For those of us who were Boy Scouts a few decades ago, this article is going to shock you into disbelief. The Boy Scouts are teaching their young Scouts that, while it is good to be an American citizen, it is time to recognize that we are also global citizens. After all, as their Merit Badge booklet, "Citizenship In The World", states, the world has now entered into a "New World Order". Our children are not safe in public schools anymore, in many of our liberal churches, and now they are not safe in the Boy Scouts of America.

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling

you will never look at the news the same way again.



The Boy Scouts of America is a unique American organization that has trained generations of young American boys to be men. The most fundamental Christian principles were thoroughly upheld by the Boy Scouts, as well as practical training in a wide variety of areas, including Camping and Survival training. Many a young man has discovered, once he was in the military, that much of his Boy Scout training came in mighty handy!! Generation after generation of American parents have instinctively trusted the Boy Scouts to properly train their young sons.

Well, that period of blind faith is now over!! The Boy Scouts of America has joined the ranks of many other American institutions in training children to be good global citizens of the New World Order! All my quotes in this article are going to be taken from a Merit Badge booklet entitled, "Citizenship In The World"., copyright 1995, Boy Scouts of America, Irving, Texas, ISBN 0-8395-3260-1.

As usual, this booklet contains 95% good solid information that every young American boy should know; however, that 5% New World Order conditioning is absolutely damning. The hardest lie to confront is the one that contains mostly truth, and that is the situation facing us here in this Merit Badge booklet. In the sections I am going to quote, I feel as though I were reading from an occult book bought from a New Age bookstore on the subject of the global New World Order!


From the first paragraph, red lights were flashing in my mind, because New World Order buzz words were being constantly used, and they were being used in the context that a New Age author would use them. For example:

  • 1) Security -- "Nearly every part of our lives is affected in some way by world events: the security of our nation ..." [page 7] Just as Scriptures foretell, the End of the Age deception is going to revolve around peace and safety [security]. [2 Thessalonians 5:1-4] Start being alert by how many times you will hear or read one or both these terms used in conjunction with the world today. The entire edifice of the New World Order is being built on "Peace and Safety".

  • 2) Diversity -- This is one of the most common terms, and it is designed to condition all of mankind to believe that, because we are all the same humanity, we should band together in a global system of Government, Economy, and Religion. Again, the author here uses this word in exactly the same context as a New World Order author would use it.

  • 3) All of page 6 is a world map, onto which have the following world 'crises' been imposed: * "Ozone Depletion A Global Threat" * "Trade Imbalance Hits Record High" * "World Population Grows By 4%" * "Crisis In The Gulf"

    Thus, they are trying to persuade [scare?] these unsuspecting young scouts into believing that the only way to "solve" these supposed problems is through cooperation into a global system. A New Age author could not have done any better.

  • 4) "Interdependent" -- Until the New World Order push became public and began in earnest in 1975, Americans had never heard of this term. "Interdependent" is used to denote the seriousness of needing a global system. After all, we all live on only one world. We are all so dependent upon each other than we are "Interdependent". Again, this word is used to condition people to the concept of a global system. Of course, no body bothers to explain the full picture of this global system, which is a spiritually driven plan to bring all the world under The Christ [Antichrist].


    Citizenship is properly defined as "the set of privileges and freedoms, duties and responsibilities of people living in a governed community." [page 9] I have no difficulty with this definition. However, I do have great difficulty with the fact that this "Citizenship" chapter is divided into two sections, "United States Citizenship" and "World Citizenship". I have great difficulty with the teachings in this latter section. Let me quote verbatim from this short section; my comments will be bracketed, and their statements will be in quotation marks.

    "World Citizenship" -- "The interdependence of today's world has broadened the meaning of civic virtue, our obligation to do the best for all people in our communities. Civic virtue no longer means only defending our nation when it is threatened. It also means respecting the global diversity of other people so that the world community can cooperate for the good of all and avoid conflict." [Again, individual nations are left intact, with a superstructure built up all around and above. This is the context of the New World Order Plan to reorganize the world into 10 Super Nations, of which NAFTA is nation #1 -- See NEWS1002, "NAFTA Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy" for full details. The danger in this emphasis on "respecting the global diversity of other people so that the world community can cooperate for the good of all and avoid conflict" is that it presupposes a World Government that can impose its will on all the peoples of the world, without really coming out to say so.]

