
Wednesday 10/4/2017

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Critical News Headlines

1. The Leftist, Liberal contingent has suddenly gone from flunky to insane! Read the proof and weep.

A. An opinion lady writing in the Detroit Free Press attacks lovers of the Second Amendment, saying: "This (mass shooting) is the world you wanted ... Dozens of dead bodies".

No, this shooting is NOT what we want: the history picture below tells everyone what we do not want!

B. Democrats suddenly turn on the NRA, accusing it of this mass murder.

C. Hillary Clinton demonstrates her lack of knowledge as she ruminates how high the death toll might have been if the shooter had used a "silencer".

D. Lena Dunham invents the lie that the shooter was driven by hatred of gender, race, and Capitalism!

E. What kind of weapon did this shooter use? It was already illegal!

F. The result of all this Leftist nonsense is clear: Democrat voters are abandoning the Party in droves!

II. As the debate rages over illegal immigration, Denmark moves military forces to the border to stop more illegal immigration!

III. In Southeast Asia, countries closest to North Korea are suddenly worrying about another fearsome fact:

Russia may have provided the North with a super-charged missile fuel, called the "Devil's Breath"!

IV. A secret Chinese plan to invade Taiwan is suddenly coming to light!

In March, 1996, Cutting Edge revealed that the Illuminati had promised Communist China that she could have control of Taiwan.

In our DVD "World War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event", we listed a Chinese invasion as part of the planned World War III.


See the full text of these articles below our book store update


What Must I Do To Be Saved?


We truly need your support now to continue reaching the lost.

As we approach the First of October, we are in dire need of additional support. Christians are really cutting back on their purchases, as they face the certainty of outbreak of war on the Korean Peninsula plus Israel fighting her Obadiah war against the Palestinians -- World War III.

But, Cutting Edge is poised to lead a global warning to all sinners to repent and receive Jesus as Savior during these times where "men's hearts are failing them for fear". In the past 21 years, Cutting Edge has shared the Gospel (What Must I Do To Be Saved?) to almost 3,000,000 people. We believe that ten times that many people might be reached during these horrific prophesied/planned terrors.

But, to realize this wonderful soul-winning potential, Cutting Edge must continue and that means we need your financial help now.

We are also introducing new DVD's and Books, whose purpose is to educate you and inform you of current news in light of End Times prophecy. We need your support in the Bookstore.

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May Jesus Richly Bless You. David Bay, Director



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Headline News Analysis


1. The Leftist, Liberal contingent has suddenly gone from flunky to insane! Read the proof and weep.

A. An opinion lady writing in the Detroit Free Press attacks lovers of the Second Amendment, saying: "This (mass shooting) is the world you wanted ... Dozens of dead bodies".

NEWS BRIEF: "After Las Vegas shooting, it's time to admit gun control debate is over", Opinion by Nancy Kaffer, Detroit Free Press, Oct 2, 2017


"This is the world you wanted."

"Yes, you, Mr. or Ms. ardent and inflexible defender of unbridled gun rights. "

"Sunday night, Nevada resident Stephen Paddock opened fire on the crowd at a Las Vegas country music festival, killing 58 at the time of this writing, and injuring more than 500 before killing himself in his hotel room at the Mandalay Bay Casino. It's the deadliest mass shooting in American history..."

No, this shooting is NOT what we want: the history picture below tells everyone what we do not want!

This picture was taken during World War II at the Belsen, was a Nazi concentration camp in what is today Lower Saxony in northern Germany, southwest of the town of Bergen near Celle. Originally established as a prisoner of war camp, in 1943, parts of it became a concentration camp. (Wikipedia)

Three years after German Nazi dictator, Adolf Hitler, persuaded ordinary German citizens to surrender their private weapons so that German police could better protect them, Hitler launched World War II, while simultaneously plunging Germany into a severe military dictatorship. Jewish citizens were amongst those who gave up their personal guns.

This mass grave is a perfect picture of what has happened in the 20th Century when citizens allowed their government to take their weapons away! When only government police and soldiers possess weapons, this kind of Holocaust is historically inevitable.

How many people perished in this extermination camp?

