News Alert - Thursday, 1/21/2021


God's Prophetic Annihilation Countdown Has Begun

1. "Biden Sworn In as 46th President of the United States"

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

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"Are We In Earth's Final Hour"?

DVD Series, by Mac Dominick

Reg $119.94, Only $99.94 if you buy all six volumes

Get the Complete set. Buy Volumes 1-6 of Mac Dominick's Revelation Studies and save $20 over buying them individually.

This systematic study combines standard Biblical Interpretation plus a number of distinctive Cutting Edge teachings. You will be blessed and enlightened.

Volume 1 examines 'Jesus' Warning To His 7 Churches', both then and now.

Volume 2 studies 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', a most dynamic and exciting event.

Volume 3 demonstrates 'The Wrath of God', culminating in Him peeling back the covering of Heaven so that wicked mankind can see an Angry, Almighty God sitting on His Throne of Judgment.

Volume 4 reveals 'The Final Trumpet Judgments: Time Is Running Out', which stampede the peoples of the world in a panic mode unprecedented in all of human history.

Volume 5 - In Disc 5 of our study, we are drawing very near to the finale of God's wrath. Chapters 15 and 16 describe the 7 vials of God's wrath that will be suffered by those who have received the Mark of the Beast, and we will discuss how Lucifer counters the wrath of God with evil spirits that seem to turn everything around for sinful mankind. However, these evil spirits will only set up Antichrist and his followers for the events that will push him to the point of gathering his armies from all over the world for the final showdown at Armageddon. Dominick makes the case for Antichrist to make his HQ in physical Babylon, Rev 18

Volume 6 - JESUS CONQUERS ALL!! This video examines Rev 19-22, a most exciting and impactful chapter as Jesus Christ speedily concludes His dealing with wicked, sinful mankind, preparing the world for the purity required for his Millennial (1,000 Year) Reign! Jesus begins this final segment with His holy angels proclaiming ' Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God' and concluding with Jesus proclaiming to John 'Surely I come quickly' During these four chapters, Jesus consummates His 'Marriage Supper of the Lamb', His final judgment - the 'White Throne Judgment' - seizing Satan and binding him and his demons for Jesus' 1,000 year reign, the final battles as Jesus releases Satan for a short while, and the New Heaven / New Earth, and the glorious beginning of Eternity!

Total teaching time is 12 hours. YOU SAVE $20 over buying these DVD's individually


Critical News Headlines

1. "Biden Sworn In as 46th President of the United States"!!

Now that the Trojan Horse betrayal of the formerly greatest nation in the history of mankind has been completed, by the swearing in ceremony of Joe Biden, God's countdown to the prophetic physical annihilation can commence!

2. America's Constitutional Republic died on January 20, 2021, precisely 245 years after beginning the War of Independence.

However, Our culture actually shattered on January 22, 1973, when seven Republican Supreme Court Justices 'discovered' that a woman had a Constitutional right to an abortion!

God's physical annihilation as He predicted in Revelation 18:8 became inevitable and visible on the Horizon. We are at the horizon now!

3. Roe VS Wade has produced "ghosts in the cradle" which will haunt unredeemed Americans for eternity!

The innocent blood of these murdered babies will call out to God for Justice, just as Abel's blood called from the ground!

"And the Lord said unto Cain ... the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground."

4. Democrat leaders say they cannot produce the $1.9 Trillion bill for COVID relief, largely because of Progressive opposition.

Progressives want to create the system of providing $2,000 per month for as long as the pandemic lasts!

The financial gutting of the American Treasury has begun!

Georgia Guidestones Mystery Revealed: Dark Clouds Over Elberton

"Launch Global Genocide"?

DVD by Chris Pinto - Only $24.95

At Long Last: The mysterious 'R.C. Christian' who funded the massive Georgia Guidestones is revealed by Chris Pinto. Masterful research project finally pays off.

