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March 3, 2010


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"What Must I Do To Be Saved"?

Combo Offer DVD: 'Secrets of the Illuminati'


Series of 4 Intensive DVD's by Doc Marquis, 7 DVDs, over 11 hours of teaching

Regularly $134.96 if bought individually

On Sale $99.96, Save $40

'Secrets of the Illuminati' DVD's Individual Titles

by Doc Marquis

"Magick, Mysticism, and Masonry"

#4 of 4 In Series

Watch Trailer

"Front Men of the Illuminati"

# 3 of 4 In Series

Watch Trailer

"America's Occult Holidays"

#2 of 4 In The Series

Riveting Trailer

"Arrival of the Antichrist"

2-DVD Set, 3 1/2 Hours

Dramatically Expanded and Updated, by Former Satanist Doc Marquis

Dynamic Trailer

#1 of 4 in Series

Blockbuster New DVD's On English Bible History

"A Lamp In The Dark: Untold Story of the Bloodstained Bible" -- Watch Compelling Trailer

DVD by Chris Pinto, Editor and Filmmaker of the "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings " Videos

"Why 66? How Did The Bible Come To Be Divided Into 66 Books"

Watch Trailer

Regularly $12.99, Now On Introductory Sale $9.99

New Book

"Behold A White Horse" by Cicso Wheeler

Written for those who discern that things are not exactly as they seem

"Apollyon Rising 2012"

"Washington D.C. Is Symbolically Prepared To Greet Him"

Regularly $15.95, Now On Sale For Only $12.88, Saving You $3.00

Pastor Hoggard

Part 2: "God's Fantastic Trumpets - A Study of Prophetic Types In Biblical Prophecy"

Powerful New DVD

"Giant Death Prison Grid"

Unbelievable video documentation of the coming implementation of death camps in U.S. cities

Watch Trailer

"2012: Is This The End?"

Countdown To Midnight Has Begun!

Will the world come to an end on December 21, 2012, as so many people of so many religions are now saying? Hang on to your hats, for it is possible that Satan has been preparing his people for this date for a very long time


DVD - "The Obama Deception: Savior, Messiah, or Illuminati?"

Given the rise in global Islam, how important do you think it is that America's new President might be Muslim in his inner heart?

Powerful Trailer

Big Savings on Closeouts and sale items

More Spiritual Warfare

Satan Has Invaded The Church And Government

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 Special Offers

"Cycles In Christian Growth"

by Pastor Hoggard

Learn how God takes Christians through different cycles in their life, so a person can become the mature believer He wants you to be. Are you going through really hard times now? This DVD will enable you to understand why God is allowing this trouble to come upon you and what you must do to come out of this trouble as quickly as possible.

Pastor Hoggard uses the nation of Israel as his example. Ancient Israel went through numerous cycles in their national life when they would love God and obey His commands and God would prosper them. But, then Israel would become complacent and prideful and fall away; God would then bring Israel through hard times, sometimes including bondage, in order to chastise the nation so they would come back to him. Likewise, in this modern era, God will bring hard times upon a believer who has grown cold in their walk with him or actually gotten to the point where they would come back to His loving care . Watch the first 10 minutes of this DVD below.

Everything in our lives, including our service in the church, comes from God and not ourselves and we need to really remember this fact or we will become prideful.

We highly recommend this fine sermon, as it is Pastor Hoggard at his best.


Is President Obama Ordering the Assassination of American Citizens?

Reports tell us that Obama has ordered the 'targeted assassination' of more American citizens than did Bush/Cheney! Obama's campaign supporters are once again being betrayed by this Illuminati President

---------- This Week's Hot News --------


I. Christian Church apostasy reached new heights when a renowned Feminist Theologian argued that the Cross should be replaced as the ultimate symbol of God's love toward man.

The image of a woman's nursing breast should replace the image of the crucifixion cross!

NEWS BRIEF: "God's love, mother's milk: An image of salvation", by Margaret Miles, The Christian Century, January 29, 2010

"For most Christians, the primary symbol of God's love and care for humanity is a cross—a reminder of the crucifixion. Yet for approximately the first five centuries of the Christian movement the crucifixion was not depicted visually because it was too closely associated with a shameful criminal death to be useful as a symbol of love and redemption. What complex theological and social circumstances brought crucifixion scenes to prominence as visual statements about God's love for humanity?"

"... Although theologians may have claimed that crucifixion scenes exhibited the extremity of God's love for humans, it was scenes of the child suckling at the breast that spoke to people on the basis of their earliest experience."

