ukrainian crisis becomes the theater of the predictable.

Just hours after signing an accord with leaders of the opposition, President Yanukovich fled the country , on 2/22/2014, a "numeric signature" on the event.

NEWS BRIEF: "Ukrainian President Voted Out on 2/22", NPR News, 2/22/2014

"Ukraine's parliament has voted to push President Viktor Yanukovych out of office hours after he fled the capital and denounced events in the country as 'a coup d'etat' in a television interview. The legislature also voted to release Yanukovych's jailed arch-rival, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko ... Saturday's dramatic turn of events came hours after a deal was forged with the opposition to end the bloodshed."

Why would the President of The Ukraine abandon office and flee just hours after he had signed an agreement with his opposition designed to stop the bloodshed? After all, Yanukovich had the support of his powerful Russian neighbor, his military forces, and his police. There is absolutely no reason for him to resign and flee.

Unless the Plan called for him to do so!

The date on which President Yanukovic fled office forms a "222", a very strong "Occult Signature"!

The Illuminati always leaves some occult signature when they carry out an event, especially one designed to move the world into the Kingdom of Antichrist, i.e., New World Order. Since the Kingdom of Antichrist is Astrologically declared to be the Age of Aquarius, the number 11 is sacred to that kingdom. As Pastor David Meyers of Last Trumpet Newsletter [Meyer is a former Satanist] explains:

"The number 11 is the Aquarian number since Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac." [July, 2001]

Further, the occultist generally reveres the number '11', as W. Wynn Wescott explains: "... so 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect." [Ibid., p. 100] Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplication's are also important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99.

Thus it is that at the end of the First World War, the Illuminati signaled to the rest of the occult world that they had successfully completed the first world war according to the demonic vision given to Albert Pike as to how Antichrist must be staged [Read full details in NEWS2325]. How did they signal this fact? They arranged for the Armistice to be signed at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Three elements of 11 is a bold, strong signature of the Illuminati.

The number '222' is just an extension of '111', as is '333' and '555' and '666'!

But, the "Occult Signature" goes still further. When you add this date as an occultist would add it - 2+2+2+2+0+1+4 - you get the incredibly sacred number, '13'. This number holds the meaning to the occultist of "extreme rebellion" against constituted authority. Since the New World Order is extreme rebellion against the God of the Bible and His "Old World Order", the Illuminati bases much of what they do on the number '13'.


Former Congressman Ron Paul (R) provides a damning indictment of America's invisible hand directing the violence of the opposition in this Ukrainian violence. President Obama is simply the latest President who is simply a "Frontman of the Illuminati"!

NEWS BRIEF: "Leave Ukraine Alone! Ron Paul", The Ron Paul Institute, 2/23/2014

"The usual interventionists in the US have long meddled in the internal affairs of Ukraine. In 2004 it was US government money that helped finance the Orange Revolution, as US-funded NGOs favoring one political group over the other were able to change the regime ... A recent leaked telephone conversation between two senior government officials made it clear that not only was the US involved in the Ukrainian unrest, the US was actually seeking to determine who should make up the next Ukrainian government!"

Other pundits over the past several weeks have also noted the obvious American hand in this Ukrainian violence. But, what purpose does it serve America and the global New World Order plan to wreak such havoc within the Ukraine?

And why was Russia's reply so muted?

While the Club of Rome map clearly envisions The Ukraine as part of Supernation #5, Russia, it is unclear whether all of The Ukraine will slip under Russian hegemony, or just the western part of the country. Listen to Ron Paul again:

"The current conflict stems from a divide between western Ukraine, which seeks a closer association with the European Union, and the eastern part of the country, which has closer historic ties to Russia. "

Paul's statement makes it sound as though The Ukraine is splitting into parts. Indeed, a Russian journalist noted that The Ukraine was being torn asunder!

NEWS BRIEF: "EU writes Ukraine's eulogy: "Ukraine is being torn apart", Russia Today, 2/22/2014

"It is hard to think of a scenario in which Ukraine can remain the sovereign state it is today. During the failed Orange Revolution, there was a united opposition ... In a country like Ukraine, where the central leadership is weak and the opposition is also weak and fragmented, the logic of secession starts to enter the imagination ... here are ample reasons why Ukraine's east and south will now consider ending any meaningful relationship with those who now control Maidan and all of Kiev."

