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LHT-BKT-CT-RLG-Is religion to blame? - War, Religion, and the Interfaith Global Peace Agenda: Booklet
If a global motto exists, it would have to be 'Give Peace a Chance'. From every corner of the world, from every academy and institution, from every school, public office and even many churches, the cry for global peace is being sounded.

Peace is a noble idea; but since mankind has had a written history, we have never known true peace. The scattered, bleached bones of human history testify to this brutal truthmillions upon millions of times over. So is mankind incapable of achieving ultimate peace on Earth? In a nutshell, yes.

How do mankind collectively respond to this sad state of affairs? By perpetuating a lie, by saying that religion is responsible for the majority of the world's conflicts, that 'Religion is the cause of all war and hate.'

as mankind sacrifices truth in the pursuit of peace, the only peace gained will come at the sacrifice of liberty. Why? Because such a system, misdirected from the onset, can only coerce and enforce. And whenever man imposes a utopian peace design that is, the 'creation of peace' at the expense of reality it inevitably becomes a 'bloody utopian dream.'

'Peace on Earth' will come only when Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will rule mankind!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-SF-Is Your Church Doing Spiritual Formation? (Important Reasons Why It Shouldn't) -- Booklet By LT Editors
Is your church involved in a Spiritual Formation program? If so, you might want to ask the question, what exactly is Spiritual Formation? It's a fair question, and one that, if not asked, could end up surprising you when your church changes in ways you never imagined. A Christianity Today article states: 'Spiritual Formation is in.' The article defines Spiritual Formation in this way ... Christian spiritual formation thus refers to the process by which believers become more fully conformed and united to Christ.

What this definition excludes is how this 'process' of conforming and uniting to Christ takes place and who is eligible to participate in such a process. The 'how' is done through spiritual disciplines, primarily through the discipline of the silence. The silence is an altered state that is reached through a mantra-like meditation, breath prayers, or some other meditative practice.

No one tells a christian that contact with a demonic being -- a 'familiar spirit ' --is impossible until the proper 'altered state' is achieved! Therefore, a Christian can be demon possessed or afflicted through this 'silence altered state'!

We are even more horrified when we discover that the major foundation for this type of pagan altered state is the Catholic Church! The same people who murdered 70 million Protestants and Baptists from 1550-1850! What did Jesus say, 'Ye shall know them by their fruits'?

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius - Protestants have had a growing interest in the Spiritual Exercises. 'There are adaptations that are specific to Protestants which emphasize the exercises as a school of contemplative prayer'. Spiritual Formation is a works-based substitute for Biblical Christianity.

The Spiritual Formation movement . . . teaches people that this is how they can become more intimate with God and truly hear His voice. but, the path they lay out for this intimacy with God is plainly Satanic and Mystical. STAY AWAY!!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BK-LEC-Lectio Divina: What it is, What it is Not, and Why It is a Dangerous Practice - Booklet
Lectio Divina (pronounced di.veen.a) always includes taking a passage of Scripture (or other writings), reading it slowly, and repeating it as you work your way down to where you have just a word or small phrase from the passage that you are 'meditating' on (repeating over and over). Basically, you are coming up with a mantra-like word or phrase that has been extracted from a passage of Scripture, which, according to contemplatives, if repeated for several minutes, will help you get rid of thoughts and distractions, so then, they say, you can hear the voice of God and feel His presence (going into the silence). NOTE: God never asks His followers to empty their minds, but Satan always does!

There are four steps in lectio divina.
1. Reading (lectio) Slowly begin reading a biblical passage as if it were a long awaited love letter addressed to you.
2. Reflecting - Ponder this word or phrase for a few minutes. Let it sink in slowly and deeply until you are resting in it.
3. Expressing, These may be prayers of thanksgiving, petition, intercession, lament, or praise.
4. Resting (contemplatio)Allow yourself to simply rest silently for a time in the stillness of your heart remaining open to the quiet fullness of Gods love and peace.

Lectio Divina is not traditional Bible study, not reading the Scriptures for understanding and edification, and not praying the Scriptures ... lectio divina is an introduction into the more intense practicescontemplative prayer and centering prayer.

In conclusion, Lectio Divina is a bridge TO Eastern-style meditation. If indeed, this is true, then it will lead Christians away from the message of the Cross and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and thus Christians should not practice lectio divina.

Price: $1.95
LHT- BKT-DD-LW-Legalism or License Versus The Treasure of Living Water Booklet
We have heard the stories from so many of our readers of Christians they know who became caught under the bondage of legalism, and then went to the opposite pole of turning grace into a license for sin. Many times when this happened, these confused Christians became involved with a dangerous mystical practice called contemplative prayer and joined emerging churches, thinking esoteric experiences and “new” freedoms were from God, especially when they compared them to their legalistic backgrounds.

