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LHT- BKT-PTC- 5 Things you can do to protect your kids
5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Kids From Sexual Predators written by Investigative Sergeant Patrick Crough

Communicate. Communicate. Communicate! We must make it a point to communicate with our children every day to learn what is going on in their lives and who they are having daily contact with. Our children are exposed to school staff, counselors, coaches, day care providers, summer camp staff, and/or babysitters every day. Their social horizons have been expanded at a far too rapid pace. Many of us parents enjoyed a more relaxed childhood in the 1950s and 1960s when it was common to have our mothers home all day with us.

Also covers Debriefing And Gathering Intelligence: Sharing A Meal, Network With Other Parents, Monitoring the Internet & Cell Phones, Protecting Your Child With Prayer & the Word.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-EPIC- An Epidemic of Apostasy: How Christian Seminaries Must Incorporate 'Spiritual Formation' to Become Accredited - Booklet
PARENTS BE FOREWARNED BEFORE YOU SEND YOUR CHILD OFF TO A CHRISTIAN COLLEGE: What do Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Biola Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Urshan Graduate School of Theology, Briercrest College and Seminary, Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Multnomah Biblical Seminary, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Moody Theological Seminary & Graduate School and around 240 other seminaries throughout North America all have in common? They are all accredited through the Association of Theological Schools (ATS).

What do Cincinnati Christian University, Columbia International University, Eston College, Hope International University, Moody Bible Institute, Multnomah University, Nazarene Bible College, and Prairie Bible College and about 90 other colleges and seminaries throughout North America all have in common? They are all accredited through the Association for Biblical Higher Education.

What do the two accreditation organizations Association of Theological Seminaries and Association for Biblical Higher Education have in common? Both associations require schools that wish to be accredited to include Spiritual Formation within the school's infrastructure.

They are going to have to incorporate Spiritual Formation (i.e., contemplative spirituality) into the lives of their students.

Now can you understand how Satan has so quickly infiltrated his concepts and hellish doctrines within our churches? He has corrupted our youth, our future church leaders!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-WS-10-RS- 10 Scriptural Reasons Why Jesus Calling is a Dangerous Book, by Warren B. Smith
On November 12, 2015, Religion News Service posted an article titled 'Jesus Calling and the Policing of Theology.' In her obvious endeavor to whitewash the many problems found in Jesus Calling, Turner goes out of her way to single him out and take him to task for describing Jesus Calling as a 'dangerous' book. But in her rush to isolate and discredit Challies, she overlooks the fact that he is not alone in coming to that conclusion.

Smith lists ten scriptural reasons explaining why so many of us believe that Jesus Calling is, in fact, a dangerous book.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-MC-6Q- 6 Questions Every Gay Person Should Ask - Booklet by Lighthouse Trails
The Greeks had homosexual and heterosexual orgies as a spiritual offering to their pagan gods. Hitler believed God was on his side as he practiced occult spirituality. The creed of Satanism teaches: 'Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.' In other words, do whatever seems right in your own eyes.

If you are a practicing homosexual and Jesus Himself were here to tell you straight to your face as a gay person that you must repent of your sin and humbly turn to Him to find new life for your soul, would you call Him a 'bigot'?

Six Questions to any LGBT person:
1) What about my Unmet Needs? 2) Do As Thou Wilt? 3) What About Hate Crimes? 4) Why Believe The Bible? 5) Is There a Gay Gene? 6) Where Will You Spend Eternity?

This booklet needs to be given to every LGBT person you know! Their eternal soul is at stake.


Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-IR-BRK- BOOKLET - Broken Vessels for Christ
Broken Vessels For Christ

By Harry A. Ironside

Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. (2 Corinthians 4:10,11)

This fourth chapter of 2 Corinthians is the apostle Pauls statement of power for ministry. He shows us in these stirring verses that God is not looking for brilliant men, is not depending upon eloquent men, is not shut up to the use of talented men in sending His Gospel out in the world.

God is looking for broken men, for men who have judged themselves in the light of the Cross of Christ. When He wants anything done, He takes up men who have come to an end of themselves, and whose trust and confidence is not in themselves but in God.