In 1979, a mysterious stranger appeared in the remote town of Elberton, Georgia. The man introduced himself as R.C. Christian, but admitted this was not his real name. He claimed to represent a small group of loyal Americans who wanted to erect a monument they hoped would inspire 'the Age of Reason'.

The monument was named the Georgia Guidestones. Written on the great granite stones are ten commands or guides that were intended to provide wisdom for mankind. But the first of them calls for a reduction of the world population to a mere 500 million. In order to achieve this, billions of people would have to die. Many have wondered: is the monument designed to inspire wisdom? Or to launch a global genocide?

Researchers have wondered for decades about the identity of R.C. Christian and the purpose of his mysterious structure. Was he part of a globalist group? Was he working with the United Nations? After a five year investigation, this powerful documentary presents groundbreaking information, and dares to solve the mystery of who R.C. Christian really was.

This film is a must see for those who wish to learn more about the globalist use of environmentalism in the cause of population control.

Role of both Rosicrucian and Freemason secret societies in the building of the Georgia Guidestones is revealed -- 2 Hours Long --

New World-Class DVD From Chris Pinto


New DVD Title from Chris Pinto

The 'True Christian History of America' is a powerful documentary, showing the Bible-based Christian origins of the early American view of freedom, tracing the principles of liberty back to England and the great Reformation.

For many years, Americans have been taught in our schools and universities that the founding of our Republic was the result of the Enlightenment from France, or from the deists of that time. But is that truly the case? Did the Enlightenment first declare no taxation without representation? Or trial by jury? Were they the champions of freedom of speech, or of the press? And why did Samuel Adams declare that the “reign of political Protestantism” would commence, just before signing the Declaration of Independence?

Filmed on location in the United States, as well as in England, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic, this insightful documentary contains unique interviews with experts from around the world, who relate how the champions of the Gospel pursued the cause of freedom across the centuries, and how it is their beliefs which are enshrined in the Declaration, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

At a time when America and the principles of freedom stand in peril, it has never been more important for the Christian world to reclaim its historic heritage. This documentary is perfect for churches, Bible study groups, homeschool parents, or anyone who desires to learn a detailed history on the influence of Christianity in the United States. Watch Video clips online

Presented by Christian J. Pinto Running Time: 150+ minutes --

Other Chris Pinto Titles



Analysis -- Headline News

1. "Biden Sworn In as 46th President of the United States"!!

NEWS BRIEF: "Biden Sworn In as 46th President of the United States", The Epoch Times, January 20, 2021

"Joe Biden took the oath of office at noon on Jan. 20 to become the 46th president of the United States ... Biden, 78, succeeds President Donald Trump, who skipped the inauguration. Vice President Mike Pence attended the ceremony alongside former Presidents Barack Obama, George Bush, and Bill Clinton."

Biden listed his priorities in the most boring speech.

"We’ll press forward with speed and urgency for we have much to do in this winter of peril and significant possibilities, much to repair, much to restore, much to heal, much to build, and much to gain,” Biden said ... though not formally a policy speech, offered a glimpse into Biden’s priorities. After addressing the pandemic, Biden touched on the issues of racism, climate change, domestic terrorism, and white supremacy. He then called for unity."

Now that the Trojan Horse betrayal of the formerly greatest nation in the history of mankind has been completed -- by the swearing in ceremony of Joe Biden -- God's countdown to the prophetic physical annihilation can commence!

NEWS BRIEF: "Inauguration Day 2021 – A Dark Cloud Rolls Out Across America", Canada Free Press, January 20, 2021

"America woke to images of President Trump and First Lady Melania slowly walking away from the White House to board the Marine One helicopter. It was a sombre scene, and it generated a strong feeling of sadness, vexation, change for the worse, and the destruction, temporarily at least, of a legacy, and a hope for America’s renewal. It was as if, a dark cloud had begun rolling across our once great nation, starting from the White House."

"Gloominess and deep disappointment now hang over the nation like never before. All we must look forward to now is watching Joe Biden and Kamala Harris destroy all that Trump did - one item at a time."

What changes might we expect from this Biden/Harris/Xi Jinping?