Jesus Christ is the well of living water, offered freely to whosoever will invite Him into his life and heart to become his Savior. To the unbeliever, He is the invitation—“let him that is athirst come” (Revelation 22:17). To the new believer, He is that new life where, “old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). But to those who have known Christ for a while, even a long while, He is the reminder to come back and be refreshed again with the only water that “shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).

Whether you have been caught in the vast sea of legalism or in the tsunami of “progressive” Christianity and you find your Christian life has become meaningless, tiresome, and without any real direction, why not come to the true living water? When we partake of that water, it does us much good. And when we share that water with others, it does no harm to our neighbor. It is the only water that is clean and pure and flows from the throne of God, and it is free for the taking.

Price: $1.95
LHT-WS-MTR-Maitreya - The Name Given To Antichrist?
'And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. (Matthew 24:4-5)

On April 25,1982, a number of major newspapers around the world carried a prominent full-page ad announcing that “the Christ” was here on Earth waiting for humanity to call him forth. However, these ads made it very clear that his name was Lord Maitreya and not Jesus Christ.

At the center of this “Spiritual Hierarchy” stands the World Teacher, Lord Maitreya, known by Christians as the Christ. And as Christians await the Second Coming, so the Jews await the Messiah, the Buddhists the fifth Buddha, the Moslims the Imam Mahdi, and the Hindus await Krishna. These are all names for one individual.

Maitreya, the “Master Jesus” and the New Reformation. ,br> I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. (John 5:43)

There are numerous parallels between Rick Warren’s book The Purpose-Driven Life with the New Age and Maitreya. Now here was this South African pastor pointing out the New Age parallels between Rick Warren’s The Purpose-Driven Life and “The Great Invocation,” reputedly inspired by Maitreya.

As we see signs that the Lord's appearing is nigh, we are to rejoice, but we are also to be vigilant—to watch and be sober. We are not to be deceived by false prophets and false New Age Christs like Maitreya (Luke 21:8). We are to earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 1:3), fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12), and press on to the higher calling of our one true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: In what would be a cunning counterfeit of the Bible’s description of the return of Jesus with his “mighty angels” (2 Thessalonians 1:7), Maitreya states that when he reveals himself as “the Christ,” twelve “Masters of Wisdom” will appear with him.

18 Pages and still only $1.95

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-LP-Mandala Color Books: Relaxing Fun or A Tools for New Age Meditation? Booklet By Lois Putnam
Adult coloring has recently become a national passion. In fact, of the top twenty best- selling books on, ten of these were adult color books.

From your first examination of these color books, you'll note they aren't like the color books of your youth, for at least half of them are distinctly New Age in look and content. Secondly, youll note that they almost all promise to help calm, soothe, de-stress, and relax you into a meditative state. Finally, you'll soon discover some of these intriguing books have tantalizing patterns called 'mandalas' that will entice you to look at them over and over. These mesmerizing 'sacred circles' are designed to visually take you to their centers to discover 'Your Higher Self.' And yes, they are deceptive, and no, they aren't Christian!

So be aware that there are many seductive 'spiritual' color books out there both for adults and children alike. Thus, if you should decide to try out some coloring or are planning to buy one for someone else, you would do well to heed the admonition in Psalm 101:3 that states: 'I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes.' And because 'mandalas' do have a hidden agenda, this booklet is written to inform colorists and non-colorists exactly what they are, and what their purpose is.

Mandala means 'circle' in Sanskrit'a sacred circle or container that uses alluring symbols, dazzling colors, and mystical patterns. Alberta Hutchinson, in the Mystical Mandala Color Book, defines mandalas this way: symmetrical geometric designs which are traditionally used for meditative purposes by drawing our eye to the center of the circle. Mandalas are from Satan! Doubt it not!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-MFL-Mindfulness Mediation
If you know any families with children, please make sure the parents are given a copy of this booklet. Right now, efforts are under way to bring mindfulness mediation into every public school in America, all tens of thousands of them!

One group alone, Healthy Schools Program, which includes mindfulness as part of its program, is in over 30,000 public schools. They claim that children behave better and think more clearly when they incorporate mindfulness exercises into their school regime.

In recent years, a type of meditation known as mindfulness has made a surprising showing. Based on current trends, it has the potential to eclipse even Yoga in popularity. You will now find it everywhere that people are seeking therapeutic approaches to ailments or disorders. . . it is presented as something to cure society's ills.