This radical woman theologian is actually proprosing that the image of a woman's nursing breast replace the image of the Cross of Calvary as the ultimate symbol of God's love for mankind! This violation of Biblical understanding is so utterly despicable that I am having trouble properly preparing my response.

Clearly, this woman has no idea what salvation truly is, nor of the Absolute Love of God which brought it all to pass! Jesus, Son of God, and Absolute God Himself, loved mankind so very much that He left his glorious throne in Heaven, incarnated in Mary's womb as a human being Who was 100% God and 100% man.

After living a sinless life, Jesus was unjustly accused of heresy by Jewish leaders and then murdered on the cruel cross of the Roman Empire. This one blood sacrifice for sin satisfied God the Father and became the means by which all sinners are forgiven and justified before God so that we can enter Heaven.

The incredible, supernatural love which Jesus demonstrated on the cross is the reason the empty cross has come to symbolize the ultimate love in the universe. This despicable feminist theologian has done great violence to the suffering love of the Savior.

But, she is so typical of the kind of antichrist sentiment sweeping the world today. Remember one of the antichrist actions foretold of the End of the Age?

"And the king shall do according to his will; he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god and shall speak astonishing things against the God of gods and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished, for that which is determined by God shall be done." (Daniel 11:33; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

Truly, Margaret Miles' statement of replacing the Cross of Calvary with a woman's nursing breast as a symbol of ultimate love is speaking "astonishing things against the God of gods".

However, the very next segment of this prophecy tells us that, for a while, this kind of "astonishing" blasphemy against the God of gods will "prosper" until the height of sinful indignation which God has decreed will be reached.

Then, Jesus will end the reign of Antichrist and throw him and the False Prophet into the Lake of Fire.

This radical proposal is a sign of Antichrist and a sure indication that his appearance is drawing very close. All mankind has a "date with destiny", an encounter with God's holy prophecy and the :Man of Sin" who will appear to lead mankind into the ultimate blasphemy against Jesus Christ.

Doubt it not!

II. Is the prophetic stage being set for fulfillment of the destruction of Damascus, Syria (Isaiah 17)?

The heads of state of Syria, Iran and Hezbullah met in Damascus to devise a Strategic War Plan against Israel!

NEWS BRIEF: "That Was A War Council In Damascus: Iran's President Expects War 'Between Spring And Summer' ", Zero Hedge News, 3/1/2010

"The three-party meeting that took place in Damascus on Friday gathering the Syrian president Bashar al Assad, the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Hezbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah was a war council to devise counterattack plans and assign tasks in the event of an Israeli offensive on one or all parties ... 'The timing of the meeting, the way it was undertaken and the ensuing press conference that was held at its conclusion, all point to a strategic coalition being reinforced. This is the build-up of a new front that will spearhead the confrontation with the US-Israeli alliance and whichever Arab countries that may, expressly or implicitly, be affiliated with it'.”

Those are somber words: " a strategic coalition".

While the Arabs have long devised a plan of war against Israel, this particular meeting is very significant because it allies nations which have never been close before: Syria and Iran.

Furthermore, this meeting moved the entire Middle East closer to war. When does this Arab leadership expect war to break out?

"The Iranian president said he expects war to break out somewhere between spring and summer of this year."

We do not believe the timing of the onset of this Regional War will be as soon as Spring or Summer of 2010; we believe the more logical timing will be the Fall or Winter of 2012, as "Apollyon Rising 2012" so clearly explains.

The role of Hezbullah in this war plan was further clarified.

"Meanwhile, the Hezbullah chief vowed to strike the Israeli capital, its airports and power stations if Israel dared to attack Beirut’s critical infrastructure. 'Indeed, we are being exposed to a new discourse here, an unprecedented sense of self-confidence and an unheard-of preparedness for retaliation'.”

Israel has allowed Hezbullah to build up an arsenal of over 10,000 tactical rockets, which could rain death and destruction down upon the tiny Jewish state. To make this future war more likely, Israel conducted an ineffective war against Hezbullah in July - August, 2006. This 33-day war ended with the vaunted IDF force in a stalemate with the weak Hezbullah. From that time forward, Palestinian forces throughout the region believed they could fight a war with the IDF and win!

Therefore, the likelihood of all-out war between Israel and her Arab enemies is far greater than if the Israeli Defense Force had achieved a clear and complete victory in 2006. This situation is so unbelievable that we can hardly believe it! Frankly, Cutting Edge has believed since the completion of that war in Lebanon that the Israeli government is baiting the Palestinians into launching a war which will result in their complete annihilation (Read full details of this prophecy in NEWS2095, entitled, "Palestinians Are Confirmed As the 'House of Esau' of Obadiah 15-18)

Remember, an Arab-Israeli war that will trigger World War III has been planned by the Illuminati since January, 1870 (Read full details in NEWS1015, entitled, "The Incredible Satanic Vision").

