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Subtitle: This movie is propaganda, not science, and seems designed to rekindle support for the terribly disastrous Kyoto Accords.

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.



On Saturday, May 29, my wife and I viewed the extremist environmental movie entitled, "The Day After Tomorrow". Our earlier belief that this movie was taken from the book, "The Coming Global Superstorm" by Art Bell and Whitley Striber proved completely correct. Most details in this movie were originally in Bell's book. Therefore, our earlier article is entirely correct and will educate you thoroughly on the contents of "The Day After Tomorrow". Our original article reviewing Bell's book is:

"ULTIMATE GOAL OF "SUSTAINABLE" PLAN MAY BE THE "COMING SUPERSTORM": Sustainable Development = Destruction of Industrial Civilization -- Part 4 in Series -- NEWS1696

Because NEWS1696 so exactly covers "The Day After Tomorrow", we are free in this article to examine the real purpose for which this movie may have been created. In the very first minutes of this movie, we see Dennis Quaid in the key role as a radical, leading-edge climatologist who was warning that, if mankind did not take the actions necessary to relieve the stresses on the earth's "fragile" ecosystem, global natural disasters would occur. In the second scene, Quaid is speaking to a group of climatologists from many nations who were meeting in New Delhi, India. The Vice President of the United States severely criticized Quaid by saying the Kyoto would cause great harm to the economy of the United States. Quaid responded that not doing anything would cause even more economical damage than adherence to Kyoto, reiterating what environmentalists like Al Gore have been saying for years.

Within a few days, the global Superstorm was underway, a storm that virtually annihilated the Industrial Civilization of America and Europe. At the end of the movie, the President of the United States singled out Third World countries which had come to the aid of America during her disaster, thanking them profusely; I could not help but remember that Third World countries have largely supported the Kyoto Accords while the United States has refused to consider the pact.

As I stated above, since the details of the movie so closely parallel those of the Art Bell's book, we can go beyond a description of the movie in this article, and focus on the terrible perils posed by the Kyoto Accords. You will not believe the disastrous results of Kyoto. To begin our discussion, let us go back a few years when most of the rest of the world decided to implement Kyoto even if the United States did not.


NEWS BRIEF: Nations Approve Rules for Kyoto Pact Without U.S.", by John J. Fialka, Staff Reporter of the Wall Street Journal, The Wall Street Journal, Tuesday, July 24, 2001, p. A-2.

"BONN -- A United Nations convention on global climate change approved rules for implementing the Kyoto Protocol to cut industrial emissions, but the absence of U.S. participation ultimately could prove costly to American companies. The consensus agreement reached early yesterday following marathon negotiations appears to have won the backing of enough nations to bring the treaty into force. The U.S. - the world's largest producer of carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse gases targeted for reduction -- continues to object to the Kyoto pact, but officials said Washington would take no action to block its implementation."

"A major incentive that brought the deal together was the provision for the parties to engage in emissions trading, a concept promoted for four years by the U.S. [Clinton Administration] before it [Bush Administration] abandoned the treaty. The treaty calls for industrial nations to reduce their emissions to 5.2% less than 1990 levels during an accounting period that runs from 2008 to 2012. Companies and countries that cut emissions below their assigned target level will have excess credits to sell. Nations and companies that can't reach their emissions quotas may find it cheaper to buy the excess credits than to install new pollution-abatement equipment. The theory is that market-based mechanisms will direct limited investment money to the most cost-effective emissions reduction projects."

As the G-8 meeting began in Genoa, Italy, President George Bush angered many other heads of state as he restated his objections to the Kyoto Protocol agreement, calling it "fatally flawed". As we shall show in this article, Kyoto Protocol IS deeply flawed, and Americans should thank President Bush for his leadership in scuttling American participation. Kyoto is flawed for the following reasons:

1. Global Warming is a fraud; therefore, the Kyoto Protocol is completely unnecessary.

2. This Protocol has no effective enforcement apparatus to force any sovereign nation to comply if it is not doing so when its timing targets arrive. The only effective way in which a sovereign nation can be forced to do something is through military force, or the threat of military force, from a government higher and more powerful than the sovereign nation(s) not complying. If economic sanctions could not bring Iraq's Saddam Hussein to "toe the line", you can bet your bottom dollar it will not bring China or Russia in line either.