There were those who were calling in to question the apostleship of Paul himself, for he did not seem to them to be what an apostle, according to their estimation of the office, ought to be. There was not the pomp nor the dignity they would expect; he did not come to them with great swelling words, there was no making anything of what he was after the flesh, no drawing attention to his natural ability or education; and in this the method of the apostle Paul was in very vivid contrast to the method pursued by many today who pose as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. This man went through the world a broken man, a lowly man, a man seeking only the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the blessing of souls, a man who might have occupied a very high place among the great and distinguished of earth.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-LBRT- BOOKLET - The Labyrinth Journey: Walking the Path to Fulfillment?
We live in a day and age where many "new things" are sweeping through the Christian church. Some of these alternative directions are simply a reflection of changes in style and format. However, in our exploration towards alternative forms of spiritual expression, it is imperative that doctrinal discernment and discretionary principles come into play. This is especially true as society rapidly embraces a plethora of alternative spiritual practices, beliefs, and paths. Sadly, we as Christians often flounder in doing our homework, and in that vein we may inadvertently open our congregations to highly questionable choices and spiritual experiences.
Price: $1.95
LHT- BKT-CT-EARTH- EARTH Day and a Total Transformation for a Post-Christian World - Booklet
Just as in old Pagan days, the earth has become the focal point for worship. In Grecian times, the supreme Earth deity was Gaia, also known as the Universal Mother. In our contemporary era, Earth Day has become the modern celebration of Gaia.

Not only is the earth a deity to be venerated, but the earth itselfas the representative and embodiment of the goddess has become a modern-day idol. Welcome to the New World Order, a re-emergence of Ancient Mother Earth worship, the Kingdom of the New Age Christ (Antichrist).

Many participants are unaware, thinking its a family-oriented way to engage in environmental conservation.Listen to actor,James Coburn: Mother Earth is our Mother! Shes the Mother Goddess.

The cleansing of the Earth during the time of Antichrist will be carried out under the guise of lessening the 'burden' of mankinds civilization burden on Mother Gaia'.

Booklet Tract is 16 pages long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-CT-FM- Freemasonry: A Revealing Look at the Spiritual Side - Booklet by Carl Teichrib
It would be beneficial for you to join, I was told. We make good men better, I was promised. They waxed on about a legacy, doing good work, and having a sense of camaraderie, and the importance of regular meetings. And it all took place in the 'building-with- no-windows'.

'Is your group political?' I asked, knowing the answer from previous chats. No.
'Religious?' No.
'Ok, then what are you about?' My query was an open door.
Chairs shifted as they glanced at each other and then back to me. The silence was palpable. And then the hammer dropped. 'Were not Satanists'. It was said so matter-of-factually, as if it were a normal response when at a loss for something to say. But for me, it was as if a lightening bolt had been shot through a dense fog. Where did this come from?

Compelled by the Satan- bomb to find out what the Lodge was about, but not wanting to join, I determined to obtain their rituals and philosophical texts. Books examining and critiquing the Lodge had already been published, but I didnt know this at the time. What I did know was that a BODY OF INTERNAL LITERATRUE existed. Thus began a quest to collect the texts and materials of the Lodge. Along the way, I talked with current Masons, probed into community archives, and studied the subject.

Freemasonry has long been called a secret society. But this is a misnomer. Properly defined, a secret society is an organization that intentionally remains unknown to all outside of the closed group. However, hints of a deeper realitya spiritual interestcannot be overlooked. Bernard E. Jones Freemasons Guide and Compendium points to religious underpinnings.2 And Baileys book, The Spirit of Masonry, is devoted to the spiritual endeavor pulsing within the Craft.

Masonry does not have an authoritative text to offer clarification in the way many religions and some ideologies do. Using religion as a comparison, Christianity has the Old and New Testament, Judaism the Torah and Talmud, Islam the Quran, and Hinduism builds on the Vedas. But a Masonic scriptural authority does not exist.

In Their Own Words Religious Universalism. Masonry, around whose altars the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem, the Brahmin, the followers of Confucius and Zoroaster, can assemble as brethren and unite in prayer to the one God who is above all the Baalim. (p. 226). Of course, this belief brands Jesus a liar because He emphatically stated that He was the ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER. Every other supposed way was a LIAR AND A THIEF.