This Russian author notes the same logical division of The Ukraine as did Paul: the Western Ukraine which wants normal ties with the European Union and the East and South Ukraine which desires to be affiliated with Russia. Just as Iraq is now being allowed to split into its normal ethnic divisions, so The Ukraine seems that it might split into its normal historical divisions. If this scenario is allowed to form, The Ukraine will be much more peaceful than it would be otherwise.


Finally, remember that one of the Illuminati's major principles is "Ordo Ab Chao" -- "Order out of Chaos". They deliberately create extreme chaos, so they can step in when the situation is the most dire with their solution. "ORDO AB CHAO" is the mantra of the Illuminized occultist, and around that firm belief the concept of the Dialectic Struggle was born. The history of the entire bloody 20th Century can be understood on this basis: create chaos and then step in to force your solution. Some people like to state the principle another way: Create the problem -- "solve" the problem.

Chaos can be created through a wide variety of ways: Wars, natural disasters, economic displacement or collapse, revolutions and assassinations. Once a society has been thoroughly wracked with chaos, it is wide open to the sly manipulation of the Globalist, who steps in with offers of aid, money, manpower and even military force, in order to "help" the stricken nation recover. In this case, American forces generated chaos that almost seemed without sense or direction.

But, in the end, The Ukraine may fall into its normal historical ethnic groups, one allied with Supernation #5 (Russia) and one with Supernation #2 (Eastern Europe). Once this occurs, Russia will be able rather quickly to form the rest of her supernation.


II. In Supernation #6 -- Latin and South America -- extreme violence is racking Venezuela.

One American author believes this this violence is designed to create Supernation #6!

NEWS BRIEF: "NWO Agenda Behind Mayhem in Venezuela", Henry Makow, 2/23/2014

"It is amazing that the US has just forgotten about a continent just south of the border, which is ganging up with US haters Russia and China to implement a Marxist revolution, while America is spending trillions in the other side of the world in Afghanistan and Iraq. "

America does seem so preoccupied with the Middle East and Africa that she is turning a blind eye toward Latin and South America. A political vacuum is thus created; Marxist forces are rushing headlong into that vacuum. Even Cuba is asserting her power!

"Since February 12th, Youth Day in Venezuela, the country has been in chaos. Hundreds of thousands of students followed by millions of peaceful protesters demanded an end to the Marxist dictatorship, and the betrayal of the country to Cuba, and violence and corruption, in the largest demonstrations in the history of the country. "

"There are 60,000 Cubans in the country, in every area of the government, working as 'consultants'. Most are simply political agents with training in terrorism. There are reports and pictures of Cuban soldiers arriving en masse to Venezuela, including the elite troops 'Avispas Negras', specialized in assassination and political sabotage. "

What is the purpose of generating such violence in a country already in the grip of the Marxist doctrine, which is the guiding principle of the rest of Supernation #6?

"Lula, the former president of Brazil, is in Cuba at this moment, discussing the Venezuelan problem with his boss Castro ... He and Fidel are mainly responsible for the plan that brought almost all of South America to Marxism, through the alliance of Communist political parties and a terrorist organization called Forum de São Paulo, created in 1990 to fill the void left by the fall of the USSR. With the exception of Colombia, Paraguay, Panama and the Guyanas, the plan has been a total success. All of Latin America is now, in varied levels, on the hands of the Marxists. "

"Venezuela is the trial ground for the takeover ... Latin America is being prepared to be one of the ten regions in the coming New World Order ... the integration of Latin America is being done under the red flag of Marxism, so the continent will remain poor and underdeveloped forever. People in the region will not accept this lightly, and much blood will flow. "

Watch the development of this Supernation #6, Latin and South America. They have already formed the "Summit Conference of the Latin America States" which is guiding all nations into the kind of close cooperation required if this supernation is to be formed.

Jesus told us that, when we see His prophetic signs occurring, we are to "look up, for our Redemption draweth nigh"!

This news is good news, because it tells us how close the Rapture of the Church, the appearance of Antichrist, and the triumphant return of Jesus Christ truly is. Good news! This is the kind of good news that leads to rejoicing!

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NEW Headline News Analysis

PROPHETIC ALERT! President Obama Is Quietly Forming The North American Union!

Progress toward forming Supernation #1 of the Club of Rome Plan is suddenly lurching forward.
Daniel 7:7-8 is now rapidly moving toward completion.

This prophecy is the only one in the entire Bible which must be fulfilled before Antichrist can arise!

Is President Obama Going To Make An Announcement Confirming The Existence of Extra-Terrestrials?

He has just appointed a UFO adviser!