School administrators, principals, teachers, and other school officials are being told that mindfulness is safe, is not religious, and is not the same as eastern or Buddhist meditation. But, this false assurance if NOT true. True to its Buddhist roots, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) involves focusing on the breath to stop the normal flow of thought. In effect, it acts the same way as a mantra; and as with Yoga. Very spiritually dangerous, as it prepares young minds to accept Antichrist.

Booklet is 14 pages long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-DD-JC-My Journey Out of Catholicism - Booklet by David Dombrowski
Over the years, I have encountered many Christians who wonder, 'What's wrong with being Catholic? After all, they believe in the Cross; they believe Jesus is the Son of God. It can't be all that bad.' If you are a Christian who has wondered about these things, this special testimonial report is for you.

Few Catholics even realize or understand what Catholicism really teaches and how the actual doctrines and teachings are polar opposites to biblical Christianity. Yes, the Catholic Church does teach morals, as do most religions, but when it comes to salvation, the actual teachings hinder and prevent the lost from finding The Way.

I think few Catholics and even fewer Protestants actually know or understand the Catholic way of 'salvation,' yet it is still printed in the Baltimore Catechism that we are saved by our participation in the sacraments. Central to Catholicism, in fact its very focal point, is the sacrament of the Eucharist where it is believed that bread and wine are literally transformed into the body and blood of Jesus.

This belief is called 'Transubstantian' and is praticed in Satanism in exactly the same manner as in Catholicism; after the human sacrifice is over, the adherents then drink the blood and eat the flesh of the human they have killed for this sacrifice, just as Catholics do when they drink 'christ's' blood and eat His 'flesh'.

Many Protestant leaders are now standing up and proclaiming that we need to glean from the teachings and practices of the Catholic church. Particularly appealing to them is contemplative prayer or mysticism and the spiritual disciplines. There is no doubt in my mind that contemplative spirituality is a bridge, bringing Protestants 'back' to the Catholic church. The emerging church movement is equally a bridge toward Catholicism, and the Purpose Driven movement has had a role in this as well.

Since the Pope of the Catholic Church has been selected as the False Prophet of Rev 13:11-20, and since the False Prophet serves Antichrist, all roads of apostasy do lead to Rome and to Antichrist.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-JL-BTH-New Age Propensities of Bethel Church's Bill Johnson - Booklet
In Redding, California, Bethel Church has become one of the largest evangelical churches in North America. Many people from around the world travel to Redding to attend the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, and C. Peter Wagner ('founder' of the New Apostolic Reformation movement) has called Bethels senior pastor, Bill Johnson, an 'apostle'.

Given that title with claims on the church website that Bethel has a 'global impact as a revival resource and equipping center,'2 it is expedient and responsible to examine Johnson and determine if he is indeed an apostle sent from God to the body of Christ.

Rather than an apostle of God, Bill Johnson may be poised to serve as the vehicle that carries the New Age and quantum spirituality deep into the Body of Christ.

Genuine Christians will be both dismayed and shocked to see how blatantly Bill Johnson is leading his church members into the New Age -- Antichrist -- doctrine!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-CL-DIR-NEW BOOKLET: A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists) by Lighthouse Trails
Books rife with New Age occult teachings and practices abound in many Christian bookstores, and many owners and managers are going to sell them, regardless.

The Christian literature marketplace has become utterly dangerous in the 21st century. I never thought I would see the day when New Age, occult, eastern-style meditative practices and all manner of aberrant and heretical teachings would become commonplace among Christian bookstores. Whats even worse is that much of this dangerous material is couched in Christian jargon and presented as spiritual paths to deepen and connect more intimately with God.

Discerning believers have expressed deep concern over the apostasy we face in the 21st century churches. The courage to stand firm and earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 3) coupled with a deep personal love for the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word are at the very foundation of these believers lives. Their concern for the spiritual welfare of the body of Christ has been a deeply motivating factor in this project.

Spiritual Deception is THE Hallmark characteristic of the church at the End of the Age.

Are you spiritually aware?

Price: $1.95
BKT-BE-STILL-NEW BOOKLET: Be Still and Know That You Are NOT God!
Our Spiritual Adversary would have everyone believe that we are all 'one' because God is 'in' everyone and everything. Using every promotional means possible including a creative and ingenious perversion of quantum physicshe is attempting to convince the world and the church that while Jesus was Christ, so is everyone. And while Jesus was God, so is everyone else.

To underscore this heretical New Age doctrine of God and Christ in everyone, he would have us further believe that nothing of any significance happened on the Cross of Calvary.

Price: $1.95
LHT- BKT-WS-SPR-Oneness vs Separation Oneness - Separation Heresy 'Now' in the Church - Booklet
As soon as you'all who know your potentials'can tell this vision on television, you will have begun your real work in the world.1'The False New Age 'Christ'.