"By the end of March 1942, some 41,000 Soviet POWs had died in these three camps of starvation, exhaustion, and disease. By the end of the war, the total number of dead had increased to 50,000 ... Between the summer of 1943 and December 1944 at least 14,600 Jews, including 2,750 children and minors were transported to the Bergen-Belsen "holding" or exchange camp..." (Ibid.)

Between December, 1944, until April, 1945, when the camp was liberated by British soldiers, over 36,000 people had been murdered and thrown into mass extermination graves like the one shown above. (Ibid.)

Overall, Hitler's soldiers murdered 20 million innocent people (including 6 million Jews), all because the people had allowed German soldiers and police to confiscate their private weapons. "When lawful people are not allowed to own guns, only outlaws will own them"!

Please take a few moments to read the true statistics contained within the table below:


Study now the sorry historic record.

"In the 20th Century, governments murdered four times as many civilians as were killed in all the international and domestic wars combined. Further, governments murdered millions more people than were killed by common criminals." ("Death by Gun Control" by Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens,

The Human Cost of "Gun Control" Seizures


Civilians Killed
"Gun Control" Laws Passed
Features of Over-all Gun Control Scheme
Ottoman Turkey
(mostly Christians)
1 - 1.5 million
Art. 166, Pen. Code, 1866
& 1911 Proclamation, 1915
• Permits required •Government list of owners
•Ban on possession
Soviet Union
1929 - 1945
Political opponents;
farming communities
20 million

* Resolutions, 1918
* Decree, July 12, 1920
* Art. 59 & 182,

* Penal code, 1926

•Licensing of owners
•Ban on possession
•Severe penalties
Nazi Germany
& Occupied Europe
1933 - 1945
Political opponents;
Jews; Gypsies;
critics; "examples"
20 million
* Law on Firearms & Ammun., 1928
* Weapon Law, March 18, 1938
* Regulations against Jews, 1938
•Registration & Licensing
•Stricter handgun laws
•Ban on possession
Nationalist China
Political opponents;
army conscripts; others
10 million
* Art. 205, Crim. Code, 1914
* Art. 186-87, Crim. Code, 1935
•Government permit system
•Ban on private ownership
Red China

* 1951- 1952
* 1957- 1960
* 1966-1976

Political opponents;
Rural populations
Enemies of the state
20-35 million
Act of Feb. 20, 1951
Act of Oct. 22, 1957
* Prison or death to "counter-revolutionary criminals" and anyone resisting any government program
* Death penalty for those who supply guns to such "criminals"
Mayans & other Indians; plus
political enemies
100,000 - 200,000
* Decree 36, Nov 25 Act of 1932
* Decree 386, 1947
* Decree 283, 1964
•Register guns & owners •Licensing with high fees
•Prohibit carrying guns
•Bans on guns, sharp tools •Confiscation powers
Political enemies
* Firearms Ordinance, 1955
* Firearms Act, 1970
•Register all guns & owners •Licenses for transactions
•Warrentless searches •Confiscation powers
(Khmer Rouge)
Educated Persons;
Political enemies
2 million (C/E Note: 66% population reduction)
* Art. 322-328, Penal Code
* Royal Ordinance 55, 1938
•Licenses for guns, owners, ammunition & transactions
•Photo ID with fingerprints •License inspected quarterly
Tutsi people
Decree-Law No. 12, 1979

•Register guns, owners, ammunition
•Owners must justify need
•Concealable guns illegal •Confiscating powers

Finally, we wish to allow a couple of Nazi leaders the final word:

* "The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the underdog is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or police." -- Adolph Hitler, Edict of March 18, 1938

* "Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA. Ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State" -- Heinrich Himmler

* "All military type firearms are to be handed in immediately...The SS, SA and Stahlhelm give every respectable German man the opportunity of campaigning with them. Therefore any one who does not belong to one of the above named organizations and who unjustifiably nevertheless keeps his weapon...must be regarded as an enemy of the national government." -- Director, SA Oberfuhrer Bad Tolz, March 1933

Did you catch that last pertinent phrase? "... who unjustifiably nevertheless keeps his weapon...must be regarded as an enemy of the national government."


