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"The day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night"

""Before The Wrath: Sound of the Trumpet! Rapture Drawing Near!" DVD

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Believers in the pre-tribulation Rapture are very familiar with the prophetic symbolism contained in the Jewish wedding ceremony. But how many prophecy students know about additional pre-trib symbolism in the unique Galilean wedding?

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World-Wide Plans For A Deadly Plague

"Take control of the world ... to reduce ... the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide ... The only alternative left to the world's ruling elite was to increase the death rate." ("Behold A Pale Horse", p. 49]

"Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome ... advocated that a plague be introduced that would have the same effect as the Black Death of history." [("Behold A Pale Horse", p. 167]

Coming Into Their New World Order

"When we come into our kingdom (New World Order) our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring the world, at the end under our beneficent rule." ("Behold A Pale Horse", p. 303)
NOTE: The global plan to establish the New World Order as William Cooper so brilliantly informed us in "Behold A Pale Horse", is now finally beginning to occur with great rapidity!

Critical Headlines

1. The future planned persecution of the Christian Church ratcheted upward last week with the posting of an editorial from a:


* Speaking from a RESPECTED Forum

* Pontificated a point of view so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public ---- What was that offensive idea?

This professor actually proposed that Evangelical Christians possess a belief in Heaven which is "malignant" and dangerous to the health of this nation!

2. President Trump really turned some heads when he announced:

"I have a real chance to 'Break the Deep State'!"

3. A Liberal news outlet admits that the one event which Democrats dread is a quick and a vigorous economic rebound.

Democrats better be careful: the more they espouse their goal of defeating Trump by causing an economic depression the greater chance we have that the average American will become acutely aware of this fact, before they enter the voting booth in November!

4. Why is America buying huge quantities of drugs to fight COVID-19 from companies owned by globalists George Soros and Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci?

On the way to the New World Order, proponents of this disastrous system plan to make copious amounts of money!

5. What did the Wall Street Journalist mean when he stated that the Press left out a very significant detail when it reported that Attorney-General Barr was NOT going to seek criminal indictments in Obamagate?

6. Using COVID-19 as an excuse, changes have now been made that will allow the Government to track anyone anytime using smartphones

7. A feminist joined with Adolf Hitler when she said that "God is all right with killing babies through abortion"!

Hitler also claimed that his genocide campaign was consistent with God's will toward the end of World War II!

We shake our heads at the strong indirect support from the German Catholic Church!


Volume 3

"Did God REALLY Part The Red Sea?"

Part 1 of 2 - 'Red Sea Miracle' comes in two parts

But, this title is #3 in the "Patterns of Evidence" Series

After leaving Egypt, the Bible describes the Israelites crossing a deep sea that was miraculously split with walls of water on their right and left. When the Egyptians and their chariot force pursued, the water came crashing back down to destroy the entire army. Are miracles of this kind even possible? More info and trailer

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A Christian filmmaker launched this detailed scientific, linguistic and archaeological study which would prove beyond doubt that the Biblical account of Moses' Exodus out of Egypt is thoroughly accurate, not a collection of legends as modern, progressive christian scholars pretend.

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New 'Thinking Man' Films DVD

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Critical News Analysis -- End of the Age

1. The future planned persecution of the Christian Church ratcheted upward last week with the posting of an editorial:

NEWS BRIEF: "Harvard Prof. Blames Christianity’s ‘Malignant’ Belief in Afterlife for Lockdown Protests", Breitbart News, 23 May 2020

"Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker said Thursday that the push for reopening society from lockdowns comes from Christianity’s 'malignant delusion' of belief in an afterlife."

This radical opinion came from a:


* Speaking from a RESPECTED Forum

Consider how closely this statement is to the actual Mind Control Formula:

Step 1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.

Step 2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.

Step 3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate.

Step 4. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion gradually dulling its effect.

Step 5. People then are no longer shocked by the subject.

Step 6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.

