News Alert & Bookstore Bulletin

Friday, August 21, 2009

New DVD On Most Important Subject of Our Time!

"Camp FEMA: Giant Death Prison Grid"

Pre-Shipment Sale

Watch The Trailer

Unbelievable video documentation of the coming implementation of death camps in U.S. cities. Under the guise of protecting Americans from terrorism, Federal Government officials will dissolve our Constitutional government, our freedoms and guaranteed liberties, beginning the largest sweep of dissidents in world history!

Legislation highlighted in the film that will shock audiences when they learn that 'continuity of government' plans do NOT include the continuity of the United States Constitution nor any of the rights enumerated and defended by our forefathers.

You previously unseen FEMA video footage and official documents that are essential in understanding the scope and complexity of the New World that is being created before our very eyes. 'People will beg to get into the camps' vaunted Alex Jones who predicted that an economic collapse would be used to herd Americans into FEMA installations already being setup across the country in renovated military bases and abandoned 1940s Japanese Internment Camps.

Once the World War III designed to produce Antichrist erupts, severe economic collapse will set the stage for the Elite to begin the massive sweep of anyone even remotely thought of as an 'enemy of the state'.

Can we win the information war against our own elected officials? Has our entire Federal government been hijacked by Constitutional terrorists men and women who are set on enslaving the very population that they have sworn an oath to protect? You may not like the answers to these and other even more ominous questions that lead the audience down a dark road filled with menacing horrors and atrocities to come.

The End of the Age is nearly here and this video clearly shows the 'Handwriting On The Wall' -

Pre-Shipment Sale - Regularly $24.99, On Sale For Only $19.99, Saving You $5.00

Available about September 10

Key News Events

I. Despite White House denials, the health panel which Obama's Health Care plan would set up WILL INDEED set up a "Death Panel"!

Looking at Great Britain today and Nazi Germany 60 years ago, you will realize that President Obama is setting up a panel which will quickly 'morp' into a panel who decides who dies and who lives.

NEWS BRIEF: "Obamacare will be one big 'death panel' ", World Net Daily, August 19, 2009

"President Obama has promised huge cuts in medical spending. In fact, he has warned that, if America fails to make such cuts, it will face financial Armageddon ... To avoid this catastrophe, America must make drastic cuts in health spending, says Obama. The size of his proposed cuts varies from speech to speech, but the figure cited most often by Obama's advisers is 30 percent per year – up to $700 billion annually."

"The numbers make clear that most of these cuts will have to come at the expense of those who need health care the most – the elderly, the disabled and the gravely ill ... Obviously, Obama will not meet his cost-cutting targets by reducing care to healthy young people. They are already spending next to nothing. It is the old, the dying and the chronically ill whose health care he will cut. The numbers make this clear."

Cutting Edge began warning in September, 1996, that the coming New World Order was Nazism revived! We coined a phrase to succinctly express this horrific reality, "The Nazi Wolf Is Back"! We posted a number of articles on this subject, chief of which are:

* NEWS1004 - "Parallels Between Nazism And The Bush/Clinton/Bush New World Order" -- Obviously, this article was updated after George W. Bush became President

* NEWS1008 - "Hitler's Role In The New World Order Plan"

* NEWS1058 - "Death In The Netherlands - Study of Euthanasia In Action. Parallel With Nazism in Past and with New World Order In The Future"

* NEWS1185 - "New Age Proven To Be Revived Nazism"

* NEWS2151 - "Adolf Hitler To George Bush -- History Being Repeated As Current Drive To New World Order Is Being Driven By Nazism Revived!"

* NEWS2246 - "To Understand The Coming Antichrist, You Must Understand Adolf Hitler -- The Ultimate "Type" Of The Coming False Messiah"

These are only a selected number of articles we have posted over the years warning our readers that the coming New World Order is revived Nazism! But, now we are actually facing the situation where we are seeing such a parallel coming directly to us and threatening the senior and the elderly with death rather than medical treatment.

"How will Obama cut costs? His June 13 radio speech gave some hints. Obama said his plan would provide 'incentives' to doctors to 'avoid unnecessary hospital stays, treatments and tests that drive up costs'. And what sort of treatment does Obama consider "unnecessary?" In an ABC News special June 24, he implied medical treatment might be wasted on elderly people with grave illnesses, citing his own grandmother as an example. Dying of cancer, with less than a year to live, Obama's grandmother broke her hip. '[T]he question was, does she get hip replacement surgery, even though she was fragile enough they were not sure how long she would last?' asked the president."