Reinstating ancient Hindu heresy that God is not separate from His creation this common New Age teaching is now infiltrating the Christian Church, invading under the guise of Christian-sounding words and doctrines.

Understand how our Spiritual Adversary had turned the Bible's 2 Corinthians 6:17 instruction to 'Be ye separate' into a lie that turns the whole notion of biblical separation upside down. Now, years later, taking the word 'separation' and using it in a wholly unscriptural context, false teachers like Wm. Paul Young are bringing this New Age 'lie of separation' into the church.

Booklet is 14 pages long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-WS-OPR -Oprah Winfrey's New Age "Christianity" - New Booklet
Oprah Winfrey is strenuously trying to move all humanity into the beginning of the golden age of the New Human! She is one of the spiritual visionaries, the heralds of a New Age. Her 'god' is the god of the coming New World Order Messiah, which the Bible identifies as 'Antichrist'.

She is trying to convert humanity to a new worldview and to a New Age Christianity that is no Christianity at all.

Oprah and her spiritual colleagues are New Age because they all teach the heretical New Age doctrine of spiritual OnenessWe are all one because we are all 'God', and we are all 'Christ'.

Oprah's success in reaching tens of millions of people over the past 30 years is proof that the coming of Antichrist is VERY close!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-WS-PWT-Patiently Waiting and Enduring Through It All Booklet
'For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.' (Romans 8:24-25)

What is Biblical patience? Patience may be seen as the ability to cheerfully and hopefully wait and endure—without complaint— whatever befalls us.

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. (Psalm 37:7)

And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee. (Psalm 39:7)
My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved. (Psalm 62:5-6)
I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me. I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God. (Psalm 69:2-3)

This booklet is chock full of Scriptures which we need to hold tightly to our hearts as we trudge through this most wicked time in all of history.

Behold, we count them happy which endure. (James 5:11)

One key I have discovered is to live every day actively contesting for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and being concerned for their soul; if we are more concerned of others, we shall be less burdened down by the sin of today.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-RY-PF-Pope Francis and the Thomas Merton Connection -- Booklet
Pope Francis the First has been called the people's pope, someone who is your friend, someone you can trust. But there are certain things about Pope Francis' coming on the scene that are being ignored by the media and most people.

In his speech to the U.S. Congress on September 24th, 2015, Pope Francis praised four Americans he admired.1 One in particular stood out from the perspective of the spiritual future of the world'the Catholic monk, Thomas Merton. If you have been reading Lighthouse Trails literature for any length of time, you will know this reference by the pope is quite sobering and very significant.

Who is Thomas Merton? (1915-1968). Leading light in the 'Contemplative Prayer Movement. Merton took it out of its monastic setting and made it available to, and popular with, the masses influencing Christian mystical movement more than any person of recent decades.

This panentheistic (i.e., God in everyone) view is similar to the occultic definition of the higher self. Merton loved and shared a deep spiritual kinship with the Sufis, the spiritual teachers and mystics of Islam.

Booklet Tract is 14 pages long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-BK-OC-Popular Books That Introduce Children to the Occult - New Booklet, by Berit Kjos
You can take five steps to Protect Your Kids! Through compassionate interviews, this material brought the reader into the hearts of lesbian and gay couples. It encouraged its reader to use contraceptive devices, know the best rock groups, and see the right movies.

Question: 'How old are the kids who buy these?' Answer: 'Every age', he answered. From little kids to adults'.

What are some of these books? 1) Warrior Cats & the Occult, led by Scholastic. 2) Divination, Omens & Full Moon Worship. 3) The Upside-Down World of Pullmans 'Dark Materials'. 4) Loving the Occult. 5) Harry Potter Lures Kids to Witchcraft. 6) The Twilight Vampire Phenomenon.

Berit then spells out five concrete steps parents can take to protect their children's minds and souls from this unique demonic onslaught against our children.

HOME-SCHOOLING is the ultimate defense against this wicked onslaught against our children's minds, souls and emotions!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-DD-PRT-Preparing for Perilous Times and Finding God's Peace in the Midst of Them Booket
The Bible indicates that in the last days perilous times shall come. As it is becoming increasingly obvious, by all indications, that America is racing toward judgment, so too is the realization that something serious or catastrophic could easily come to our country, and we are unprepared. Whether it be nuclear attack, economic collapse, or natural disasters, America appears to be getting only closer to that day.