This one sentence captures Steps One through Two, in this DVD, above! This is an insidious plan that quietly, invisibly, and effectively effects a systematic change in the deeply held attitudes and values of an entire population, without the victims being the least bit aware that they are being manipulated. Once this change occurs, the victim will think it is their own idea, and will fight you if you dared suggest otherwise!!

Now, let us return to our featured news story for more information.

"Atheists who believe in this life alone are more concerned with health and safety, Professor Pinker suggested in a Tweet, while Christians tend to devalue “actual lives” and live a riskier existence. Belief in an afterlife is a malignant delusion, since it devalues actual lives and discourages action that would make them longer, safer, and happier."

On the contrary, as I examine our society, I discover that atheists express deep discouragement and attack people viciously if they express a viewpoint contrary to theirs. Atheists also have no trouble whatsoever murdering the innocent unborn child within the womb. They also have no difficulty in abortionists making untold millions of profit from selling off baby parts!

Further, I see that the viewpoint of Christians formed such a powerful foundation that our American Republic was founded on Christian values. Our Bill of Rights and our Constitution and many of our laws were strongly influenced by Christian values.

I have seen many hospitals founded on the compassion inherent in Christianity, such as "Baptist Hospital" and "Redeemer Hospital", which is entirely expected from a religion in which the Creator of all mankind comes to Earth to live a perfect life and then innocently go to a cruel cross to pay for all sins of all who would receive His FREE Eternal Sacrifice! (Read the full Salvation Plan)

Recent studies show that Christians are far more willing to sacrifice themselves for those less fortunate.

"Historically, Christian belief in eternal life has rarely resulted in disengagement from the common task of bettering the world and looking out for the needs of others. Nor is belief in the afterlife the exclusive domain of evangelicals, but forms part of the common creed of all orthodox Christians ... In one of the largest studies of its kind, the massive Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey in 2000 found that religious people are 25 percentage points more likely than secularists to donate money and 23 points more likely to volunteer their time."

This professor actually proposed that Evangelical Christians possess a belief in Heaven which is "malignant" and dangerous to the health of this nation!

The final point to be made here is that America is passing through the valley of the Shadow of Death where all our fundamental institutions are marked for destruction and disappearance. This Harvard professor is simply sounding the war cry that Christians are such a fatal threat to our very existence as a nation that our values must be eliminated.

And, of course, Communism goes to the final step of saying that the only way in which to eliminate values is to eliminate those people who live by them.

Welcome to the "New World Order", the Kingdom of Antichrist!

2. President Trump really turned some heads when he announced:

"I have a real chance to 'Break the Deep State'!"

NEWS BRIEF: "President Trump: 'I Have A Chance To Break The Deep State'," Trending Politics, May 26, 2020

"Now that the Memorial Day weekend is over, the week is set to start off with a bang with the appointment of new Director Of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday."

"With Ratcliffe ready to assume his position, President Trump is eager to pick up the pace of the swamp draining and get about the business of uprooting the Deep State."

"Or in his own words, 'break the Deep State' which he blasted as a 'vicious group of people' who tried to take down a president. "

"President Trump predicted he would come out victorious in his war against the 'deep state'.

“ 'If it keeps going the way it's going, I have a chance to break the deep state. It's a vicious group of people. It's very bad for our country'. The Republican-led Senate confirmed John Ratcliffe, a Texas congressman, as Trump’s new intelligence chief.

"Ratcliffe is fantastic,” Trump said.

"Democrats are indeed squirming like trapped rats now that their operation has badly gone sideways and in an election year no less ... What they've done is so corrupt, they've tried to take down a duly elected president of the United States, happens to be in this case, me, but we can never allow it to happen again."

3. A Liberal news outlet admits that the one event which Democrats dread is a quick and a vigorous economic rebound.

NEWS BRIEF: "Politico Admits Democrats ‘Dread’ Fast Economic Rebound", Breitbart News, 26 May 2020

"The far-left Politico admitted Tuesday that Democrats are 'dreading' the idea of a fast economic boom as America reopens, which explains the anti-science push among many Democrat governors to extend their pointless coronavirus lockdowns. "

"Thanks to these lockdowns, some 40 million people are unemployed, some 40 million lives have been shattered; lines at food pantries seem to go on forever; countless small businesses are in danger of closing or already have… Nevertheless, what America’s oh-so compassionate Democrats dread most is a quick economic rebound that might undermine their grasping desire to hold on to and obtain power."