    "World citizenship affects not only a country's relationship to other countries, but also its citizen's relationship to one another. The international security of the United States is directly linked to how informed and respectful of other cultures American citizens are. Within the U.S., informed citizens will keep American society free of intolerance, racism, sexism, and cultural bias." [All sorts of arguments could be made that the international security of the United States is not at all affected by how informed and respectful American citizens might be of other cultures. How ridiculous this assertion truly is!! Yet, our young Scouts are being taught this nonsense. It is also disturbing to see that the key buzzwords of the Radical Feminists have been worked into this Scouting merit badge book, i.e., intolerance, sexism, and cultural bias. These words are consistently used to advance the cause of homosexuality and against anyone who dare disagree with their agenda, especially Born Again Christians.]

    "When, as citizens of the world, Americans judge how other nations respect or violate values such as justice, freedom, equality, diversity, honesty, dignity, privacy, due process and ethical behavior, we are compelled to judge our own values and national character as well." [This sentence simply declares that Americans ARE citizens of the world! Young minds will readily accept this dogmatic assertion as FACT, accepting it readily, without critically thinking about whether this statement is true. And, what does it mean that we Americans are "compelled to judge our own values and national character"? Especially since such judgment is to be carried out based upon how other nations respect or violate the values listed above? What kind of a subjective standard is that?! We have always held that such standards are objective, not open for change, or for discussion. Finally, while this merit badge book speaks about "ethics" on several occasions, it never mentions upon what basis these "ethics" are based. America has traditionally defined ethics in terms of the absolute standards of Christianity, and has so stated in our national discussions and institutions. But, today, such absolute standards have been rejected throughout our society, to the point where "ethics" can mean anything to anybody at anytime. Sadly, our Boy Scouts are being taught this moral relativism. Not once is Christianity or Jesus Christ mentioned in this book.]

    "... Being a good world citizen means respecting the rights of other governments ... As world citizens and Americans, we must use our unique civic experience to seek and create democratic answers to global questions." [Now the cat is out of the bag! The purpose of this merit badge is to create "good world citizens". And, notice the sequence of citizenship in this last sentence: we are world citizens first and Americans second! Our Boy Scouts are being taught that American sovereignty is second to the sovereignty of the global government, which is later revealed to be the United Nations. Of course, there are many, many things wrong with teaching Global Sovereignty to our Scouts. First, a One-World Government, Economy, and Religion is Satanic; the last time it was tried was at the Tower of Babel, where King Nimrod of Babylon was attempting to unite the world just as the New World Order Plan envisions today. God stopped this effort by causing many languages to appear, which stopped the Tower of Babel project cold. As people congregated based upon their ability to communicate, they then dispersed throughout the earth. Separate nations and cultures were formed, and a multitude of religions were spawned. All these differences prevented mankind from ever forming a One-World Government. In other words, God's Plan is for the Earth to be separated into many nations, governments, and economies, while Satan is constantly trying to bring the whole earth together again. God's Plan is many governments; Satan's Plan is to have a One-World government.

    Secondly, a bold assumption is made here that the new Global Government will always be benevolent. It had better be, because it is going to possess all the military, political, and economic power in the world. If this government were to ever turn to an absolute dictatorship, the peoples of the world will be in huge trouble. Of course, we know that the New World Order Plan envisions just such an absolute dictatorship from the very beginning; they just haven't told a lot of people this fact yet.

    Thirdly, while many statements are made that this New World Order will be based upon law, no one stipulates whose will might be behind the creation of laws. We assume that United Nations law will be passed by an assembly of lawmakers similar to the United States' Congress, which will be elected by the voters. But, this assumption is wrong. United Nations' laws will be created by people who never have to answer to any voters in an election. But, of course, no one is telling us that, at least in booklets such as this one!]