This War Council meeting has aggressively advanced that plan. Remember, also, that Illuminized Freemasonry is firmly in control of this entire scenario, because Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a Freemason (Read full details in NEWS2318, entitled, "Iranian President Ahmadinejad Revealed To Be A Freemason! Another Reason That Iran Will NOT Be Invaded or Attacked!")

If Iranian forces take an active role in fighting Israel, then Iran will be totally destroyed and not be able to partake of the Russian-led invasion of Israel in fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39 (NEWS2200). Therefore, we expect that Iran's war against Israel will be through the proxy armies of Syria, Hezbullah, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan and Egypt. This scenario would likely keep Israel from striking Iran.

However, the bottom line to this entire story seems to be that this alliance between Iran and Syria for the purpose of launching a coordinated war against Israel may set the stage for the prophesied destruction of the ancient city of Damascus, the capital of Syria. What is the wording of this prophecy?

"THE MOURNFUL, inspired prediction, a burden to be lifted up, concerning Damascus [capital of Syria...]. Behold, Damascus will cease to be a city and will become a heap of ruins." (Isaiah 17:1; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

This literally means, "Damascus will cease to be a city, and will become a heap of ruins". This total destruction is the type which one would expect from an attack using a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Normally, when a city is militarily conquered, she does not become a heap of ruins. The city might become substantially destroyed, but generally not the kind of destruction experienced when a city is militarily conquered.

Watch this development, for End of the Age prophecy is clearly marching toward the conclusion which God foretold over 2,700 years ago!

Now, let us examine another news story which may very well be setting the stage for Middle Eastern war just as another 2,600-year-old prophecy foretells -- Ezekiel 38-39!


III. Turkey is so angry that the United States may actually pass the Armenian Genocide Act that she may break off her contacts with the West and move further into the Russian orbit.

This would cement Turkey's prophesied participation in the Gog/Magog invasion of Ezekiel 38-39.

NEWS BRIEF: "Obama in a bind over Armenian genocide vote", AP News, February 28, 2010

"WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is in a bind as a House committee prepares to vote on a resolution that would recognize the World War I-era killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide. While a White House candidate, then-Sen. Obama said he believed the killings were genocide. A congressional resolution to that effect could alienate Turkey, a NATO ally and traditional friend of the United States that is crucial to America's foreign policy goals."

Indeed, Turkey will be thoroughly incensed by any Congressional vote declaring her forces of committing genocide against the Armenians during World War I, as this next passage clarifies.

"Historians estimate that up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks around the time of World War I, an event widely viewed by scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century. Turkey denies that the deaths constituted genocide, saying the toll has been inflated and those killed were victims of civil war and unrest."

How likely is it that the Congress will pass this genocide resolution?

"The committee is strongly pro-Israel, and prospects for passage could be affected by rising tensions between Turkey and Israel, as well as Turkey's relatively warm relationship with Iran."

If this resolution passes, the pro-Islamic civilian government will gain all the internal support she needs to finish the process of moving Turkey out of the pro-West orbit and firmly into the grasp of the Russian Bear.

At that point, the line-up of nations foretold in Ezekiel 38-39 as marching with Russia against Israel at the End of the Age will be fully aligned.

And, you and I were privileged to watch it all unfold in our Daily News!

NOTE: Newsletter continues after the Twitter announcement.

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Is President Obama Ordering the Assassination of American Citizens?

Reports tell us that Obama has ordered the 'targeted assassination' of more American citizens than did Bush/Cheney! Obama's campaign supporters are once again being betrayed by this Illuminati President

IV. The Supreme Court is listening to arguments on how far reaching our Constitutional right to bear arms really is in our modern society.

The result could determine whether you and I live, or die by government.

NEWS BRIEF: "High Court Justices may extend gun owner rights nationwide: Right to Bear Arms", Yahoo News, March 2, 2010

"WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court suggested Tuesday it will strike down U.S. cities' outright bans on handguns, a ruling that could establish a nationwide ownership right fervently sought by gun advocates. But the justices indicated less severe limits could survive, continuing disputes over the 'right to keep and bear arms'. Chicago area residents who want handguns for protection in their homes are asking the court to extend its 2008 decision in support of gun rights in Washington, D.C., to state and local laws."

I can completely understand why Chicago area residents would want the right to own handguns for personal protection, because studies over the many decades in this modern era have proven that violent crime drops like a rock in any area in which citizens can protect themselves with guns.