Democrats better be careful: the more they espouse their goal of defeating Trump by causing an economic depression the greater chance we have that the average American will become acutely aware of this fact, before they enter the voting booth in November!

Returning to our featured news story, we learn:

" 'We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country', a former economic adviser to Barack Obama told a bunch of bigwigs from both parties last month. His name is Jason Furman and Politico says he “laid out a detailed case for why the months preceding the November election could offer Trump the chance to brag — truthfully — about the most explosive monthly employment numbers and GDP growth ever.”

Just remember -- and spread the word -- that Democrats actually publicly voiced their opinion that they might have to plunge this country into a severe recession if they were to have any hope of defeating Trump in November.

Since they were founded in 1829 in order to defend Slavery, Democrats have preached to their constituents that they were only interested in their well-being. BUT, their glee in perpetuating a useless economic lockdown just shows that they do not have your best interest in their heart!


4. Why is America buying huge quantities of drugs to fight COVID-19 from companies owned by globalists George Soros and Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci?

NEWS BRIEF: "U.S Buys 300 Million Covid Vaccines from Gates-Affiliated Drug Maker", Breaking Israel News, May 25, 2020

"Washington has purchased nearly a third of the initial one billion doses of AstraZeneca’s experimental coronavirus vaccine. The U.S. Department of Health has agreed to provide up to US$1.2 billion to fast-track AstraZeneca’s vaccine development while securing 300 million doses for the entire US reports MDLinx. The vaccine is being developed from a laboratory at Oxford University."

"This contract with AstraZeneca is a major milestone in Operation Warp Speed’s work toward a safe, effective, widely available vaccine by 2021,” U.S. Health Secretary Alex Azar said. AstraZeneca is collaborating with Microsoft, to launch an artificial intelligence (AI) ‘Factory for Health’."

"Microsoft was founded by Gates. He is now among the company’s top shareholders."

"Oxford University, where the vaccination is being developed, has also enjoyed funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates fund for disease research."

On the way to the New World Order, proponents of this disastrous system plan to make copious amounts of money!

5. What did the Wall Street Journalist mean when he stated that the Press left out a very significant detail when it reported that Attorney-General Barr was NOT going to seek criminal indictments in Obamagate?

NEWS BRIEF: "WSJ Columnist: Here's What the Press Left Out When AG Barr Said No Criminal Probe Will Be Opened Against Biden", Townhall Opinion, May 22, 2020

"Former Vice President Joe Biden has been exposed. He was in on the unmasking of former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn ... the agents who interviewed Flynn felt he didn’t lie, by the way. It was a witch hunt propped up by a hoax."

"... both men (Obama and Biden) were in a meeting where the latter issued a marching order to protect the FBI probe from the incoming Trump administration virtually at all costs ... Did Obama know? Well, based on this January 5, 2017, meeting, he sure did. Why didn’t Obama rein it in? "

Attorney General Barr reminded us that America has two distinctive methods of achieving Justice, "political and criminal—and it’s dangerous to mix the two. The attorney general noted that for decades 'there have been increasing attempts to use the criminal-justice system as a political weapon'.”

"While their actions may not rise to a 'crime', both men [Obama-Biden] may be guilty of an outrageous abuse of power. Such abuses require political accountability, through elections ... Mr. Trump would do far better to make the politicization of the Obama-Biden Justice Department a main campaign point—and to warn Americans that a President Biden would again unleash prosecutors to pursue political targets, while covering up any further revelations about the 2016 abuses and killing any chance at reform."

We have repeatedly stated, since Donald Trump took office on January 20, 2017, that perhaps the best way to achieve Justice would be to take the political action route, primarily through Congressional investigations, that will gradually spill out the damning facts of this case, while it more difficult for Democrats to charge that criminal charges were being pursued as a "witch hunt" vendetta.