Therefore, we can only conclude that, by the time this treaty begins to take effect in 2008, the world will have a United Nations backed by military teeth, able and willing to force these formerly powerful nations to comply.

3. This Protocol simply reinforces the short-term perception that the world is in crisis, thus giving more impetus to the current drive to produce a One-World Religion, Government, and Economy.

As an Illuminist, President Bush secretly backs the full implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, but he knows that full implementation of this pact will absolutely gut the American economy, sending it into a free-fall. The Illuminati decided a long time ago that Americans would never accept Antichrist unless they were very prosperous when the planned Third World War and all its accompanying terrors begin to unfold. One former witch said that the Illuminati was prepared to exercise the highest level Witchcraft imaginable to keep the U.S. economy going strong until the very end.

Bible prophecy parallels this Illuminist belief. In a former radio program, CE1038, we show that, when that the Economic Babylon which we believe to be America is destroyed, the whole business community of the world and the entire shipping industry moan and groan, because no one can replace the loss! The point is that, up to the moment God destroyed this Economic Babylon with fire in one hour of one day, the nation was exceedingly prosperous! This prophetic scenario is exactly what the Illuminati has planned for America!

How disastrous would Kyoto be to our economy? Wall Street would begin to fall the moment any American President signed this protocol.

Further, President Bush is well aware that his Conservative core constituency is well aware of the disaster Kyoto Protocols will bring this nation, and will absolutely fight him tooth and nail should he back Kyoto. But, most troubling would be that many Conservatives would have their eyes opened to the truth of who President Bush truly is, before the planned disasters begin to strike,

These are the reasons President Bush declined to participate in the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol.

Does this mean that we can relax our guard and breath a sigh of relief that this bogus Global Warming Treaty accord just signed in Kyoto, Japan, will not become law during the time of the Bush Administration? On the surface, that seems to be the case. Certainly, many Americans have read or heard reports from well respected scientists who have warned that there is no evidence to substantiate the claims from Environmental Radicals that the world is heading into a new weather pattern of Global Warming. In NEWS1125, "Global Warming A Hoax", we quoted M.I.T. Professor, Dr. Richard S. Lindzen, as he contends that there is no credible evidence to support the theory that the world is becoming warmer because of the gases emitted by Industrialized countries.

Listen to Dr. Lindzen again: "'We don't 'have any evidence that this is a serious problem."

We also demonstrated that these views of Dr. Lindzen must be taken seriously because of his brilliant credentials. He is not a know-nothing beatnik spouting off. Consider, once again, his credentials for making this most important analysis of the falsity of Global Warming.

"Regents' and National Merit scholarships at the Bronx High School of Science (class of 1956) propelled him as a student, first to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and then to Harvard University, where he was attracted by classical physics, and then atmospheric physics. After various academic posts, he joined the M.I.T. faculty in 1983,. Here he is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology.

Clearly, Dr. Lindzen's opinions regarding Global Warming have to be taken very seriously; and he says that Global Warming is a hoax. Nor is Dr. Lindzen alone is this opinion; he joins a growing number of objective scientists who are warning us not to fall for this hoax.

Why is this hoax being perpetrated upon us? Those who are insisting that the world is going into a Global Warming scenario are the same ones who want to establish a One-World system of Government, Economy, and Religion, called the New World Order. Once, again, read and carefully consider that part of the New World Order Plan which boldly states a global panic is going to be foisted upon the peoples of the world to allow the world to finally go into the new global system.

"When we come into our kingdom [New World Order] our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who will ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?" ["Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", Protocol No. 13, also quoted in William Cooper, "Behold A Pale Horse, p. 303]

Certainly, this is the situation confronting us today, is it not? The purveyors of this coming One-World system want us to be panicked over a supposed global crisis, so we will accept their solution to this "problem", a One-World Government and Economy, with a Global Religion thrown in, also. Thus, even though many brilliant scientists are blowing the warning trumpet clearly and loudly to let us know Global Warning is a hoax, Federal Government leaders, led by Former Vice President Gore and Former President Clinton, and current key Democrat Congressional leaders, are choosing to ignore the warnings, and are trying to proceed full speed ahead on a course that assumes Global Warming is really true. Further, they throw the full weight of their offices into this fight, thereby guaranteeing that the Mass Media will be joining the battle on the side of the hoax perpetrators.