    This chapter really moves the Boy Scout into the New World Order. It begins by quoting New Age author, Alvin Tofler, who predicted that people would feel like they are in shock by all the rapid change occurring world wide in such a short period of time. Then, the chapter lists many of these changes: Communication, Advances in Television Broadcasting, Advances in Telephone Technology, Advances in Other Communication Technology, and Transportation. The general gist of this chapter is that these changes are moving the world rapidly into a One-World system.

    However, the end of this chapter list all the problems which this developing technology is causing, and it sounds like the typical Extreme Environmentalism of the Extreme Left in this country. As you read these "problems" supposedly caused by our high technology, remember several parts of the New World Order Plan: 1) To end our present high technology industrial civilization [See NEWS1028, "1997 -- The Year The New World Order Plan Changes Ominously", for the 5-year plan to "phase out our present Industrial Civilization", to begin in 1977, for full details] 2) To deliberately "create" such enormous global problems that can only be dealt with by a global government.

    Now, these are the global problems being taught our Boy Scouts, none of which is true, at least true to the global degree they are portrayed. "In an interdependent world, the benefits of technological advances are shared, but so are the costs. * Coal and oil reserves are running out because of the worldwide use of machines powered by internal combustion engines [Every time someone cries out that oil and coal reserves are running out, some oil man discovers new reserves heretofore unknown. As far as internal combustion engines are concerned, remember Al Gore's assertion, in his book, that the internal combustion engine is the greatest threat to mankind's survival?] * Tropical rain forests and other environments are being destroyed for their raw materials [While this may be true in some developing countries, it is not true globally, as has been demonstrated time and time again. The next time you hear a statistic about how many acres of forest are being destroyed per day, or per week, or per month, go to a calculator to see if this statistic makes sense. You will find that they make no sense, that they are totally fabricated] * Natural refuges and wilderness are ruined by tourist traffic ..."

    This chapter concludes, "When the physical condition of our world is in danger, the global economy is in danger, too." (Page 25) What was the New World Order Plan as the world moved into the final stages of this plan? "When we come into our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who will ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?" (The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion) I would say that the orators of the New World Order are quite effectively articulating such great problems that have turned "humanity upside down", wouldn't you? Unfortunately, your Boy Scout is becoming the next victim!


    This section really identifies this merit badge for what it truly is: a conditioning tool. "A new economic world order emerged when communism collapsed and democratic governments began to form in Easter and Central Europe." (Page 33) [They did not quite say, "New World Order" but they came really close to it. However, on page 71, they did use this terrible term, as they said, "Now that the Cold War has ended and a new world order has emerged, nations in Eastern and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union have begun to adopt democratic systems." Do not be deceived: your Boy Scout is being conditioned to accept the New World Order Plan of Satanic government. But, of course, he is not told that this Plan is Satanic; rather, he is being introduced to these concepts with the highest rhetoric possible. When he discovers the truth, it will be too late!]

    This merit badge book covers many other points of great interest, but these points cover the same points we have already mentioned. The bottom line is that your Boy Scout is now being trained to be a good "world citizen" first and foremost. He is being trained to believe that no nation should be sovereign, that no nation can act on its own any more. Rather, only the "Community of Nations" embodied in the United Nations, can make decisions and laws. Just to ensure that the Boy Scout gets this message, the entire page 45 depicts the organizational structure of the United Nations Government.

    Parents, your beloved son, your proud Boy Scout, is being subverted, being conditioned, to be a good "world citizen", and to accept the terrible values about to be imposed upon this world. What can you do? You will not change the system at this point. You might perhaps persuade your local Boy Scout troop to exempt your son from having to take this merit badge, but believe me, the time is coming very soon when this type of teaching is spread wide and far throughout scouting.

    As with Public Education, your only solution to protect your son may be to remove him from Scouting. Much of the life values which it teaches can be learned through other sources, both at home and at church. As terrible as this situation is, it is just one more instance of the encroachment of this terrible, terrible system called the New World Order.

    Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

    Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior? Do you know that you have eternal life? You can accept Christ and be born again right now, right where you are! If you want to know that you have eternal life and be forgiven of all your sins please read this.

    We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

    Finally, we would love to hear from you.

    You can contact us by mail or email.

    God bless you.

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