Nancy Kaffer, if guns are taken away, the most severe dictatorship the world has ever seen will be clamped down on America, and it will be known as the "New World Order".

Listen to the breathtaking plans the Illuminati will impose once they have successfully established their dictatorship:

"... while the peoples of the world are still stunned by the accomplished fact of the revolution, still in a condition of terror and uncertainty, they should recognise once for all that we are so strong, so inexpugnable, so super-abundantly filled with power, that in no case shall we take any account of them, and so, far from paying any attention to their opinions or wishes, we are ready and able to crush with irresistible power all expression or manifestation thereof at every moment and in every place, that we have seized at once everything we wanted... Then in fear and trembling they will close their eyes to everything, and be content to await what will be the end of it all." ["The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", Protocol #11 -- The Totalitarian State; Emphasis added above]

And, what will be "the end of it all"? Mass graves filled with innumerable bodies, as pictured above. I am not trying to scare you unnecessarily, but only to inform you of 20th Century History!

Ms Nancy Kaffer, this is the real result we lovers of the Second Amendment want to prevent.

B. Democrats suddenly turn on the NRA, accusing it of this mass murder.

NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary Clinton attacks NRA over Las Vegas shooting and calls for gun control", The Independent (UK), October 2, 2017

"Hillary Clinton has launched a scathing attack on the National Rifle Association - calling for people to stand up to the powerful gun lobbying organisation and demand greater gun control ... she also focused criticism on the powerful NRA, the most influential gun rights lobbying group in the country which helps fund political candidates across the nation who reject demands for greater gun control."

"In addition to demanding the right to bear arms - something they claim is afforded to them in the Second Amendment - the NRA has pushed for scrapping current restrictions that make it more difficult to buy silencers for guns."

C. Hillary Clinton demonstrates her lack of knowledge as she ruminates how high the death toll might have been if the shooter had used a "silencer".

NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary Clinton: ‘Imagine the Deaths’ If Stephen Paddock Used a ‘Silencer’," Breitbart News, 2 October 2017

"Following the heinous attack that resulted in 400 injuries and 50 deaths at a Las Vegas concert venue, Hillary Clinton tweeted that she could not 'imagine the deaths' that would have occurred if the gunman had used a 'silencer'.”

With this statement, Hillary reveals her complete lack of understanding the facts!

"Her use of the word 'silencer' is leftist-speak for suppressor. It is intended to give the impression that suppressors completely mute a gun–the way they appear to do in Hollywood movies–thereby silencing the gunshot altogether ... In reality, suppressors do not eliminate the sound of a gunshot. Rather, they muffle that sharp, ear-piercing wave released from the end of the barrel when a gun is fired."

In reality, silencers cannot effectively be used on a fast-shooting weapon, because the heat from the rapid fire will heavily damage the suppressor!

But, we have already been educated to the truth that politicians do not care about the truth -- on any matter whatsoever.

D. What kind of weapon did this shooter use? It was already illegal!

NEWS BRIEF: "What guns were used in Las Vegas shooting?", Guam Pacific Daily News, 2 October 2017

"The weapons Stephen Paddock used in his unprecedented rampage in Las Vegas Sunday night could have been readily and legally acquired in Nevada. Gun owners in Nevada don't need a permit to buy or possess a rifle, shotgun or handgun, according to the National Rifle Association. They can carry a firearm openly in public. Nevadans can even purchase machine guns or silencers, banned in other states, as long as they're legally registered and within federal compliance. The state does not prohibit possession of assault weapons, 50-caliber rifles or large-capacity ammunition magazines, according to the NRA. "

"Paddock's arsenal and the harrowing sound of rapid-fire bursts of gunfire caught on video as he rained bullets down on the crowd renewed a national debate on Americans' relationship with guns and whether any tragedy will prove shocking enough to change it."

Paddock did use a legally modified machine gun to carry out his heinous crime!

NEWS BRIEF: "Gunman had 'bump-stock' device that could speed fire", The Associated Press, Oct 2, 2017

"The gunman who unleashed hundreds of rounds of gunfire on a crowd of concertgoers in Las Vegas had two 'bump-stocks' that could have converted semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic ones, officials said."