After all, criminals want to steal; they do not want to die.

A handgun is a perfect equalizer between a 6'5" criminal and a 4'10" elderly grandmother!

"Such a ruling would firmly establish a right that has been the subject of politically charged and often fierce debate for decades ... Two years ago, the court announced that the Constitution's Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess guns, at least for self-defense in the home. That ruling applied only to federal laws and struck down a ban on handguns and trigger lock requirement for other guns in Washington..."

However, this case revolves around the right of a citizen to carry a gun outside the home for personal protection.

"Alan Gura, the lawyer who represents the Chicago challengers, also has filed a new suit against Washington over the city's prohibition on carrying loaded weapons outside the home."

I well remember a brazen attack on a New York/New Jersey subway train during the late 1990's, in which shooter stood up in one of the cars and began shooting innocent people, like he was hitting targets at a gun range. I forget the number of dead, but if any one of those victims had been carrying a weapon, that shooter might not have killed as many as he did.

Indeed, criminals usually choose not to carry out violent crimes in cities and states which allow their citizens to legally carry concealed weapons.

We need this law to protect us from the ultimate threat to our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness -- the Federal Government. History has demonstrated two facts amply:

1) Government is the greatest threat to the lives of its citizens

2) Every dictatorship disarms its people before it takes power, or immediately afterwards

Therefore, as the greatest dictatorship in all recorded history takes shape, we must resist all efforts to deny citizens the right to carry and use guns for protection. The Illuminati truly fears a force of over 100 million citizens armed to the teeth.

V. Now that President Obama has given credence to the atheists of America, we should not be surprised at their attack on the Holy Bible.

Atheists are equating the Bible to pornography!

NEWS BRIEF: "College students urged: Trade Bible for Playboy - 'Religious texts are so appalling, you are better off having porn' - The Atheist Agenda ", World Net Daily, February 27, 2010

"In the lobby of the University of Texas at San Antonio's humanities building, a hand-drawn poster announces, 'Free porn: Just trade in your holy books (Bible, Koran, Vedas) for porn'. A student group at the university called The Atheist Agenda is reviving its Bibles-for-porn program, called 'Smut for Smut', for three days beginning March 1.."

What possible correlation could there be between the Bible and pornography? Prepare to be appalled.

"The idea is that religious texts are so appalling," said Atheist Agenda group member Brian Talker in a 2006 interview with UTSA student publication The Independent. "They are so full of genocide, misogyny and ludicrous ideas that far overshadow any banal common-sense platitudes like loving thy neighbor, that you are better off having porn, which isn't nearly as smutty."

What Bible doctrines are these people equating to porn?

1) "a woman is worth half a man" - no Scripture provided

2) "you should beat children" - spanking

This entire campaign is simply and only a regurgitation of the New Age doctrines espoused in the mid-1980's that the God of the Bible was incredibly mean, bloodthirsty and capricious. The gods of the New Age were said to be much kinder and sweeter than that awful God of the Bible.

That was the New Age lie then, and it looks as though it has been resurrected by these atheists. Truly, Biblical prophecy about spiritual deception at the End of the Age (Matthew 24:24) and of the influence of scoffers (2 Peter 3:3) is right on target, as this article demonstrates.

I wonder how many of these atheists realize that their activities and their beliefs are fulfilling prophecy from the very sacred book they have chosen to hate so much?

New Headline News Articles

Unlike Ford, Toyota Has Never Demonstrated The Belief That It Is OK For Their Customers To Burn!

Documenting the unfolding saga of how the American Government seems to be mounting an unrelenting P.R. campaign to so damage Toyota's reputation that sales of government-controlled automakers will increase. Obama's Bottom Line is at stake!

Climate Change Now Proven To Be A Huge Lie!

Top Climate-gate scientist now admits there has been no Global Warming since 1995!


The Mind-changing Myths of AVATAR

Blending Hinduism, Shamanism and Goddess Spirituality

The World Is On Fire In The "Non-Integrating Gap"!

The Pentagon has divided the world into two segments. Since the attacks of 9/11, Wars, Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes in divers places, volcanoes, and pestilence has ravaged countries in the 'Non-Integrating Gap'! Events have shown both a pattern and a purpose, not occurring by accident or by random. Millions are displaced and are dying.

But, the worst is yet to come!

Iraq Is Dying!

The entire land is covered over with poisoning from toxins and Depleted Uranium. People are slowly succumbing to death through cancer and other diseases brought on by D.U. Remember, both Iraq and Haiti lie within the "Non-Integrating Gap" region of the world, as envisioned by "The Pentagon's New Map".