President Obama did not tell his listening audience that his grandmother did, indeed, get her hip replacement. And, probably for the very good reason that, under the White House Health Plan, she would be denied the surgery! Obama let the proverbial "cat out of the bag" when he said, ""Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller".

This is exactly what the Nazi medical system did to those patients who were in a "devalued" class, i.e., the unborn, the partially-born, the elderly, the mentally ill, and the retarded! This is exactly what British and European medical systems are doing to their own people.

"In Europe, governments already ration health care, just as Obama plans to do here. The older and sicker people are, the less care they get. In England, for example, bureaucrats determine a patient's eligibility for health care using the QALY system (quality-adjusted life years). They divide the cost of treatment by the number of "quality" years the patient is expected to live. Older, sicker patients are expected to live fewer "quality" years, so why bother treating them at all? On this basis, British elders are routinely denied treatment for cancer, heart disease and other deadly illnesses. Many die in filthy, overcrowded hospitals or nursing homes, rife with pestilence, including the deadly, antibiotic-resistant 'superbugs' Clostridium difficile and MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Each year in the U.K., nearly three times more people die from hospital infections than from traffic accidents."

Obama's plan will set up exactly the same system as described above, only by the time his system is implemented, Antichrist might be on the world scene. Then, as under Germany once Hitler came to the world scene, American medical doctors and nurses will gladly sign on to the program because they already possess the medical mindset which sees the killing of devalued people as "medical healing".

We posted an article nearly 10 years ago which warned that American doctors and nurses already believed in killing certain kinds of patients. Please read NEWS1364, "The New Cannibals Have Taken Control of Our Medical Industry".

The very fact that President Obama could publicly proclaim this kind of medical euthanasia tells us that the world is rapidly moving into the End of the Age, and that Antichrist is close to appearing on the world stage.


II. New Mind Control technology is now apparently available to the very Elite who are already controlling us to a degree of which we are simply unaware!

NEWS BRIEF: "Arms expert warns new mind drugs being considered by the military", Reuter's News, August 19, 2009

"GENEVA (Reuters) - A leading expert on chemical and biological arms control called Wednesday for urgent efforts to stop new mind-altering drugs developed for medical purposes from being adopted by the military for use in warfare. In an article in the U.S. journal Nature, British academic Malcolm Dando said civilian researchers in many countries seemed largely unaware of the danger and urged quick action to adapt a key arms pact to head it off."

"But in Nature, he said attention should be focused on changing the 1993 global Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The CWC urgently needs modifying if it is to continue to help ensure that the modern life sciences are not used for hostile purposes', he wrote. Most pressing was how the pact dealt with non-lethal chemicals developed for law enforcement."

Remember that, when an article appears telling of a new military capability which is being developed, the reality is that the government has possessed this technology for at least 10 years already.

Mind Control is in the mind of the Illuminati a lot, because they are most interested in using mind-control and mind-altering drugs extensively to control their restive, angry citizens. Our bookstore carries a lot of material on Mind Control. Type these two words into the Search Engine box on our bookstore page and you will see a plethora of books and DVD's on this horrific subject.

Other Brand New Bookstore DVD's

""Mother of All Secrets"

"Most Deadly Secret Concealed by Mankind Now Revealed In the Holy Bible"

Best DVD EVER from Pastor Hoggard!

Regularly $29.99, On Sale For $14.99 - You Save $15.00!

Pastor Hoggard's introduction to this material uses Deut 18:9-12 and Psalm 2: 1-3 to establish the Biblical reality that men who worship the occult regularly consult with familiar spirits so they can take counsel against God. Therefore, the conspiracy by which they seek to overthrow God is demonic to its core. Hoggard also speaks about this carefully hidden secret all throughout the video and states that he will show this secret manifesting itself through Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, the New Age Movement, plus modern movies and advertising.

Pastor delves into Daniel chapter 2 to explain the secret revealed to Daniel about the 4th Kingdom,. with the mingling of the sons of God and the daughters of men as the miry clay. From here he proceeds into the Masonic Square and Compass and other Masonic symbols, showing how this Satanic mingling is secretly hidden in those symbols.

Then Hoggard brings us to our Modern Era, showing that we are now seeing animal/man DNA beasts that have come from scientific experiments. He then introduces the idea of the Triple Helix in modified DNA which is the subject of the final DVD in this series.

This DVD is Part 2 of the DNA series

This video is full of images and illustrations, his best single effort ever.-


"Triple Helix: Genetically Changing Mankind Into Beasts"

by Pastor Hoggard

God created man with a Double Helix DNA strand. But modern genetic scientists have created a Triple Helix DNA strand, a change which transforms the man God created into a Beast! Hoggard takes us through a study of the Bible, demonstrating that God gave us a perfect picture of a Double Helix within Scripture.