Tt is not God who has rejected us but our nation that has continually rejected Him. What is a pastor supposed to talk about if he cannot talk about God? Yet, what is even more grievous than our lost freedom is that so many churches have become apostate as they welcome immorality, mystical practices, and false doctrines while often viewing the atonement as outdated and dogmatic.

When judgment comes upon America, it will not be because of a hateful God entertaining Himself with calamity but rather because we, as a nation, have brought judgment upon ourselves. While this nation has a heritage of many who, through great personal sacrifice and a love for God, invited God into the affairs of our nation (and our nation has known prosperity and peace on all our borders) we forget that these blessings all came from God. Now that we have pushed God aside and booted Him out of the country, we have also booted out the blessings and protection we have long known.

In closing, if we can make ready for the future in practical ways, it would be good to do so. But, above all, we must not neglect spiritual preparedness. We will all need spiritual strength (that only God can give) to face the future. That means drawing strength from God by reading His Word. Then, it means applying that Word to our lives. My prayer is that the words of Scripture, like that from Isaiah 26 above, will be a reality for you and me; but this can only happen as we forsake the phony comforts of this life and trust the Lord to be our strength. Yes, walking through this life can be heartbreaking and terrifying at times, but as we keep our mind stayed on Him, trusting Him, we can walk forward in His peace.

God has His best intentions in mind for us, and He will not be prevented from accomplishing it. One thing that can give us a sense of stability and peace of mind is knowing that even though God allows evil to happen in the world, when we are “sealed” in Christ, He will never leave us nor forsake us.

12 Pages Long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-GR-DCP-Progression to Deception: How New Age Influence is Destroying the Church One Step After the Next, Booklet by Gregory Reid
Deception- A Progressive Disease. The church has opened the door to the New Age. What started out as just a crack has now become a wide open door. In just a few short decades, the walls of biblical discernment have been so completely torn down that not only do the majority of church goers seem completely oblivious to the deception that has entered, many of the churchs leaders are actually promoting the various avenues through which the New Age/New Spirituality has come in. This is exactly what Theosophist leader Alice Bailey predicted would be part of the New Age infiltration into the church!

This paradigm shift has been underway for some time. It probably began to get a real foothold in our present time with Norman Vincent Peale's 'Power of Positive Thinking' theology, quickly adapted by Rev. Robert Schuller who was really the first modern 'megachurch' and seeker friendly' church pastor.

Eventually came spiritual formation, 'be still' meditation, breathing techniques, 'Christian' Yoga, 'the sacred feminine,' labyrinths, and most recently circle makingall an extension of exotic and pagan religions, eastern mysticism, and Buddhist/Hindu tools to reach 'the divine within.' These began to creep into church media, books, music, sermons, seminars, and movies.

I could give countless examples where Christian leaders and pastors promoted someone who was espousing anti-biblical views, and then later when the wrongness became publicized, these same Christian leaders and pastors did nothing to rectify the damage they did in pointing thousands, if not millions, in the wrong direction. No words of regret, no humility, no warnings to what they should have seen in the first place' just silence . . . until the next big thing came along.

The Church is in big spiritual trouble with God, as the prophesied Great Apostasy is now wide and deep enough that Antichrist can arise.

Price: $1.95
LHT-bkt-mk-bk-Public School or Homeschool? How Public Schools are Corrupting Children’s Values Booklet
Children spend about six hours every weekday—which is about half of their waking hours—in school. Some of those remaining waking hours are spent doing homework. Thus, it is safe to say that children’s school experience is one of the most, if not the most, major influences in their lives. So, it stands to reason that parents should be aware of what their children’s school is teaching them. This booklet capsulates how America’s public schools are using deceptive and dangerous tactics to change the values and behaviors of children in their care. And thus, the question every parent should ask—public school or homeschool?

The techniques of brainwashing developed in totalitarian countries are routinely used in psychological conditioning programs imposed on American school children. American children are “insane” because they are loyal to America, to their parents, and to their belief in God. He said it is the job of teachers to heal these “sick children” by turning them into the “international children of the future.”

18 pages long and still only $1.95

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-RO-RW-PDF-Rick Warren's Dangerous Ecumenical Path to Rome - Booklet
When I wrote the 2013 commentary titled What is Next for Rick Warren?, I provided evidence to show that Warren and Britain's prime minister Tony Blair were partnering together with the Roman Catholic Church to form a P.E.A.C.E. Plan that would lead toward the creation of a global religion in the name of Christ. While many who read that commentary were skeptical that such a Warren-Rome connection existed, the 2014 interview clearly reveals it does.

Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern California. Rick talks about the expansion of his ministry abroad, the Vatican delegation that recently came to Orange County to study his churchs style of evangelization, and which television channel he finds himself watching most often and the show that draws him.