6. Using COVID-19 as an excuse, changes have now been made that will allow the Government to track anyone anytime using smartphones

NEWS BRIEF: "Thanks to COVID, Any Smartphone Can Now Be Tracked by Government Via Automatic Update", Breaking Israel News, May 26, 2020

"The coronavirus pandemic has brought many changes to everyday life, many of which infringe on basic liberties Perhaps the greatest threat is yet to come in the form of a tiny addition to the operating system of our cell-phones allowing the government to trace all of our movements and every person we come in contact with. "

"Last week, Apple and Google made available the first public version of their exposure notification application programming interface (API). Named the Exposure Notification system, this is not an app but rather a joint contact-tracing software tool that is part of the operating system installed on new phones and included in system updates. "

"Commonly referred to as contact tracing, this will allow authorities to trace the contacts of infected individuals, testing them for infection, treating the infected and tracing their contacts in turn..."

As we stated last week, this kind of "Contact Tracing" will provide the kinds of information about individuals within the country upon which dictatorships rely to keep their subjects in line and to prevent any concerted effort amongst the population that would foment an uprising.

7. A feminist joined with Adolf Hitler when she said that "God is all right with killing babies through abortion"!

NEWS BRIEF: "Feminist Claims: “God is All Right With” Killing Babies in Abortions", Life News, May 22, 2020

"God and abortion are tied together, according to one artist who is regularly promoted by the abortion industry ... Artist and activist Viva Ruiz ... is best known as the founder of 'Thank God for Abortion' [TGFA]. In a video for SYA that has gone largely unnoticed, she spoke about her work."

This pro-abortion artist is actually thanking for Abortion?

"SYA heralds Ruiz as a self-described “queer Latinx non-evil Gemini” and “prophet of a divine message.” According to the group, her work “repurposes Catholic ritual and dogma to bring spirituality and faith to people having and providing abortions.”

" 'TGFA is about talking about how blessed we are to have both God and abortion in our lives', she stressed ... I was upset about people being offended by this idea of God being all right with abortion when I know that it is true that God is all right with abortion.”

"Ruiz indeed performs a song called “Thank God for Abortion (Get with It)” on her group’s YouTube channel.

“God is cool with me/ F*** the state they can’t take it/ God is cool with me/ F*** the church they only fake it,” she chants. “Abortion rights safe and free.”

She later adds, “The power of Christ compels me.”

Hitler also claimed that his genocide campaign was consistent with God's will toward the end of World War II!

I have never, ever, heard of such good examples of this Divine warning:

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!" (Isaiah 5:20-21, KJV)


"Wrong Kingdom View = Unbiblical Theology"

Volume 3 of the Series, "Are We Building The Kingdom of God"?

Two Hours Long, Only $19.99

Deadly errors arise when people believe in a false, unbiblical view of the Kingdom and its establishment. Disc 3 will reveal why this view engenders, not only these problems, but also the false teachings within Christendom that have arisen specifically because of a skewed viewpoint of the biblical teaching of the coming Kingdom of God.

More information

A Tale of Two Babylons DVD: President Trump's Prophetic Destiny - DVD by David Bay, Cutting Edge Ministries

Price: $19.99
The Bible mentions the name 'Babylon' 264 times in the KJV. Today, many Christians are confused about references in prophetic passages which use Babylon in seemingly difference ways. When a Christian tries to shoe-horn one definition into all references to Babylon he / she is unnecessarily confused. More info and trailer



"Behold A Pale Horse"

by Former Naval Intelligence, William Cooper

Book 510 Pages, Only $25.95

One of THE Books Exposing Illuminati Plan, the most quoted bookstore resource! Cooper writes about the coming New World Order, and the Plan, which the "Power Elite" of this country and this world are implementing, that will bring about the Global Government, Economy, and Religion. New Age author Cooper is dead set against this coming global government, and urgently shows how the Plan is proceeding NOW.