"Globalism will be implemented by almost imperceptible increments:

* Eliminate national sovereignty and independence
* Destroy and replace the free enterprise economic system
* Eliminate private property
* Own nothing and be happy
* Abolishing Christianity
* A cashless society
* A universal income

(Straight out of the Communist playbook!)

After these goals have been established in this once-great country, destruction of our entire way of life will be accomplished and you can expect Communist tanks patrolling our street and enforcing the Martial Law and its endless curfews and creeds.

No more immigration will be a factor in our politics because America will no longer be the "land of the free" and no more will desperate foreigners look upon us as a refuge and a hope for "huddled masses, yearning to be free"!

"The clouds of this era will clear only to reveal something far worse – you may count on it ... "

* "They will tax you and waste your treasures.

* They will prey upon your children with LGBT activism and transgender anti-science nonsense.

* They will break open the doors to all who want a free deal and something they did not work for

* "They will provide a chance for those who hate America and want to harm it,

* "They will fulfill the hope of those who think big government is the answer to all our problems.

* "They will perpetuate the fall of truth and objectivity through all their media outlets and platforms."

"The failure of our nation will be the product of their success."

America will finally learn the horrific truth behind a famous Scripture:

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." (Proverbs 29:2, KJV)

2. America's Constitutional Republic died on January 20, 2021, precisely 245 years after beginning the War of Independence.

NEWS BRIEF: "The Republic Has Fallen – Trump Fails In Duty To Protect American Public From Chinese Communist Control", CD Media, January 7, 2021

"The republic has fallen ... President Trump has failed. He had a solemn duty to protect the nation from Chinese Communist Party control and he failed."

"Tuesday’s election was decided in China, not in Georgia. POTUS would not take the necessary measure required. The future is dark for freedom-loving Americans, or anywhere in the world for that matter. I don’t understand President Trump’s reasoning."

You can only reach one conclusion: "However, the truth is he failed in the end. That is what history will remember."

The time for creating new history every day which creates freedom of speech, of action, and of protecting ourselves is at an end -- BECAUSE God's next prophetic chapter is about to begin.

And, President Biden -- being guided by Communist China -- will lead the way!

Illuminati 10-Nation Reorganization Plan


NOTE: I wonder if Donald J. Trump believes he failed, however. As we have noted before, Trump has his own Illuminati Card, which signals the reality that he is committed to the New World Order, the global Kingdom of Antichrist!

I believe it very possible that Donald Trump is convinced of a calling higher than that of President of the United States! What if he were promised to be the first President of the North American Union, which is Supernation #1 in the Illuminati 10-Nation Reorganization Plan (fulfillment of Daniel 7:7-8 and Revelation 17:12, Pictured Above)?

That prize would be very tempting to anyone not familiar with Bible Prophecy, and certainly to someone who is narcisstic like Donald J. Trump. Trump could convince himself that he would be able to protect the interests of Americans more completely as President of North America:

* Like Freedom of Speech

* Freedom to Own Guns

* Freedom of Religion

* Better manage the economy of an entire continent!

What do you think?


However, our culture actually shattered on January 22, 1973, when seven Republican Supreme Court Justices 'discovered' that a woman had a Constitutional right to an abortion!

NEWS BRIEF: "The Trump Era Held Up A Mirror To Our Shattering Culture", The Federalist, 1/15/2021

"Much of what Sommers reported can ultimately be traced back to a thesis Mary Eberstadt persuasively advanced in “Primal Screams: How the Sexual Revolution Created Identity Politics.” That thesis is also in harmony with Tim Carney’s central argument in “Alienated America,” that 'the death of the American Dream is a social phenomenon, not an economic one', and that the decline of churches and other civic institutions has left a lot of Americans behind, desperate for authentic champions."

I agree with these conclusions, except for one:

"... the death of the American Dream is a social phenomenon, not an economic one'."

The death of the American Dream is a religious collapse, led by Fundamental Church flight away from teaching and preaching genuine Biblical doctrine and showing how this doctrine can make everyone in society happier and more content.