Spiritual Heresy - 'Man is a god in the making' (Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry)

Perfection in the Lodge -- The use of the word 'perfection' is found throughout Freemasonry. For example, in the Scottish Rite, the combined degrees of 4 to 14 are called the 'Lodge of Perfection', and Degree 5 is labeled 'Perfect Master'. Freemasonry itself is symbolic of the highest possible perfection of mankind, and to this its great aim is to contribute; with a view to this object all its teachings are framed.13

CONCLUSION: Scripture runs counter to the ideas of the Lodge and Freemasonry, which seeks mystical perfection through its own works, making it an avenue that delivers the antithesis of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.

CUTTING EDGE NOTE: The REAL purpose of Freemasonry is to unite all religions of the world into ONE with Antichrist and the False Prophet at the head. Masons are shocked with they realize their purpose is to stage Antichrist oin the guise of serving Jesus Christ.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-ISRL- Israel: Replacing What God Has Not: Booklet by Mike Oppenheimer
At a time when a clear and biblically sound understanding of Bible prophecy is most important, we find the church, paradoxically, having less knowledge of it, especially as it relates directly to Israel.

As time went on and the church drifted further and further away from her Jewish beginnings, many began to erroneously believe the church had replaced Israel. But in this day and age when we see biblical prophecy being fulfilled on such an unprecedented and unparalleled scale with God's continual protection and restoration of the Jews to their land, there should not be those who walk in disbelief with regard to God's promises. But there are!

A growing number within the church are holding to the position that Israel as a people and a nation has no further place with God and that Israel is eternally cast off for their rejection of the Messiah. They believe national Israel no longer has a future in any part of God's plan. They also believe all the promises given to Israel have not only been revoked but transferred to the church and that the church is now the 'true Israel'.

In summary, what can be said for Israel? We, therefore, owe a great debt to the Jewish people; and Israel is still Israel and will continue to have a special place in Gods heart and significance in the future of our planet. Remember, God has said of the Jew: '... for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. (Zechariah 2:8). Israel still has a key role to play in End Times Prophecy. The 7 year period known as the Tribulation is really the 70th Week of Prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27. At the end of that period, Jesus will return to rule over the entire world from Jerusalem for 1,000 years. Do not be deceived: God is still working His Prophetic Plan for Israel.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-RY-MEDI - Meditation! Pathway to God or Doorway to the Occult? - New Booklet by Ray Yungen
In the West, mysticism always used to be restricted to a tiny fraction of the population (i.e., shamans, esoteric brotherhoods, and small spiritual groups). Never before has there been a widespread teaching of these methods to the general population. Now, mysticism pervades the Western world.

Occult meditation practices have even spread into formerly fundamental churches!

Almost any form of meditation will eventually take you to an experience of yourself as source, or your higher self . . . Eventually you will start experiencing certain moments during your meditation when there is a sort of click in your consciousness and you feel like things are really working; you may even experience a lot of energy flowing through you or a warm radiant glow in your body. These are signs that you are beginning to channel the energy of your higher self.

People must realize that truth is discovered by faith and not by feelings, so matter how intensely wonderful that feeling might be at the moment!

The basic message of these books and hundreds of others like them could be reduced to one simple word, a word that cries out a uniform consistent theme meditate! The type she practices and promotes involves stopping the normal flow of human thought. You cant get the click she speaks of unless you go all the way by emptying the mind versus simply just sitting and thinking. Merely pondering does not suffice. To meditate successfully, you must employ a specific method which produces a void referred to by many New Age practitioners as the silenceor the voice of the silence.

What a person has done when they practice this type of meditation is to open their minds to demon possession! Doubt it Not!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-JL-MB- The Message Bible A Breach of Truth - Booklet by John Lanagan
Can we just say it? Homosexuality is going to be the dividing line between the true church and the rising apostate church. And Eugene Peterson's The Message is being used by those who want to avoid or deny the truth that homosexuality is a sin.

The Message flat out deletes homosexuality as sin from two key New Testament passages and gives a politically correct spin to a third (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Timothy 1:8-11, Romans 1:25-27).

The Messages Effect on the Church -- We are at the point where many in the church are wavering about homosexuality. As with 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, homosexuality is again deleted in 1 Timothy 1:8-11.

