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A total of 89 records matched your search.
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LHT-RO-ATN-ATONEMENT REJECTED! How the Emerging Church Views Christ's Death on the Cross - Booklet by Lighthouse Trails
The heart and core of the Christian faith is based upon Jesus Christ's shed blood at Calvary as the only acceptable substitutionary atonement for mankinds sins. The Gospel message requires this foundation. (Ephesians 1:7 and 2 Corinthians 5:21, Leviticus 17:11)

Satan hates the Gospel message, his agenda is to deceive mankind from understanding and believing so they can suffer eternally with him. Some emerging church leaders do say they love the Cross, but an underlying theme has entered the church. It says that while Jesus' going to the Cross was an example of sacrifice and servanthood that we should follow, the idea that God would send His Son to a violent death for the sins of mankind'well, that is not who God is. A loving God would never do that! Such a violent act would make Christianity a 'slaughterhouse religion', a 'precivilized barbarity'.

Distorting the compassion of God through Jesus, his belief says that God never intended Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross to be considered a payment for our sins: The Churchs fixation on the death of Jesus as the universal saving act must end, and the place of the cross must be reimagined in Christian faith. Why? Because of the cult of suffering and the vindictive God behind it.

10 Pages Long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-DD-CLVN-BOOKLET - Calvinism, Catholicism, or Blessed Assurance - Which One Will It Be?
Topics in this booklet by David Dombrowski include:
  • The True Nature or a distorted view of God
  • A Powerful yet dangerous system
  • Earthly Wisdom and foolish philosophy
  • The Calvinist "gospel"
  • Calvin's God too small
  • The Foundation
  • Is there assurance of our salvation
  • The Spririt of Antichrist
  • Blessed Assurance.
  • Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-WS-NCM-BOOKLET - Dead Men Talking: Necromancy in Today's Church
    Topics in this booklet by Warren B Smith include:
  • Automatic Writing
  • God Within
  • Spiritual Revival
  • A Course in Miracles
  • Christian Spiritualist?
  • The Phillipian Psychic
  • Familiar Spririts and Necromancy
  • Today's Church
  • Demonic deception
  • Endorsing Have Heart
  • Pastor's Perspective
  • New Age Necromancy
  • The Light That Was Dark
  • Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-DKN-BOOKLET - Dominionism, Kingdom Now, and What Does the Bible Say?
    Dominionism is a deep, dark APOSTACY, for it teaches that Jesus Christ cannot return until the Christian Church prepares the way by conquering the world in Jesus' Name. Of course, this teaching runs counter to the Word of God, and to End Times Prophecy. This horrific doctrine takes Absolute Sovereignty away from Jesus and lays the burden of winning souls for Jesus Christ squarely upon man's shoulders.

    The Bible teaches that the numbers of truly genuine Christians is going to slide down to the point that Jesus asked the rhetorical question: 'when the Son of Man returns, will He find any faith on the Earth'?

    This doctrine is so heinous that Skull & Bones President, George W. Bush used it to convince a goodly number of Evangelical pastors to support his invalid invasion.

    Dominionism came into Pentecostalism through certain teachins from the Latter Rain movement of the later 1940's.The major End Times model today revolves around 'Spiritual Warfare' Prayer. Dominionists believe that Spiritual Warfare is to remove demonic hindrances in the spiritual realm. If we demolish the devils kingdom and atmosphere over homes, cities and countries, then our world will change and will create a worldwide revival unlike any in all of human history.

    18 pages and still only $1.95

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-MK-JL-BOOKLET - Goddess Worship in America and How It's Affecting the Church
    The worship of pagan goddesses is most obvious with Wiccans. However it is also common in universities and nursing schools. It is promoted by the media and it is a component of new age femenism. What's more it has infiltrated mailnline denominational churches and its influence can be felt throughout our society. 15 pages
    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-WS-OPW2-BOOKLET - Oprah Winfreys New Age Christianity Part 2
    Oprah Winfrey's New Age "Christianity" (Part 2) Neale Donald Walsch, "God," and Hitler

    By Warren B. Smith

    Several months after the tragic events of 9/11/2001, Oprah Winfrey did a special program on the ten most "memorable thinkers" she had ever met.1 One of these memorable thinkers was a controversial New Age channeler by the name of Neale Donald Walsch who teaches"among other things"that we are all "God" 2 and that "Hitler went to heaven." 3 Oprah's high praise of Walsch provides important insight into the strong New Age beliefs she attempts to pass off as being "Christian."