Rick Warren's ministry will one day lead his trusting followers into the worship of the False Prophet (th Pope whomever he will be at the time).,

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-SJ-GL-S is for Social Justice - Booklet by Lighthouse Trails
BOOKLET - S is for Social Justice The Language of Today'’s Cultural "Revolution" defines many topics such as Antifa, Biphobia, Black Lives Matter,Cancel Culture, CisGender, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, gender Fluid, Hegelian Dialectic, White Priviledge and many more,
Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-DD-SW-Signs and Wonders Booklet: Five Things You Should Consider by David Dombrowski
Setting Things Up With Great Delusion: Jesus taught his disciples that in the last days, a time of mass delusion will come upon the earth. He said:
'For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders ... take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things. (Mark 13:22-23)

Likewise, Paul spoke of this time when he said:'Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.' (1 Timothy 4:1)

We have already entered into that period of history. The world is going through a mystical paradigm shift where an increasingly high number of people are engaging in occultic mystical practices which are leading them into a New Age all-paths-lead-to-God kind of mentality.

But there is more horror! This trend is happening in the church as well. It is shocking to see that doctrines and values formerly held sacred are now being discarded. Many Christian leaders today have replaced the reading and study of Scripture with having spiritual experiences or what Jesus referred to above as signs and wonders. In effect, multitudes of Christians are being led to believe that if they can have some type of spiritual experience or witness a miracle, that will bear more validity than the words of Scripture itself.

We have become like the masses in former centuries who believed that the world is flat (because it appears to be flat), while the Bible itself refers to it as a globe (Isaiah 40:22). When it comes to spiritual matters, the truth is essential as to where I will be spending eternity. You see, we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ Himself, who is all Truth and paid the price to take us to heaven; but we also have a deceiver, Satan, who is the father of lies and is intent on leading us to hell.

Are All Signs and Wonders From the Same Source? We need to look beyond the physical manifestations and determine the source from which they come. But in the cases of Moses and the apostles, God was confirming the ministry and message of these men. Too often, however, signs and wonders are unquestioningly accepted as being 'from God.' A key passage from the Old Testament that strictly forbids the unquestioning acceptance of all signs and wonders is the following: (Deuteronomy 13:1-4) et, for many people today (including many Christians), if a strange, paranormal manifestation occurs, that is evidence enough that it must be from God without any recognition or acknowledgment that dark supernatural forces can do these things.

For example: holy laughter, 'slaying in the Spirit,' jerkings, convulsions, twisting, contortions, and animal-like behaviors have all been witnessed under the ministering of eastern gurus who draw on Kundalini energy (serpent power) to do their work. But too many so-called christian churches and teachers are manifesting these Satanic signs and calling them 'christian'

Prophecy is quite clear: at the End of the Age, forces of Antichrist will use these manifestations to bring this 'Man of Sin' into the world.

Just because a miracle is occurring in front of youe eyes, do not assume that the power behind it is from God; it most probably is from Satan.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-DD-TMP -Sound the Trumpet in the Midst of Apostasy: The enemy Is In The Camp! - New Booklet by David Dombrowski
Whether we realize it or not, there is tremendous spiritual warfare taking place in our world today. In numerous instances, we are hearing stories of young people going to Christian colleges only to have their spiritual lives shipwrecked. They may have been safer in secular colleges.

At the same time, we know of countless numbers of Christians who have no church to go to because the ones that are available have abandoned the simplicity of the Gospel for a universal emerging 'spirituality'.

As Canadian singer/songwriter Trevor Baker sings in his song The Lonely Road, committed Christians may have to endure much loneliness or isolation in the future for lack of genuine fellowship. Please remember that while Jesus said we cannot know the day or the hour of His return, He also instructed us to observe the seasons. Today, the stage is being set for the fulfillment of the events described in Matthew 24, and in fact, things are moving at a highly accelerated rate. While the church has slept, tares have been sown into Gods wheat field (Matthew 13:25). The apostasy we see in the church today is the result of Satan sowing these tares in the church.

We will see a blending of religious, political, and economic forces as future events unfold. Forced Unity will be a key to the future and will be an increasing theme as the world awaits the Antichrist.

Discerning Christians must keep praying and do what you can to help sound the trumpet. The enemy forces are advancing; in fact, they are within our ranks.

'I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet.' (Jeremiah 6:17)

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-MD-ALPHA-The Alpha Course: An Evangelical Contradiction, Booklet by Mary Danielsen and Chris Lawson
Let us first open this overview of the Alpha Course with several passages in Scripture that warn us of the wolves that will enter the church looking to pervert the Gospel and introduce falsehood. We must always measure everything by the plumbline of God's Word because without that, deception awaits. 2 Peter 2:1-2 and 1 John 4:1 are essential to understanding the danger of the Alpha Course.