The Message is weakening the church. Our long-term acceptance and use of The Message explains in part why many Christians are lukewarm on the issue of homosexuality. Society continues to undergo a paradigm shift. Christians are daily being exposed to a barrage of pro-homosexual propaganda via media, entertainment, politics, and education. Certainly, The Message is not the only factorbut place this 'Bible' in a person's hands, and it can have, over time, significant influence. The Message will be increasingly used by on-the-fence churches, apostate churches, and by homosexual 'Christian' activists.

The Message is not a translation of the Bible. It is not a para- translation, as its publishers have so cleverly called it. Nor is it a paraphrase, because Eugene Peterson has omitted, and he has added. The Message should not be used by the body of Christ at all.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-TP-QRN- The Qur'an or the Bible—Which One Has the Authentic Account? New Booklet
How important is God's Bible to Him? Listen: 'If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." (Revelation 22:18-19)

But, Muslims teach that: 1) Muhammed is the last and greatest prophet; 2) The Qur'an (Koran) is Allahs final revelation sent down to Muhammed. It has never changed.

Islam is the final religion, based on Muhammeds life and teachings and it surpasses Christianity and Islam.

Did Jesus have Mohammedism in mind when He warned, 'Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?" (LUKE 6:39, kjv) This booklet will help your friend to not fall into the eternal ditch of Islam!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-HH- When Hitler Was in Power - Booklet by by Anita Dittman with Jan Markell
By fall, 1939, World War II began in earnest. Germany surged ahead, optimistic because of her swift victory in Poland. The frighteningly diabolical trio of Adolf Eichmann, Reinhard Heydrich, and Heinrich Himmler was ordered to find a final solution to the Jewish problem, and it was generally understood that the final solution meant total extermination.

Rudolf Ross was put in charge of the genocide at Auschwitz. Upon his orders, two thousand Jews would be gassed at one time. As men, women, and children were shoved together into massive shower rooms some were stamped on their chests with a coded number that indicated they had gold teeth. When they finally realized they weren't taking a shower, they screamed and cried for mercy, but their cries fell on deaf ears. Amused guards watched through peepholes as they suffered and died. Hideous horror stories began to trickle out of the various camps, putting unbearable pressure on European Jews, who knew that they were all potential gas-chamber victims.

By the summer of 1940, the Führer had made himself the master of western Europe as he invaded Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, and France. They all would fall before the years end. It began to look as though Italy would enter the war as an ally of Germany.

Hitler had only to whisper and ten thousand prisoners would die that day. Is a similar time coming for America? If we have to go through this type of persecution, would you be spiritually prepared?

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-RY-YGA- Yoga Exercise or Religion Does It Matter, Booklet by Ray Yungen
This trend to blindly accept Yoga and other New Age practices without evaluating it according to Scripture, has only continued to accelerate within Christian colleges, ministries, and even churches.

Currently, an estimated 24 million people in the United States are regularly involved with some form of Yoga, health clubs, including the YMCA, YWCA, and the local community college.

Nearly ten percent of U.S. adults and three percent of children participated in yoga in 2012. Most of these adults may be vaguely aware of the Hindu component of Yoga but see that as being irrelevant to taking Yoga classes. Many people doing the asanas, or postures, seem to feel that these exercises are devoid of any religious connotation.

But, what if they are wrong? What if Yoga is sending its adherents to Hell?

Yoga is more prevalent now than ever among people living in the West. Participants will learn just how much the wisdom of ancient India can spiritually nourish them (Have you noticed how India is ALWAYS physically impoverished and the faces of its people devoid of happiness and hope? Why should anyone want to learn of a religion from India?

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-BK-CHILD-10 Vital Things Parents Can Do To Help Their Children Keep Their Faith - Booklet by Berit Kjos
The following ten points offer practical and scriptural advice on how to raise your children to know and love the Lord and to continue walking in the faith.