    Who is Neale Donald Walsch?

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-HC-LJ-BOOKLET - They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus
    BY: Editors at Lighthouse Trails

    How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years. This special report shows that things are not always as they seem, and what may appear as noble and good may not be so at all.

    15 pages

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-GR-BX-Butterfly Illusions: The New Age Implications of Roma Downey's Box of Butterflies - Booklet by Lighthouse Trails
    Will you believe in the doctrines of Jesus Christ or the doctrines of death and spiritual enslavement? Satan's deception has easily slipped into the Christian Church, where the devils teachings are pronounced, clothed in Biblical terminology.

    'Box of Butterflies' is filled with New Age precepts ... a mix of Christian, mystic, Buddhist, Muslim, and New Age leaders interspersed with her own Christian-sounding but New Age beliefs.

    Deception, deception and more deception: Here is the problem. Roma Downey is not known in Christian circles as a New Age author but as one of us. Mark and Roma are accepted as believers'loving Hollywood luminaries who brought new life to religious films through The Bible series and Son of God. They have been given carte blanche into church leadership, pastoral circles, Christian media, and places of influence without question because their presentation, products, and faith appear to be the genuine.

    But the Jesus that New Agers love is a 'Christ' who is one of many 'ascended masters', who allows everyone into Heaven, and accepts everyone whether they believe in the blood sacrifice of Jesus as an atonement for their sins or not.

    With Box of Butterflies, the doors to the New Age have been thrown wide open -- within the Christian Church!

    18 Pages Long

    Price: $1.95
    LHT- BKT-CLTR-Can Cultures Be Redeemed? Booklet by Nanci Des Gerlaise - (Some Things You Should Know About the Indigenous People's Movement)
    [Indigenous People's Movement] leaders teach that God has been redeeming cultures and that He placed in all cultures a way for men to have a relationship with God outside of the Gospel. In other words, God allows different people to come to His Heaven by paths other than Jesus. Great Heresy!

    A growing trend in the evangelical church is what is referred to as 'redeeming the cultures' or 'Cultural Identification.' Essentially, it is the idea that God created cultures and has no desire for anyone to leave their cultural practices but can incorporate their belief in Jesus into their already existing culture.

    Did you know that Roman Catholic priests taught their pagan subjects that they did not need to reject the gods and the goddesses they had worshipped all their live; they only had to change their names to Biblical names!

    Old and very evil heresy.

    Deuteronomy 18:14 tells us not to 'follow the abominations of those nations'.

    18 pages long

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-CHSLM-Chrislam: The Blending of Islam & Christianity - Booklet
    In 2010, Larry Reimer, a minister of the United Church of Gainsville, Florida, decided to incorporate reading passages from the Quran as part of the worship services on September 12th, 2010. Of the situation, Reimer said: 'Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all part of the Abrahamic tree of faith. We all believe in the same God, and in many aspects we are all trying to accomplish the same goals.'

    This teaching is a lie straight out of the Pit of Hell! And, it is gaining unbelievable traction

    This fast growing trend, pursued in the name of finding 'common ground' so we might, as a body, experience spiritual unity and effectuate a more peaceful coexistence, is a slippery slope spiraling ever downward, dictating that other religions are as valid as Christianity.

    Price: $1.95
    lht-bkt-crt-101-Critical Race Theory, Southern Baptist Convention, and a Marxist "Solution"
    Critical Race Theory is a political/philosophical-driven ideology that claims to be a solution to ending racism but according to critics actually presents a “solution” that will install Marxism into our society while creating a sentiment leading to escalated conflict and diminished freedom for all.

    These key drivers of identity politics, however, are more likely to produce racial discord and strike at Christianity itself.