Modern day scientists are trying to give the Global Elite immortality so that they will have no need for the Savior's Cross.

Hoggard then shows many symbols within Freemasonry depicting the Triple Helix. To illustrate this helix, Masonry uses 3 degrees, 3 pillars and many other threes in their symbolism.

This Triple Helix also symbolizes the mating of the 'Sons of God' (Devils/Beasts) with the Daughters of Men, which produced 'Giants In The Earth' - Beasts

Illuminati scientists intend to turn the Global Elite from humans created in God's image to Beasts through genetic engineering. It is highly significant that this transition of the Elite to beasts is occurring just before the two Beasts of Revelation appear on the world stage: Antichrist (First Beast) and his False Prophet (Second Beast). Hoggard really hits the nail on the head with this DVD!

This DVD is Part 3 of the DVA series -

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New Headline News Articles

President Obama: The Most Frightening President Ever!

We show a newspaper cartoon of 1934 which proves that Obama is implementing the same type of radical Marxist program which President Roosevelt rammed down America's throat.


Will Antichrist Arise On 12/11/2012 And Be Pronounced World Messiah On 12/21/2012?

The mathematics are quite startling!


    Is This Crisis Over Obama's Birth Place Leading Us To A Constitutional Convention (ConCon)?

      The Illuminati is only two states away from gaining their coveted Constitutional Convention, also known as Continental Congress. If this crisis explodes because Obama is proven to be a naturally born citizen of Kenya, not Hawaii, will Conservatives be so anxious to get rid of him and to put real teeth into the Constitutional provision regarding citizenship that they will support a ConCon to "fix the problem"?

      This article is also a primer on the dangers to our liberties of a Constitutional Convention.



        Esteem others better than ourselves (Phil. 2:3)

      Obama's Fascist Health Care Plan Is Dictatorial Socialism!

        Americans who have their own health care plan now will be reduced to government numbers, will have to give government access to your bank accounts and will be told in certain health and age situations that you will have to just die as your 'Quality of Life' is just not assured enough to give you the health care you need.

        President Obama's health care plan will advance the "Deathmaking" in America to unprecedented heights, and you could easily be a victim.



"BELIEF AND REPENTANCE: Two Facets Of The Same 'Gem' ", Pastor's Heart article by Pastor Ron Riffe -


Constant Israeli Threats To Bomb Iran Is Setting The Stage For Fulfillment of the Russian-led Invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39)

Iran has reacted to the incessant threats from Israel by seeking protection from the Russian Bear. This "Rumors of Wars" campaign is having the effect of cementing the prophesied alliance between Russia and Ancient Persia (Iran).


From Family Freedom to Global Control - Part 1

The UN Seizure of Parental Rights


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A. Seminar 1 and Seminar 2 in MP3 format . Now both seminars 1 and 2 on one CDROM! MP3 Audio format for play on your computer as well as CD and DVD players that will play MP3 format. Once you understand the evidence and truth we share with you, you will never look at the news the same way again. You will understand how America has become the nation she is, and you will be able to see the direction in which we are heading. Save $5.00 off buying them separately. Nearly 10 hours of seminar material plus printable passout notes for the seminars is included on the disc.
B. Our first 10 Cutting Edge audio radio programs on CD in MP3 format. Now you can enjoy the "Best of Cutting Edge Radio" programs!! This assortment contains 10 of the best selected radio programs.
Titles are as follows:

CER1098 Introduction To C/Edge + U.N. Millennial Summits, CER1099 Has Covenant of Antichrist Been Signed?, CER1104 God's Attributes Biblical Study, CER1105 Public School Conditioning Of Your Children!, CER1107 Changing Values Invisibly For Entire Populations, CER1108 Christians Should Read Daily News With Insight From Prophecy, CER1110 Proofs of Single-Party Control In USA, CER1111 Virgin Mary & Modern Pagan Goddess Worship, CER1112 Election Voter Fraud Deliberate and Planned, CER1114 George W. Bush Shows His True Colors Already!

C. "Relentless War" DVD - Peace Between Israel and Muslims Will Always Be A Myth" --   For the past 50+ years, peace between Israel and her Islamic neighbors has always proven to be a mirage, and will always prove to be! Just as the Bible foretells! When Israel pledged to pursue "land for peace" with the Palestinians, the undiscerning world breathed a sigh of relief, believing that peace in the Middle East had finally been given birth.

Watch Dynamic Trailer



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David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries

1792 South Lake Drive, Ste. 90 PMB 300, Lexington, SC 29073