1) Be Alert & Always Keep on Praying; 2) Know What Your Child Is Learning in School or better yet, Homeschool with Christian curricula; 3) Daily, Share Gods Values With Your Children; 4) Train Your Child To Be 'Ambassadors' For God; 5) Teach Your child to Know God's Instructions & Warnings; 6) Encourage Your Child To Choose the Good; 7) Train Your Child to Follow God, Not Peers; 8) Training Children to Love Good and Resist Evil; 9) Prepare Your Child for a Lifetime of Reading and Listening with Discernment' 10) Leading Your Child to Receive Jesus as Savior and Lord and Work To Mature Them in the Faith

Booklet is 14 pages long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-CP-5 Things You Should Know About Contemplative Prayer, Booklet by Ray Yungen
Many people may not know that there has been a 'Christian' element to this phenomenon of mysticism known as contemplative prayer or centering prayer. This form of mystical prayer has entered the Christian church primarily through spiritual formation programs. Despite the actual practice being centuries old, going all the way back to the desert fathers in the middle ages, it has only recently struck a chord with many people within the numerous branches or denominations that make up the panoply of Christianity.

New Agers and those practicing Eastern religion regard contemplative prayer as part of their own movement.

Major Proponents of Contemplative Prayer Advocate Eastern Religions. One of the outstanding characteristics of the contemplative prayer movement is what is known as interspirituality. In effect, this means you stay in your present religion but you absorb the spiritual perspective of those within Eastern thought -- Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Taoism and Vedanta.

Finding the 'God' Within It is important to note here that the purpose of contemplative prayer is to enter an altered state of consciousness in order to find ones true self, thus finding God, or at least an occult version of the One True God!

CONCLUSION: CONCLUSION The Bible reveals that in the heart (center) of man our true self is not 'God' but rather sinful and wicked. The Bible also clearly warns against repetitive prayer and also tells us we cannot find God unmediated (i.e., without Christ). Jesus never taught his disciples techniques to attain oneness with God, but rather spoke of Himself as the Way. In fact, the entire New Testament was written to dispute the idea that people can reach God through religious efforts and reveals that Jesus Christ is the only answer.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-RO-ENV -A Christian Perspective on the Environment - New Booklet by Roger Oakland
How the Catholic Pope and Other Leaders Are Uniting the Worlds Religions Through Environmentalism

as a Christian, I believe it is the responsibility of every human being to be concerned about our planet and the ecological relationship we have with all living creatures that God has created.

This idea that Mother Earth is sick is strangely familiar in light of the Bible and also history. Throughout biblical history, mankind has always leaned toward this direction of worshipping the creation and not the Creator. THE PROBLEM IS THAT CURRENT SOCIETY IS WORSHIPPING THE WRONG GOD -- Mother Gaia and not the God of the Bible! The Christian view is that the Creator is sovereign and eternal while man is not. God is the Creator of all things, and He is separate from His creation. Whats more, creation is not to be worshipped but respected while God is to be worshipped and adored. In other words, God created everything, but everything is not God.

Pope Francis I is leading this charge to convince people of all religions to save 'Mother Earth'; out of this spiritual confusion Antichrist will stride

Price: $1.95
BKT-BK-CC-A 'Common Core' For a Global Community - Booklet by Berit Kjos
Shocking propaganda is in! Consider UNESCOs Common Core indoctrination. Ponder this assignment: Students Asked to 'Argue That Jews Are Evil' and Prove Nazi Loyalty in Assignment Linked to Common Core'. The task before UNESCO . . . is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpose'. 'Julian Huxley, the first head of UNESCO, 1947

The goal of education has changed! Our public schools no longer teach the kind of literacy, history, math, and morality we once considered essential to responsible citizenship. The new agenda infiltrating our schools is designed to train a new generation of postmodern 'progressive' students to believe whatever might serve a pre-determined common global good.

Today's 'common core' will be based on a global collective agenda, not on Western democracy or Christian values. Like Nazi youth, they will be taught to react, not think, when nudged to do the unthinkable.

And, like Nazi Youth, our children will be blindly following Antichrist!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-ACIM-A Course in Miracles: Redefining Christianity and Fooling the World - New Booklet by Warren Smith
The world has reached the point of rank Apostasy when critically important doctrines essential to Eternal Life are crudely re- labeled. For example:
* 'The journey to the cross should be the last 'useless journey'
* Presents a whole new way of looking at the world, teaches a completely different gospel than the one found in the Bible
* Fear is taught as just an illusion based on wrong thinking. It states that the world we see is merely the projected manifestation of our own illusive fears
* Mans only SIN is in not remembering his own perfect, sinless, divine nature
* The only devil is our illusion that we are separate from, and not a part of, God
* After Oprahs enthusiastic endorsement the false Christ of A Course in Miracles was suddenly out of the closet. He and his New Age/New Gospel teachings had just been mainstreamed into millions of American homes
* The Name of Jesus Christ is but a symbol. It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray.
* For Christ takes many forms with different names until their oneness can be recognized.
* A slain Christ has no meaning. (Text, p. 425)
* Do not make the pathetic error of clinging to the old rugged cross. (Text, p. 52)
* The journey to the cross should be the last useless journey. (Text, p. 52)
* Biblical Atonement is redefined as 'the correction of perception'. The Atonement is the final lesson he [man] need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.