    “Critical Race Theory—A Bait-and- Switch Tactic Infiltrating the Church”. teaches that American culture is rife with white supremacy and baked-in racism, and is used—often subconsciously—to hold women and people of color back. According to pastor and talk-show host Abraham Hamilton III, it’s the philosophy behind identity politics and comes straight out of the Marxist playbook.

    This terrible teaching is yet one more way in which Evangelical Christians are prophesied by Jesus to fall away in droves. But should we be surprised, since the foundation of the Southern Baptist Convention is laid by Freemasonry?

    Booklet is 18 pages long and is still only $1.95

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-KR-DEC-'D' is for Deception: The Language of the 'New' Christianity, Booklet by Kevin Reeves
    We have compiled in this booklet common terms and their basic meanings to help uncover the true meaning behind some of the deceptive language of the 'New' Christianity (i.e., the New Spirituality).

    A great deal of confusion resides in today's church. In the West, particularly, discernment among Christians is at an alarmingly low ebb. Even genuine believers in Christ have been led astray from the primacy of the Bible and swept up into an ecumenical, interspiritual environment which marks so much of our current Christian practice.

    Ignorance of the schemes of the devil is no virtue. This author lists over 100 common Modern Christianity terms and defines them all. Must have for anyone fighting Church Apostasy at this End Times

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-LN-MA-DANGERS & DECEPTIONS of The Martial Arts - Booklet
    DANGERS & DECEPTIONS of The Martial Arts and Why One Woman Walked Away From a Championship Career written by Linda Nathan. The Booklet is 18 pages long

    Are you wondering if there’s a problem with involvement in the martial arts? You say your neighbor’s little boy is taking a class, and now your son wants to, too? Several women in your office are learning it for self-defense. And, why, even your church has a class! Perhaps you yourself are involved but feel uncertain and want more information. How can anything be wrong? How can you tell? This booklet’s aim is to help you understand and decipher the underlying dangers and deceptions of the martial arts. As we present this material, we remember the words of Scripture, which exhort us:

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-DD-SHMN-Drugs, Meditation & A Fully Developed Spirituality, BOOKLET by Lighthouse Trails
    New Age Paganism has overwhelmed the world right now, permeating religion, education, politics and the Media. This type of paganism is a rewritten religion of the coming Biblical Antichrist.

    As world events spiral out of control, and the entire population of the earth moves closer and closer to the prophesied 'Man of Sin who will demand that mankind worship him under the penalty of death to everyone who refuses to worship him through the Mark of the Beast.

    Mother Gaia is the most powerful goddess in the world today and people are lining up to give her their most reverent homage.

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-WS-MSG-Eugene Peterson's Mixed Message: A Subversive Bible for a New Age - Booklet
    Truth mixed with error is equivalent to all error, except that it is more innocent looking and, therefore, more dangerous. God hates such a mixture! Any error, or truth-and-error mixture, calls for definite exposure and repudiation. To condone such is to be unfaithful to God and His Word and treacherous to imperiled souls for whom Christ died. Harry A. Ironside (1876-1951)

    Eugene Peterson placed great emphasis on beingin his own words 'subversive.' In a 1987 interview with Christianity Today, Peterson stated: 'So what I have tried to develop first of all, in myself, is the mentality of the subversive'.

    It is because of leaven, particularly New Age leaven, that Petersons Message is a spiritually dangerous mixed Message.

    teaches that 'we are all One' and 'we are all a part of God' because God is 'in' everyone and everything. This 'Doctrine of Oneness' is the foundational doctrine of the New Age/New World Religion. The false God and the false Christ of the New Age have proclaimed through their many channels and teachers that 'Oneness' is the foundational truth of the New Spirituality.

    You are walking on a very dangerous path when you choose to walk with Eugene Petersonwhether it is in Glacier National Park or through the pages of his Message 'Bible'.