Was Ronald Reagan A Secret Member of the Luciferian Secret Society, The Rosicrucians?

While the information I am about to share with you seems to answer the question as to how Reagan could allow himself to be made an honorary 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason just before leaving the White House, we must be very careful in assessing a complex person's life well after that person has died.

Pope Francis I Preparing To Be The False Prophet Revelation 13:11-18

BREAKING NEWS JUST IN! Pope Francis has just announced he will visit Jerusalem in May! Will he make the planned special announcement then, that all religions are united under his leadership?


Abruptly, Significant Progress Occurs In Prophetically Reorganizing All Nations Into 10 Supernations

Prophetic Supernation #9 is forming, with a deadline of December, 2015

South and Southeast Asia (ASEAN) is now coalescing into a single giant nation. When this nation is formed, it will be part of the fulfillment of Daniel 7:7-8

Since Antichrist cannot arise until all nations of the world are reorganized into 10 Supernations (NEWS2363), we must watch the formation of these supernations to gain an understanding of the lateness of the prophetic hour.

In the past few months, impressive progress has been made. The prophetic hour draws near!! This article reports very "good news" to Christians everywhere!

Finally, after 2,000 years of history following Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, wicked forces intent upon producing Antichrist are now taking concerted action to reorganize all the nations of the world into precisely the ten (10) supernations foretold 2,600 years ago in Daniel 7:7-8.

While it is not possible to know the precise date on which all these supernations will be completed, at the very least, when we hear some false prophet setting a date for the end of time, or the appearance of antichrist, or proclaiming imminent economic collapse, we will know enough to check the status of this Club of Rome Plan to reorganize all nations into 10.

Personally, I believe that the Rapture of the Church is going to occur before all ten supernations are formed. Once the Church is out of the world, and once the Holy Spirit no longer restrains the plans of evil rulers, the Club of Rome Plan can be finished within weeks at the most.

"Look up, for your Redeemer is drawing nigh". The End is finally seen on the horizon!

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Angels Battling Aliens In The Heavenlies

Daniel 10 Battle Being Fought Daily

"Angels Volume III DVD: Aliens, UFO's, The Denizens of the Metacosm"

Volume 3 explores the contradictory behavior of UFOs and other demonic deceptions characteristic of

the End Times.

Subjects Are: 1) Are they real? 2) Why do UFOs enjoy a military classification higher than our most sensitive weapons systems? 3) Why are the events which occurred in Roswell New Mexico still classified after 66 years? 4) Why is the Vatican openly preparing to receive an Alien Visitor? 5) How should a Christian deal with the occurrences of Alien abductions? 6) Jesus admonished us to 'Be not deceived.'


How do we prepare for the deception which, 'if it were possible, would deceive the very elect'? Order Angels Volume III

See also first two volumes

"Angels Volume I DVD: The Angelic Realm"

"Angels Volume II DVD: The Invisible War"

Demons Battling To Capture Mankind




End Times Prophecy Unfolding In Israel: God Preparing Jews To Accept Jesus

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah (DVD)

Mystical death curses. Visions of Messiah. A renowned world political leader under the threat of death. Religious leaders in absolute shock. A cryptic death note ...

The story is shocking. The story is true. The story is still unfolding today!

This sensational story of Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, the 108-year-old rabbi declared the name of the real Messiah was Jesus and further proclaimed that Messiah would not come until Ariel Sharon was dead; within days, Sharon suffered a stroke and has been in a vegetative coma for 7 years now.

Ezekiel 37, 'Dry Bones' prophecy, stated that Israel would return to her land in the End Times in a state of unbelief in Messiah, but would gradually come to believe in Him. When this most powerful Kabbalistic Rabbi stated that he had seen Messiah in a vision and that His name was 'Jesus', he set in motion powerful forces that are awakening many Jews in Israel to the reality of Jesus.

This event is a true 'Sign of the Times'! This documentary is based on the book "The Rabbi Who Found Messiah" by Carl Gallups. Renowned Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, New York Times bestselling author of "The Harbinger," appears with Gallups. They give insight into the messianic Jewish perspective, Hebrew messianic expectations and the profound nature of Rabbi Kaduri's amazing pronouncement.

Did the elderly, revered Rabbi actually have a vision from God similar to the Apostle Paul's vision on the Damascus Road? Did he really see Jesus as the Messiah who is soon to come?

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Rabbi Cahn's DVD's

Preparing Israel To Accept Jesus



May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries


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