* This teaching is so wrong, so off the rails, that it will doom its adherents to an ETERNITY IN HELL!

18 pages long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-AM-FN -A Former Nun Speaks Candidly About Pope Francis, Deception, and Mind Control in the Catholic Church -- New Booklet
Pope Francis is trying to pull Protestants into the Catholic Church. Several factors are helping him accomplish this agenda: 1) Catholics have redefined key words. 'Grace' to a Catholic is earned by human endeavor, but the Bible says that grace is God's favor to man which cannot be earned. According to official Catholic doctrine, we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus ChristPLUS being baptized, going to Mass on Sundays, receiving communion at least once a year, going to confession at least once a year, believing the official doctrines of the Catholic Church, and dying in 'a state of grace.' 2) Pope Francis claims that Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same God. We do not! 3) Pope Francis is a Jesuit and therefore practices Mind Control. He violates a persons ability to think independently and to follow ones own conscience. In addition, this can be used to pressure people to obey orders to do evil things.

The spiritual hold of Catholicism: The Roman Catholic Church believes that the Pope has the power and the authority to damn people to hell. 'We excommunicate, anathematize, curse and damn him.' Jesus said 'I am come that ye may have life and have it more abundantly'!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-DD-MC-A Master Carpenter Builds His Church - Booklet
A Master Carpenter Builds His Church by David Dombrowski is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet.* The Booklet is 14 pages long

I would like to take you on a historical journey into the past through the record of Scripture. History books inadvertently have a certain level of bias, but the Bible is not so for it is inspired of God and consequently totally accurate. We will also take a glimpse into the future through the prophetic eye of Scripture. Again, the Bible has and will continue to always be one hundred percent accurate. With this kind of accuracy, we have a decisive means with which to steer our course and to get a sense of where we are.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-DD-RM9-A Potter Looks at Romans 9 - Booklet
A Potter Looks at Romans 9 by David Dombrowski is a Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 10 pages long.

Have you ever wondered why Jesus spoke in parables? Concerning the Messiah to come, the Old Testament indicated that He would open His mouth in parables (see Matthew 13:35 and Psalm 78:2). And throughout His ministry, Jesus used countless illustrations in His teachings. For some, He became a “stumbling block and a rock of offence” even as He shared spiritual truths with earthly illustrations. And I’ve pondered from time to time of both the positive impact to those who understood and the negative repercussions of those who took His statements the wrong way. As an ex-Roman Catholic, I am particularly concerned with how one takes His statement, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35) because I understand now that His statement was spiritual and not physical (see John 6:63). But, over the centuries, the Roman Catholic Church has tortured and executed many people over this very point.

Before making the above statement, Jesus had the following discourse with the people who were flocking to Him.

Price: $1.95
LHT- BKT-FOSTER-A Serious Look at Richard Foster's 'School' of Contemplative Prayer: Booklet by Ray Yungen
Christianity is not complete without the contemplative dimension. (Richard Foster) >P> The 'Christian' mystical tradition (i.e., contemplative prayer) shares a sense of profound kinship with the Eastern mystical tradition. Richard Fosters 'school' of contemplative prayer does not belong in Christianity. In fact, the message behind it is the very opposite of biblical Christianity and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Richard Foster's 'school' of contemplative prayer employs the same methods as those of Richard Rohr and Thomas Merton that lead to a certain perception. We shut out every other source of stimulationsensual, intellectual and reflectivein order to focus on God alone. At this level, we even move beyond our thoughts of God in order to dwell in his presence without thought or distraction.