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-CF-FIRE-FAITH UNDER FIRE - Are You Growing in It or Fleeing From it? New Booklet
    Gods Word gives us examples of faith in the fire, faith in the flood, faith when outnumbered by the enemy, faith when facing an indomitable foe, faith in prison, faith during torture, faith when destitute, hungry, and thirsty, faith on stormy seas, faith to lose everything and faith to receive it all back again, faith to procreate though infertile, and faith to die. Every instance of faith thus described is manifested in adversity or great need. To find examples in Scripture of faith operating in a peaceful and bountiful climate would be a difficult task.

    Im not sure there are any at all.

    Remember, the destiny of Christ was a cross. Our destiny is also a cross. Only when we accept that destiny, will we understand. Newness of life has its birth and growing pains. But the heart of a believer in Jesus Christ holds this proverb by its roots: For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18)

    In the meantime, let us not grow weary of the trials and tribulations of this life, knowing that God is doing His work within us for His glory: But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. (Job 23:10)

    Do you have End Times faith that will see you through hardship and pain, the kind of faith where you can persevere because you see Jesus on the other side?

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-WS-FR -Fearing God in a Fearless New Age - New Booklet by Warren Smith
    We are living in fearful times, yet the Bible repeatedly tells us to Fear not. Scripture assures us that God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

    It is important to understand how the biblical concept of fear is being redefined by both the world and the church. New Age leaders would now have us believe that 'the opposite of love is not hate but fear'.

    This lie teaches that all fear is delusional and part of a hapless dream from which the dreamer needs to be gently wakened by Gods 'happy dream'.

    Followers are then assured that God is only Love and that there is no such thing as 'fear'. No fear and no fear of God because we are all love and we are all Godall in the name of Gods dream. How unbiblical and truly diabolical!

    People are deluded into thinking that there is no real death and that all are going into a state of bliss for eternity. "There is no real death" intones the false teacher.

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-WS-DRM-GOD'S DREAM'Satan's Ultimate Scheme - New Booklet
    Google the term 'God's Dream,' and you will immediately find countless references on Christian websites to this popular spiritual term. But, this term is deeply Luciferian and was used in an article about reincarnation in a 1916 issue of The Theosophical Path magazine. The latter read: 'We shall think then that this Earth and all her bright companions in the vast space are but drops of joy solidified, and the intense wonder and beauty of God's dream.'

    In 1982, the false Christ Maitreya publicly announced through his New Age channel and spiritual spokesperson, Benjamin Creme and worldwide full-page newspaper ads that he was the 'Christ' and was already here on Earth waiting for humanity to call him forth, when his 'Peace Plan' will finally unite all humanity in perpetual peace.

    Booklet is 18 pages long

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-JL-WR-History of Contemplative Prayer Booklet, by John Lanagan
    Contemplative prayer, which Priscilla Shirer refers to as her ,brand new way, and Beth Moore says is essential in really knowing God, is in reality an ancient prayer practice that is essentially the same as New Age or Eastern meditation though disguised with Christian terminology. Those who participate and enter the contemplative silence, as it is called, open themselves to great deception.

    Contemplative prayer is a primary factor to consider as we watch the visible church depart from sound doctrine more and more. It is promoted by such ministries as Mike Bickles International House of Prayer (IHOP), Bethel Church of Redding, California (Bill and Beni Johnson), Saddleback's Rick Warren, author Kenneth Boa, and pastor and author Tim Keller to name just a few.

    Shirer was further amazed to learn that some of the women from her church were going to participate in a 'silent prayer retreat. Women would gather to spend 36 hours of silence in anticipation of hearing the voice of God.'

    The insinuation is that the Holy Spirit is dormant and ineffective without this vital stimuli. Contemplatives make a distinction between studying and pondering on the Word of God versus loving Him, suggesting that we cannot love Him or know Him simply by studying His Word or even through normal prayer 'we must practice contemplative to accomplish this.

    In 2006, Fox Home Entertainment released a film titled Be Still. One person to whom they reached out to be in the film was Priscilla Shirer. This film was designed to help Americans see the importance of spending time before God in stillness.