Consider Some Pertinent Revelations

"When we come into our kingdom...who will ever suspect that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?"

(From "Behold A Pale Horse", by Milton William Cooper, Light Technology Publishing, 1991, Sedona, AZ, p. 303)

"Their script is now written, subject only to last minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit as yet in darkness, is almost ready... The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors...have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise.

"The time for action will have come."

(From "The Armageddon Script", by Peter LeMesurier, St. Martin's Press, 1982, New York, N.Y., p. 252.)

"The Unseen Hand: Introduction To The Conspiratorial View of History"

by A. Ralph Epperson, Only $15.95


One of THE fundamental books anyone needs to understand before they can really make sense of what is happening in your Daily News. Epperson masterfully lays the philosophical groundwork of the global conspiracy; a person can have only one of two views of history. Either they believe events happen by mere chance -- kind of like believing in Evolution; or, they believe key events in history occurred by design, as part of a plan. This latter view is called the "Conspiratorial View of History" and is fully supported by the Bible. Listen:

"And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings ... For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree (to act in harmony), and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the (prophetic) words of God shall be fulfilled." (Revelation 17:12, 16- 17, KJV)

President Thomas Jefferson Defined "Conspiracy" For All Time

"... a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing us to slavery." ["The Unseen Hand", by A. Ralph Epperson, p. 196]

"Christian author Epperson, in his book, "The Unseen Hand", showed how this type of wealthy backing for revolutionary causes exists in the United States. Epperson quotes radical leader Jerry Rubin, in his counterculture book, "Do It!", published in 1970 by Ballantine Books. Rubin candidly writes, "Revolution is profitable. So the capitalists sell it... The hip capitalists have some allies within the revolutionary community: longhairs who work as intermediaries between the kids on the street and the millionaire businessmen." Epperson then quotes leaders of the Students For A Democratic Society as saying that their goal was nothing less than the destruction of America and her economic system, to be replaced by a classless world, i.e., the New World Order. Then, Epperson drops the bombshell, "Yet in spite of all this evidence about the nature of the SDS, they continued to receive money from the establishment they were supposedly out to overthrow... an Illinois commission on that state's [campus] rioting said that $192,000 in Federal money and $85,000 in Carnegie Foundation funds were paid to the Students for a Democratic Society.. during the fall of 1969". Of course, this was well after the violence perpetrated by these groups from 1966-1968."

"... additional funding for these type of causes came from the United Nations, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, United Auto Workers... and from the Cuban Embassy."

"Young people... have no idea that they are playing into the hands of the Establishment they claim to hate. The radicals think they're fighting the forces of the super rich, like Rockefeller and Ford, and don't realize that it is precisely such forces which are behind their own revolution, financing it, and using it for their own purposes." Black Panther leader Eldrige Cleaver even realized at the end that the wealthy were buying themselves a revolution."

Read the full most current news alert online


Video 1 - New Atlantis - demonstrates that the Secret Society plan to create a New Atlantis nation on the North American Continent began in the 1580's between Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Bacon. We also show that America's Founding Fathers carefully carried out the Baconian Plan in establishing the government of America. This DVD ends by showing that this plan ends with Antichrist coming to the world scene, a plan which is shown in the street layout of Washington, D.C. Nearly 3 hours long

Video 2 - Riddles In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C., closely examines the pagan monuments, paintings, sculptures, and street layout in Government Center and show how the original Bacon Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions demonstrate that America was founded according to the Baconian Plan. Nearly 3 hours long

Video 3 - Eye of the Phoenix examines the two Seals on the back of the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates that they are Global Illuminati Seals, not Seals of the U.S. Government. Also demonstrates that the occult design of these Seals represents the most powerful 'Magick" of any other document in history. These two Seals hide three (3) hexagrams, forming a '666', another example of the hidden plan to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist). Nearly 3 hours long

Entire Combination Offer has almost 9 hours of video in History Channel quality. You will be mesmerized and your view of American history and of our national place in history.

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May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries

What Must I Do To Be Saved