Remember the role the Apostle Paul gave to the effect of churches' declining?

" Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition..." (2 Thessalonians 2:3, KJV)

Antichrist cannot come until and unless there is a major falling away from Biblical truth. Contemporary Bible Scholars believe that the establishment of the World Council of Churches in 1948 marked the beginning of American churches abandoning truthful Biblical doctrine, in favor of more modern ways of thinking and of doing.

We agree. Holding fast to true doctrine will keep the door shut to Antichrist. In other words, when a modern church pastor and/or teacher starts teaching un-biblical doctrine, that christian leader is opening the door just a crack, allowing Antichrist to eventually come crashing through.

Therefore, we created a DVD entitled, "New World Order Religion: Opening The Door To Antichrist".

Today, Joe Biden, Chinese Communist Xi Jinjiang and Russian Communist Putin are preparing to knock that door wide open, in full compliance with God's End Times Prophecy!

God's physical annihilation as He predicted in Revelation 18:8 became inevitable and visible on the Horizon. We are at the horizon now!


3. Roe VS Wade has produced "ghosts in the cradle" which will haunt unredeemed Americans for eternity!

NEWS BRIEF: "Roe v. Wade‘s Millions Of Ghosts In The Cradle Haunt Us All", By Nathanael Blake, The Federalist, January 21, 2021

"America is broken because it is haunted ... To understand what ails our nation, we must see the things that haunt us — the things that we don’t like to talk about or even think of. We must look at the ghosts we don’t want to see, but are tormenting us. Among the foremost of these spirits is the ghost in the cradle."

This commentator is speaking here of the millions upon millions of aborted babies in America since January 22, 1973 (Roe vs Wade). Over 62 million (62,000,000) babies had suffered fatal injuries within the American mother's womb since Roe vs Wade!

"It should not surprise us, therefore, that after decades of abortion on demand, we live in a nation with cratering marriage and birth rates, and an epidemic of deadly loneliness. Abortion is not solely responsible for this, but the ghosts in the empty cradles undoubtedly haunt us. Many want to look away. But, if we are to understand the ills of our nation, then we must face them."

"There is a further, more dreadful, possibility, which is that the choice is between looking now or looking later. If the dead rise again for a judgment in which all secrets are revealed, then the aborted children of this nation will be waiting for us to face them. And when we look at them, and when they look at us, what excuse could we offer?"

The innocent blood of these murdered babies will call out to God for Justice, just as Abel's blood called from the ground!

"And the Lord said unto Cain ... the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground."The innocent blood of these murdered babies will call out to God for Justice, just as Abel's blood called from the ground!

"And the Lord said unto Cain ... the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground."

When I think of these 62,000,000 poor babies' bodies which have been so grievously stacked high, I think of the prophetic Scripture in which God spelled out His reasons for annihilating that Great Economic Babylon in Revelation 18. Listen:

"And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies." (Revelation 18:2-5, KJV)

America has expertly exported her vast Abortion on Demand Industry to virtually every nation on earth!

"For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities."

In God's mind, the number of dead babies killed by abortion has reached high to Heaven.

The time for prophetic physical annihilation is now at hand. I feel this truth in my spirit and confirm it in my Bible. Whether the timing is tomorrow or a point still in the future, the prophetic truth is that America's time of physical judgment is now inevitable.

And, successfully stealing the 2020 election is the "Tipping Point"!

4. Democrat leaders say they cannot produce the $1.9 Trillion bill for COVID relief, largely because of Progressive opposition.

NEWS BRIEF: "Trouble in Paradise: Democrats Expect to Fail on Coronavirus Relief Until March", Breitbart News, 20 Jan 2021

"Democrat lawmakers expect to fail on providing another round of coronavirus relief until March despite President Joe Biden outlining a $1.9 trillion relief measures last week ... Members of the far-left have expressed concern over one key aspect of Biden’s proposal, which provides $1,400 stimulus checks to the American people rather than the $2,000 key Democrat legislators promised. Biden and his team, however, contend the proposal does, in fact, uphold the party’s promise when combined with the $600 provided in the $2.3 trillion government spending and coronavirus relief measure former President Donald Trump signed last month."