    Contemplative teachers will not advise believers to focus on a repetitive Eastern style mantra like 'Ommm' (for example) but rather on a word or phrase like 'Jesus' or 'Abba Father' or a Scripture verse. In this way, the contemplative prayer appears 'Christian' but nevertheless serves as entrance to the silence. Often, a practice called Lectio Divina is implemented. This is where words or phrases from Scripture or other books are repeated slowly to help get the focus off our thoughts and enter the contemplative silence.

    The silence of contemplative prayer is rich ground for false visions, the voice of lying 'christs,' and supernatural esoteric experiences. Author and research analyst Ray Yungen says that in contemplative prayer one can come into contact with familiar spirits because of the occult nature of contemplative, and in actuality, the silence found in contemplative prayer is a dangerous substitute for the Holy Spirit.

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-CHURCH-How to Find a Good Church -And What To Do If You Can't
    How to Find a Good Church (And What To Do if You Can’t) by the editors at Lighthouse Trails . The Booklet is 18 pages long

    Some Questions to Ask
    We have often been asked, “How do I find a good Bible-believing church?” There are many believers who are struggling to find one in their own communities. To start with, we usually recommend they make phone calls to potential churches and ask a few concise questions such as: “Do you have a Spiritual Formation program at your church?” or “Has your church implemented aspects of the Purpose Driven Movement anytime in the past ten years?”

    Since thousands of churches would answer yes to both or at least one of these questions, they are worthwhile to ask, and it would certainly narrow down the scope of one’s search. Included are a few other questions that could be asked:.

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-CL-SA-How to Know if You Are Being Spiritually Abused or Deceived-A Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire by Chris Lawson
    Spiritual abuse occurs when a leader, a church, or a belief system, whether well intentioned or not, dominates, manipulates, or castigates individuals and even entire families through fear tactics, mind control, or some other psychological or emotional abuse.

    Sadly, End of the Age prophecies warn us that spiritual deception is one of the MAJOR signs that the appearance of Antichrist is very close.

    This questionnaire is designed to help the reader think through a number of areas he or she may have never seriously considered before. As you read each question, circle either YES or NO. When you reach the end, go back through the list and prayerfully consider the questions you to which you have answered YES.

    Booklet has 101 questions and is 14 Pages Long

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-EMG-How to Know When the Emerging Church Shows Signs of Emerging into Your Church, Booklet by Roger Oakland
    The world is changing. So is the Christian evangelical church. This move towards a reinvented Christianity (one designed to 'reach people') seems to be here for the long haul. It is not just a passing fad.

    This gospel message is about who Jesus Christ is, and what He has done. A child can understand the gospel message. This message proclaims that life here on planet earth is finite and that life after death is eternal. The good news is that we can be saved from our sins if we will repent and simply ask for forgiveness and follow Him.

    God's adversary does not want mankind to understand the simple message. His plan is to deceive the world. If he can blind people from the gospel or convince them that they believe the gospel when indeed they do not, his plan has been successful. Throughout the ages, countless billions have been duped, either rejecting the truth, or believing that they had believed the truth when instead they had been deceived.

    And, these people are likely in Hell. More people will be in Hell from false religion than from just being a rank sinner.

    Make sure you are not one of the deceived. Emerging Church is one of those movements which will deceive its members! The door forbidding Antichrist from arising is slowly opening wide and Emerging Church is pushing that door open.

    Price: $1.95
    lht-bkt-vis-I JUST HAD A VISION!: Booklet by Kevin Reeves
    There is perhaps nothing so powerful as a vision. When the heavens open and our eyes look upon fantastic things once hidden, it can alter the course of our lives (Isaiah 6:1-5).

    A glimpse into heaven itself to behold the God of all flesh made Isaiah panic with self-loathing. His innermost heart was revealed in the light of the Lord's glory, and there was no place to hide. Who wouldn't want to have a vision of this magnitude? And why shouldnt we? On the day of Pentecost, the Christians present experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: '[A]nd your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams' (Acts 2:17).

    Never in the history of our planet have so many who call themselves Christian claimed visions from God. Encounters with Christ, angels, demons, even saints long departed have begun to appear in book form, crowding the charismatic section of our local Christian bookstores. The popularity of visions never seems to wane, and the more a person has and the greater the scope, the quicker he is skyrocketed to Christian stardom.