Finally, since the Administration is pressing this hoax, the very Liberal National Teacher's Association will be teaching American children in Public Schools that Global Warming is threatening the survival of all mankind in this Global Village. Children will be bringing home many brightly colored pamphlets and Scholastic Readers that promote Global Warming, thus convincing many parents who otherwise might be more skeptical.

The main threat in this looming battle between advocates and opponents of Global Warming is that their battle will kick into action the principles of the Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan. We have spoken much about this process, which has proven very effective in changing the values and attitudes of people so gradually, so subtly, and so invisibly that people do not ever realize they are being manipulated! In fact, when they have changed their minds, they will be most adamant that this change was the result of their careful thinking on the matter, not the result of any overt plan that has been in action against them for many years. We encourage you to read NEWS1055, "Review Of Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan And How It Is Being Used Today". For the purposes of our discussion today, however, let us define how this Plan works, apply it to this issue, and then draw implications from our entire discussion.


Step 1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.

Step 2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.

Step 3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate.

Step 4. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion gradually dulling its effect.

Step 5. People then are no longer shocked by the subject.

Step 6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.

This insidious method of changing the deeply-held attitudes of people is being successfully directed toward the American population as a whole. Millions of people are experiencing attitudinal changes on a wide variety of subjects today. This attitudinal change is essential to achieving the New World Order.

Now that the way this Plan works in the hearts and minds of all citizens is firmly entrenched in your minds, let us review how this Attitudinal Change Plan will work with this issue of Global Warning.

Step 1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.

The hoax of Global Warming is the "offensive" subject being discussed now in public. Government leaders -- present and past -- who are pushing Kyoto, certainly qualify in the mind of the average American as RESPECTED experts. When the average American read his paper and sees that every other leader attending the G-8 economic conference supports Kyoto and is blasting Bush for not supporting it, too many will conclude Bush is wrong-headed on this issue. Furthermore, propaganda stories masquerading as News are constantly being published in the newspapers of the world. After a period of time, the sheer volume and the consistency of the message will convince the majority of the undiscerning throughout the world.

Certainly, the Global Warming conference in Kyoto, Japan, served the function well of being a RESPECTED forum from which to propagate this issue. Each country around the world -- 160 countries in all -- sent their most RESPECTED officials to this conference to try to reach agreement on a plan of action, before our Global Village was beyond help!

Finally, many scientists who are working in support of this Globalist Agenda called the New World Order are only too eager to throw their support behind this issue, knowing full well that their participation provides this bogus lie with a cloak of scientific respectability which is very crucial to its success.

Step 2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.

Listen to the outrage in this country. First, listen to Former President Clinton acknowledging that such outrage against Global Warming exists.

"Facing these odds, the White House came out firing. 'I see already the papers are full of people saying, The sky is falling! It's [the treaty] is a terrible thing,' Mr. Clinton said. But, he said in a speech in Miami, 'Every time we've tried to improve the American environment in the last 25 or 30 years, somebody has predicted that it would wreck the economy. And the air is cleaner. The water's [sic] cleaner. The food supply is safer. There are fewer toxic waste dumps. And, the last time I checked, we had the lowest unemployment rate in 24 years.' "

"Signaling his administration's plans to rally backing for the treaty, he concluded, 'So don't believe the skeptics. Give us a chance to make the case.' "

Thus, Former President Clinton simultaneously accomplished two very important tasks with these statements. First, he has acknowledged the opposition, and defined the parameters of the debate, before his opponents could define it. Thus, many people will be listening to the opposition to this issue through the filter of the Clinton's remarks, and saying to themselves that the President was right, after all. Second, Clinton has equated this bogus issue with many of the legitimate issues which we have faced and solved in the past three decades. Many people who might harbor doubts about Global Warming supported these past legitimate issues when our leaders were debating them; therefore, they are likely to conclude that the same hated Corporate Money Interests that opposed these issues in the past are doing it again, with Global Warming. Thus, Global Warming is linked in these people's minds with legitimate issues, thereby becoming legitimate, also!