Evidently, "bump-stocks" are legal.

NEWS BRIEF: "Vegas Shooter Had 'Bump Stocks' To Give Rifles to Full-Auto Firing Rates", Popular Mechanics, 3 Oct 2017

"Bump stocks are simple pieces of equipment that replace the stock of a rifle and add a small "support step" in front of the trigger. The shooter rests his finger on this step and pulls forward on the barrel or forward grip to press the trigger against his finger. The recoil of the shot then propels the rifle backwards into a gap in stationary stock where the loose fit gives the rifle freedom to bounce forward. This, along with sustained forward pressure on the rifle, has the effect of 'bumping' the trigger back into the shooter's unmoving finger."

"So long as a shooter maintains forward pressure, the rifle will continue to fire at a rate much faster than could be accomplished with even the quickest possible series of manual trigger pulls."

However, some former Army veterans are on record as saying that the machine gun the shooter was using was an old, obsolete machine gun!

NEWS BRIEF: "Las Vegas shooting", Gun Free Zone, October 2, 2017

"Keeping an eye on it. Too much still unknown other than more than 20 50 dead so far. All vets in my timeline are saying the same: Belt Fed Weapon. Which begs the question: Where ... did some 64-year-old ... managed to get his hands on a belt-fed machine gun?"

Another retired officer chimed in his observations: "It sounded like a M60. It was too loud for an AK/AR rifle. There is a definite thug-thug sound, of 7.62 rounds of the M60. Once you work with this weapon, as I have for years, you cannot mistake the sound for anything other. I was weapons instructor, and this sound is definitely an M60, belt fed machine gun."

"Once you here (sic) these, you cannot forget the distinct sound. Just how he acquired this, is something that needs to be deeply investigated. Anyone owning one of these, has to be federally regulated. Nothing less. It is EXTREMELY difficult to get one of these, unless the one selling it was complicit in the planning of this murderous thug." (Ibid.)

If Paddock was using this old Belt-Fed machine gun, then this controversy over the "bump stocks" disappears as well. Senators like Dianne Feinstein have been campaigning against bump stocks for years, so maybe this will develop into a campaign to outlaw one more section of the gun law.

Now, let us examine how the facts of this case are being transformed into lying propaganda by Leftist pundits.

E. Lena Dunham invents the lie that the shooter was driven by hatred of gender, race, and Capitalism!

NEWS BRIEF: "Lena Dunham: Las Vegas Shooting Is Actually About Gender, Race, Capitalism", The Washington Free Beacon, October 3, 2017

"Comedienne Lena Dunham, following the murder of more than 50 people in Las Vegas, insisted on Twitter that the shooting was actually about her favorite pet issues. Police say there is not yet enough evidence to identify shooter Stephen Paddock's motive. The shooter's brother likewise said he had no political or religious affiliations to speak of. But Dunham opined that the attack on a country music festival was in fact about access to guns, and also about race, gender, and capitalism itself."

Seemingly, every issue today is twisted like a pretzel into something it most definitely is NOT: racism, sexism, gender"! Even most average American citizens can discern that they are being lied to in a very big way! Such dribble is nonsense, and it is having a welcome effect.

F. The result of all this Leftist nonsense is clear: Democrat voters are abandoning the Party in droves!

NEWS BRIEF: "Taking the Red Pill: Democrats Are Losing Support Fast As Average Democrat Voters Are Abandoning the Party In Droves", Conservative Zone

"Eight years of job-killing economic policies, failure to close out the War on Terror and Hillary Clinton’s 41 excuses why she lost the November election add up to one thing . . . would-be Democrats are taking 'The Red Pill' and moving right ... In the “The Matrix,” star Keanu Reeves is told, “You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes'.”

The red pill can also be thought of as the political equivalent to the "Purple Kool Aid" which cult leader Jim Jones fed to his cult followers in Jonestown, Guyana. causing mass suicide on November, 18, 1978. Jones led a mass murder-suicide of 918 of his followers. "This historical episode gave rise to the ubiquitous American-English expression 'drinking the Kool-Aid'." (Wikipedia)

"After eight years of Obama’s 'Hope' nonsense, many left-of-center voters have decided that liberal elites are not living in the same reality as hard-working everyday Americans. The fact that deep blue 'Rust Belt' voters flocked to Donald Trump is no accident, either."