    Many people cannot appreciate the gravity with which visions are accepted in many charismatic circles, and consequently cannot understand the bondage that results. If someone has a vision of the Lord Jesus and is given a message to convey to you, for you to treat it lightly is to despise the very words of God.

    Visions are not the norm for a believer, but a rare occurrence. Of those saints in the Bible described as having bona fide visions from God, a mere handful had more than one recorded vision in their entire lifetime. None of these occurrences were initiated by the individual, but were the result of a divine act of God.

    Most of what are reported as visions are not such at all, but could be more appropriately termed mental pictures. According to the Bible, there are three sources of visions-God, the devil, and the flesh (Ezekiel 13:3-8).

    There is no such thing as a harmless false vision, as such visions are backed by the spirit of Satan.Remember men in the Last Days are prophesied to become more and more wicked, leading many astray (II Timothy 3:13-17). A master of camouflage, 'Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light' (II Corinthians 11:14). We are admonished to put to trial those things we see or hear claiming to be from the heavenly realms (I John 4:1-3).

    Price: $1.95
    LHT- BKT-VIS-'I JUST HAD A VISION!': Booklet by Kevin Reeves
    There is perhaps nothing so powerful as a vision. When the heavens open and our eyes look upon fantastic things once hidden, it can alter the course of our lives (Isaiah 6:1-5).

    A glimpse into heaven itself to behold the God of all flesh made Isaiah panic with self-loathing. His innermost heart was revealed in the light of the Lord's glory, and there was no place to hide. Who wouldn't want to have a vision of this magnitude? And why shouldnt we? On the day of Pentecost, the Christians present experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: '[A]nd your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams' (Acts 2:17).

    Never in the history of our planet have so many who call themselves Christian claimed visions from God. Encounters with Christ, angels, demons, even saints long departed have begun to appear in book form, crowding the charismatic section of our local Christian bookstores. The popularity of visions never seems to wane, and the more a person has and the greater the scope, the quicker he is skyrocketed to Christian stardom.

    Many people cannot appreciate the gravity with which visions are accepted in many charismatic circles, and consequently cannot understand the bondage that results. If someone has a vision of 'the Lord Jesus' and is given a message to convey to you, for you to treat it lightly is to despise the very words of God.

    Visions are not the norm for a believer, but a rare occurrence. Of those saints in the Bible described as having bona fide visions from God, a mere handful had more than one recorded vision in their entire lifetime. None of these occurrences were initiated by the individual, but were the result of a divine act of God.

    Most of what are reported as visions are not such at all, but could be more appropriately termed mental pictures. According to the Bible, there are three sources of visionsGod, the devil, and the flesh (Ezekiel 13:3-8).

    There is no such thing as a harmless false vision, as such visions are backed by the spirit of Satan.Remember men in the Last Days are prophesied to become more and more wicked, leading many astray (II Timothy 3:1317). A master of camouflage, 'Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light' (II Corinthians 11:14). We are admonished to put to trial those things we see or hear claiming to be from the heavenly realms (I John 4:1-3).

    Price: $1.95
    LHT- BKT-VIS-I JUST HAD A VISION!: Booklet by Kevin Reeves
    There is perhaps nothing so powerful as a vision. When the heavens open and our eyes look upon fantastic things once hidden, it can alter the course of our lives (Isaiah 6:15).

    A glimpse into heaven itself to behold the God of all flesh made Isaiah panic with self-loathing. His innermost heart was revealed in the light of the Lord's glory, and there was no place to hide. Who wouldn't want to have a vision of this magnitude? And why shouldnt we? On the day of Pentecost, the Christians present experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: '[A]nd your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams' (Acts 2:17).

    Never in the history of our planet have so many who call themselves Christian claimed visions from God. Encounters with Christ, angels, demons, even saints long departed have begun to appear in book form, crowding the charismatic section of our local Christian bookstores. The popularity of visions never seems to wane, and the more a person has and the greater the scope, the quicker he is skyrocketed to Christian stardom.