Prophecy of Isaiah 13 detailing the utter destruction of Ancient Babylon is nearly complete!


America Has Now Murdered 50 Million Babies Through Abortion!

How does a Satanist view Abortion? Did you know that the Illuminati views Abortion as a major and indispensable tool to enable them to achieve the New World Order?

Global "Critical Mass" Being Achieved - Under British Control!

"World Government Convergence - Returning To British Rule"

New DVD by Joan Veon

How do international leaders plan to return effective control of the world system back to British rule? You create an international level of government in which the British control all the agendas and all the agencies. We are nearly at that point now! Believe it or not!

Did you know that all barriers to World Government have now been abolished except for one -- Regulation! To overcome this barrier, the Illuminati plans some huge event which will cause people to DEMAND World Government!

Once this huge crisis hits, Americans will be reduced to slaves and serfs to a World Government system of total control.

This video aims to give you the BIG PICTURE of the timeframe of the coming World Government, its key leaders, its 'power' brokers and the specific areas of control.

Joan Veon is a business woman, international journalist and renowned expert on Global Economics, Sustainable Development, and the United Nations.

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We have changed our FREE gifts available to you when you subscribe to Headline News, adding two Pastor Hoggard DVD's to the Seminar Tapes and the Radio Collection CDROM.

--------Concluding Inspiration ----------"Behold, Thou art fair, my Beloved." Song 1:16

From every point our Well-beloved is most fair. Our various experiences are meant by our heavenly Father to furnish fresh standpoints from which we may view the loveliness of Jesus; how amiable are our trials when they carry us aloft where we may gain clearer views of Jesus than ordinary life could afford us! We have seen Him from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, and He has shone upon us as the sun in his strength; but we have seen Him also "from the lions' dens, from the mountains of the leopards," and He has lost none of His loveliness. From the languishing of a sick bed, from the borders of the grave, have we turned our eyes to our soul's spouse, and He has never been otherwise than "all fair." Many of His saints have looked upon Him from the gloom of dungeons, and from the red flames of the stake, yet have they never uttered an ill word of Him, but have died extolling His surpassing charms.

Oh, noble and pleasant employment to be for ever gazing at our sweet Lord Jesus! Is it not unspeakably delightful to view the Saviour in all His offices, and to perceive Him matchless in each?--to shift the kaleidoscope, as it were, and to find fresh combinations of peerless graces? In the manger and in eternity, on the cross and on His throne, in the garden and in His kingdom, among thieves or in the midst of cherubim, He is everywhere "altogether lovely." Examine carefully every little act of His life, and every trait of His character, and He is as lovely in the minute as in the majestic. Judge Him as you will, you cannot censure; weigh Him as you please, and He will not be found wanting. Eternity shall not discover the shadow of a spot in our Beloved, but rather, as ages revolve, His hidden glories shall shine forth with yet more inconceivable splendour, and His unutterable loveliness shall more and more ravish all celestial minds.

(" Morning and Evening Devotions", by Charles Spurgeon, Emphasis added)

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New Black Eugenics DVD

"Black Genocide (Eugenics) Program In 21st Century America"


"The Feasts of the Lord In Prophecy"

DVD with FREE Booklet - 5-DVD Set, almost 5 hours

Regularly $49.99, Now Only $39.99 - Introductory Pricing

DVD which teaches how the seven Jewish Feasts in the Old Testament accurately portray Jesus in both His first and second comings!

The Spring Feasts were Dress Rehearsals for His First Coming and were accurate to the very day!

The Fall Feasts are Dress Rehearsals for His Second Coming, also to the very day!

New Hoggard DVD

"Order Out of Chaos"

New World Order Proven To Be Coming Out of the Pit"

Watch Trailer

New Hoggard DVD

"The Clouds: A Study of the Apocalyptic Language of the King James Bible"

Part 3 In The Series, 'Understanding Bible Prophecy'

Pastor Hoggard

3-DVD Set

"The Lost Riddle" DVD: Expose' of How Dan Brown's Lost Symbol Novel Validates Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Video Series

Also available Individually

Hot New DVD

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"The State of the Union: Financial Crisis Deepens" by Gary Kah


DVD 3-Part Series

Hoggard Reveals How DNA Used By Satan Today

Foretold In Scripture

Part 1 of 3

"Science is catching up with the Bible!"

Part 2 of 3

"Mother of All Secrets: Most Deadly Secret Concealed by Mankind Now Revealed In the Holy Bible"

Part 3 of 3





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Each 3 Hours Long

"The New Atlantis"

See Trailer

"Riddles in Stone - Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C."

See Trailer

"The Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the One Dollar Bill"

See Trailer

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