When Scripture tells us to test all things, this is not a mere take-it -or-leave-it suggestion. We are clearly instructed that this is an absolute needful thing for us to doand it is needed more today than ever before. It is becoming more and more clear that most churches (and most individual Christians too) are not doing this simple thing because the level of apostasy and heresy in the church today is mind-boggling and growing by the day.

Alpha Course was started in 1977 by an Anglican priest named Charles Marnham, serving at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) parish in London. It is important to recognize that Alphas creation in the Anglican Church is significant, for the Anglican Church is too close to Roman Catholicism and has never achieved true Biblical doctrine and practice. Anglicanism finds a strong voice in evangelical circles via the Alpha Course by those who value unity over truth, social justice over the true Gospel, and a strong desire to reconnect with our 'vintage' faith marching off to reconcile with Rome at the end of the day.

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-WS-BIG-The Big Picture: How the World and the Church Are Being Deceived: Ten Spiritual Deceptions -- Booklet
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. (2 Corinthians 2:11)

Scripture makes it clear we have a Spiritual Adversary'Satan the Devil' who is constantly tempting us with his cunning 'devices'. We are warned that he can come as an 'angel of light' and his ministers as 'ministers of righteousness' (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

Satan is implementing a plan designed to thwart God's Prophecies. Ten of the most common: 1) 1) Putting Unwarranted Trust in People; 2) Putting Unwarranted Trust in Spiritual Experiences (Trust only Bible); 3) Do not Trust Seemingly 'Meant-To-Be' Circumstances That Appear to be From God; 4) The New Age Doctrine of 'Oneness'; 5) The New Age Doctrine of Separation; 6) 'God's Dream' is a deceptive New Age term by House of Theosophy, one of Satan's most cunning devices. 7) Not Testing the Spirits; 8) The New Story designed to replace what is perceived to be the tired 'old story' of biblical Christianity. 9) Quantum Spirituality, quantum jump to rediscover that all humanity is already ONE; 10) The Planetary Pentecost'a False Last-Days Revival

Booklet is 18 pages long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-RO-CM-The Catholic Mary & Her Eucharistic Christ: Booklet by Roger Oakland
Christianity is all about Jesus Christ and in believing in Him alone for salvation. The Scriptures testify of the true Jesus (John 5: 39, 40). The entire Bible leads us to, testifies of, and focuses on, the one and only Savior of the world. (John 1:45).

Adding to Gods Word or perverting His Word has devastating results. To do so, or follow those who do, is very dangerous, perhaps even eternally fatal (Revelation 22: 18-19; Deut 4:2 & 12:32)

According to the Bible, if you follow a false christ based on unscriptural sources, you will end up separated from the true Christ and spend eternity in hell.

Mary is present with the Church and as the Mother of the Church, at each of our celebrations of the Eucharist. . . . Mary Most Holy, in whom the Eucharistic mystery shows itself more than in anyone else, as mystery of light. When the ordained priest consecrates the wafer during Mass, not only does Jesus appear, but the mother of Jesus also shows up. Of course, this contradicts the Bibles affirmation that only God is omnipresent.

Marian apparitions have always stressed the great importance of the Eucharist. In particular, the Queen of Heaven has repeatedly stated that the Eucharist, once consecrated by a priest, becomes the literal body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus, and is therefore worthy of worship and adoration. The Eucharistic Jesus will have an important role in the last days. The Eucharist has the power to transform the world; the Eucharist should be worshipped; Eucharistic adoration will bring peace and unity. Messages originating from such diverse places as Amsterdam, Holland; Akita, Japan; Rome, Italy; Naju, Korea; Bayside, New York; and Budapest, Hungary all convey this common idea. Therefore, the EUCHARIST IS UNITING ALL RELIGIONS INTO ONE!

The apparition of Mary explains that the culmination of her apparitions will usher in the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus. The Bible will call this Eucharistic Jesus, Antichrist!

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-MD-JW-The Dangerous Truth About the Social-Justice Gospel - Booklet by Lighthouse Trails
Unbiblical trends in the church tend to snowball, producing even worse trends; each heretical book or teaching that comes along seems to lead to more serious deceptions. The Bible warns in 2 Timothy 3:13 that in the last days, 'evil men and seducers [imposters] shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived,' suggesting a progressive pattern of deception that requires our vigilance.

Jim Wallis' foundation is Leftist Communism! His views were completely in line with the views of hard line Soviets.