    Many people cannot appreciate the gravity with which visions are accepted in many charismatic circles, and consequently cannot understand the bondage that results. If someone has a vision of 'the Lord Jesus' and is given a message to convey to you, for you to treat it lightly is to despise the very words of God.

    Visions are not the norm for a believer, but a rare occurrence. Of those saints in the Bible described as having bona fide visions from God, a mere handful had more than one recorded vision in their entire lifetime. None of these occurrences were initiated by the individual, but were the result of a divine act of God.

    Most of what are reported as visions are not such at all, but could be more appropriately termed mental pictures. According to the Bible, there are three sources of visions, God, the devil, and the flesh (Ezekiel 13:38).

    There is no such thing as a harmless false vision, as such visions are backed by the spirit of Satan.Remember men in the Last Days are prophesied to become more and more wicked, leading many astray (II Timothy 3:13-17). A master of camouflage, Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (II Corinthians 11:14). We are admonished to put to trial those things we see or hear claiming to be from the heavenly realms (I John 4:1-3).

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-CT-RLG-Is religion to blame? - War, Religion, and the Interfaith Global Peace Agenda: Booklet
    If a global motto exists, it would have to be 'Give Peace a Chance'. From every corner of the world, from every academy and institution, from every school, public office and even many churches, the cry for global peace is being sounded.

    Peace is a noble idea; but since mankind has had a written history, we have never known true peace. The scattered, bleached bones of human history testify to this brutal truthmillions upon millions of times over. So is mankind incapable of achieving ultimate peace on Earth? In a nutshell, yes.

    How do mankind collectively respond to this sad state of affairs? By perpetuating a lie, by saying that religion is responsible for the majority of the world's conflicts, that 'Religion is the cause of all war and hate.'

    as mankind sacrifices truth in the pursuit of peace, the only peace gained will come at the sacrifice of liberty. Why? Because such a system, misdirected from the onset, can only coerce and enforce. And whenever man imposes a utopian peace design that is, the 'creation of peace' at the expense of reality it inevitably becomes a 'bloody utopian dream.'

    'Peace on Earth' will come only when Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will rule mankind!

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BKT-SF-Is Your Church Doing Spiritual Formation? (Important Reasons Why It Shouldn't) -- Booklet By LT Editors
    Is your church involved in a Spiritual Formation program? If so, you might want to ask the question, what exactly is Spiritual Formation? It's a fair question, and one that, if not asked, could end up surprising you when your church changes in ways you never imagined. A Christianity Today article states: 'Spiritual Formation is in.' The article defines Spiritual Formation in this way ... Christian spiritual formation thus refers to the process by which believers become more fully conformed and united to Christ.

    What this definition excludes is how this 'process' of conforming and uniting to Christ takes place and who is eligible to participate in such a process. The 'how' is done through spiritual disciplines, primarily through the discipline of the silence. The silence is an altered state that is reached through a mantra-like meditation, breath prayers, or some other meditative practice.

    No one tells a christian that contact with a demonic being -- a 'familiar spirit ' --is impossible until the proper 'altered state' is achieved! Therefore, a Christian can be demon possessed or afflicted through this 'silence altered state'!

    We are even more horrified when we discover that the major foundation for this type of pagan altered state is the Catholic Church! The same people who murdered 70 million Protestants and Baptists from 1550-1850! What did Jesus say, 'Ye shall know them by their fruits'?

    The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius - Protestants have had a growing interest in the Spiritual Exercises. 'There are adaptations that are specific to Protestants which emphasize the exercises as a school of contemplative prayer'. Spiritual Formation is a works-based substitute for Biblical Christianity.

    The Spiritual Formation movement . . . teaches people that this is how they can become more intimate with God and truly hear His voice. but, the path they lay out for this intimacy with God is plainly Satanic and Mystical. STAY AWAY!!