This conclusion seems just as reasonable as if it were coming from a Trump Team. However, the Far Left Progressives have another disastrous goal.

"Progressive members of the caucus have publicly expressed disagreement with the $1,400 checks, with some ... suggesting that the check come on a recurring basis, at least until the pandemic comes to an end..."

Progressives want to create the system of providing $2,000 per month for as long as the pandemic lasts!

Such an ongoing commitment is popularly called "Entitlement" and is a very popular and expensive program. But, if you do not want to work, you would logically want such an Entitlement program, not caring whose pocket is being raided to provide your largesse, or whether the entire country might financially collapse!

Now, your party controls both Houses of Congress and the White House!

The financial gutting of the American Treasury has begun!

"Antichrist & The 'Final Solution' "

New Book by Tom Horn, Only $19.99

It’s been assumed for centuries that a prerequisite for the coming of Antichrist would be a revived world order an umbrella under which national boundaries dissolve and ethnic groups, ideologies, religions, and economics from around the world orchestrate a single and dominant sovereignty. At the head of the utopian administration, a single personality will surface. He will appear to be a man of distinguished character, but will ultimately become a king of fierce countenance (Daniel 8:23).

With haughty, dictatorial decrees, he will facilitate a One-World Government, universal religion, and global socialism. Those who refuse his New World Order will inevitably be imprisoned or destroyed until at last he exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:4).

Bible prophecy depicts this coming tyrant as the deadliest in human history. He will try to carry out a satanic Final Solution to inflict genocide far beyond that done through Adolf Hitler's plan by the same name. And this soon-to-come era is closer than many can imagine; yet, most don't comprehend the events that lie just ahead.

For the first time in decades, the truth of dispensational history is laid out in order that the world can understand what is unfolding now and coming very, very soon.

"World War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event" DVD

 Just as we demonstrate on this DVD, World War 3 appears to be just on the Horizon and recent events have moved us even closer to this end times  event.

In the minds of most people, two words carry so much emotional baggage that people cringe whenever they hear these Apocalyptic words. 1) 1) Armageddon; 2) World War III. In the past 20 years, whenever a battle begins in the Middle East or whenever a verbal confrontation breaks out between major powers, 'gloom and doom' scare-mongers immediately begin to shout 'World War III',much like a person yells 'FIRE' in a crowded theater. Bible prophecy reveals that Antichrist will be produced on the world scene by a number of signs, including 'wars and rumors of wars'. Demonic familiar spirits told the Elite in 1870 that three world wars will be needed to produce Antichrist. Make no mistake about it: Antichrist will be produced by World War III. Therefore, the question of the hour is, 'when will this global war begin' and 'what are the signs it is about to commence'? 

Only $14.99

Find out more about this DVD and watch the trailer

Originally Printed In 1958 -- Coming True in 2021!

"The Naked Communist: Exposing Communism & Restoring Freedom"

Book Update of 1958 - Paperback by W. Cleon Skousen

NEWS BRIEF: "Compare Original '45 Goals Of Communism' To Modern Woke Crusade: From "Naked Communist", Canada Free Press,

"Have you ever wondered what the precursors to the current goals of protesters and radicals demanding defunding police departments across America? Also, their crazed goals to pull down all historic statutes – even Mt Rushmore? And as US Reps AOC and Ilhan Omar demand destruction of capitalism, haven’t you wondered where such unhinged and universally disastrous ideas came from?

"Well, there’s an actual source for such catastrophic, ruinous policies…World Communism. And on Thursday, January 10, 1963, a list of 45 Communist Goals were offered for the record that were argued to help take over USA. These were read into the Congressional Record, taken from a book called 'The Naked Communist',” by Cleon Skousen

Find out More


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David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries

What Must I Do To Be Saved