Listen to some truth about the damage the Kyoto Protocol will cause our economy and our entire way of life. Remember that the ultimate goal of the Illuminati, and the New World Order is to dismantle our entire Industrial Civilization, forcing survivors of the global "cleansing" to live agricultural lives like that of our ancestors of two and three hundred years ago.

"Mary H. Novak, vice president of WEFA, an economic consulting firm engaged by industry groups opposing the climate change treaty, says her forecasts predict job losses in the millions. 'The coal mining industry in this country will be wiped out', she predicted. 'Agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation will all be seriously affected. Farm incomes could be cut by as much as 50%.' " ["Treaty fuels interest in energy alternatives", by the New York Times, as reported in The Providence Journal-Bulletin, Friday, December 12, 1997, Page A-23]

This type of opposition is critical, but corporate opposition had been anticipated by President Clinton in his remarks, above, and severely compromised in the minds of many people.

Some organizations not normally thought of as supporting "Corporate Greed" spoke out against Kyoto:

"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce condemned the treaty and warned it would require a devastating 20% reduction in energy use for businesses and consumers. 'If the U.S. negotiators are looking for a way to mess up the world's most productive and prosperous economy, this agreement will do it', says Thomas J. Donohue, Chamber of Commerce president and CEO. It will send U.S. jobs and factories offshore, increase the price of gas and stifle economic growth." [Page A-22; Emphasis added] [Read NEWS1693, "Occult Basis of Occult Hatred of Our Industrial Civilization" to understand how cleanly Mr. Donohue has hit the nail on the head; the Plan does, indeed, call for the deliberate destruction of our economy].

Former Senator John Chafee, one of the most of the ardent New World Order leaders, acknowledged the outrage of the public and of his fellow senators.

"U.S. Senator John Chafee has gone through more mood swings than a Patriots fan this year, as he tracked progress toward a global climate-change treaty in Japan. But, as he left the conference yesterday, he was once again very negative about the treaty and its chances of ever being ratified by the U.S. Senate. In fact, Chafee is so worried about the vehement opposition voiced by many of his fellow senators that he will take steps to keep the treaty from being considered until things cool off. Chafee is chairman of the Senate's Committee on Environment and Public Works, which would have first crack at reviewing the treaty in the senate ... Chafee thinks there is no need to rush to action on the treaty." ["Chafee to stall vote on global-warming treaty until Senate cools off", by Peter B. Lord, The Providence Journal Bulletin, Friday, December 12, 1997, Page A-22].

In other words, Senator Chafee is going to stall any Senate debate on this issue until the Debate provision of this Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan is given a chance to erode the opposition in the minds of many Americans.

The next step calls for the debate to change so very slightly, allowing the lie to grow in the minds of people.

Step 3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate.

This is a most insidious part of this Plan. Suddenly, advocates will shift their public rhetoric, from discussing the scientific issues to suddenly congratulating themselves on being so mature that they could publicly debate this issue. This change is a very important one, because the raw scientific facts on this issue represents the Achilles' Heel of the Global Warming hoax. By shifting the debate from the facts to the public debate itself, advocates cause a much dimmer light to shine on the scientific facts. Thus, their chances to change people's minds is greatly increased.

This movie falls into the category of Step 3. Suddenly, the debate is shifted from an intellectual debate of the scientific facts to an emotional reaction to the scenes of utter destruction depicted in this movie, "The Day After Tomorrow". This change in attitude toward the subject will propel the debate called for in Step #4.

Step 4. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion gradually dulling its effect.

Step 5. People then are no longer shocked b y the subject.

We have listed Steps 4 and 5 together for our discussion, because they are inseparably linked. The battle -- the debate -- is most crucial to the success of this Plan. The more people debate the subject, the more the minds of many people will be changed; and the change preponderantly occurs in the direction of the Advocacy of the Controversial Subject! In other words, the more debate that occurs publicly on Global Warming, the more minds will be changed to believe that it really exists!