"The previous administration spoke a great deal about defending “our values.” But after eight years of Democrat rule, the country slid right and ousted these “value preachers.”

As the Obama-era ground forward, it became increasingly apparent that the values he so confidently spoke of were far removed than those of average Americans. The traditional values of following the law, fair play and opportunity for citizens of all walks of life were noticeably absent ... The 2016 election swing was likely a harbinger to the mass movement of moderate and even liberal Democrats that are taking The Red Pill as a cure."

To compound this "mass movement" of Democrat voters, the current head of the Democrat Party recently declared that any Democrat voter who was pro-life could just leave the Party. How can the Democrats lose 12 million voters -- and not seemingly care?

II. As the debate rages over illegal immigration, Denmark moves military forces to the border to stop more illegal immigration!

NEWS BRIEF: "Denmark deploys armed troops on streets, German border to help police", R.T. News, 30 Sept 2017

"Danish armed forces have been deployed to the streets of the capital to guard potential terrorist targets, as well as the German border, to aid police with their duties. It is the first use of troops in Copenhagen since WWII. On Friday a total of 160 soldiers, bearing automatic weapons and special insignia, were sent to assist police at the German border and to watch locations in the capital vulnerable to terror attacks, the local media reported. These include several Jewish institutions, such as the Great Synagogue in central Copenhagen and the Israeli embassy, as Jews observe the Yom Kippur holiday."

"The border with the German state of Schleswig-Holstein has likewise seen an increase in the military presence. A special unit has been set up to guard and transport detainees and asylum seekers ... The threat level in Denmark remains as “serious,” ranked four on a scale of five."

The issue of illegal Islamic immigration is a European problem, growing exponentially every day!

It sounds like President Trump build that wall on the Mexican border!

III. In Southeast Asia, countries closest to North Korea are suddenly worrying about another fearsome fact:

Russia may have provided the North with a super-charged missile fuel, called the ''Devil's Venom''!

NEWS BRIEF: ''North Korean missiles powered by Russian 'devil’s venom',''The New York Post, Sept 19, 2017

''A dangerous rocket fuel dubbed 'devil’s venom' by the Russians has been the key to the success of North Korea’s ballistic missile program — and it may be too late to stop the rogue nation from producing the fuel by itself.''

What makes this fuel so dangerous?

''Devil’s venom'' is the nickname for unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH), a volatile liquid combination of chemicals used to fuel rockets ... It is believed that China or Russia has supplied the propellant to North Korea over the decades, but the New York Times reports that it may be too late to stop Kim Jong Un's regime from manufacturing the fuel itself."

Without ample supplies of this volatile ''devil's venom'', North Korea is not a threat to anyone!


IV. A secret Chinese plan to invade Taiwan is suddenly coming to light!

NEWS BRIEF: "China’s Secret Military Plan: Invade Taiwan by 2020", The Washington Free Beacon, October 3, 2017

"China has drawn up secret military plans to take over the island of Taiwan by 2020 ... according to newly-disclosed internal Chinese military documents ... The secret war plan drawn up by the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the Chinese Communist Party's armed forces, calls for massive missile attacks on the island, along with a naval and air blockade that is followed by amphibious beach landing assaults using up to 400,000 troops."

In March, 1996, Cutting Edge revealed that the Illuminati had promised Communist China that she could have control of Taiwan.

In our DVD "World War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event", we listed a Chinese invasion as part of the planned World War III.

Please take a few moments to read our Archived Article, entitled, "In 1952, Illuminati planned to give Taiwan back to Communist China", NEWS1282!-5

You will be amazed at the accuracy of the information God opened to us in March, 1996!

World War III will be as we have said for these past 23 years:

* Israel vs Palestinians

* North Korean nuclear confrontation

* China invading Taiwan 28-019

Out of the smoke, dust and destruction of this World War III, Revelation 6:1-2 occurs:

"And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." (Revelation 6:1-2, KJV)

Excellent New DVD's!


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