The God he [Merton] knew in prayer was the same experience that Buddhists describe in their enlightenment. Merton's spirituality has come into the evangelical church through Richard Fosters 'school' of contemplative prayer. And this is one school where no Christian should enroll.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-RY-BAILEY-Alice Bailey, the Mother of the New Age Movement And Her Plans to 'Revitalize' Christianity - Booklet by Ray Yungen
The Mystery Schools are the most easily documented of the ancient adherents of occultism. They were the caretakers of this esoteric (hidden) knowledge. These schools formed the nucleus of the religious practices of ancient nations and empires such as Egypt, China, Chaldea, Persia, Greece, and Rome, as well as the Aztec and Inca civilizations.

Only the priests and adepts (who were initiated through various grades or levels) gained insight into these hidden 'truths' of the universe. These human adepts participated in Satanic religions with the sole purpose of becoming possessed by the Familiar Spirits behind this Mystical Religion, and the development of psychic abilities and spiritual healing techniques.

This Satanic power is REAL and POWERFUL, capable of overcoming any human resistance unless the human is already empowered and possessed by the Holy Spirit.

The Theosophical Society was started in 1875 in New York City by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (a Russian Channeler) and Col. Henry Olcott, an American occultist. Theosophy concentrated on the development of occult powers within the individual rather than concerning itself simply with contacting the dead.

In the early twentieth century Alice Ann Bailey became the global head of Theosophy. I discovered, first of all, that there is a great and divine Plan . . . I discovered, for a second thing, that there are Those Who are responsible for the working out of that Plan and Who, step by step and stage by stage, have led mankind on down the centuries.

Alice had her first contact with a voice that claimed to be a master in November of 1919. Calling himself the Tibetan, he wanted Alice to take dictation from him and publish the material into books.

Between 1919 and 1949, by means of telepathic communication, Alice Bailey wrote nineteen books for her unseen mentor, named only Master D.K. he significance of the Alice Bailey writings has heralded anticipation of the appearance of a World Healer and Savior in the coming Aquarian Age.

This savior would unite all mankind under his guidance. Bailey termed him the 'Coming One.' This person was not to be the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom Christians await the return, but an entirely different individual who would embody all the great principles of occultism, chiefly the divinity and perfectibility of man.

This Savior will fulfill prophecies of Antichrist.

We need to sit up and take notice that Alice Bailey's religion has now come to the forefront of mainstream society. What this means according to those who are sympathetic with this is that if we are to be 'spiritual', we need to partake of Alice Bailey's 'new vital world religion'. The Biblical Antichrist is at Earth's Portal, and Alice Bailey has set the stage for his appearance.

14 Pages long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-WCG-Are the 'Supreme Beings' of the Nations the True God? Booklet
When did ANY of the Patriarchs and Prophets in the Old Testament and the apostles or Jesus Christ in the New Testament ever claim that the 'supreme beings' of the nations were Elohim/YHWH, the one True God? And yet, this very thing is being taught by popular figures within the Christian church today.

TEN QUESTIONS or the World Christian Gathering of Indigenous People (WCGIP) adherents

1. Did Abraham claim that the God who called him from Haran was the same as the god Baal of the Canaanites?
2. Did Joseph, upon being taken to Egypt, tell the Pharaoh they had always been worshipping the true God by the name of Amen (Amon)?
3. Did Moses, after going up to the mountain of God, come down and tell Israel their worship of the Golden Calf was good because it was the same as the worship of YHWH?
4. Did Joshua, in conquering the nations in Canaan, claim that Baal was the True God?
5. Did Elijah test the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel just for a good laugh because Baal was really the True God?
6. Did Jonah tell the people of Nineveh to repent to their god el, who was not Elohim but the consort of Athirat?
7. Did David tell the Philistines to continue to worship the god Dagon because he was the same as YHWH?
8. Did Daniel tell king Nebuchadnezzar to continue the worship of Marduk as the One True God?
9. Did Ezra and Nehemiah ask the Persians if they could rebuild the Temple as a tribute to the Persian god Ahura Mazda?
10. Did Paul use a clever missiological technique by telling the Greeks that God is Zeus, or the Romans that He is Jupiter or the Ephesians that He is embodied in Artemis?

IN CONCLUSION The obvious answer to the questions above, both from the Bible and historical records, is a resounding 'NO'. There is only one Name (Jesus Christ) under heaven by which men may be saved.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)

And yet present-day false teachers claim a person can be saved by general revelation of 'God' without the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

Do not be deceived by this False Teaching tactic!