It does not matter if the Opposition to Global Warming scores repeated success in outdebating the Advocates, because the net effect is going to be that many people are going to be convinced in favor of Global Warming, no matter what debating success the Opposition is going to have. Therefore, the Liberal Mass Media will fearlessly arrange many debates over the next year, utilizing the many Talk Show forums that are available on TV and Radio. The more heat and light that can be generated, the more minds will be changed to support Global Warming. While many people are congratulating the Mass Media for being so "even handed" on this issue, Advocate leaders will know that they are simply fulfilling the most important role in this Plan, generating the debate. Too many people will conclude that the extremists must be right, because of the mentality, "where there is smoke, there is fire". Therefore, when they are looking at manufactured "smoke" on this issue, they will conclude that Global Warming must be real.

During this debate, you will also hear Advocates say that the risks of rendering our planet inhospitable to human and animal life is so great, that we cannot wait to see if the Opposition is correct in their assessment that Global Warming does not exist. If we wait another decade or two without taking action, and we realize that Global Warming does exist, it will be too late to do anything about it. Mother Earth will be doomed. This bogus argument will win the hearts and minds of many Americans.

This brings us to the final step in this Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan.

Step 6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.

Once enough people have been convinced that there just might be something to worry about, we are ready for someone -- perhaps a former Opposition leader -- to step forward to offer a "compromise". Rather than going as far as the Kyoto Accords envisioned, this compromise provision would allow the Kyoto Accords to be ratified by the U.S. Senate in a greatly watered down version. Perhaps the Accord would be filled with loopholes galore, with many exemptions that would "protect" vital industries, at least for a while.

This scenario is the TRUE nightmare scenario, for the following reasons:

1) Just by passing a watered down version, the Senate would acknowledge that a problem does, indeed, exist. Untold millions of Americans would be convinced that Global Warming does exist; otherwise, they reason, their Senators would not have passed any legislation.

2) By passing a watered down version, our Senators would allow the door to be opened just a tiny crack. But, over the years following the passage of this weakened version, the loopholes can be closed, one by one, without too much outcry. Step by step, the weakened version can be made strong, until we suddenly reach the point where the full impact of the Kyoto Accords is upon us.

We saw this process occur in the area of Abortion, did we not? In the few years prior to Roe vs Wade, Advocates of Unlimited Abortion proposed a weakened compromise, remember? Rather than allowing unlimited Abortion On Demand, Advocates proposed that we allow Abortion under very narrow, restrictive guidelines, i.e., only to protect the life of the Mother, or in cases of Incest or Rape. Advocates wrung their hands in "despair", complaining publicly that the women of America deserved better, but this was the best that could be realized. Privately, though, Advocates were jubilant, because they knew they had just forced the door open a tiny crack; they knew time was on their side now, and it would be just a matter of time before they could get that door wide open, allowing Unlimited Abortion On Demand.

Opposition leaders, meanwhile, were absolutely clueless as to what they had just done. Publicly, they were jubilant, telling their backers that they succeeded in preventing a far worse scenario. Instead of agreeing to total abortion, they had limited the damage to only a very restricted number of cases in which abortions could be performed. These leaders had no idea that they had just accepted Delayed Defeat.

History records that it did not take long to kick that door wide open. In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court kicked it wide open in their Roe vs Wade decision. Since then, America has been aborting an average of 1.5 million pre born babies annually, which totals to a Holocaust of 36 million babies killed! Adolf Hitler "only" slaughtered 18 million devalued people in his 7-year Holocaust.

In this Global Warming issue, Advocates will propose that deadly Compromise. Opponents must resist any compromise at all costs. We must wake up to the fact that compromise legislation of any sort will produce a later defeat.

We want to return to the text of our article to examine the Environmental organizations which are already lining up against President Bush, to get the Global Warming Accord passed by the Senate. You need to take note of the following groups, because this type of issue shows their true character and agenda. Normally, these groups are very careful to present a mask to the public, so that no one would recognize them as the Environmental Extremists they have always been.