Wallis' Sojourners Magazine never criticizes a Marxist state. The U.S. and the West are the only violators of human rights to them because they are capitalist. Marxists, by Sojourners own definition, cannot violate human rights.

Sojourners mission is to articulate the biblical call to social justice, inspiring hope and building a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church and the world.

This is also the definition for 'social-ism': a government-controlled economy and the redistribution of wealth, i.e., Communism. the social gospel places all the emphasis for how to live an 'authentic' Christianity on good works, as in meeting the needs of the poor and 'marginalized.' It replaces the primary message of salvation through grace by faith in Jesus Christ with fixing society as the primary communication of truth and redemption.

Wallis' social justice turns all the political hot-button issues of the day into moral issues with a divine, biblical mandate. Everything from the economy, jobs, and education, to healthcare, global warming, race issues and immigrationnow carries with it the moral imperative of fairness, equity, and validity.

In other words, 'Communism by another name'!

14 Pages Long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-ENGM-The Enneagram: An Enlightening Tool or an Enticing Deception?
Today there is an increasing amount of interest by Christians in the Enneagram, a nine pointed diagram used to determine personality traits and character tendancies. While it may seem harmless and nothing more than a useful tool, the Enneagram is a seducing lure to deception and an example of what the Bible refers to as 'The Wiles of the Devil'. In this booklet we hop to show how this tool is drawing participants away from biblical truth and in an enticing but dangerous direction.
Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-TP-KJ-The Jews: Beloved by God, Hated by Many: Booklet - Remembering The Holocaust
Sadly for millions of Jewish people the idea that Jesus could be the one to bring peace and reconciliation seems ridiculous and offensive. Many Jews, Jesus was 'someone who hated us and is responsible for our misery'.

When Constantine established Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire in 312, he issued many anti-Jewish laws.

The Jewish people who therefore were considered by the church to be the 'anti-Christ' suffering continual persecution. In Spain in 613, all Jews who refused to be baptized had to leave the country.

The first Crusade in 1096 saw fierce persecution of Jewish communities as the Crusaders began their journeys to the 'Holy Land' to 'liberate' it from the Muslims. When the Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099, they massacred all the Jews and Muslims they could find.

In 1215, Pope Innocent III condemned the Jews to eternal slavery by decreeing: The Jews against whom the blood of Jesus Christ calls out, although they ought not to be killed, lest the Christian people forget the Divine Law

In 1478, the Spanish Inquisition was directed against heretics'Jews and non- Catholic Christians. In 1492, Jews were given the choice of forced baptism or expulsion from Spain

Martin Luther hoped initially he would attract Jews to his Protestant faith but later turned on them and uttered words of hatred used word for word by the Nazis in their propaganda.

In the late 19th century, the Russian Orthodox Church instigated the pogroms, violent attacks on Jewish communities.

This brief history of Jewish suffering shows the terrible truth that most of it has been instigated by people who claimed to be Christians. The main accusation that has been brought against the Jewish people by the professing church is that 'the Jews killed Jesus'.

hatred for the Jews demonstrates a spirit of force, tyranny, and prejudice which is the absolute opposite of the true spirit of Jesus the Messiah and forms the basis for Hitler's Genocide!

Booklet tract is 14 pages long

Price: $1.95
LHT-BKT-NW-EZ-The New Evangelization From Rome Or Finding the True Jesus Christ - Booklet by Roger Oakland
When Christians speak of evangelism, they are usually referring to efforts to fulfill the Great Commission. This Gospel of Jesus Christ is very simple. It is a message that even a child can understand. It is about Gods plan to save us from our sins.

Unfortunately, Satan has always had an agenda to complicate the Gospel or confound people into believing in something less or something more than what the Gospel message teaches. Paul talked about 'another gospel' when he warned the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 11:4) and the Galatians (Galatians 1:6) about the dangers of being deceived. Satan is a clever schemer. Deceiving people in the name of the Savior is part of the devils ultimate plan.

Not everything labeled the gospel is the true Gospel. Further, it follows that the term evangelization, if it is based on a counterfeit gospel, will seduce people into believing they are going to heaven, when instead they may be on their way to hell.

we will be dealing with The New Evangelization, a program currently being promoted by the Catholic Church and designed to win the world to Christthe Eucharistic Christ.

This Catholic program is committed to Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mary).6 Remember, Paul warned the Corinthians about another spirit that was associated with another gospel and another Jesus'.

This Eucharist Jesus is NOT the Biblical Jesus, but is taught to be physically present in the Communion wafer and wine, a most pagan and deceptive doctrine, The true Jesus becomes a christ of Roman Catholicism and could not be possible if Protestant Christians knew their Bible.

16 pages

Price: $1.95

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