This type of teaching constitutes a grand delusion in the last-days apostasy and a new radical Replacement Theology where the one True God of the Bible is replaced with 'supreme beings' from all cultures and Israel is replaced by all the nations. This heresy has even helped Bible translation societies to put the names of the false gods of the nations into the Bible! That's how dangerous such teaching is. It undermines the very Gospel of Jesus Christ itself and puts at risk the eternity of millions of souls.

Price: $1.95
LHT-RO-ATN-ATONEMENT REJECTED! How the Emerging Church Views Christ's Death on the Cross - Booklet by Lighthouse Trails
The heart and core of the Christian faith is based upon Jesus Christ's shed blood at Calvary as the only acceptable substitutionary atonement for mankinds sins. The Gospel message requires this foundation. (Ephesians 1:7 and 2 Corinthians 5:21, Leviticus 17:11)

Satan hates the Gospel message, his agenda is to deceive mankind from understanding and believing so they can suffer eternally with him. Some emerging church leaders do say they love the Cross, but an underlying theme has entered the church. It says that while Jesus' going to the Cross was an example of sacrifice and servanthood that we should follow, the idea that God would send His Son to a violent death for the sins of mankind'well, that is not who God is. A loving God would never do that! Such a violent act would make Christianity a 'slaughterhouse religion', a 'precivilized barbarity'.

Distorting the compassion of God through Jesus, his belief says that God never intended Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross to be considered a payment for our sins: The Churchs fixation on the death of Jesus as the universal saving act must end, and the place of the cross must be reimagined in Christian faith. Why? Because of the cult of suffering and the vindictive God behind it.

10 Pages Long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-DD-CLVN-BOOKLET - Calvinism, Catholicism, or Blessed Assurance - Which One Will It Be?
Topics in this booklet by David Dombrowski include:
  • The True Nature or a distorted view of God
  • A Powerful yet dangerous system
  • Earthly Wisdom and foolish philosophy
  • The Calvinist "gospel"
  • Calvin's God too small
  • The Foundation
  • Is there assurance of our salvation
  • The Spririt of Antichrist
  • Blessed Assurance.
  • Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-WS-NCM-BOOKLET - Dead Men Talking: Necromancy in Today's Church
    Topics in this booklet by Warren B Smith include:
  • Automatic Writing
  • God Within
  • Spiritual Revival
  • A Course in Miracles
  • Christian Spiritualist?
  • The Phillipian Psychic
  • Familiar Spririts and Necromancy
  • Today's Church
  • Demonic deception
  • Endorsing Have Heart
  • Pastor's Perspective
  • New Age Necromancy
  • The Light That Was Dark
  • Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-DKN-BOOKLET - Dominionism, Kingdom Now, and What Does the Bible Say?
    Dominionism is a deep, dark APOSTACY, for it teaches that Jesus Christ cannot return until the Christian Church prepares the way by conquering the world in Jesus' Name. Of course, this teaching runs counter to the Word of God, and to End Times Prophecy. This horrific doctrine takes Absolute Sovereignty away from Jesus and lays the burden of winning souls for Jesus Christ squarely upon man's shoulders.

    The Bible teaches that the numbers of truly genuine Christians is going to slide down to the point that Jesus asked the rhetorical question: 'when the Son of Man returns, will He find any faith on the Earth'?

    This doctrine is so heinous that Skull & Bones President, George W. Bush used it to convince a goodly number of Evangelical pastors to support his invalid invasion.

    Dominionism came into Pentecostalism through certain teachins from the Latter Rain movement of the later 1940's.The major End Times model today revolves around 'Spiritual Warfare' Prayer. Dominionists believe that Spiritual Warfare is to remove demonic hindrances in the spiritual realm. If we demolish the devils kingdom and atmosphere over homes, cities and countries, then our world will change and will create a worldwide revival unlike any in all of human history.

    18 pages and still only $1.95

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-MK-JL-BOOKLET - Goddess Worship in America and How It's Affecting the Church
    The worship of pagan goddesses is most obvious with Wiccans. However it is also common in universities and nursing schools. It is promoted by the media and it is a component of new age femenism. What's more it has infiltrated mailnline denominational churches and its influence can be felt throughout our society. 15 pages
    Price: $1.95

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