The following organizations have come out publicly in support of the Global Warming Accord:

1) The Natural Resources Defense Council --- "John Adams, executive director ... called it [the Accord] an 'historic turning point in the effort to protect the planet'. He said later agreements must produce more aggressive action, but at least the present accord includes substantial legally binding commitments to reduce greenhouse gases". [Page A-22]

2) The Sierra Club -- Most people do not realize that The Sierra Club has a deeply hidden agenda, a New World Order agenda. Their public image has been carefully honed, that they are just interested in preserving Nature.

3) The Union of Concerned Scientists, in Cambridge, Massachusetts -- "Our first priority after Kyoto is to close these loopholes. However, given the fossil-fuel lobby's ferocious opposition and multimillion dollar propaganda campaign, adoption of the Kyoto treaty is a welcome accomplishment.

If you have been following the news over the past 10 years, you will have seen the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Union of Concerned Scientists issuing new " scientific reports" on many environmental issues. They have always sounded the alarm that our Industrial Civilization is killing Mother Earth, but their name has sounded so official, and so caring, that most people do not realize they are simply Environmental Extremists out to radically change our civilization, by destroying it. After all, this is the New World Order Plan. Groups like these are the Shock Troops designed to accomplish this goal.

Finally, we want to quote another segment of one of these articles, to show you that the Kyoto Accords advance the Economic Plan of the global New World Order, Fascism. In NEWS1005, "Industrial Policy Is Fascism", we showed you how President Clinton carefully implemented many of the same steps as did Adolf Hitler, as he moved the German economy into Fascism from 1933-1939. Remember the definition of a Fascist Economy? That is the type of economy where the Means of Production [Factories] the raw materials [Mines, Oil fields], and the decisions as to what to produce, remain in private hands. However, the Federal Government intervenes in the Marketplace, to determine how many competitors may make the same item, how much is produced, and what the retail price will be. Obviously, since competition is reduced or eliminated in a Fascist economy, businesses will make a lot more profit! This fact is why monied people, beginning with Rothschild in 1776, have backed this New World Order Plan. Every time you read a story where the Government is getting involved in the economic marketplace, you know you are witnessing the gradual intrusion of Fascism.

Now, listen to this segment of past news on the Global Warming Accord.

"The Clinton Administration's plan, in brief, would put a cap on all the nation's emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that contribute to warming the atmosphere. Companies that produce and consume energy would be issued permits to emit the gases. Any company that cuts its emissions below what its permits allowed, could sell leftover permits at a profit to companies that found reductions to be costlier than the going price of permits. The result: the price of energy would rise to reflect the cost of reducing carbon emissions. But the government would not dictate what changes are adopted." [Ibid., Page A-23]

You can effectively ignore that last sentence. Of course, the Federal Government would get involved when it issues "permits" for emitted gases. Without these permits, companies would shut down altogether. Therefore, the Government will have private companies by their throats. You have never seen the wholesale "sale" of permits to the highest bidder as you will under this scheme. The President, and other officials below him, will become very rich as they accept the payoffs necessary to get the permits. This situation may not occur under Clinton, but these type of payoffs are inevitable, given the inherent evil nature of men.

The scene is also set to carry out the most important part of the Fascist Economic Plan: reducing the number of competitors that can produce the same item(s). By charging a company with failure to meet the required emissions goals, the Federal Government can begin to eliminate competitors, as called for in the Fascist plan for our economy. These actions to weed out the competitors who are not part of the Plan, can thus be done by employing the highest of noble aspirations. But, Fascism will be strengthened and implemented, right under your nose!

This Kyoto Treaty is far more than just dangerous. This treaty advances the One-World Economy portion of the New World Order. And, as we stated in NEWS1126, "Global Warming Treaty Accord Reached", this treaty assumes the existence of a global government which can force individual nations to do things they do not want to do. We encourage you to read this article, as the Plan is very somber on the action the United Nations may carry out against any nation that refuses to comply its wishes.

The very fact that this type of Global treaty could even be contemplated and signed should make us very aware that the End of the Age is upon us. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

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God bless you.

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