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-BK-LEC-Lectio Divina: What it is, What it is Not, and Why It is a Dangerous Practice - Booklet
    Lectio Divina (pronounced di.veen.a) always includes taking a passage of Scripture (or other writings), reading it slowly, and repeating it as you work your way down to where you have just a word or small phrase from the passage that you are 'meditating' on (repeating over and over). Basically, you are coming up with a mantra-like word or phrase that has been extracted from a passage of Scripture, which, according to contemplatives, if repeated for several minutes, will help you get rid of thoughts and distractions, so then, they say, you can hear the voice of God and feel His presence (going into the silence). NOTE: God never asks His followers to empty their minds, but Satan always does!

    There are four steps in lectio divina.
    1. Reading (lectio) Slowly begin reading a biblical passage as if it were a long awaited love letter addressed to you.
    2. Reflecting - Ponder this word or phrase for a few minutes. Let it sink in slowly and deeply until you are resting in it.
    3. Expressing, These may be prayers of thanksgiving, petition, intercession, lament, or praise.
    4. Resting (contemplatio)Allow yourself to simply rest silently for a time in the stillness of your heart remaining open to the quiet fullness of Gods love and peace.

    Lectio Divina is not traditional Bible study, not reading the Scriptures for understanding and edification, and not praying the Scriptures ... lectio divina is an introduction into the more intense practicescontemplative prayer and centering prayer.

    In conclusion, Lectio Divina is a bridge TO Eastern-style meditation. If indeed, this is true, then it will lead Christians away from the message of the Cross and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and thus Christians should not practice lectio divina.

    Price: $1.95
    LHT- BKT-DD-LW-Legalism or License Versus The Treasure of Living Water Booklet
    We have heard the stories from so many of our readers of Christians they know who became caught under the bondage of legalism, and then went to the opposite pole of turning grace into a license for sin. Many times when this happened, these confused Christians became involved with a dangerous mystical practice called contemplative prayer and joined emerging churches, thinking esoteric experiences and “new” freedoms were from God, especially when they compared them to their legalistic backgrounds.

    Jesus Christ is the well of living water, offered freely to whosoever will invite Him into his life and heart to become his Savior. To the unbeliever, He is the invitation—“let him that is athirst come” (Revelation 22:17). To the new believer, He is that new life where, “old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). But to those who have known Christ for a while, even a long while, He is the reminder to come back and be refreshed again with the only water that “shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).

    Whether you have been caught in the vast sea of legalism or in the tsunami of “progressive” Christianity and you find your Christian life has become meaningless, tiresome, and without any real direction, why not come to the true living water? When we partake of that water, it does us much good. And when we share that water with others, it does no harm to our neighbor. It is the only water that is clean and pure and flows from the throne of God, and it is free for the taking.

    Price: $1.95
    LHT-WS-MTR-Maitreya - The Name Given To Antichrist?
    'And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. (Matthew 24:4-5)

    On April 25,1982, a number of major newspapers around the world carried a prominent full-page ad announcing that “the Christ” was here on Earth waiting for humanity to call him forth. However, these ads made it very clear that his name was Lord Maitreya and not Jesus Christ.

    At the center of this “Spiritual Hierarchy” stands the World Teacher, Lord Maitreya, known by Christians as the Christ. And as Christians await the Second Coming, so the Jews await the Messiah, the Buddhists the fifth Buddha, the Moslims the Imam Mahdi, and the Hindus await Krishna. These are all names for one individual.

    Maitreya, the “Master Jesus” and the New Reformation. ,br> I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. (John 5:43)

    There are numerous parallels between Rick Warren’s book The Purpose-Driven Life with the New Age and Maitreya. Now here was this South African pastor pointing out the New Age parallels between Rick Warren’s The Purpose-Driven Life and “The Great Invocation,” reputedly inspired by Maitreya.

    As we see signs that the Lord's appearing is nigh, we are to rejoice, but we are also to be vigilant—to watch and be sober. We are not to be deceived by false prophets and false New Age Christs like Maitreya (Luke 21:8). We are to earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 1:3), fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12), and press on to the higher calling of our one true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: In what would be a cunning counterfeit of the Bible’s description of the return of Jesus with his “mighty angels” (2 Thessalonians 1:7), Maitreya states that when he reveals himself as “the Christ,” twelve “Masters of Wisdom” will appear with him.

    18 Pages and still only $1.95

    Price: $1.95

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